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People against Warlocks


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Hello people. This Topic will be towards human beings against players leveling Warlocks. That's right. If you're a *** player please go ****' yourself!


So I made a Warlock alt a few days ago to get the challenge rewards. I'm currently at level 31 but I stumbled across people that are damn straight jerks just because I'm a warlock. Boohoo, new OP class, we will make your life more difficult. While my main is high level and sustainable in gold, I can navigate pretty easy but I am disgusted by some players.


Situation 1:

Blackram Narrows. We all know they are crawling with Warlocks now but that was not my case. I was the only WL in the party and a Blight Razor dropped. Ofcourse, I bid. And then I got outbid  by a Force Master just because, I quote "for upgrade ;3". Even an idiot can understand that it's just being a jerk. After that, a 45 level player just took everything again. In the end I wasted another hour trying to get a drop with no luck. I asked my friends to help me out so only I would get the loot. But what if the player is legit new and doesn't have anyone to help him?


Situation 2:

The Darkglimpse. It is a very long and boring dungeon and I swear to god it must be my Nr. 1 in the hate list. The whole point is just to stand and wait for Ne Kuro. 
I am never lucky with RNG drops. Made myself run that piece of crap dungeon about 20 times, still no weapon. Why did I run it instead of buying? It's only a breakthrough... WELL IT COSTS 3 GOLD IN THE MARKET. I mean seriously? A 22 level weapon costing 3 gold? That is ridiculous and frustrating. As mad as I was, I actually transferred some gold from my main to get the weapon BUT WHAT IF THE PLAYER IS LEGIT NEW? It is more than stupid to expect a new player to grind a low level dungeon for a drop that he can't even afford.

Situation 3: All around Scorching Sands. I stumbled upon players that would just steal mobs from me and then just stand in place, not killing them and jumping around like retards. Some even said, quote "Warlocks should not be allowed to play". 


So what the hell, people? This is not League of Legends. I am very upset towards a lot of people in a short amount of time. 

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Try switching to Dochun server. I didn't have any of that mess. It won't help with the cross-server stuff, but the guys in cerulean faction were begging to have me in their party to take down Blackwyrm even though my gear was crap. Obviously it was only for Soulburn, but who cares? All hail Soulburn!

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o.o someone else on dochun - that's a rarity. all hail dochun! 


anyway, if you were on dochun you would see me lurking soulstone scar in scorching sands preventing the higher levels from pking the new warlocks, its kind of a hobby of mine at this point. 


as for the playerbase hating warlocks, it must be an issue with your server. Dochun wants warlocks because we get soulburn, which vs blackwyrm and other big threats is a HUGE buff. 


your server just sounds "special". 

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To be honest matey i have lvled mine to 45 now and gave up on upgrading my weapon for now. It already dropped a few times, but i get outbid everytime by people that are not even the right class. It's like "oooooh i can make 1 copper, but have to screw over a fellow human ... done". They don't care simple as that. I'm at the point that i actually expect everyone on my server to be a dickhead. That way i never get disappointed.

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Spirits Rest. While I had no problems leveling up my main Force Master, it seems that this server really hates Warlocks. At least, in low areas. We appreciate them in higher level dungeons but damn it, I got more than mad after those moments. 

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The weapon at 3g is indeed idiotic (but also how economy works sometimes in this game) + the fact that someone said that Warlocks shouldn't be allowed to play are the only parts where you're being "bullied" because of your class specifically, the other reasons just happens a lot and has happened to a lot of other classes/players as well. It's not rare at all to see people outbiding a purple weapon you need just to make your life miserable in the game (usually those people have rich mains and are willing to spend a few silvers just for the giggles). As for stealing your mobs... I really lost count of how many times that has happened to me, and I honestly became so bitter about it that if someone tries to do that near me I'll make sure to return the favor if they're the same level as me. Then again, this game does have some areas where mobs are nearly impossible to share with more than 2 people per channel, so you gotta keep hopping between them, which is pretty much the only solution other than coming back at another time when these players aren't being a dick. I guess you could report them with screenshots (if they're harrassing you) but don't expect much, really...


I'm sorry to hear, though!

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EU server im guessing. shame. 


i suggest finding a group of locks your level (as many as possible) and questing with them. you end up getting through content faster, and you will have more people to tag mobs. I know its a pain, but it will get you to end game content faster. 


I know ive been rushing a group of warlocks through the game on my fm because I have nothing better to do outside of grind to pirate.  

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LVLed one up to 45 , didn't have any problem. All my stuff was farmed don't want to support greedy players.


