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Merlin DE

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Everything posted by Merlin DE

  1. Ich weiss, ein Freund von mir hat letztes Jahr, als das Thema aufkam, einen Screenshot gepostet und gefragt ob dies normal und gerecht sei. Resultat: Der beitrag wurde gelöscht und sein Forenaccount gebannt. Begründung, die Nutzungsbedingungen untersagen den Schriftverkehr mit dem NC-Soft Mitarbeitern zu posten. Spaßig fand ich dann jedoch, das ein anderer Freund den Screenshoot einer Supportmail bezüglich eines technischen Problems gepostet hat um einem Forenuser zu helfen und keinerlei Verwarnung bekam, hier werden also auch unterschiede gemacht. Sagt eigentlich alles xD. Das wurde auch von einigen Youtubern angesprochen. Hier wird ganz bewust darauf abgeziehlt neuen Spielern das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen denn fast alles was in dem Packet enthalten ist bekommt man aus der Story LoL
  2. Well my TT raid still exist more or less, but my ET raid is breaking appart thanks to that ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ happend the last 2 weeks. We lost 4 or 5 people for ET :S
  3. Wow now even tt become a braindead burst through dungeon? LoL Guess i should skip ET for now and just wait another 2-3 month untill it will also be nerfed LOL
  4. Sie hat am Tag des Release bzw. am folgenden Tag gebeten für Echtgeld gekaufte Kostüme und Waffenskins auf ihren Archer transferiert zu bekommen, da sie Rerollen will, aber dies hat der Support ihr verweigert. Ich weiss nicht, ob sie mittlerweile vielleicht doch noch Erfolg hatte und ihr zumindest das Phönix Kostüm transferiert wurde, werd sie aber Fragen wenn ich sie wieder sehe. Edit: Nein, der Transfer des Kostüms wurde ihr deffinitiv verweigert Anyway Meiner Meinung nach ist dies nicht nur dreiste Abzocke vom feinsten sondern grenzt schon fast an betrug. Auch wenn man für Echtgeld ein Kostüm erwirbt, das auf dem Markt handelbar ist, muss man dies nicht an den Char binden, man kann es genau so gut Accountbound machen. Gerade bei Kostümen wie Phönix, welches wirklich unverschämt teuer war, ist dies verdammt dreist.
  5. Für den Support sind alle gleich, manche sind halt gleicher, vor allem die, die ordentlich gecashed haben. Ich kenne auch beide Seiten von (ehemaligen) Klanmembern. Während eine Freundin den Support gebeten hat ihr das Phönix Kostüm (und das war damals schweineteuer, soweit ich mich erinner über 4000 Ncoins) auf den Archer zu tansferieren und eine Absage bekam, wurde einem anderem Klanmember mal eben ein paar nicht handelbare Kostüme und Waffenskins anstandandslos transferiert. Unterschied bei den beiden, er ist nahezu max Gear und hat ein paar 100 keys bei jeder Trove verballert. Letztes Jahr gab es sogar einige "Screenshots" von Supportantworten an "Hardcorecasher" die sich über schlechtes RNG bei der Trove beschwert haben und einige 1000 HM Coins als "Entschädigung" bekamen. In wie weit diese authentisch sind, vermag ich nicht zu beurteilen, von dem was man jedoch so von Frenden und Klanmembern mitbekommt, halte ich es durchaus für möglich. Du kannst es eventuell noch beim englischem Support versuchen, die sollen etwas großzügiger sein, was den Transfer angeht. Ansonsten Wirst du leider, wie so viele andere auch, pech haben.
  6. Na ja, das deutsche Forum war schon immer ein wenig das "Waisenkind" und wird gern mal "übersehen" Die Menge der Quests war einer der größten Kritikpunkte und es ist gut das die Anzahl der notwendigen Quest reduziert wurde. Die Auswahl der Quest sollte allerdings in der Tat noch etwas vergrößert werden. So wie der angekündigte Patch momentan ist komtm er zwar Veteranen und besser gegearten Spielern zu gute, die Neuen oder nicht so gut gegearten Spieler haben jedoch das nachsehen, da sie weiterhin von den reduzierten Goldbelohnungen betroffen sind. Ist nur vollkommen witzlos, zumindest für die Verliese bis einschließlich Schattengischt, denn hier wurden die Hardmodes entfernt. Diese hätte man durchaus beibehalten können, damit auch schlechter gegearte Spieler Hardmodes laufen können. Hätte man damals die 4er Parties als Veteranenmodus behalten, gäbe es diese Diskussion erst garnicht, denn damals musste wirklich jeder die Mechanik lernen. Was heute der Hardmode ist, war früher unser Normalmode.
