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Merlin DE

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Everything posted by Merlin DE

  1. Not to mention this is only burst damage, i highly doubt he could hold 40M. Anyway its a joke that max gear player can farm DEN for oils in 5 or less Minutes, while most others even struggle to get their Gloves / Mao Neck. Guess when we get the ancient weapon level some would even oneshot mao ^^
  2. Lemme think a minute... Jan. 2016 BnS start with 4 DE, 4 EN and 4 FR Server 1.5 years later first server consolidation to 2 DE, 2 EN, 2 FR Server not even another year later 2nd server consolidation to 1 DE, 1 EN and 1 FR Server 1st quater of 2019 another Server consolidation 1 EU server left Yeah guess your rigth, game must be booming like hell... and jet nothing realy changed...
  3. When NC-Soft would decide to stop publishing BnS, the Devs are screwed, i dont think they have the ressources to publish the game by themself. This would mean they either find a new publisher who would take over BnS or they are done. Its the same in Gameindustry as in Musikindustry, either you play by the rules of the publisher / lable, or your Musik / Game wont make it to the market. As a developer your success or failure depends on the publisher and not the other way around.
  4. Ein weiterer der "Alten Garde" der das Handtuch schmeisst und quittet. Langsam wirds leer hier :( Machs gut und viel Glück, wo immer es dich hin verschlägt.
  5. The publisher is the one with the money and the power. Same like in the music industrie. Most musicans dont even own the rights for their work, they are owned by the labels. You want to to publish your work, you are need of a publisher, and he dictates the rules. Ill guess its not much of a difference in Asia. The one with the money got the power and dictates the rules. I have experienced this, when i was a scripting / modding moderator and betatester for a german developer. Well sure, the publisher didnt changed game content, at least as far as i know, but the publisher made a lot of decissions, for example releasing the game, even it wasnt realy ready for relase and a lot of bugs still nee to be fixed at this point. So when NC-Soft doesnt use their Power as a publisher to force the developers to fix things, its for sure NC-Softs fault when things didnt get fixed. The friendslist is a good example. Many people are affected by this bug vor 14+ month now and nothing happens. All NC-Soft does is putting of the affected players by cuntinusly claiming they are working on it.
  6. Thats what people requesting since release. Im not quite sure wether the moderators just tell us they forward our feedback to NC-Soft / Devs and they ignore it or wether our forum moderators ignore our feedback and dont even bother to forward it. But for sure there is a huge error in the communication line between Community <--> NC-Soft <--> Devs what even CEO Kim noticed. Lets see if things getting better, but i highly doubt it. From the first Anoncement of the Hae Mujin event players complainig about the newly introduced limit on oils / pet pouches and what do we get? Another event with limited oils / pet pouch. Seems like NC-Soft just dont care and try to get as much money as posible, while players still quitting. If this crap continues we will not see the upgrade to UE4, well at least i wont, cause after more than 3 years and over one year with a buggy friendslist showing 0/0 friends, i start loosing interest in this game.
  7. You know you contradict yourself? Everyone can create 3,4,5 and more chars, level them and use them to equip their main. So why i should be limited when i willing to spend the time and efford to do an event on multiple chars? Its your problem when you cant or just to lazy to invest the time to do an event on multiple chars. This limitation makeing Alts obsolet and people who spend a lot of time grinding through events will spend less time cause you dont get anything worth for your efford. This will cause less people doing the event dungeons, cause what for, i cant buy oils and the other crap i dont need. So ill do my daily on my main and maybe on one alt and thats it, spending 2 hours instead of 5 or 6 i usualy did when there was no limit. You still dont get it, the only reason they limit the amount of Oils / Pet Pouches is to force people to spend more money. Please go on explain that logic, Who will help that limitation? Anyway, when crap like this contine i soon wil be done with BnS and start looking for another game. Hire an Ark server instead of paying a not worth premium getting more and more attractive anyways
  8. Sure you dont need a lot of DPS, but anyway, solo content is partial way to hard. i know quite a lot of people who even struggle with master hong. You can salvage them for 1 Alpha coin, so thea are only worth 1 alphacoin and you should be able to buy them for that 1 Alpha coin, its only a breakthrough assessoir and you need at least 2 of them Of course its all about mechanic and skill management, but espacialy MAO is quite difficult for me as a range class. As i said, my own iframe kills me because it wil port me 8m behind Mao what will trigger the range check and when i dont iframe im dead too. Even the slightes mistake could and will kill you. I dont say its undoable but it is hard, and for some classes even harder then for other classes. And thats something they should consider when creating Solo Contend. Every solo contend is more meele friendly while most ranges have some problems meele classes dont have.
