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Merlin DE

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Everything posted by Merlin DE

  1. Well the last time i saw people complaining about to complicated mechanics, or that a dungeon is to hard, was when Desolate Tomb was released. After that most dungeons got a nerf even befor players could just think about to complain. Naryu sacntum was nerfed about 2 month after it was released. They completly removed mech from Xanos except for the KD / Stun. What people sometimes complain about are the solo dungeons but those didnt get any nerf, at least none i remeber about. People not complaining about to complicated mechs or dungeons are to hard. People dont want everything for free, thats only what people like you are claiming. Telling people to gear up but dont give them the chance buy taking them to dungeons / raids because of your elitists requirements. My alt have aransu 6, TT Ring on 9, tt earring, prophecy neck, skabreak glove 10 can do TT 1-4 fine but im not good enough to do freaking MSP cause im only at ~1650AP on my alt. You want people to gear up? Then for god sake give them a damn chance to do so No thats another worse desission. 1. you need more time to do your daily while gold income was reduced again and honestly, i wouldnt wonder if material income will be reduced to 2. Dailys will contain hardmode dungeons from what i saw. So some people wont even be able fo finish dailys to get all rewards, at least when there are not enough alternatives Worst case people will do pvp quests going AFK on battlefield and hoping for a carry. 3. And no the daily from basin was quite critical for alts depending on the daily choice cause requirements for BC / WC are quite high and no one would take an alt even with full VT gear, wich is more than enogh to do those dungeons. The game is going in a bad direction because of elitists who dont understand the sense of a multiplayer game. Requireing redicoulus selfish stats for dungeons i can do solo with my main. The game is gong down cause people stop helping each other and/or explaining mechs. I can remeber times where people postet learning runs for DT, at least on my server, took the time to explain things and let new or lower geared practice. Well ok this might by mostly NC-Softs fail cause they force us with quicker and quicker comming updates to gear up leaving those with not so much time / money behind. And the gap between high and low geared players is growing untill some day the last low geared dont have any more motivation and will give up. Oh and BTW: not only lower geared are frustrated. A friend recently told me he will quit cause hes tired of the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ NC-Soft continue doing and not listening to the community. Hes a veteran, i started with him 3.5 year ago and he is nearly max-gear except for ET weapon. GG NC-Soft another one bites the dust. Your serious? Whats the issue? The issue is quite simple. You have to spend even more time for booring dailys while they additionally reduced the income (at least Gold income is reduced by 25-50% depending on the dungeons) and prices are still raising. Would like to see you when your boss would tell you you have to work 10 instead of 8 hours from now on while he also reduce your sallary by 25%, but hey it not an issue... WTF dude
  2. Wow a statement like this made me puke. Id rather be an incompetent millennial than human social incompetent. All dungeons can be done with decent gear. VT can easily be done whit BT gear TT can easily be done with VT gear You dont need freaking VT gear for BT or TT gear for VT or ET Gear for TT. Just because it make things a bit faster doesnt mean it is nessesary would mean that most of the players can do at least everything up to TT unless there are some social incompetent beeings requesting way higher Gear than nessesary. I know quite a lot of people who exactly try this, but no one offering them a chance to join a TT-Raid, cause they might be just Aransu 6-9, or dont have trianangular or gilded gems or a max soul/heart/talisman. I miss the days where people had a sense of responsibility and human/social competence to accept even lower geared players who want to progress, have more than enough gear to do stuff, but dont fullfill the redicoulous requirements of a growing community of elitists. I also miss the times where people knew that brain > gear > dps My alt is Aransu 6, TT ring stage 9, TT earring, prophecy neck and skyreach gloves 10 but only meet 1650+ ap. Ill do TT with this alt and even got the time archivment but, try find a MSP group with it, even i can hold up to 1.2Mio with it. So yeah maybe i should limit my activities only to run up to maybe Starstone mine when i read your statement. Oh and befor you now claim im also an incompetent milennial. 1. i was born in the 70th 2. my main is quite good geared for a casual
  3. Well even if they have paws, ill guess no one made the work to model or skinn the pads cause as you stated, you never or very rarely will see the bottom of the feet. So ill guess we never can be sure ;)