  7. Grimoir do you even read topics befor you answer? Ill guess not. You comment is total useless since RagingPhenix know, and even mentioned premium members get 20 stamps. So honestly, what do you want to tell us with your statement? Back to Topic. An option to choose between stamps and threads would be nice, im close to 200 stamps and dont know what to use them for
  8. Im honestly surprised that NC-Soft finaly showed a reaction and took a step in the right direction. Thank you for finaly listen to the community and taking a step in the right direction. Anyway, the changes you mentioned wount help lower geared and new players since most of the changes just affect the highest dungeons. To keep new players and help lower geared there is still work to be done. Lets not forget about this topic. Anyway, even you now finaly start listening, the damage is done, many players left, raidgroups broke apart and even complete guilds as someone stated here in the forums. You took a step in the right direction, stay on this way and maybe (hopefully) some players will return in future. Your next step should be rethinking your poilitics regarding patch notes. Post patchnotes at least 1 or 2 weeks befor the patch will be done, you can collect feedback and will have time to make adjustments, at least small onesbefor any damage is done. Even when people complain about things you cant fix befor the patch occure im quite sure people wont be mad when you say you will fix it in a later patch. Start communicating, be transparent and im quite sure you will have a very thankfully community. Well it is for sure a step in the right direction, but to restore faith and overall thrust there is much more nessesary ;)
  9. I agree, sadly they have destroyed PVP. Battleground became a one hit slaugher fiesta where your bank account is more importent than your skill, Arena is dominated by people who occupie the top rankings with x chars of the same class. Nothing was done against those lags. last time i tried arena i was nearly dead befor i even could use 1 skill. i already have been in an aircombo when my screen turned clear. This could have been avoided by porting the players to the arena and start a fightcounter when everyone is spawned, but it never have been changed what also killed arena. And now even BG seems to be dead, a friend gave up looking for a party after 1+ hours.
  10. First of all im arguing and dont try to convince everybody. Anyway, when something obviously is bad, no one likes it and some people try hard to blandish even the worst things its at least from my point of view whiteknighting. Regarding your accusation i would attack some of the mods. Well it might look like i do, i know they cant change anything and they can only write what they have been told to. Anyway, reading the same bullshit like "We aprecciate your feedback" or "We care about you" since the game was released and seeing that nothing happens, made them lost all of their credibility and trustworthiness. They (NC-West /NC-Soft) dont care, they dont appreciate our feedback, they are not transparent nor do they properly communicate. they just dont give a crap about the community. There is only one thing wich is importent, that cash continue to flow. Thats what im critizising and thats why i told some moderators they lost all of their credibility and thrustworthiness. Actually the best example about how much they care about the community ist the removment of Ascession Ston fragments from Daily. There are many postings where People ask about this topic, whether it was intended or whether it is a bug. When it was intenden how they think we should be able to do our dailys un HM and so on. These questions came up right after the patch. While they in fact adressed the problem with the difficult in the new "Easy"Mode they havent answered any question about the removment of the Ascession stone fragments. They just avoid this topic and silence it to oblivion as they did with many other topics in the past. I dont blame the Moderators personaly but they are sadly the only ones to adress. Regarding my statement about Cyan, well i still think his statement is a brash insult to the community. On lifestream they stated "Easymode is significantly easier to run, much faster, blabla" I didnt found the timemark on the recording of the livestream but anyway in this video below you will find the relevant part from the stream at about 0:50min. They also justified the goldreduction with this significantly reduced, much faster and much easier to run dungeons. So telling the people one thing, while doing a complet different thing and and on top of that blaming us, to misslead what they stated on stream and what they used to justify the goldreduction, is more than a bold insolence Watsh and listen closley what they said at about 0:50 I hope this answers your question even it was quite off topic and im quite sure to get a warning for it, but at this point i dont care anymore anyway. If they want to ban my gameaccount to they should give me a warning so i can gift my tradable mats and gold to some random "lowies" Edit: Well ok this patch had at least a few positive aspects. 1. i saw Keroppi ranting in chineese 2. Eckogen just Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'ed 3. Jarke did a nice objective rant 4. EvilDoUsHarm did a wonderful ironical summery of the patch that made me laugh so hard
  11. Well not everyone here do, i was to lazy to translate the whole thing, thats why i just translated a short summary but the most importent statement of the text ;) Anyway i think i remeber some kind of statement that was made by one of the moderators who said rewards for fisching would change after event but couldnt find it anymore. In my opinnion, the reason they mentioned, for why we dont get same rewards as asia, are just redicolous. No, but some people here blandish even the biggest BS . 3 of my friends already quit the game 4 members of my current ET raid already quit the game so ET wont happend this ID 1 of current TT raid already quit the game, at least TT will work with 11 people all because NC-Soft keep doing ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤, keep lieing and betraying the playerbase while keep silence Edit: i still havent found any statement regarding the ascesion orb fragments removed from daily reward and we all know, we need Heavens mandate for daily.
