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Merlin DE

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Everything posted by Merlin DE

  1. Well i was not talking about the solo contend in the old areas, i was talking about dungeons like blackram narrows, Tomb in cinderlands, Dukomo, Blackram Supply chain in moonwater and so on. Ill guess with the gear you get while playing through the story you cant solo these dungeons. If you would still need to do them you would have a problem at all ;) Anyway its sad to see all these most times beautifull created areas and dungeons abandoned. I loved Supply chain and Asura, Nexus, shattered masts and even desolate tomb and the mechanics there. If someone would create a "retro" server with content befor they introduced Normal/Hardmode and removed good old 4 player veteran groups i would say good bye NC-Crap i play the game at a state where it still was fun and overall woth worth playing it ;)
  2. Well while i would agree on xml-edits and afk players, i dont realy know why you want people get banned for Accountsharing. Thats nothing anyone would harm and its done on your own risk. Just an example, quite some time ago a friend asked me to repleace his FM at VT / SK cause he cant participate due to private things. I already had an ID from my own raid so i couldnt replace him with my FM. So he asked me if i could play his FM, so the raid will have a FM and dont need to look for some random guys. I agreed, he got his quest, the raid got an experienced FM and everyone was happy, ho harm done.
  3. you are 2.5 years late mate. Thats what we had when the game was released. We had an upgradeable weapon and assessouirs from the start and had to spam every dungeon from blackram narrows at viridian cost upwards. NC-Soft removed the upgradeable weapon and assessouirs long time ago and with the removal of those items the need for the lower dungeons was gone. Thats sad in on case cause some dungeons where realy cool, on the other hand they had to remove it cause there are way to less players especialy in the lower ranks. Viridian Cost, Cinderland, Moonwater, and even Silverfrost (except Zaiwei) is mostly abandoned. When there is no new class, you can walk through these areas for days, without ever meeting another player and you wont find any partyies to do the lower dungeons. Poeple want more farming opportunities and variety, thats why i saiy lets reuse old dungeons, maybe from Asura upwards. add the removed mech again, pimp the boss HP and make them worth to be cleared again. Or use them as challange dungeon, like the poharan event. Add the mech again, give players fixed stats and make it more rewarding to do these challange dungeons. Either way, those dungeons would have a use, other than just wasting diskspace, again
  4. Das Problem ist, das NC-Soft sich langsam fragen müsste, ob sich die Entwicklung einer UE4 version des Spiels für die westliche region noch lohnt, denn wenn sie weiter machen wie bisher, werden zum Release der UE4 nicht mehr genug Spieler Da sein. Die Resultate der letzten patches hat man deutlich gesehen. Mein ET-Raid hat sich aufgelöst weil zu viele leute das Spiel schon zum release des Archers verlassen haben, TT sieht nicht anders aus aber icht leichter mit neuen Spielern zu ersetzen. Unser Raid war nicht der einzige, ich weiss von mehreren Freunden, das es in ihren Raids nicht besser aussieht. Der Jetzige Patch, bei denen uns NC-Soft wieder einmal nach Strich und Faden verarscht hat, hat weitere Spieler zum aufhören bewegt. Über kurz oder lang werden auch die Whales das zu spüren bekommen. Spätestens wenn ihre Raids den Bach runter gehen werden auch die anfangen zu überlegen ob sich das spiel noch lohnt.
  5. Well these problems are handmade and seems to be intended. In the past we also need quite a lot of materials but we got way more dungeons to get our stuff, including gold. With just one char you could do dungeons like awakend necro, lair of fronzen fang, asura, nexus, stattered masts, glomdross, desolate tomb, ebondrake liar, naryu foundry, naryu sanctum and not only got mats from the dynamic / daily quest but also with from the boss drop itself, which went to auction. So you either could get some money or bid on the mats. Now with every new dungeon 2,3,4 older dungeons get materialdrops removed and gold reward nerved, making it useless to run. Instead of nerving older content and remove mats, make them valuable again. Increase the boss HP add the mechanics again and let player do these dungeons again to get some mats. Ill guess most players would be thankfull for some variety instead of running the same 3,4 duungens over and over again. This way you could make old content usefull again instead of just wasting space on the harddrive. At the current state of the game you could remove every dungeon below starstone mine and no one would even notice. Adding even more and new materials would just cause more mess with already extrem limited storage space. (Obsidian, Silver, Onyx and the new fragments / scales are just an example) Add Material Chests to the Boss loot, when i do CC and see the loot i dont know if i should laugh or cry, thats redicolous, sometimes you have just i item, the new scale fragments. No one realy need the Material chest for crafting guilds, but everyone need common mats for upgrades. Making mats available at boss loot auctions would also increase the goldflow again But why im typing ths wall of text? NC-Soft dont give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ anyways, like they always did...