Darkglimpse got my razor in my third run, Narrows got the Viridian key from DD


Situation 3: probably a no life kid trying hard to be a dick just change channels and you are good

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Just now, okitaluc said:

LVLed one up to 45 , didn't have any problem. All my stuff was farmed don't want to support greedy players.


Darkglimpse got my razor in my third run, Narrows got the Viridian key from DD


Situation 3: probably a no life kid trying hard to be a dick just change channels and you are good

Well then you are lucky. Like I stated before, I'm never lucky with drops. ALL characters in ALL dungeons and ALL wheels took me at least 10-15 times. So I don't see your point. 

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Sounds like you're just unlucky. I've had razor drop from multiple dungeons (always after I get it from the box, of course, because #RNG), and the other warlock tends to get it for <1s, lol. Have yet to see anyone be a nyerk and try to screw over any of the warlocks in any party I've been in. x_x

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2 minutes ago, Xantoria said:

Well then you are lucky. Like I stated before, I'm never lucky with drops. ALL characters in ALL dungeons and ALL wheels took me at least 10-15 times. So I don't see your point. 


Where i said that everything i got was fast? Yes some dungeons needed a couple of runs , or spins in the wheels. The game is heavy in the RNG in the lvl up process, but can be a pain to anyone , that's my point , it's not  only with you

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2 minutes ago, okitaluc said:


Where i said that everything i got was fast? Yes some dungeons needed a couple of runs , or spins in the wheels. The game is heavy in the RNG in the lvl up process, but can be a pain to anyone , that's my point , it's not  only with you

Thats what I'm implying. Not everyone is lucky. And it's stupid to waste hours on a 22 lvl dungeon if you're willing to do the WL challenge. You can buy the wep for 3g but what new player has that kind of cash?

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they are supposed to get a level 20 quiz for a free brilliant cinderands key which they can use for that chest. unfortunately many people don't get that quiz :( would help a lot for the corrupted razor. I ended up having to buy a brilliant key to get mine because 3 gold was coo coo nuts. now I kinda want to farm that razor on my destroyer alt though to make cash. rng is lame though

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Just now, AionCheesecake said:

You don't have to level a Warlock to 45, though. You can level another class and still get the shiny outfit.

My curse is to be a ranged player. I dislike melee like flesh dislikes cactus' thorns. I would gladly be a summoner if it wasn't for the dog race only

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Just now, Xantoria said:

Thats what I'm implying. Not everyone is lucky. And it's stupid to waste hours on a 22 lvl dungeon if you're willing to do the WL challenge. You can buy the wep for 3g but what new player has that kind of cash?


The problem here is the greed of some players , the weapon to other classes are cheap, probably the price of the razor will go back to normal in a few weeks and be on par with the other weapons. Sadly it is something we have to deal with.

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10 minutes ago, Shukran said:

i just compare this to your first statement to understand you are not part of the group u are speaking of


I know what part of the community you're a part of though, but i wouldn't want to get another forum vacation so i'll pass for now. Any takers for this trap ?

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I can't say I've had that problem yet.  The market price for sure.  WLs were new, people were going to raise those prices.  Should have been smart on it and bought it all in advance.  I regret not doing that :p


Some of that other stuff we all saw happen before WLs were a thing.  Players over bidding for a different classes weapon, just because they could :p  But I've seen more decent people than mean people.

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2 minutes ago, Brand X said:

I can't say I've had that problem yet.  The market price for sure.  WLs were new, people were going to raise those prices.  Should have been smart on it and bought it all in advance.  I regret not doing that :p


Some of that other stuff we all saw happen before WLs were a thing.  Players over bidding for a different classes weapon, just because they could :p  But I've seen more decent people than mean people.

As for "doing in advance" I was sure I'd be too lazy to level up a new character. People talked me into it.

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5 minutes ago, Xantoria said:

As for "doing in advance" I was sure I'd be too lazy to level up a new character. People talked me into it.


For sure.  Just one of those things.  Still, I've ran into more nice people than mean people on the whole bidding.

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Oh that sucks! I luckily haven't seen anyone being mean to warlocks.


Although... on your point about the game being difficult for low levels... I totally agree! I made an alt KFM a couple weeks ago and the game is ridiculous! Why are there lvl 45s in beginner dungeons! What is even the point?! I'm so glad I played with my main when the game was brand new. I remember when I first reached Blackram Narrows with my first character. It was a tough dungeon that took some time to clear (nothing compared to the lvl 45 dungeons... but still). Now you just casually pace through Blackram Narrows with a few hits. The final boss goes down in about 20 seconds. Where is the fun in that?


Since all the lvl 45s are bored with grinding, they are filtering down to interfere with low level players. They are ruining the game for anyone who isn't lvl 45!

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