  12. I dont think so, but the point is, they blatantly lied again through us when they claimed the Gold reduction is due to the much more easy and faster to do new Easymode. Personaly i dont mind the mechanics since i had to learn them anyway when the dungeons where released and can do most parts of the mech suitable for my class. They can leave it as it is, but then they should give us at least the old gold rewards and stop finding stupid excuses and consider the community stupid like @Cyan did here: Telling people on stream new Easymode will be significantly easier and faster to do and then is an outrageous insult against the community. We are not stupid, well maybe we are, cause we once again trusted you for what you told us in the lifestream, and that was something totaly different from what we got... And btw Cyan, if you didnt noticed, most dungeons got their hardmode counterpart removed, so what should this mode prepare us for? LOL
  13. [zynismus] Funktioniert wie vorgesehen, du kannst sie schließlich noch massenhaft aus der Trove erhalten oder ein paar mal die Woche aus dem Angebot des Tages gegen eine geringe Menge an NC-Coins / HM-Coins erwerben. Gibt also keinen grund sie sonst irgendwie im Spiel verfügbar zu machen [/zynismus] Das beharrliches Ausschweigen unserer ach so um die community bemühten Moderatoren / Communitymamager zu diesem Thema lässt vermuten, das die Entfernung der Fragmente aus der Daily Belohnung tatsächlich gewollt ist. Würden sie dies jedoch zugeben, hätten sie gleich den nächsten Shitstorm, also schweigen sie lieber gleich und hoffen das wir es bald vergessen haben. Also alles wie immer ;)
  14. Buyed outfits always have been accountbound and you needed stamps from the beginning to send them to an alt. What people requested was to make farmable outfits accountbound and offered to spend money for sending them. Tiny but significant difference than your version ;) Clan-PVP times there are many postings about Clan-PVP times during DST in Europe where Clan-PVP starts at 10pm and ends at 0am. Many people complained this is to late for people have to work the next day. Nothing changed Constant request for valuable farmingspots to farm your materials instead we get ninja nerfs of current material supplys repeaded request for afk-player report function nothing happend request for better Matchmaking on Battleground nothing happend, instead now you can be matched against teams that even 200+ points above your ranking Many other pvp related requests / balancing request nothing happend repeaded request for moonstones outside pvp (im not talking about crystals!!) nothing happend And you tell me they listen to the community? Last time i saw people complaining about 6 player dungeons are to hard was back when Desolate Tomb was released. I saw some complains about solo dungeons are to hard, but these are still untouched so nothing happend here either I'm NOT talking about complains, dungeons are to hard, made after the maintenance at Sep. 18th. At the german forum Baskerville wrote: Short summary: Rewards for fishing wont, or wont change significant in near future
  15. Nice try but depending on my experience from the last 3.5 years, im sorry to dissapoint you, the best you will get are some parroted phrases while nothing changes. They will just keep affirming - "We appreciate your feedback" - "We listen to you" - "We are always here for you" - "We forward you complains / requests / feedback to the developer" - "[insert any other excuse here]" but thats it, after that you wont hear anything ever again untill it got to oblivion, thats how they work. Keep people calm silence problems to oblivion For every new player maybe reading this topic, i found some usefull tips for you on how to get started after getting to lvl 60 For those who dont want to watch the video here is a short summary -Option 1: swipe your creditcard (remark: learning how to anicancel your creditcard is mandatory) -Option 2: you enjoy the story? Good, now uninstall the game and go find another one
  16. People requested to make farmable Outfits accountbound for stamps, but no one was that stupid to request a fee sending an Outfit to an alt you bought with real money thats quite some difference, so dont claim people requested stamps to trade acountbound Outfits they already paid for. Thats a rip-off at its best Yeah people requeste it cause they saw it in asia, but what did we get? Whil asians can buy materials for pearls we can only buy useless crap and even have extrem worse rng with the boxes. So no we didnt get what people requested, we got a nerfed, useless version. Will you ever stop finding excuses for every BS NC-Soft did in the past? And please stop twisting facts like you did many times trying to find redicolous excuses for NC-Soft. Just thinking about your claim that masses of players allegedly complained dungeons are to hard. Im still waiting for you to link all those topics and i dont count any made after Sep. 18th.
