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nerf Sin


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While I think OP is exagerrating it a bit. I too think that a class with double escape and 50% evade in stealth shouldn't have so many CCs that they could directly control someone for ~20s and thus finish off in one go. That is simply retarded.

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Which class are you? The "problem" with bns pvp is that each class has HARD counters towards their class. 

Assassins typically have an easy time vs BM/KFM and a decently hard time vs the rest. 

Strong counters to a SIN would be a GOOD FM and the spinny classes with their resists. 

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3 minutes ago, devildawg said:

Which class are you? The "problem" with bns pvp is that each class has HARD counters towards their class. 

Assassins typically have an easy time vs BM/KFM and a decently hard time vs the rest. 

Strong counters to a SIN would be a GOOD FM and the spinny classes with their resists. 

Warlock at the moment, i played blademaster before and also never won against any Sin unless they were absolutly terrible, and Sin on Gold is unbeatable for me.


right now my stats are 12:3, all 3 losses were against Sin, i leveled an assasin myself and know most of how the class works, but it is just not helping, i see him using his bait and dont attack it because i get stunned and he in stealth but if i don't attack into the bait he teleports behind me anyway and stuns me, it is just absurd.

They always keep running away from me , sitting in their smoke and can't be hit. they keep running away and wait till my thrall runs out and i get obliterated.

Even if i hit them with my wingstorm while they are in stealth all i read is resist or dodge and this is just bullshit.

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29 minutes ago, devildawg said:

I see your point but, I see that being a strat for any class vs a WL, but thats my opinion. Why run in to fight when its 2v1 when you can wait till its 1v1? 

Isn't that proof enough? Since the warlock has like what? 1 skill on a long cd and the assassin can easily without much effort wait out the 20-30 secs with almost no risk... O_o

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35 minutes ago, ander01se said:

Isn't that proof enough? Since the warlock has like what? 1 skill on a long cd and the assassin can easily without much effort wait out the 20-30 secs with almost no risk... O_o

Umm have you used an assassin? Let me try to explain.


SINS "resist smoke cloud" that the OP is referring to only lasts 10 seconds with a 30s cooldown. This resists projectiles the exact same way the summoner does it with petal storm(18s or 24s cooldown) and does NOT stealth the SIN. SINS DO NOT have perm stealth. If the SIN is using the "resist smoke cloud" skill, it means they are not using the "stealth 10 seconds smoke cloud" (2 skills named the same, one resists projectiles, one stealths). Typically for PVP, SINS Lotus skill is specced to ESCAPE attacks/stuns/etc, so this will also NOT be set to stealth us since its not specced. 


Since the thrall cannot move how is it hard that ANY class cant wait this out? LDB/Dest could spin away if they want. FM could ss 14 meters away and ice shield if they choose to do so. Summoner could easier do the EXACT same thing as a SIN to resist projectiles and run away. KFM/BM no idea, havent played them. 


So because the thrall has very limited mobility it means that everyone should just attack you while getting hit by the thrall? Remember, running away is also a strat. So instead of complaining that you cant beat one class, why not learn how to fight against them better. 

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1 hour ago, devildawg said:

Which class are you? The "problem" with bns pvp is that each class has HARD counters towards their class. 

Assassins typically have an easy time vs BM/KFM and a decently hard time vs the rest. 

Strong counters to a SIN would be a GOOD FM and the spinny classes with their resists. 

Good being, rank 2000, right?


I think they should just remove one stun effect and one cloak effect. It feels excessive. IDK which cloak effect to remove, but I feel one of the passive cloaks need to go, the one that the opponent cannot trip by attacking or stunning. The Cloak counter is alright, and the cloak escape is also acceptable, but when I suddenly loose sight of them because of what appears to be them using a special skill, it's just annoying. And don't get me started on the self triggering Counter. I'm not joking when I say that some assassins I fought triggered their own counter without me hitting them while they're countering. Like their counter seems super sensitive to just about anything and I think they should fix that so it can only be triggered by an attack.


Other than that I don't mind fighting an assassin as long as they don't spend 95% of the match in stealth or running.

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It's funny that the OP can beat all the classes except a SIN and wants a nerf (assuming he fought diff classes in his 15 runs). Whats also funnier is that the game is not developed here, so nothing will happen unless it happens in Korea, guess it's human nature to complain so complain away i guess xD


When I first started to pvp i could never ever beat a LDB or summoner. I went to youtube and sparred with friends until I got better. I did not come to the forums to complain about it. 

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okay to make Warlock on par with all the other classes:


Warlock should resist all damage and effects while casting Imprison. (similar to Lotus Fury)

Green mantra Should not only heal 2% life(useless) it should make warlock also immune to all damage and effects for ~1 second.