  4. And why it this a thing? I wouldnt only blame the people but mostly NC-Soft. Why? Well when i started BnS 3.5 years ago we had many players. People did care about others and helped each other. I even saw this behaviir when Desolated tomb where relesed. Ok there alwasy have been some people with higher gear but the gap was by far not as big as it is today. Anyway quite a lot of people, at least on my server, offered learing runs in F-Chata and took the time to teach others the mech, even it took an hour or two. It was fun learning by doing working as a team and so on. Yeah we once had the time to do stuff like this even we need to farm for our gear we had way less presure to keep up than we have today. But then NC-Soft started to bring update after update after update, Upgrades got more and more expensive while material and gold sources continusly got reduced. The gap in gear started to grow faster and faster. Trove and co did the rest. People where forced to spend a lot of time farming sor sell their kidney to NC-Soft when they want to keep up. Thats when many people start leaving the game. Suddenly everyone was in rush to do dailys a quick as posible to farm their stuff. No one had time to explain dungeons anymore the fun amlost was gone. you where on a constant hunt for ap to keep up doing your stuff and find acceptet in groups for higher dungeons you need to continue gear up, like NS for example. When you finaly reached the requirements the requirements where set higher and the hunt for ap started again. We had about 3 years less time than asia to get to the gear we now can get whil it was not realy cheaper or more easy to obtain the gear. Also NC-Soft decided to nerf dungeons just a few "days" while the dmg output skyrocket. Dungeosn bekame braindead hack n slay events. You just need 1 or 2 high geared players and can skip any mech. If someone fails no on tells him/her what went wrong, they get pciked up and carried through the dungeon. Even when they ask what went wrong, they most time get now answer. So its mostly NC-Softs fault but you all have to blame yourself to, at least those who dont take the time to help others out. I am GC9 full TT geared FM, can do most dungeons solo but anyway i use LFP in F8. Sometimes im lucky and have a high ap group, sometimes i have some "lowies". Last time i had a complete "low" Group in TSM and i thought ok that will take some time. We failed at the first boss cause someone pulled him into a crystal. I took the time to explain what went wrong and how to do it and we cleared the dungeon in the third try. People where happy and thankfull someone explained the mech and i had some fun and challange. And it all took maybe 5 minutes more than with a high ap group, so where the hell is the problem?
  5. They wont, its a quite easy calculations. Less material means people wil progress even slower which will lead at least a few to spend some money on mats at the daily offer in F10 As they always did in the past and then wonder why so many left... basin is not realy a valuable farming source, the only still valuable source atm is MSP. Since we will need 6 dailys for all rewards and there are also HM dungeons in the daily rotations many people will have trouble to finish their daily quest. Also it would be nice to have an official statement, why the hell every region have easy, normal and hardmode and we only get easy and hardmode, but since our community managers dont care about the community i guess we never will know...
  6. I like your Point of view and zynism. Where did they made HM more profitable. as far as i know nothing have changed. Oh well they removed every HM except the last 3-4 dungeons and nerfed the new easy mode. Well thats the NC-Soft style to make things more attractive. Instead of adding some valuable things lets just nerf some other things... Great
  7. Made my day LoL. thats one of the most stupid arguments i have ever seen. While people requesting 1800ap for TSM i just go hit LFP and most times im out of the dungeon, while that guy still is recruiting another 2 or 3 people for his 1800AP TSM group. So tell me what saves more time? Spending 5 minutes to recruit a high ap group or going with a mixed group and maybe need 30 seconds more to kill the final boss? Oh and im close to 1900ap and a GC9 full tt geared FM and dont mind "carrying" 1 or 2 "lowies" Yeah making it even harder for lower geared to catch up, great idea as always. NC-Soft seems to be realy learning resitent guess they still havent lost enough players. Good Luck since the majority, at least on EU server still is VT geared. BTW: if you are on EU server, can i have your ingame name, to know who i should avoid running with. I dont like those "elitists" thinking AP is everything. On every dungeon up to BC it doenst take me much longer with an LFP party to clear it. The opposite is the case. I waste more time recruiting High AP people and waiting for a complete party then doing this BS with a LFP party. Oh and BTW, there are even people who buy clear VT runs. So dont pretend the majority of the playerbase is TT+ geared.