  17. i have no problems since im a GC9 full TT geared veteran who learned the mechanics for every dungeon except WC and CC since i lost motivation for the game. Im doing my TT / ET raid and maybe weeklys, but thats it. Since most of my friends already left i think i might be the next who quit. As i said, atm im only on for my raidgroup. Now imagine a new or low / average geared player who never did HM, who never learned any mech cause there wasnt much of a mech in Normalmode. When TSM was released and had full mech even in normalmode we spend 2 or 3 hours to learn the mech and clear it. So you realy expect people with lower gear / new players to enter a dungeons that supposed to be EASYmode and clear it even it now have hardmode mechanics? This wont work and every new player came for the archer will quit the game when they finished the story and realise they cant realy progress any further. No you dont need 8/8 but you need at least 6/8 to get the cehst with the unity stones wich are quite importend. Many of the new players are not even able to do these 6 Dailys due to the lag of alternatives. Thyts what they always did, you get less rewards and have to spend much more efford for it.
  18. Wow stunning, after 3.5 years you finaly want to start communicate with the community? LoL good joke, made my day. Who should belive you anymore? You havent communicate in the past and you wont do it in future, its just the same hollow phrase / promise you always used trying to calm down the community. I dont say its your fault, maybe you just dont get the informations you asked for and therefore cant tell us. It doesnt even matter who to blame, cause the result is the same, you already lost all of your credibility and trustworthiness long time ago. Anyway there is still no statement about the Ascension orb shard from the daily chest. Did you remove them on purpose or is it a bug? And if its a bug, why there is no compensation in F10 where you could get them for free to compensate for the loss? You know that we need them for Heavens Mandate which is still in Dialyrotation, or do you expect us to buy them in F10 to finish our dailys? Your silence regarding Ascension orb shard let me think you did it on purpose but you are to scared to admit it because you would earn another shitstorm Well in the end it doenst even matter if you write something or not cause most people wont belive a singel word anymore, regardless of what you want to tell us.
  19. No offense, but did you swallow a tape? You keep "parroting" this since the game was released and honestly, do you realy think anyone with a little bit of brain would take you seriously? I dont blame you, but either there is a cut in the communicationline (either you dont do your job or the devs/publisher dont listen) or the management seems to be completly out of mind igonring their customers. The result is the same, you not only lost your credibility but also a lot of player (in other words: paying costomers) and now have to deal wit a raging community. So many people complained about Clan-PVP times especialy during the european Day Save Time most european contries still have. In Germany and at least France Clan-PVP starts at 22:00 and end at 0:00 (10pm - 0am) what is quite late for people who have to work the other day. This would be a tiny change, just adjusting 2 variables. But there was never any communication from your side, these complains just got ignored even they came up again right after we have switched back to DST. This is only one of many examples. Why you dont communicate with te community? Where is the problem to make a statement like "We have checked you complains about Clan-PVP but decided to not make any changes because for [add any reason here]" (just to stay at the above example) Would you communicate with the community the community would at least know where they are and that their feedback realy is at least checked to be reasonable Instead you assure us again and again our feedback will be appreciated but nothing changes. Anyway, most of your credibility already was already lost when you start violationg your own philosophy https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/business-model-revealed/ We have a saying here in Germany
  20. My dream of patchnotes: - Easy/Hardmode is removed - All dungeon mechanics are reintroduced like they where intended - reintroducing the 4men Veteran group with higher gold/material rewards
  21. You know you need at least 6 quest to get unity stones and theses are a good investment since content will continusly beeing updated untill you reach a point where your dawnforge alt wont be able to do dailys anymore. Oh i dont blame him, i just told him no one take his promises / excuses serious anymore, not after 3.5 years continusly esuring they listen while nothing changed ;) Oh realy? things getting cheaper when gold income is reduced? Wow i must have missed something Petpouch ~2 years ago befor the new pet system was introduced: about 30 Gold - daily income from purpletrain: about 50-60 Gold PetPouch today: ~180-200gold (when i last checked a few days ago) - daily income from purpletrain after patch: less than 100 gold Same for lot of other materials. You cant make a stable econemy when you reducing the income AND the farmable materials while the demand stays the same or even is rising. So please tell me more how reducing income stabilizing the market and make things cheaper I dont think so. 1. just wait until the archer hype is gone, f8 will be be the same as pre patch soon 2. it just blocks people try using alts to catch up with their main 3. you need to invest much more time for way less rewards I did daily on 2-5 chars (1 full TT Gear, Aransu 6 and TT-Gear rest all at least Aransu 3 full BT) mostly in F8 for gold but since the patch i just log in for doing TT / ET raid and maybe weekly on my main.