Using Displace while knocked down needs to be speed up, using this ability only makes you end up getting stunned/dazed right again(not only in PvP but PvE as well) because the animation is way too slow, also it should make warlock immune to damage after a successful cast.

"Quell" needs to be a lot faster, the delay of the skill is too much, make it the same speed as Blademasters Block.

When using Q (with or without a thrall out) warlock gets a 0.6 seconds iframe and 20% movement speed bonus for a few seconds.

While in the "leech" animation, warlock should be immune to damage and effects as well, an ability that "stuns yourself" needs to have a benefit to you.


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Ok lemme start.

Wl have many skills that penetrate smoke screen so stop crying.

Every time i fight vs wl he is behind thrall n op want me to be out of stealth n go auto attack him inside thrall while he unloads on me a shittone damage.

Wl has spamable block has resist has second escape he can pull sin out of stealth easier than fm wl have 2 chains that root u n can be use 1 after the other.

Shall i say more!

RU FKN JOKING COME HERE ASK FOR NERF cause u dont know gow to play ur tard class 


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7 hours ago, devildawg said:

Umm have you used an assassin? Let me try to explain.


SINS "resist smoke cloud" that the OP is referring to only lasts 10 seconds with a 30s cooldown. This resists projectiles the exact same way the summoner does it with petal storm(18s or 24s cooldown) and does NOT stealth the SIN. SINS DO NOT have perm stealth. If the SIN is using the "resist smoke cloud" skill, it means they are not using the "stealth 10 seconds smoke cloud" (2 skills named the same, one resists projectiles, one stealths). Typically for PVP, SINS Lotus skill is specced to ESCAPE attacks/stuns/etc, so this will also NOT be set to stealth us since its not specced. 


Since the thrall cannot move how is it hard that ANY class cant wait this out? LDB/Dest could spin away if they want. FM could ss 14 meters away and ice shield if they choose to do so. Summoner could easier do the EXACT same thing as a SIN to resist projectiles and run away. KFM/BM no idea, havent played them. 


So because the thrall has very limited mobility it means that everyone should just attack you while getting hit by the thrall? Remember, running away is also a strat. So instead of complaining that you cant beat one class, why not learn how to fight against them better. 

Why use thrall for pvp dps? I only use it for the pull and buff.

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1 hour ago, RyuueLaview said:

Why use thrall for pvp dps? I only use it for the pull and buff.

I normally only use the thrall at the start of the fight... However if it's a stealth based class (sin,sum) I'll hug my thrall... Only coz it's a small bit of protection... But sins I don't expect to beat and I'm mostly happy if I get them below 25% haha

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Because of nearly all of the Warlock's skills requiring a target to lock on to (Wingstorm and Thrall movement skill E for recall being exceptions), a Warlock is at a huge disadvantage if an Assassin manages to get stealthed. The best you can do is try to use a Wingstorm where you think they'll go, or use you Thrall's recall if you know they're next to you, since the stealth can be seen (though is hard to notice). Otherwise, you can try using Bastion or Sanctum to mess them up or at least keep them from stunning you for a bit.


Then again, I'm no PVP expert...

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I got my graphics set to a point so I can see the outline of the Sin. On my Summoner all I have to do is Sunflower in that direction and they lose their stealth. It isn't about nerfing. It's about learning and stop trying to make things easy for yourself.

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4 minutes ago, Crimsonjrjr said:

I got my graphics set to a point so I can see the outline of the Sin. On my Summoner all I have to do is Sunflower in that direction and they lose their stealth. It isn't about nerfing. It's about learning and stop trying to make things easy for yourself.

now my WL just needs an instant AOE with no cooldown that i can fire in that direction.

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3 minutes ago, Arohk said:

now my WL just needs an instant AOE with no cooldown that i can fire in that direction.

Press Tab and stand in your Thrall. If he attacks then just press Q.


The camera in this game is shit so use that to your advantage.

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7 minutes ago, Crimsonjrjr said:

Press Tab and stand in your Thrall. If he attacks then just press Q.


The camera in this game is shit so use that to your advantage.

i can't use my Q on Sin if he is invicible , it requires a target.

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to be honest i sorta agree with the op, assassins need a nerf. no class should beable to perma stealth a entire match in arena, you don't see this happening on other games not even world of warcraft.


fighting an assassin for me as a summoner my fights against and assassin goes two different ways, either i kill them fast with doom n bloom stopping them from stealthing or they play run away and time out the entire match winning by doing the most damage. no class should be able to time out a match like that its a *cricket* way to fight in arena.

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Well, here's the thing. You're using an incredibly small sample size of 12 as an argument that there should be a significant mechanics change. I'm not saying that there should be or shouldn't, just pointing out the fact that your points are incredibly subjective and weak without significant data and, even if it is not the case, appears to be pretty full of bias.

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