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Would you respect players who from Oceania area to play this game?


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Would you respect players who from Oceania area to play this game?


Now, u have  servers for players who from NA and EU,


But how about the players from Oceania?  They have to pay extra money for VPN and playing with lag and high ping.


Can u plz have a server for players from Oceania?  League of Lengends have it ,many games have it, except BnS,  it is a good game so plz create an server for Oceania players

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5 minutes ago, Voooya said:


5 minutes ago, Dr SoulReaper said:

Ik a few others without oceanic servers but yes plz we needs 'em I can barely play let alone do pvp to a skilled lvl >.<

rea to play this game?


Now, u have  servers for players who from NA and EU,d

But how about the players from Oceania?  They have to pay extra money for VPN and playing with lag and high ping.


Can u plz have a server for players from Oceania?  League of Lengends have it ,many games have it, except BnS,  it is a good game so plz create an server for Oceania players

We really need that server for play a quality game, and good pvp!

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25 minutes ago, Dr SoulReaper said:

For what reason? Aren't us Southern Hemisphere players allowed to have servers closer to home for instance (Ik some places aren't in the Southern Hemisphere I'm just saying)


Don't bother questioning him, lol. He's just replying for the sake of replying. An oceanic server would be very nice, honestly.

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These threads always pop up...i know you want to play the game with a good ping but really stop just asking, you really really need to look at the actual reasons why they can or cant...They would need to pay more people. they would need to build a new office, they would need to buy hosting rights, etc etc. theres so many things that need to go into this for it to actually work, and the company might just not have the money for it.

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I don't believe you are enough players to warrant a server dedicated entirely to yourselves.

There wouldn't be any profit for NCSoft. Most likely only costs. And as such NCSoft wouldn't even think of opening a server for you.

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10 hours ago, UnitedStrafes said:



If you have nothing useful to add aside from being an arrogant elitist, we too don't need your attitude ruining the experience of other players. Stop being a cyber bully! 

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Don't you see NCsoft already lost butt load of players base with their silly poor management and poor game optimization performance...yeah yeah you can see them they reach 2 millions active account but 75% player base more like BOTS and Hackers. They can make Oceania server but why would they do they when you guys will get same poor game experiences like NA/EU and will left the game right soon after....It's counter productivity for NCsoft. They are stupid to fix the game but they not stupid with their plan how to milk money from these golden land that they think money would drop from the sky and ppls would pick their dollar bills from the tree like apple!

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I honestly dont care where you play from and i welcome all players. What i expect from players from outside of Na/EU Regions is not to complai nabout lag whn you already know yo uare gonna get high ping from that distance :)

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Rome - 162ms
Clermont - Ferrand, Fr - 155ms
London - 136ms

Seoul - 239ms

Sydney - 243ms
Shanghai - 327ms
Tokyo - 214ms
Tokyo - 204ms
San Fransico, CA - 91ms
Modesto, CA - 90ms

Los Angeles, CA - 84ms
San Antonio, TX - 49ms
Dallas, TX - 53ms
Austin, TX - 47ms

Looking at these numbers I can understand why the EU and Oceanic players rage about ping.  NCSoft said they're still collecting data about the lag and such. So I enourage all players to use this and post your results. They want data, force feed them data.


This was done without a VPN.

This isn't just Oceanic and Europe's problem. My ping  from my house to Texas is as you can see, should be 40-50ms. But the moment I sign in to BnS that changes to about triple that number. On average BnS runs at 100-120ms for me.  The ping problem is more on the BnS servers than any thing else. You can test it for yourself here. 


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On 3/11/2016 at 11:16 PM, Kanosaki said:

"pretty damn easy", riggggggght, pretty "damn" "easy"


All they would be doing is getting a damn server hosted, or a vm cluster. They would have them pre built and configured. Some minor network changes would need to be made. How much other work do you think needs to be done.. It's the cost of said hosting/maintenance that would be the deal breaker.

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