  9. You want a limitation, well in that case i demand i total limitation of obtainable oils to 5 per week per account INCLUDING oils from - Marketplace - Hongmoonstore - TROVE - RNG-Chests WTF is wrong with you? You are whinig about people grinding events on 2,3,...,11 chars taking advantage of those events. Funny thing, no one of you complain about not limiting the Oils / PetPouches in general. After every new stages introduced a friend had max soul, heart, amulett as soon as there is a trove / rng-box event, why not complainig here. Limiting items from events is beyond stupid. It might close the gap between players who only play one char and those with multiple chars, while the gap between cashers and casual players will skyrocket. I can imagin only 2 reasons why they introduced the limitation. 1. because the ancient weapon level is comming up soon, (thats why prices for oils and mats neede to craft oils are raising), and they dont want people raise the level to fast. And those Ancient Weapon Levels will for sure cost a ton of oils Well cahsers are not affected by this, they wil have max level as soon as the next trove will come in autum 2. they want to force people even more to spend money on their rip-off events. You Remeber the 3-Star Drop from last trove? But Yeah, keep defending a total useless limitation that will just increase the gap between casuals and casher. When i cant farm my stuff in a reasonable time (and a few years are not reasonable to catch up with cashers) i have to look for another game and im not the only one consifering cancel my premium and went on to another game. Maybe i should go back to Ark Survival. Its time NC-Soft start rethinking when they want to stay at the western market. I just borrow it from @Ren36 source: https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/246405-what-do-you-think-of-our-publisher-feedback/?do=findComment&comment=2067040 At the moment NC-Soft continue doing the exact opposite and continueing taking the wrong steps... tick, tick, tick, you hear that? the clock is ticking... Oh and by the way, SCS-Soft just showed how to keep players interested in an awfull way. 1. They created a new Tuning DLC (Goodyear Tires) for Euro Truck Simulator 2. They advertised it at World Of Trucks telling the DLC will only be released when 300.000 deliveries of Goodyear tires are made in ETS. 3. everyone who deliver at least 10 deliveries got a.) the DLC for free (worth 2.99 EURO) and b.) a few cabin assessoirs 4. Those who didnt finish their 10 deliverys befor the goal was reached had ~2 days bonustime to finish the "quest" and still get the DLC and Assessoirs It only took a few Days from announcing the DLC until it finaly was released They have events of that kind on a regular base, at christmas time you could get christmas paintjobs for your truck for free (worth 1.99EURO) by delivering christmas presents and so on. What do we get at christmas? TROVE... and 2017 we they dont even bother to add a christmas decoration like the did in 2016 and due to the shitstorm again in 2018 I dont even want my stuff for free, but dont cut / limit my oprotunities to farm my stuff in a reasonable time...
  10. Where is the Problem with RT? Its an easy dungeon doable even with crap alts. Do you have another selection then i do? Except for the Outfit Chest its the same you get in every event Yeah, one of my alts misses the enragetimer by ~15 seconds and i realy would like to have the wings on it, but: 1. Those realy smart devs thought it would be a good idea to hide the damn, weapon tha could help, behind a 10 kill archivment of stage 4 2. to make it even more worse they got the absolut fantastic idea to limit rewards, yay, something we always needed and wanted. Yeah due to a decreasing playerbase NC-Soft must ensure to get their money, Next will be a nerf of the evolved stone droprate. Did i mention the Ancient Weapon Level the introduced in Asia, Another piece that will need tons of oils as its not enough you already need over 1100 oils for our current gear. Hey NC-Soft, why not limit oils to 1 per week per account or even better, remove them from events [/zynism] Surprise surprice, next event will have the same Hae Mujin Outfit chest Wouldnt expect any different from you since you celebrate every crap NC-Soft does. Also why we need a level between Players with one char and players with multiple chars? How about a level between players with an unlimited creditcard and casual players? Why do they need to limit my abillity (which everyone have btw) to farm my stuff on multiple chars while casher still can buy everythng they need? Make sense doesnt it? Oh and the most desireble cosmetic is hidden behind a 30 kill archivent of stage 4 and there are still way to many people who cant beat stage 4, just to remind you ;) These limits already frustrated the majority of the playerbase (to tell it the nice way) The reputation of BnS / NC-Soft is not the best and they are not realy working to improve it. Keep adding such crap like limits will cause more players to quit amd at the moment it feels like NC-Soft is working very hard and do everything to ruin BnS completly so the can shut down the EU/NA servers