  8. Maybe because you better not mess with russians? Anyway, this starts getting more and more ridicolous how they rip us off
  9. But befor the cost reduction appears they lower gold and material income in the lower dungeons, therefore most players standing again for the same problem, Cheaper gearupgrades but less income and the vicious circle closes. With the comming update we will have HM dungeons in daily rotation which will be a problem for a lot of players. Also Goldincome in Easymode will be reduced from what i saw. So again less income for the majority of the playerbase. Again they didt the wrong thing, instead of making Hardmode more worthwhile they nerfed income of Easymode. Seems like NC-Soft is extremly learning resistant, plain stupid or they want to kill the game on purpose. You can do F8, even in HM but yeah its always a bit like playing russian roulette ;) A guild dont help that much either, since most guilds just raid together, some even have so statig groups for Daily / HM but you have to be luckie to become either part of the raid or static group when you join a guild. I have a great guild, i have no problem to get my tt gear, even on alts when i want, but only when someone is missing and there is a free spot. With my main i have a static raid with some people from random guilds. So joining a guild is not realy the solution to get a static raid / dungeon / hardmode group. And with low / medium gear you have to find a guild that accept you in first place ;)
  10. I think Lyn "feets" are more likley cloven hoofed rather than paws so i'll guess no they dont have pads ;) Edit: which is quite unusual since Lyns seems to be a hybrid between different animals like Cats, Dogs, Squirrils, and so on (depending on their ears and tails) and humans. but ill guess it would have been to much work to make different foot typs ;)
  11. I realy start liking your zynism. 1. there are a lot of players playing since release and they are not even close to "endgame gear" since NC-Soft threw update after update at us and people usualy cant spend thousands of EUR / US$ per month or play 8-12 hours per day to keep up. 2. every time people are close to catch up NC-Soft lower the Gold and Material income so its getting even harder to catch up for lower geared players, while requirements constantly keeps raising. A few month ago my Aransu 3 Gunner alt with all assesouirs at stage 3 had no problem to find a MSP 1-6 Multi Group. Meanwhile my primary alt with Arans 6, TT-Ring 9, TT Earring 10, Phrohecy neck 10, New Glove and Bracelet 10 and holds 800k- 1Mio dps even struggles to find a group because my alt is still under 1700AP 3. Instead of raising the rewards for HM they lowering the rewards for EM. Thats exactly how our world works, making the strong / rich stronger / more rich while the others getting more weak and poor. The gap between high and low geared players, wich already is quite big will even getting bigger. 4. Most lower geared wont have any chance to do the HM daily. We are not in Asia where people dont care about your gear and / or a wipe. In our region all thats count is gear and if you wipe, at least 1 or 2 wil instant reagequit. 5. You also need at least 6 DC to get all rewards which means more time to invest by lower gold/mat income. And please dont tell me go find a clan even i realy have a nice clan there is not much we do together except for raiding cause People are way to much spread out in their online times. Overall its less the voice in "your" head, its more the community whm force you to keep up or get lost, which is also part of killing the game. So no its not only to blame NC-Soft for bad decissions, its also to blame the community. The combination of both scared away a lot of good players, and some of them i realy miss :/ What its only a matter of time as we saw how quickly it happend to MxM. "The question shouldnt be: Will it happens again, it should be: When will it happens"
  12. That request is as old as the game itself. People always demanded am acountwide vault. Drop some gems and mats in there and have access to it from every char on your account, but NC-Soft simply dont listen as always... Or they just love a useless gold ant timesink making you send 3 mails to send a complete set of gems to another char
  13. Tell me, where is the difference in doing 1x event on 11 chars or doing 11x the event on 1 char? Doing it 11 times on one char would at least save you from keep tracking on which char you already did the event and from sending a hundred mails to send your gems around it would be nice caus you might be able to buy something usefull from left over tokens instead of for example 3 potions on x chars ;)
