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Thrasher Howl hitting past immunity


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Hey, it's probably been reported, but is there a reason that Thrasher's Howl still hits me in Night/Bloodshade Harbor. I have have the Siren Belt as well as at least 3 Bloodshade Harbor Soul Shields. Here's a screenshot to show what's happening. Anyone know what's going on?



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Simple, you were being debuffed by the eggs.

If you see green gels on your body during his hanging acid spitting phase it means u are under the egg debuff, after he falls he always does the howl so you must cleanse the debuff by going under the falling water. This will also grant a huge attack power and movement speed buff for a few seconds so its important not to waste it by cleansing it too early or you lose a big dps moment and possibly die from howl.

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21 minutes ago, Dexyn said:

Simple, you were being debuffed by the eggs.

If you see green gels on your body during his hanging acid spitting phase it means u are under the egg debuff, after he falls he always does the howl so you must cleanse the debuff by going under the falling water. This will also grant a huge attack power and movement speed buff for a few seconds so its important not to waste it by cleansing it too early or you lose a big dps moment and possibly die from howl.


I was cleansing immediately. I didn't have any debuffs on me at all, yet the howl was still hitting me despite my immunity items.

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2 minutes ago, Alysha Hawkeye said:

If you get hit by Thrasher's venom attack when he roars on the ceiling, or step on the poison puddle on the floor, you will get that debuff applied on you again.


I literally always get hit through it. I cleanse immediately and never have a debuff on me prior to, or during, the howl. Yet I'm still killed by it. I'm experienced at Bloodshade Harbor and have been running it without any issue since the day after its release and never had this issue on my FM, but the issue seems to be on my warlock. 

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15 hours ago, Fox0228 said:

Hey, it's probably been reported, but is there a reason that Thrasher's Howl still hits me in Night/Bloodshade Harbor. I have have the Siren Belt as well as at least 3 Bloodshade Harbor Soul Shields. Here's a screenshot to show what's happening. Anyone know what's going on?



I think there is a bug... he sometimes has managed to kill me through my own I frame alongside I have both siren belt and full bsh ss....  let alone that at times he has been able to kill me with howl when I'm on not just how resist but also my own iframe XD, but it's rare enough and normally can be ignored haha cos he doesn't usually get to howl more than once.

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It's strange ,happened for me also few times ,even if i Iframe the howl or drink that immunity potion -its all the same,if it wants to hit me it will hit me.I also have the belt and active buff on (resistance on venoumus trasher ) and i use bsh soulshield -wich also should provide resistance for this.

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I had this happen a few days ago on my summoner. She had 3 pieces of the blue BSH set that does state it makes me immune to Thrasher's howl. I went to 6man BSH for the first time and I was surprised that I got blinded. I had no idea Thrasher could even do a blind and my clan-mates told me that it was the howl. The odd thing is that I didn't actually take any damage, just got blinded.

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yes there is definitely a bug i can confirm it. it hasnt happened to me more than once but when it did it was pretty bad. i had the belt and the pieces but still got dmg. i also happened to get blinded once but no dmg like the guy above

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Also, I'm pretty sure that even if you have debuff, as long as you have the soul shield, the howl doesn't do anything. I'm not 100% sure of this, but I remember once forgetting to cleanse my debuff and having to wait til it went off in order to get out of the room. That means I had the debuff during howl and didn't die.

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Dunno... I have the Heroic/purple Bloodshade Soul Shield parts equipped (should work with Superior/blue ones too.) AND I use the vents right after Thrasher falls off the ceiling (or if all eggs are destroyed and I'm poisoned). Howl has never caused me any issues by doing all this.

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