  11. As far as i remember the need of 100 HH runs for king gloves was reduced to 10 before Imerial Gloves where introduced. Anyway BC is not a hard or complicated dungeon, imho its a quite easy and fast doable dungeon even when you are "only" VT geared. You can do it easy with a 1200ap group, you just have to do the mechanic more often ;) The droprate of the Gloves is close to not existent, i got mine only because of the 100 Run archivment and without this i would have given up. Meanwhile i have 200 Runs BC and havent seen any glove dropping. Regarding the 2 Mao Gloves you need to upgrade: What the hell NC-Soft thought about this? 1. BnS is a massive multiplayer game, so why we have solo dungeons at all? 2. Why the droprate is so damn low. Saw a posting here where a poor guy had 150 Mao kills and not a single glove (personaly i would have quit the game). This item is a freaking Breakthrough Item, not a legendary OP-Item. Well ok you can salvage the glove for an alpha coin, but is this needed at all? Increase the freaking Droprate, dont give an alpha coin when you salvage the glove, instead add a chance to drop a coin. Problem solved. 3. even Breakthrough items needed for TT Ring/Earring are dropping in nearly every freaking run. 4. Increase the droprate of alphacoin fragments to the rate it was at the beginning of June. Realy makes me want to quit game cause with your ninja nerf i now need aprox twice as much runs on my alt then i needed on my main. This nerf is an extrem unfair disadvantage for those who now start farming their stuff cause they need way longer than players who did it befor june. 5. When you need to add solo dungeons, create them fair for every class. While some classes can easy kill solobosses (especialy meele classes) its much harder for other classes. Dont know how many times i got killed by mao, when i start farming her, cause my iframe took me 8m behind her and i was to far away -> instant charge -> aircombo -> dead, realy nice when your own iframes kills you instead of protecting you. At least give rangeclasses some time to get back into meele range instead of instant trigger that god damned rangecheck.
  12. Personaly i dont like the preformance but i consider the game still playable, what doesnt mean they shouldnt optimize it asap. Ignoring the community it a much bigger problem in my opinion. - Clan-PVP times - PVP-ballance - Matchmaking on Battleground (its nice to have a mostly bronce team and get matched against a most gold team losing 1800:0) - Droprates (espacialy mao gloves and the ninja nerf of alphacoin fragments dropping from boss 1 and 2) on guy posted he had 150 mao kills and not a single glove, WTF NC-Soft???? - continusly ignoring the request for moonstons farmable outside of PVP - hiding items behind paywalls (Gems / Oils) without making them farmable in a reasonable amount of time - realy bad rng with unity stones - missing or wrong informations in patchnotes these are only a few point comming up regular in the forum since i play or since they are introduced and most of them never get adressed or commented by our communitymanagers
  13. @Cohen das ist mir schon klar, Mein Beitrag bezüglich der dynaischen IPs sollte hier auch lediglich mögliche Probleme mit der Nutzung automatisierter Blacklisten aufzeigen. War vielleicht nicht ganz ersichtlich. Hätte ich vielleicht dazu schreiben sollen. Was die Server der kostenlosen Mailprovider wie web.de, gmx, und wie sie alle heissen angeht, die landen recht regelmäßig auf diversen Blacklisten. Als ich noch bei der Telekom war, hatte ich regelmäßig IP-Adressen die auf diversen Blacklisten standen, was oft zu geblockten Emails und anderen Problemen führte.
  14. The link, or even better the whole guide, should be implemented in the game Good Job
  15. Well from my experience, in the last 3 years i play BnS, it looks like something went terribly wrong in the communication line Community <--> Publisher <--> Developer. Many good ideas, many requests and suggestions went lost in the Forum-Nirvana while you never heard anything about them. Just an example Clan-PVP. Since Clan-PVP was introduced people complain about the times. For German people Clan-PVP start at 10PM and goes to 12AM during middle eurropean summer time. Ill guess frensh players are also affected. but nothing ever happend, as far as i remember not even a note from our communitymanagement that this problem is forwarded to the publisher / Dev's. I dont know where the Problem was / is since our Communitymanager / Forum Moderators at least on some of those threads stated they will forward it to the Development Team, but thats all you ever heard. I dont know if its fair to blame Liinxy for a failure in this communication line, it never is a single persons fault. So if CEO Kim realy is serious about his statement the first thing he should do is make sure this communication line work and overall work in both directions. So when there are suggestions there should be a feedback.