  14. Right in time for the new class another Scam-trove, again with such valuable 3 star crits like this?
  15. Even i would realy welcome it, its realy annoying to swich through x chars and always need to send "hundreds" of mails to send the gems from on char to another, i highly doubt they will add something like this. The reason is quite simple, you could farm an unlimited amount of eventtokens and realy buy everything from an event, and thats what they dont want you to do. This would be quite easy to implement since we already have a report function for Bots / Spammers and this request is as old as the game is, especialy on battleground and 3 vs 3 (at least at times where people still played that mode). This request came up every few month since i start playing the game 3.5 years ago. But since asian people have a completly different mentality and you would never see anyone afk in a dungeon / BG they simply dont see the need for implementing a function like this.
  16. Thats not the point, for my sake they could sell raidweapons / Assessoiursor even their grandma (if anyone want to buy her xD). The point is they clearly stated in their Philosophy but do sell gear/permanet stat increases. Lets finish with a famous qoute and a little lesson in history ;) : (Walter Ulbricht, at an international press conference in East Berlin on June 15, 1961) Less than two months later, on August 13, 1961, work on the construction of the Wall began Thats the point. they lied and betrayed the playerbase and thats why most players are so angry. BTW: i dont think we will get the RNG-version of the ancient weapon level, i guess we will get a version with save upgrades but it will cost a ton of oils
  17. Well thats the big Problem. On one side they split DMG in PVE / PVP multiplier, on the other hand they sell Unity stones. Unity stones can also give defencen and HP, the Unity rank also give HP. Now imagine you are avereage PVP geared and and meet someone with mas Unity rank and lot of Def / HP Unitystones while your PVP dmg is reduced. Good luck trying to kill him. This just add even more advantage to BG for those who are perfect in creditcard anicance or sold their kidney to the chinees / russian mafia. Korea get or already got the ancient weapon level some kinde of psyche with 20 levels that increases stats of the weapon and soul. Anyway i dont find the stats at the moment, but when i remembr right, the last level will give you additional few 100AP and also a lot of Crit and Elementaldmg. Of course you need oils to upgrade this weaponlevel and since this system is RNG where you can fail an upgrade and drop a few levels on a fail. Ill guess we wont get the RNG-version but since the chances of a successfull update getteing more and more worse with every upgrade it will cost a hell of a lot oils when we get a save upgrade version. By now we are about 3-4 month behind korea. We had 2-3 years less time to gear up compared with korea. And even Korea have a lot of RNG based upgrades they had way more oprotunities to farm gold and mats than we have. Yeah they made a few big mistakes in my opinnion: 1. Removing the old 4 men groups and introducing the hardmode / normalmode just ridicolous, we had to do desolate tomb in 4 men what was realy challanging and they they removed 4 men groups and our normal mode suddenly became the hardmode while the removed the mech in normal mode LoL 2. constantly nerving even quite new dungeons. It just took 4 month befor they removed the mech in TSM normalmode and the dungeon is just a bad joke. and now they want to introduce a third mode (easy) what the hell they want to nerf anyway, you can burst down every dungeon up to BC at least in NM and lower dungens even in HM. The only challange are raids starting at TT, even VT is just a bad joke and if you didnt need at least 2 persons for BT boss 3 you could even solo BT And overall boosting the dmg output to the sky that people kill MAO with 99.8 Mio HP in 2.5 - 5 seconds. BnS once was an interesting challanging game with interesting dungeon mechs. Now its just a grindfest where the only interesting variety are TT and ET everything else is braindead hack n' slay bursting. Well catching up with Korea wouldnt be a problem, at least when they would adjust upgrade costs to the 2-3 year we had less time compared with korea.
