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Rewatching cutscenes feature


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This game has awesome cutscenes, characters, and styles, even more so than Tera in my opinion. Having a feature that lets you rewatch all the cutscenes your character unlocked would be awesome. I know a few mmos eventually puts this feature in so i'm wondering do you guys plan to eventually put this feature in as well? Would be really cool.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would love to be able to re-watch cutscenes as well! When in a party, sad fact is, most of them do not care about cutscenes, especially the pivotal plotline ones, and if you dare to watch it, you can miss out on a good portion of the dungeon or boss fight.  And the thing is, they put so much work into the art that I think it's a shame you cant' enjoy the scenes more than once. 


One of the best work arounds I know, Final Fantasy XIV, has a journal-item called "The Unending Journey", which when interacted with brings up a menu of all cutscenes from dungeons, story and quests that you have unlocked/experienced. Even if you didn't watch them all the way through the first time.  Sure, it doesn't record anything else, and diplays your character as you are when you activate the cutscene (not how you appeared when you originally did it), but it is still great, and allows for some awesome screenshots.


Let's hope the community forum team looks at this thread and recommends it back to the developers! :)


~ Saviin

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3 minutes ago, Saviin said:

I would love to be able to re-watch cutscenes as well! When in a party, sad fact is, most of them do not care about cutscenes, especially the pivotal plotline ones, and if you dare to watch it, you can miss out on a good portion of the dungeon or boss fight.  And the thing is, they put so much work into the art that I think it's a shame you cant' enjoy the scenes more than once. 


One of the best work arounds I know, Final Fantasy XIV, has a journal-item called "The Unending Journey", which when interacted with brings up a menu of all cutscenes from dungeons, story and quests that you have unlocked/experienced. Even if you didn't watch them all the way through the first time.  Sure, it doesn't record anything else, and diplays your character as you are when you activate the cutscene (not how you appeared when you originally did it), but it is still great, and allows for some awesome screenshots.


Let's hope the community forum team looks at this thread and recommends it back to the developers! :)


~ Saviin


I love that about FFXIV :) The cutscene re-watch feature is so convenient and really helps when you have to rush for the boss battle and miss out on a scene or two.

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Agreed.  Every time I watch one of those namecard cutscenes, I always think to myself, "I'd like to watch that again."  I dunno, something about the flourishing effects they add as they display the names.  It's just so incredibly Asian.


Heck, I think in two separate Master Hong surveys, they've asked me if I enjoyed the cutscenes ( not necessarily directly, but "cutscenes and presentation" or something to that effect is listed as one of the options under "what's your favourite thing about the Cinderland?" ), so it would appear the team is quite proud of their handiwork.  Doesn't really make sense, in that case, that you would only be able to view it once.

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  • 2 months later...

This is needed since there is no voice chat. To the dying during a cutscene, its because some people skip they while you might be watching it the first time, and when they start the fight the cutscene doesnt jsut stop for al since it is client based. Another flaw in the game design. It works on consoles because you can't skip the cutscene.



So adding a cutscene veiwers somewhere that can play ALL cutscenes you have seen before based on storyline quest progress would be great. Also it would hlp since teh story is halted for so long even at the rushed content rate....some people are forgetting why they were playing when they awoke in Heaven's Reach...

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Agreed. It would be always a waste for a game with good amount of cutscene time like this game not being able to allow rewatch the already-experienced scenes. The only way to rewatch a scene is either through Youtube, or reroll a new character.


Also, since our outfits affect the cutscene, so it's also interesting to try out various outfits that way. Would be fun to fight a death match against Jingsoyun in different kinds of swimsuits, lol

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  • 3 months later...

Indeed, the cutscenes are just pure amazingness and I would be so grateful if this option would be implemented, because I love to make videos about games and Blade and Soul is the best game I ever played so far. I waited since 2011 for its release, and I still can't believe I'm playing it! As for the videos, some of them are laggy and sadly I cannot go back to re-film them for my projects and... I can't really make another character to lvl it from the beginning... just to get the cutscenes, ofc, that would be crazy. Also, in some of the cutscenes maybe you would have liked a different kind of outfit than what you actually had on, in order to match the action/prefference, but unable to change that, due to the fact that you didn't know that a cutscene would be about to happen, or what kind of "theme" that cutscene had.  So then, this would be two more advantages if we would be able to see the cutscenes whenever we want, along with all the ideas in the comments you guys posted. ^^

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