  16. You sure we are still talking about BnS? When i do daily i spend 3-4 times more time in F8 finding a group (even with lfp or for Dialy Quest dungeons) then actually in the dungeon itself. Usualy it takes me ~1 hour for Yehoran, Hong, HM, CS and the 4 random Dialy Dungeons, where most time is lost by finding a group and i usualy use LFP up to TSM. I only recruit for DST and higher
  17. Well an acountbound but untradeable verion of PTS, craftable with crystals, would be nice but ill guess PVP players would cry like hell caus it will lower the price for moonstones. Ill guess NC-Soft will never do that cause they want to force people do PVP under all circumstances, thats why you get Moonstones only from PVP. Regarding the scared orbs, yes the price raised from aprox. 90 Silver to about 1.5 Gold but anyway, you get aprox. 60-70% of the scared crystals you used to buye keys back from opening the chests. You also get quite a lot of elysian orbs and Evolved Stones which you can sell. while i agree that dungeons should be more profitable, even a double rate in hardmode wont make people run more hardmodes. Last time they tried to make hardmode more attractive they added BT and VT soulshields which no one who do HM realy need. The only reason to run hardmode are the psyche to upgrade stats off your assessouirs and maybe the AP-Archivments, But even those are now mostly obtainable in NM. Merchant of Wonder is a joke, TT 8 Soulshield 1150 Gold. I wouldnt even pay that price when the Soulshield is save max stats with crit and accuracy. We are not in Korea where people ran around with 50k+ gold. F8 is empty cause 1. there is nothing valuabel to obtain from dungeons 2. even veterans start getting tired to do the same crap every day over and over again getting their inventory spammed with crap no one realy need DST even a 1600AP group can burst down the boss skipping the mechanic BC could be easy done with 1200-1300AP when you know the mech wich isnt that hard btw. I did it with my aransu 3 Gunner and holding 400-500k dps BTW: my Main have 200+ runs BC and i never saw the gloves dropping WC also should be doable with ~1300-1400AP and mech is quit easy When you need mats to upgrade your stuf you can do MSP on weekends. Well ok without a good distraction you risk heavy brain damage by slowly killing your braincells because of boredom, but it works watching a good movie while doing msp ^^ As a bonus you can even farm a decent TT soulshield set btw. as far as i know you dont even ned the kill archivment anymore to buy SS1-8 The preformance issue is more how they did the translation of our client. See Point 1, you will get aprox 60-70% of the used scared orbs for buying keys back from the chests you open. You also get quite a lot of elysian orbs and evolved stones. Well i know NC-Soft love to ninja-nerf droprates, but for evolved stones i cant confirm it. Prices for Evolved stones didnt raise because of a droprate nerf, its because Asia get or already got the Ancient Weapon Level where you can increase the stats of your weapon and soul like you can do with psyche for accessoirs, but you cant farm the items to upgrade the stats, you need (who could guess) oils for upgrading it. Thats why evolved stones getting more expensive, cause people start farming and getting a stock of them to craft oils. Well to get triangle golden Gems is quite easy, but yeah i agree, without cashing its very hard to get even one square, let alone 8 of them. Well i dont think they should be account bound, let alone the the time ou would need to send them via mail with only 3 slots per mail LoL But they should adjust the RNG rate of transforming them. till today i didnt even transfor one sucessfully to a violet one. I even used on violet and 7 blue and got a blue one :S So the RNG is more than crap. Give us a way better chance to sucessfully transform them and the system would be ok in my opinion. Also it wouldnt help much cause on on char you might need more stones with accuracy while on another char you need more with crit, so its ok to have a set for each char.