  18. As i said, i know how rng works, i have coded quite a lot Randon Number Generators using different types to create seeds. As i said befor maintenacne on june 5th every run 1-2 fragments from first to bosses, after maintenance 0-1 fragment from first 2 bosses. More than twice as much runs for farming the neck for my alt than i neede for my main. Thats even hard to explain with NC-Soft RNG and statitical nearly impossible without lowering the droprate ;) Im not talking about 2,3,4 runs, im talking about a over 200 runs and the 3 fragments from daily quest didnt change much. Let me quote something: Source: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/silverfrost-weapon-cost-changes/ Well they introduced Moonstone Crystals which are still RNG drop from the chests and at least for me the most least ressource. Befor they introduced the crystals you could farm moonstones in SSP 24/7. If you didnt like PVP / SSP you could farm Naksun who could drop 1, 10 and even 100 stacks. With the introduction of the crystals they removed moonstones from Naksun and he now can only drop 1 or max 10 crystals. Removing Moonstones from Naksun isolated people who dont like PVP from any moonstone source. Well ok Naksun is lvl 45/50 content, but anyway, there are enough places where they could have added an alternative moonstone source for PVE player. They also removed Moonstones from SSP during the week, Now you can farm them only Sat / Sun from 1 PM to 1 AM. Therefore they introduced moonstones in the BG- Chests what resultet in an price twice as high as befor the patch. Nowadays moonstones cost 2-3times more than befor this patch. It wouldnt be much of a problem, when you wouldnt need moonstones for crafting (Premium) Transformation Stones or if there would be an untradeable version you could craft with crystals. What about all those Transformation and Premium Transformation Stones you can only craft with Moonstones and not with crystals? Here is the next problem, People who mostly play PVP are running out of Keys to open the chests while most PVE players threw them away or have a stack of a few k in their vault. Overall most changes resulted in higher prices while gold income continusly where decreased. There is nothing to say against this, on the contraryit was nessesary and importent so people can at least catch up a tiny bit. Anyway, would have been nice for old players who already spend tons of mats / oils / Pet pouches when you could have salvage the items and got a few mats in return. Yeah they tried, but anyway most of us had a big loss. Buying an item for 20-25 gold and getting 20 gold in return is a quite bad trade. I lost 200-300 gold and a friend even lost over 1k gold. Well we can now diskus where Pay to progress ends and where P2W begins. In my opinnion P2W sbeginns when you cant get your stuff in a reasonable amount of time and since they always add upgrades on a regular base you are not realy able to catch up. So this is, at least in my opinion, P2W. Also you have overlooked a tiny but importent detail So Assessoirs / Weaponmats in trove, or the currently buyable unity stones are just cosmetics, they dont give power or increas stats permanent? Im GC9 full TT, but i could do TT (at least boss 1 and 2) even with my aransu 3 gunner which have assessoiurs max at stage 3 since i can hold up to 500-600k, i maybe should try to find a group, would be a nice challange ;) Dont get me wrong, i dont want things for free. I left BnS in Dec. 2018 and came back at the awakening patch. It took me 8 weekends hardcore MSP farming to get from full VT to full TT gear including prophecy neck and the new glove both at awakening 3. So im not to lazy to farm. Meanwhile my alt also have TT Ring stage 9, TT Earring, prophecy neck and new glove stage 10 and went from aransu 3 to aransu 6 in the last 3 weeks. Ok my main now is out of mats, but anyway it was worth it. I also dont care what they sell in F10, according to me, they could sell even Raid-weapons / assessoirs in F10, but at least give us the opportunity to farm our stuff in a reasonable amount of time especialy Oils and pet pouches ;) And we will need a hell of a lot more oils in future when we get the ancient weapon level.
