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CC, wait for Tab, CC again, do stun lock combo, win

Minity SN

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What the hell do people expect? Every class has more than enough ways to avoid CC. If you get caught, sorry, but you just need to get good and not get caught in the first place. There is a reason why your escape has a 36 sec cd, so you can use it wisely and not on the first CC you get caught in. 


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i did not complain. I just wanted to know if the meta is "CC, Tab, CC again, do stun lock combo, win "


but gj being a toyboy and defending instead of constructively discussing, maybe stop posting on forums if you dont understand the difference.

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Depends on the class, the matchup and opponent's mindset. You can also wear out opponents via air combos and the like or drag the timer. You should learn a long combo though since most people in lower ranks can be easily baited without repercussions and you can finish matches faster.

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Tab vs Summ = pinned by cat 18 seconds later and being globalled

Tab vs KFM = X% - 0 in stun lock

Tab vs Destro = Pops fury, globals

Tab vs Sin = X%-0 in stun lock (worse now with blue buff)


The only classes I feel I can openly use tab and not get globalled are BD, BM, FM and WL and this is because I'm FM so I have SS as another escape, unsure of the consequences using other classes.

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24 minutes ago, Vecejj said:

Tab vs Summ = pinned by cat 18 seconds later and being globalled

Tab vs KFM = X% - 0 in stun lock

Tab vs Destro = Pops fury, globals

Tab vs Sin = X%-0 in stun lock (worse now with blue buff)


The only classes I feel I can openly use tab and not get globalled are BD, BM, FM and WL and this is because I'm FM so I have SS as another escape, unsure of the consequences using other classes.

BD has a 100-0 combo if you bust your Tab early. The only time you touch the ground is when they slam you off it back into the air like a kickball.

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1 hour ago, Zel said:

BD has a 100-0 combo if you bust your Tab early. The only time you touch the ground is when they slam you off it back into the air like a kickball.

Hitting the ground would allow for F roll though so unless they tech chase it with 5 point, there's actually a chance to get out of the 100-0 combo if you're hitting F fast enough.

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Yes it is the case. That's why you use Resist skills, and try to bait some skills. To put it simply, it's like a fighting game, if you burn your tab, and get CC, you'll get combo'ed.

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23 hours ago, Enamour said:

Hitting the ground would allow for F roll though so unless they tech chase it with 5 point, there's actually a chance to get out of the 100-0 combo if you're hitting F fast enough.

Sadly there's no escape as they can tech follow with 2/V/4 or X depending on how you react to the OTG combo. It's like, you have an option but it doesn't matter. The only thing I've seen capable of nulling it is a bot who can react during stuns.

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7 hours ago, Zel said:

Sadly there's no escape as they can tech follow with 2/V/4 or X depending on how you react to the OTG combo. It's like, you have an option but it doesn't matter. The only thing I've seen capable of nulling it is a bot who can react during stuns.

No, BD cannot 100% you unless you're sitting there not pressing buttons.  You do know you can hold down a button and it will activate the ability as soon as its available, right?

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F has a 6 second cooldown. If they bait the TAB and the F they can down you to zero without escape. But that's well deserved then I think, the time windows are so small.


To be honest, on the level I do PvP I never experience 100>0% at all. Sure, 60>0% will happen, and it is a painful experience, but it never feels unjustifiedly inbalanced. I like the arena concept of B&S how it is. <3

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Yes sadly, this game about who lose his tab first then you will go for 100-0 combo apply to Destroyer, KFM, Asssasin, BD, BM, Summoner


Warlock and FM about doing a huge dps to you as possible while control you and stay away 

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I actually love the combat and skill mechanics.

You set up for a kill, think, predict, time then execute rather than just spamming a skill or doing 1 hit skill.
Just practice! You can do it!

I was frustrated with destro's stunlock ani cancel bombarding me with his axe before. But ive got used to with their skills and research a lot with my class as well.
Now I am dedicating my time to improve against FM's unli freeze T.T

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