  18. Ich denke das Angeln ist einer der besten Beispiele dafür, das NC Soft überhaupt kein interesse daran hat, uns vernünftige Farmmöglichkeiten zu geben. Kann man in Korea 400 Perlen gegen Moonstone und Elysian Crystals tauschen und 40 gegen Soulstone / scared crystals, bekommen wir nur Kostüme, mit denen man eigentlich nichts Anfangen kann. Wäre es wenigstens das komplette Set der Berufe wäre es noch Sinnvoll um den Erfolg zu bekommen. @Baskerville hat zum Thema Angeln hier etwas geschrieben: Die Aussage allein sagt alles und zeigt sehr gut, wieviel NC-Soft daran liegt, uns etwas vernünftiges zu geben. Weiteres Beispiel: Vermächtnis der Bestien, Statt die Bosse da mal was vernünftiges droppen zu lassen während man 10Mio mal für den Handschuh da durch muss, wird man zum Naryusilber Multimiliardär. Problem nur, kein Mensch braucht Naryu Silber. Gut man braucht mal 5 Silber für nen Schmuckstück des Wurzelstamms für nen Durchbruch aber das wars auch schon. Der Größte Witz dann "Wir von NC-Soft, in unsere grenzenlosen Großzügigkeit haben uns entschieden die Hardmodes interessanter für euch zu machen" und haben BT / VT Soulshields im Hardmode als seltenen Drop eingefügt. Problem nur, die Leute, für die es Interessant gewesen wäre, hätte keiner in den HArdmode mitgenommen. NC-Soft entfernt mal eben den Schwarzwyrm und die Schrecken aus den Nebelwäldern (die konnten Seelengebundene Steine droppen) um einige Wochen später in ihrer grenzenlosen Großzügigkeit zu verkünden, sie haben weitere "zuverlässige" Quelle für Seelengebundene Steine ins Spiel eingefügt, nämlich die Bosse im Becken. 1. totale Verarschung weil nicht mehr Quellen vorhanden da vorher schon eine Quelle entfernt wurde. 2. noch eine Verarschung weil als zuverlässige Quelle angekündigt. Zuverlässig heisst für mich garantierter Drop und nicht eine 0,000001%tige Chance auf ein Drop. Würden die Bremsen meines Autos so zuverlässig sein, wie all die als zuverlässig angekündigten Quellen für diverse Mats, hätte bereits meine erste Fahrt bestenfalls in der Notaufnahme geendet. Hier gab es in den 3 Jahren in denen ich spiele so viele Vorschläge, Anregungen, Wünsche die angeblich sogar an die Devs weitergegeben wurden. Leider verfehlen unsere Communitymanager allerdings ihren Job, denn die Kommunikation läuft, wenn überhaupt, nur in eine Richtung und all die ganzen Vorschläge, Anregungen, Wünsche sind im Forennirvana verschwunden ohne jemals wieder von Seiten NC-Soft etwas darüber gehört zu haben. Zumindest habe ich hier nie irgend ein Feedback zu einem der Threads gelesen, mal abgesehen vom obligatorischen "Wir haben euer Feedback weitergegeben", und selbst das blieb bei vielen der Threads aus. Wen wundert es da, das von ehemals 12 EU Servern nur noch einer übrig ist?
  19. Woah Schneesturzhöhle mit 200-300 AP und voller Mechanik? Damit währen unsere Whales mit Sicherhet total überfordert xD Da müsste man ja CCen und die Pilze kloppen und die Kugeln in die Eisflächen werfen um sie aufzulösen, damit der Yeti die nicht absorbiert und die Gruppe wiped. viel zu viel mechanik [/zynismus]
  20. ... and be aware that BT gear is now considered at as low / starter gear. People comming out of the story nowadays start with BT alternative weapon at stage 3 and you can farm BT gear even without doing BT.
  21. Viele deutsche Internet Service Provider nutzen noch dynamische IPs, heisst man hat alle paar Stunden/Tage eine Zwangstrennung und bekommt eine neue IP zugewiesen. Die Telekom hat / hatte z.B. alle 24 Stunden eine Zwangstrennung vorgenommen, andere Provider, wie z.B. meiner, alle 12 Stunden (mittlerweile geändert auf 1-2mal pro Woche) Da kann es leider passieren, das man schon mal eine IP zugewiesen bekommt die vorher jemand hatte, dessen PC mit Maleware verseucht ist und z.B. zum versenden von Spam-Mails, oder als ferngesteuertert "Zombie" für DDos Angriffe, missbraucht wurde und daher auf diversen Blacklisten gelistet ist. Wenn man solche Blacklisten einsetzt, sollte man zumindest den Betroffenen sagen, das ein Ban aufgrund eines Blacklist Eintrags erfolgt ist und den Ban dann auch entsprechend aufheben. Wie gesagt, aufrudn der dynamischen IPs ist nicht immer der augenblickliche inhaber einer IP auch der Verursacher des Blacklist-Eintrags.