  19. This will result in an even bigger gap between good and medium / less geared players. While the rich will gerring more rich the poor get even more poor. I dont aggree often with Grimoir but here i do completly. I saw many high geared who can burst down any boss, but as soon as they have to do mech, they fail hard and ragequit the party. LoL, i am fully TT-Geared and up to TSM i dont feel much of a difference between running with "low bobs" or a high geared party, well ok it might take a few more seconds to kill the boss. One thing i noticed during the last few weekends 1.6k MSP groups dont need much more time than 1.8k+ parties, the lower geared are much faster spawning each stage and most time have better teamwork xD Wait what? What dungeons we are talking about? I dont know any at the moment existing dungeon that cant be done with Aransu 3-6, at least if you have decent assessoirs. But yeah, some people even need ET gear for VT If you want to do something meaningfull, give rewards to those who do mech, not to those who just can dps ;)
  20. I start playing since may 2016, so i started a few month after release. I have seen a lot of things where NC-Soft screewed the playerbase. You mean things like - Promesing new sources for moonstones? instead they introduced the crystal version, removed moonstones from SSE during the week, removed moonstones from Naksun and made them available at Battleground Price fro moonstones befor they introduced the crystals 2-3 gold and PTS 200-300 gold max., price today 6-7 gold for Moonstones, mostly 400+ for PTS - introducing pet illusion stones? well honestly its nice you can change the appearance of your pet now and you are not bound to a single pet. But Befor they introduced the pet illusion stones you could salvage a blue pet for 1 pet pouch and a violet one for 2 pet pouches. Now you could only salvage violet pet illusion stones for 1 pet pouch Price for a pet pouch befor this patch ~30 gold. Today ~ 120 gold making upgrading the pet 4 times more expensive with just 1 patch. Ok they did a few good things like giving people first legendary stage of pet and soul from an event but also screewed old players who already had this stage and didnt get anything from these events. Or making TT Soulshields and Metals available in MSP so people can catch up more easy. Anyway this way is still gatet for most players cause they either cant do TT or cant buy TT ring/earring/weaponmat since its still quite expensive. For the announcede excange of radiant energy for gempowder. They announced the exchange a week or two befor the patch. They also had radiant energy every two or three days at the offer of the day in the HM-Shop. People bought radiant energy like crazy. Then not even 24 hours befor the patch the announced to exchange radiant energy for 15 gold each. This resulted in a shitstorm cause the price on the market was about 20-25 gold. At least they gave additional 5 gold for each radiant energy a week later so you got 20 gold for each and they also refund people who bought radiant energy from the store after the anoncement. Anyway lot of people, including me, made great looses cause they had invested their gold to upgrade their gems. Maybe it would have had a bad influence on the market, but that should have been known way longer and not less than 24 hours befor the patch. And there are a lot more examples on how NC-Soft screewed the playerbase since release. I dont even took 3 years to go from formaly 12 EU server to just 1 and player still leaving. BnS is a good game with lot of potential and i love playing it but with more and more of my friends leaving the game its just a mater of time untill i will leave to. So yeah, NC-Soft did a realy good job, at least in screewing their players and scaring most of them away. Oh and BTW. You know NC-Softs philosophy? https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/business-model-revealed/ Take a look at F10 ;)
  21. the jiangshi near awaken necro? this was also the last breakthrough of the HM weapon you need for the breakthrough of the galaxy weapon
