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This is getting pretty serious


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Edit: Removed picture to prevent the need to mod this thread.


For anyone who didn't see it, it was a picture of me in Cross-Server and people telling me to exploit.


I can't even do cross-server dungeon without people thinking I'm some kind of retard for not doing as they say.

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52 minutes ago, LiriC said:

people are just looking to cut out the work.


As long as the admins don't care and as long as the drop is the same from the final boss.. why would people care ?  just skip it . saves time.


Actually, the mods seem to care. This topic will get modded once they find it, it's forbidden to explain how to do exploits.

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I think we're past the point where people are unaware of this, the magnitude of the exploit is huge, it's widely known. Modding this thread does nothing. I'll go ahead and edit my post so there's no explanations done and people will still be fully aware of what I'm talking about.

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I'm from EU and I know more than a few people who do it. Obviously, they're my friends so I know. Any sensible person won't go around telling randoms HEY IM EXPLOITING. But now I'm starting to see people TELLING ME to do it in cross-server dungeon.

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22 minutes ago, Vexe said:

^rules are rules, it doesn't matter whether we're past the point. >_>


And I've literally never seen anyone do it in EU, lol.


That's because some are not stupid it enough to do it with randoms lol.. they only do it with friends or clan.. so you don't end up on the forum lol.

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And this is WHY the East doesnt care about the West playerbase, because of the retards who look for every chance aviable to rush content even if its due to a bug among other things. At my age and having played a lot of MMO i am still wondering what happens in those people minds. They will say they didnt exploit or use a bug because "it's a feature in the game" and then they will cry in the forums because "They banned me and i did nothing wrong".


Is it so difficult to do things like they are meant to and working for a goal?

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Rabbit hole goes deeper. Why they play MMO if they want to cut all corners and get to endgame asap? They just skip all content that is there, then cry that there is nothing to do at end.


Skipping over groups of mobs, then wiping, then waiting forever for that last unlucky player who cannot run safe around packs of mobs. This is best example of idiocy in random pickups. Yes you can do this in clan or with friends, because you always do that stuff in almost exactly same way. But with randoms somebody may be used to killing one group and skipping another, some small differences and then either you die or that person. Als owhat is possible in group of properly geared people sometimes is plain stupid in group of bit undergeared players. That stuff happened a lot in tera or FFXIV, some idiots that were carried over in endgame tried to do same speedrun with randoms and usually failed. As tank i was constantly forced to do speedrun just to see dps nowhere near needed for it.


I never could undestand why to bother with mmos if you hate whole leveling or dungeon crawling so much? There are moba games that have just endgame.

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1 hour ago, Peps said:

I think we're past the point where people are unaware of this, the magnitude of the exploit is huge, it's widely known. Modding this thread does nothing. I'll go ahead and edit my post so there's no explanations done and people will still be fully aware of what I'm talking about.


As far as i am aware of, this wasn't known in Korea. So yea, after 4 years in the East without noticing our playerbase started looking for glitches and use them.


Very sad, if you ask me.

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Just don't do it, if you don't want. As i experienced 3 thing can happen:

-1 or 2 player will join you clearing the minibosses so the rusher(s) need to wait (they either wait, come back to make the run faster or simply leave the party)

-everyone else uses the exploit, then join them, note their names for "future use" and enjoy the fast run, or wait in front of the door for the free loot

-the rusher(s) start the boss without the others and gets killed, when it happens you and the other party members whose did the dungeon properly just dance into the room and do the boss without the rusher(s) (<yes this happened a few times...it's always hilarious :D )

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23 minutes ago, Hazriel said:

-the rusher(s) start the boss without the others and gets killed, when it happens you and the other party members whose did the dungeon properly just dance into the room and do the boss without the rusher(s) (<yes this happened a few times...it's always hilarious :D )


And then he can afk, waiting for the loot.

Good job supporting him

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The NCSoft might as well stop their games and ban 10 thousands of people that use it that probably spent a lot of money on cosmetics/Prem membership theeeeeen boom the game dies the forums will blow how NC decides to actually listens and start banning people for a little glitch they could fix :D Might as well start banning people that skips over mobs in Blood harbor just to save time. Or how about banning those bots that just stood by the entrances of each dungeons they enter :D saaayyy Lets ban the people that rush past Mobs in pigtsy and count the amount of deaths people had to go through just to get to the mini boss erm that's right i forgot how hard those damn pigs hurts and how much hp and defs they had even with a full party atking one....especially to the new players that probably isn't properly geared and looking for carries....oopss did i just say that :D Exploit is exploit and imo and many many exp in mmos and multi-player games exploit is everywhere no matter what, if you really want to enjoy going through the dungeon killing everything then go with friends/clan members or just solo? why whine about it through cross server? In Cross server anything could happen much worst the freaking bots that'll just stay by the entrance just to get a "easy"' completion from the dung or vamp silvers when people start to bid on the moonwaters tears or an epic weapon they'll need for upgrading. People so worried over a little glitch but over look other real problems. Anyways if people wants to make a big deal over it then fine, then again I only do those dungeons just to make gold from dailies, those bosses drops trash stuff anyways and moonwater tears are dropping in prices where it's quite affordable ._. 

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18 minutes ago, TopKEK said:

That's the part where I either Master loot because screw it, blame the idiot, or if the kick vote actually works, we vote for kick. 


Master loot AND share loot with others?

Coz otherwise you're the same kind of exploiter scum, yknow?

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In Korea NCSofts banns Player for exploiting  stuff like this.

Espaccally if some runs this to get fast the moonstone tears - 1 to 2 g each run.

It would not surprise me to see a lot of bans here.

Just because you spent money on this doesnt mean you may use exploit/ glitches/ bugs etc.

So if you do this do it on your own risk, but dont complain about if your account will be bant.




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Just now, Vexe said:


Master loot AND share loot with others?

Coz otherwise you're the same kind of exploiter scum, yknow?

I share loot, if its tradable like moonwater tears I just give it to people who I think actually need and have use for it. Anything like weapons is given according to who needs it (obviously dependent on class) otherwise everything else stays with me since no one really needs trash anyway. Moonwater stones I always give one to two people who I deem most deserving. Anyone who skips or AFKs gets nothing as always. 


I'm not gonna let them have fun in the auction, heck I won't let them even have a single penny from the auction. Purple items I don't master loot cuz untradable. 

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1 minute ago, TopKEK said:

I share loot, if its tradable like moonwater tears I just give it to people who I think actually need and have use for it. Anything like weapons is given according to who needs it (obviously dependent on class) otherwise everything else stays with me since no one really needs trash anyway. Moonwater stones I always give one to two people who I deem most deserving. Anyone who skips or AFKs gets nothing as always. 


I'm not gonna let them have fun in the auction, heck I won't let them even have a single penny from the auction. Purple items I don't master loot cuz untradable. 

well aren't you kind :3 too bad there are a lot of people that buys cheap stuff in market and resells them higher these days or people being shady and sells them on market for high price since free? unless you're talking about giving free stuff to friends/clan members you know that needs it? cause people can say "i need that!" but don't actually do ._. I have had that happened couple times so far and never see the things they use it to craft ._. 

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