  22. Frei Übersetzt: Um das Problem, das du hast, zu beheben folge den folgenden Schritten 1. Lösche die Datei "00028826.upk" im Verzeichnis: C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSOFT\BnS\contents\Local\NCWEST\ENGLISH\CookedPC Anmerkung: Wenn du BnS auf einem anderen Laufwerk installiert hast, musst du den Pfad anpassen 2. Logge dich im Launcher ein 3. Starte das Spiel ohne einen Dateiscan Danach sollte der Fehler behoben sein Anmerkung2: Die Datei heisst 00028826.upk, der Support hat eine 0 im Dateinamen vergessen ;) Hoffe es hilft.
  23. Close to not existant. Somewhere here in the forum someone had 150 Mao kills and didnt get a single glove. The glove is a freaking Breakthrough assessouir and you need 2 of them, but instead of giving the bosses a chance to drop a Alpha coin NC-Soft decided to make the glove salvageabel for a coin and set the droprate to extremly low, what is beyond stuipid. Even breakthrough assessoirs for TT ring and Earring is dropping in nearly every run while people struggle to get the freaking gloves. They should at least add them to the merchant making them buyable and since it worth 1 alpha coin you should be able to buy it for 1 alpha coin Anyway, i got 3 from boss 1 and 1 from boss 2 but none from Mao so far, but dont ask me how many runs it took
  24. Well i play since May 2016 and i never earned 15-20k and tons of materials every month, else i would have 4-sided gilded gems, max soul, heart, amulette and even would be able to buy an ET run instead joining a raidgroup and do it every week for my gear. I spend hours of farming Mao for my glove and necklace because of the freaking low droprates. I have spend many weekends in MSP up to 7,8,9 hours a day to max my Soulshields and farm materials, so please tell me, where do i get the tons of materials for just standing araound and dancing in jadestone doing nothing? But yeah, when i just have to swipe my creditcard to get a good Soul / Heart, i can lean back and enjoy a lazy live... You always forget one thing, we are by now just 3-4 month behind Asia, the next Raid is already announced in Asia and Asia had a headstart of over 3 years, or in other words, we had 3+ years less time to get to the same gear as Asia.
  25. There always have been leechers regardless of events or not and personaly i havent seen a rising amount of leechers due to special events. neither at the Tower of Memories nor at the Fishing-Event. Oh wait, are you are talking about alts with less than 1600AP that are bold enough to queue for dailys? Well ok with that opinion i can see why you are talking about leeching. Funny, we start doing TSM in Hardmode when it was introduced, befor we got the Awakening patch and with aprox. 1100 AP. Up To TSM you can do every dungeon with a 1100-1200 ap group without any problems and in a decent time. Even DST is doable with an 1100AP group, but yeah you cant burst down the boss, you have to do mechanics. Oh Wait, most whales dont know how to do mech. The Poharan event with equalized Stats where a good example. Never laughed so hard to see max gear players failing hard, wiping and giving up The community is toxic because of those elitist who need 1800+AP full TT-Gear to do Dungeons nerved to oblivion or even freaking MSP, who cant do any mechs and have hillarious requirements even for the lowest dungeons. Im a full tt-geared FM and i dont know how many times i had to tank because freaking BMs, KFMs or Wardens weith same or beter gear and aggro skills cant tank and doing 500k dps. My favorit was a HM 13 Warden with raven 9 wo tanked agains a GC6 full TT- Warden with 4 sided gilded gems cause this dude didnt dealt any damage nor could hold aggro with his gear. Guess the TT-geared warden was only good at creditcard anicancel ;) The HM13 put 25 point in aggro asked me to give him a headstart and tanked the whole dungeon. LoL just one Example of a much better Alt than Main ;) Instead of complaining about alts, which somtimes are even better than some mains, learn the mech and overall how to play your class. (General, not personal statement) In my opinion they can equalize the stats in every freaking dungeon, reintroduce removed mech and force players to do the mech instead of braindead bursting everything down. Events of this kind destroying the game. The last event people already where frustrated, NC-Soft didnt learn from their mistakes and do another event again gateing a desireable Cosmetic behind a DPS-Wall and also limit the Oils you can get (what frustrates even high geared players like me), another event of this kind and people wil start quitting the game. How many more players we can loose, before BnS comes to an end like MxM? But Yeah, keep defending these ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
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