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New Partnership with Innova


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yeah that's what i said, i highly doubt we can get 5000 signatures,thats why its time to find a good vpn,but i think wtfast will work against that ip block

Why are you guys so stuck to the '5000' number? Just because Black Desert got some movement out of Daum Games on 5000 signatures, doesn't mean it will be same for NC. It's not a rule, it's a particular case.

NC didn't say "get 5000 signatures, then we unblock you". 500 signatures is already a lot of people disagreeing with that decision, and that's only the people who use forums.


Instead of everyone giving up and submitting to VPN or quitting the game, we should make it clear to NC that those two are the only options that CIS players would take - the negligible minority that would switch to Russian server would've went there without an IP block in the first place.

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Signatures little, because Innova has not fallen into the dirt. 
After RU release, when they will spoil the game, when others will understand, maybe signatures will be more.
Many people simply do not believe that the petition can help. Nobody cares about us. Apparently not that much money loses NCsoft.
We're nothing, and this is so sad.
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but still this is really dumb move, mom lover kids from RU who cant speak english will still play on their server(u cant imagine how many kids will play that game) , why da heck u ip block 10 countries from CIS only, block only russia atleast, with their crappy servers it wont even fit ppl, we will probably have to buy vip in order to sit in queue for 10-15 min, non vips 45-60min and even more

Ahahaha only russia ? And you call yourself an EU guy ? Such a hypocrisy.

Can anybody explain me one thing. During the last CBT I saw an incident. Evening, lots of ppl playing, there are lots of chat massages including in English, German, Italian, Swedish and etc. Everything was quite. But the moment when the Russian sentence appeared in the chat, the nuclear explosion happened.

As an old gamer I saw lots of so-called bad players with non adequate behaviour in the chat. And you know that EU doesn't have less of them. Then why if you called your loved EU as a stronghold of democracy and people's values you act as a hypocrites.

I do not want to say that Russian players are like saints. It's just ..meh.

As for the following question about why don't you go to Russian server - lots of my EU friends will play on euro, and I do not wanna play in p2w game ofc.

Thz for your attention.

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Not many are aware that NCsoft already established an agreement with Innova two years ago, but the contract was terminated / frozen.
Around December 3 brand manager of RU version Cyril Souchon posted a new video in which he told of how their company (Innova) leaked information, translation and game client, granted by NCsoft on pirate server. Of course, he said it was an accident. But we all understand that, after termination of the contract Innova just tried to get at least some profit from the effort spent on translation. It is obvious that this is how private server born.
I'm amazed at how NCsoft continues to cooperate withthis company and then enter into a new contract with them.

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I am not going to play on RU servers because...

  • Innova - No, thank you, I'm out. Had enough of this publisher.
  • Toxic comminuty - Russian community is mostly toxic and immature. Not saying it is 100% like that, but it certainly affects the gameplay a lot.
  • Awful translation - A lot of Russian players who know English really hate Russian game translation - it is just awful, always, believe me.
  • Different experience - There will be major differences in economy on Russian servers, as usual, thanks to greedy publishers.
  • Failed expectations - They promised they "will not be restricting regional play", but now they are doing it? Well, that is already a huge fail there.
  • Latency - Russian servers in various games have proven to have ping worse than any EU servers of the same game. Might not be true, but not interested in even trying.

I can add even more to this list, but this is more than enough to NOT play on RU servers ever.

I'll just sign the petition but will certainly be waiting for the worst (that nothing changes).


Just in case - petition link:


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you know now its barely 500 signatures in that petition,but believe me once the game releases in Russia and everyone will see how Innova failed again , there will be at least 3000 signs and if not more , because i know that legit players wont be able to achieve good results in that game without at least spending some $ , innova proved that with their old projects and their fails

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10 pages...

There's such people as community managers. And I always thought that their job is to build an online community and create consumer loyalty. So... Here we are, their community with rapidly decreasing loyalty. Where are they? How about someone talking to us and replying to our question?

10 pages of complaints, suggestions, indignation and what? Silence.

Nice work guys. Now I can see how much you care.

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There was an official answer, but in some different thread. They basically said they can't change their decision.

Gonna need some source on that. I don't frequent the forums anymore, and searches "ip block" and "region lock" don't find what you're talking about.


Plus, why not respond here, since this is the official complain-thread for the matter?

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Gonna need some source on that. I don't frequent the forums anymore, and searches "ip block" and "region lock" don't find what you're talking about.


Plus, why not respond here, since this is the official complain-thread for the matter?

i saw that thread too, a CM answer it and locket it.

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Your decision is contrary to the Humen Rights the right choice, I understend that you are a private company and it`s your decision. Innova, has to solve its problems with quality of services and not limitation/ I am sure there are other ways to solve.


Sorry for my bad English.

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Omg just reading this, makes me so sad :c but seems the ip block is not working, because my Friend from Ukraina can play fine in the betas. We are planning to play this weekend also :P

I wouldn't bet on this. I can log in and play, and my account says it still has the founder pack, but I doubt they're going to leave it as is for release. Lack of actual IP block yet might be part of the reason that the thread/petition aren't exploding.

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The most stupid thing... and it's after all bought founder packs. Well done innova.... Really. This dumb company almost destroyed russians gamers community and now they going for more int projects. And are there any sanctions or what? :D Is it legal i mean to do deal with russians company? And why are Ukraine and Georgia on this list? They are not even CIS members already... And Ukraine still in war with Russia. Georgia had war conflict with them too... It's so f%@#ing humiliating now. I dont wanna play with russians. At least let me choose....