  22. Dude, im a semi professional php coder and have coded a lot of rng functions, so you dont have to explain to me how rng works. What happend here is statistical impossible to explain with just rng, overall over such a long timescale. Oh you honestly dont see the point why they sould do? Here are 2 Hints 1. 2. Its not the first time they reduced droprates and for sure not the last time. Another hint. You remeber when Soulfighter was released? At this time you still had the old hongmoon weapon which later was upgradable to the first Light/Dark legendary weapon. For one breathrough you needed a weapon from Tainted Lab an annoying booring dungeon. Theweapon and weaponchest only was availabe from the bossloot and the weapon itself was tradable. A friend and i made 4 freaking HM levels just from doing this dungeon to get the weapon. Every weapon dropped a 100 times except the soulfighter weapon and surprise surprice just at this time the Silverfrost key got a discount in the HM-Store, funny coincidence And another hint. Remeber how NC-Soft announced to change radiant energy for gem powder and remember how they cancled the exchange not even 24 hours befor the patch? As reason for not exchanging radiant energy for gempowder they mentioned it would have a bad influence on the econemy. Just at the first update of the offer of the day right after the maintenance they offered gem poweder in the HM-Store, just another coincidence ;) NC-Soft annonced a reducting of the legendary weapon upgrade costs. Well at this time you needed another upraded Hongmoon weapon for the breakthrough from stage 2 to 3 or 3 to 4, not sure wich it was. Sadly NC-Soft forgott to mention that they also changed the breaktrough weapon and you now need a weapon from Asura and not the upgraded Hongmoon weapon anymore. Many players upgraded another hongmoon weapon in preperation, many bought moonwater keys in the HM-Store and spend money for nothing. Support refused to refund the mats / money you spend for the keys you bought and only offer to exchange the weapon for the newly needed one. Stupid thing, most of us already had the newly needed weapon already in our vaults. So we lost mats, gold and real money for keys. You may call it random error, i call it intentional commercial fraud because they refused to refund real money, people just spend because of an (intentional?) missing information in the patchnotes. They knew people would prepare to upgrade after they annonced the reduction of upgrade costs. And you will tell me i just had countinusly bad luck with the droprate? 1 Heroic (violet), 6 or 7 superior (blue) Chances annonced as Superior -> very low , Heroic -> very high, and 2 times i got a superior, yeah thats what i call very high chance LoL Not 1 heroic from Dialy / Weekly chest nor a single successfull transformation, instead 2 downgrade, since these chests are in the store but let me guess, just bad luck and another bad coincidence LoL wake up dude and stop defending every BS NC-Soft do...
  23. Meanwhile i tried a second time to refine 1 violet with 6-7 blue to get another violet with maybe better stats. Guess what i got. Both times i got a blue stone. WOW seriously? Never felt so fooled... Guess its time to cancle premium and look for another game with a not so greedy publisher who only want to rip off the playerbase. Honestly, it reminds me more and more about MxM. One cash event after the other and a few weeks later they anounced the shutdown of the servers. At least they refund coins bought in the last 2 or 3 weeks but only to avoid getting sued for comercial fraud. I wouldnt be surprised, when NC-Soft already decided to shut down the EU/NA server and exactly know the date when it will happens. Maybe we will be able to celebrate the 4th "birthday" but i highly doubt BnS will survive the 5th year in EU/NA, at least if they dont change a few things quite quickly.
  24. Ok let this set straight. Just for you i try to explain it again. I farmed Mao Neck on my main in May / June and for my alt in the last 3 weeks. While i got 1-2 fragments from the first 2 bosses, i only got 0-1 fragment (quite often just Naryu coins) from the first 2 bosses after the maintenance at June 5th, 2 weeks befor trove ;) It also took me more than twice as much runs to farm the neck for my alt then i need for my main. Must be a series of bad luck/rng over weeks / month Since we are talking about NC-Soft which is known for always careing, listenning and communicating with the playerbase and never would do such a things like reducing droprates, or selling unity stones only for real money but not HM-Coins, you must be right, maybe im just so braindead that i cant count my runs nor i can count to 2. [/zynism]
  25. Did you seriously read what i wrote? Seems not or you wouldnt have postet this. Im NOT complainig about the Neck is hard to get! Im complaining that NC-Soft was so bold to reduced the freaking droprate by aprox. 50-60% for the freaking coins 2 weeks befor the trove started. Again, i farmed the freaking neck back in May/June on my main, now im farming it on my alt and have twice as much runs as on my main and still have 6 coins left to farm. So dont dare to blame me for complaining about farming when i complain about reducing droprates, thats a small but fine difference. BTW, just because it fits so nicely
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