  22. Havent yo see them in the offer of the day at F10? Problem solved Mission to rip players off even more sucessfully accomplished @Woah64 I totaly agree even im flly TT geared. I took a hell of a lot of grinding to get the mats, countless hours doing MSP, but even MSP is FUBAR atm As a new player i would give up latest when i have finished story cause there is not much left for new players to catch up without anicancel the creditcard. I already canceld my premium and havent been in game since sunday. I only log in for my TT / ET raids and might do weekly but thats it. To be honest, i was looking forward to do ET and get my second char ET-ready, but with the last patch i even lost any motivations to do my raids.
  23. Well honestly statistic should be looking good, at least for a few more weeks. Average BnSBuddy player online pre Archer release: 2-2.5k Average BnSBuddy player online since patch: 3-3.5k But thats only a temoprary new class hype. New players will resignate quite soon when they realise they cant catch up without selling bodyparts to NC-Soft while veterans my enjoy playing the new class for a while. Thats what happend when the gunner was released and also when the warden was released. The amount of players raised for a few weeks and then went back to normal. Anyway, with this shitty patch ill guess in a few weeks i will see maybe 1-1.5k playing Well im not, if they would do their job as intended, they wont earn so much heat / hate, its their own failure.
  24. Not quite true, about 1 year (or so) ago they introduced a little Button at each dungeon that was intended to explain the mech. Official statement was this is an upcomming feature and is in development. A few weeks / month later they just removed this button without any notice in patchnotes, at least i havent read about it. Honest answer? Who should belive you anymore @Cyan? You keep telling us that ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ now since release but did anything ever changed? NO it didnt. Just to mention a few points: - Clan PVP start times during Daysavetime - Reporting funktion for AFK Players - Many pvp releated sugesstions and complains 99% of our feedback just have been silenced to oblivion, No Communication from your, the official, side. Your tactic is quite simple. Silence and sit it out until people resignate, give up, or just leave the game. So please for god sake either start doing your ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ job an start listening to and communicating with the community in a proper way or just keep quite while watshing your game going down the drain, but please spare us with you hollow phrases no one belive anymore, at least as long as there wont follow any actions Thank you
  25. Thats quite funny in 2 ways xD 1. befor i start playing BnS i have played a lot of COD, BF and other shooters, Well most hacks i encountered and wich stayed undetected for a long time came from russian hackers. even we reported those hacks they stayed "undetected" by anticheat for a long time :/ So im quit sure russians dont need BnS buddy, they for sure have way better methodes to cheat in BnS 2. yes i use BnSBuddy since 2 month because the launcher is way better and overall way faster than the original. It also shut down the game much faster. I always had to open the task mananger and manualy kill the BnS Process after exiting the game since the game would stay in the memory for a long time (if it even ends itself and clear occupied Ram) Last time i loggen in there where ~3.3k people online using BnS Buddy. Assuming that about 50-75% of the playerbase using BnS buddy i dont think it would be a good idea to ban these people. You could also shut down the servers instead, the result would be the same ;) And yes you can disable the animations for every class, but do you need bns buddy to do it? NO
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