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The most stupid thing... and it's after all bought founder packs. Well done innova... . Really. This dumb company almost destroyed russians gamers community and now they going for more int projects. And are there any sanctions or what? :D Is it legal i mean to do deal with russians company? And why are Ukraine and Georgia on this list? They are not even CIS members already... And Ukraine still in war with Russia. Georgia had war conflict with them too... It's so f%@#ing humiliating now. I dont wanna play with russians. At least let me choose....

Gavnova want die (not then I dont want it) cuz milions of stupid kids thet don`t now/want to lear eng, and they will bring them profits

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The most stupid thing... and it's after all bought founder packs. Well done innova.... Really. This dumb company almost destroyed russians gamers community and now they going for more int projects. And are there any sanctions or what? :D Is it legal i mean to do deal with russians company? And why are Ukraine and Georgia on this list? They are not even CIS members already... And Ukraine still in war with Russia. Georgia had war conflict with them too... It's so f%@#ing humiliating now. I dont wanna play with russians. At least let me choose....

Every time I read the massage like this I wanna ask - do you ever try to think before posting any stupid things, or your goal is just to say any bullshit ?

Remember all you new euro-ukranian people, this company makes games, it has nothing with you fantasy war with Russians. And wth "sanctions" are you talking about ? Cure your poor and damaged imagination. It's a game, not politics, and NCSOFT do not care about your troubles.

P.S.: it will always be like that, all these countries will always be associated with Russian zone.

All the world with you xD

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Remember all you new euro-ukranian people, this company makes games, it has nothing with you fantasy war with Russians. And wth "sanctions" are you talking about ? Cure your poor and damaged imagination. It's a game, not politics, and NCSOFT do not care about your troubles.

P.S.: it will always be like that, all these countries will always be associated with Russian zone.

All the world with you xD

Allow me to quote you: "Every time I read the massage like this I wanna ask - do you ever try to think before posting any stupid things, or your goal is just to say any bullshit ?"

What kind of ignorant and stuck-up cricket are you? "Fantasy war"? With fantasy fights and fantasy deaths? You sound like a 13-year old that got a superficial summary of facts and act like you know the world.

Facts are facts. War is war. Most people in Ukraine wouldn't voluntarily give money to a Russian company. It makes no sense for a Russian-based company to be given rights to be the exclusive service provider in whole CIS, be it a game or any other service.


Beyond that point, I'm against the whole IP-block deal, Russia included. The service Innova provides is poor at best, decisions for changing the game uncalled for, and Russian translation is completely unnecessary - or even disgruntling - for a great number, if not say majority, of people there, and will turn them off from playing entirely.

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Allow me to quote you: "Every time I read the massage like this I wanna ask - do you ever try to think before posting any stupid things, or your goal is just to say any bullshit ?"

What kind of ignorant and stuck-up cricket are you? "Fantasy war"? With fantasy fights and fantasy deaths? You sound like a 13-year old that got a superficial summary of facts and act like you know the world.

Facts are facts. War is war. Most people in Ukraine wouldn't voluntarily give money to a Russian company. It makes no sense for a Russian-based company to be given rights to be the exclusive service provider in whole CIS, be it a game or any other service.

Beyond that point, I'm against the whole IP-block deal, Russia included. The service Innova provides is poor at best, decisions for changing the game uncalled for, and Russian translation is completely unnecessary - or even disgruntling - for a great number, if not say majority, of people there, and will turn them off from playing entirely.

If it was the the real war it would ended long ago. Besides, you should shut up and stop posting things about the war in every post. It's a forum about the game, there is no place for your brain-washed political views. If you do not agree about the region that you were attached to - it doesn't give you any reason to start that bullshit about the war and russians.

If innova doesn't have the right - go, make a company of your own and win this fight - block russians and etc, etc, cause even here you cannot stop your stupid hate. Innova paid money, and I'm sure it was not the only company that wanted to locslize the game. It's business and nothing more.

And yeah I'm also against IP block, but I'm more against this hating like "Klyati moscali"

And ye, you can think anything you want, but thats the war against your own people, not Russia. It's a shame that you still do not understand it.

Best regards.

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Not going into the war/not war subject, but Envio has one point : it's not about "which country is part of Russia or not".

It's a business and technical decision, nothing to do with politics or geopolitics. "Switzerland is not a part of EU but will have to play on the EU servers, it's an insult!"

No. These kinds of subjects have nothing to do here. A western company made a deal with a russian company and agreed to block eastern IPs to push the players in this geographic area to play on the russian servers. Those companies are free to do what they want with their servers. That s*cks for the people concerned, yes, surely (I don't know Innova).

But please don't start with the "We're not Russia, they can't decide for us, we will sue everyone!". Nobody cares about that when talking about video games servers issues. It's just making this thread unreadable instead of talking about the real issues you should/could have with the deal.

(The Russia, Ukraine and other countries politic issues are serious and interesting but it's not the place to talk about it)

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If it was the the real war it would ended long ago. 

And ye, you can think anything you want, but thats the war against your own people, not Russia. It's a shame that you still do not understand it.


The fact is that you are just repeating Russian propaganda in the same way some people here repeat Ukrainian progaganda. Unless you been there and seen everything on your own eyes there is no point in trying to convince anyone here - its just meaningless. 

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