  6. NC-Soft react with: Yay! mission succesfully acomplished!
  7. It not the first time they did bullshit like this. I remeber the first time they reduced upgrade costs for the fist Light / Dark legendary weapon, the one you got when upgrading the old Hongmoon-Weapon (its not in the game anymore). You needed another upgraded Hongmoon weapon for the breakthrough from stage 2 to stage 3 (or was it 3 to 4, dont remember) Many players bought another hongmoon weapon and start upgrading it, so they could upgrade their Legendary weapon after patch. Sadly NC-Soft doenst take patchnotes serious and (intentionaly) forgot to inform that you dont need the upgraded Waepon anymore and that it would be replaced by the Asura-Weapon. Many people bought Monnwater keys in F10 with N-Coins to upgrade the hongmoon weapon you needed. After patch we all where shoked to se we dont need this weapon anymore for a breakthrough. Well Support offered to change the upgreaded weapon to the newly needed but most of us already had this weapon in our storage anyway. Support denied to refund the wasted Materials / Gold and even to refund Money / N-coins spend to buy chests. They also excused it with misscommunication, but since they also refused to refund Money / N-Coins for bought Moonwater Keys (which where only available from F10 at this time) i still call it intentional comercial Fraud. (if it wasnt intentional and just a mistake, they would at least have refunded the money people lost due to their incompetence) see above, they wont give a crap about what we demanding and wont care at all They always screew up the playerbase one way or the other since game was released I hope you have enough food / water in storage cause else you would starve to death befor you get an statement. They will do what they always do, silence every problem to death until it went to oblivion. At its best they just come up with some half-hearted apologies, no one realy believes
  8. Well even its just another stealthy increas of costs, it is the last thing i worry about. A much higher impact had the changes they did to the transformationstones and overall now needed materials for upgrading the weapon. 1. you now need more materials and get 11 less Transformationstones (24 instead of 35) Price for Transformationstones went up by over 60% great job NC-Soft 2. you need a hell of a lot transformation stones to upgrade the weapons, what make upgrading even more expensive then before, where we needed Premium transformation stones. I have crafted a few PTS to upgrade my alt to Aransu 9, since i was stupid enough to belive the bullshit NC-Soft has published befor the patch was relased. Well these PTS are now useless, cause i need normal transformationstones and even selling the PTS wont cover the costs to buy the needed Transformationstones since their price is skyrocketing and my mats, i could use to craft them where used to craft PTS So Yeah thanks a lot again NC-Soft. ... Internal misscommunication and wrong documentation ... that seems to be a very common problem and the playerbase always have to pay for your freaking bullshit
  9. Yeah a grind where more and more material supplys got reduced over time. and because of the realy good material supply we have this is the result i have craftet 4 PTS after NC-"We love to lie to out player"Soft released the Upgrade "reduction" sheet to upgrade my alt. well now i dont need this PTS and the mats i would need to craft TS are gone for the PTS crafting, yeah. Even selling the PTS wouldnt nearly compensate te loss of material and gold
  10. Well introducint account bound transformation stones craftable with crystals wont solve much of the problem as long as we dont get valuable farming spots. while the need for meaterials constantly increases the supply keep the same or even is lowered. Back in time we had a lot of dungeons where we could farm mats. nearly every dungeon from purple train gave a material chest from the field quest and even the boss dropped material chests that went into the auction. So you either could bid on the chest or made a little bid of money. It all was removed and now we have just 3 or 4 dungeons left where you could get some mats. MSP is not realy worth farming anymore since sacred orbs are way to expensive. to open the chests of 1 weekend run you need 24 orbs worth between 48 and 60 gold on EU. If you dont get a few evolved stones its a huge loss. Even you get a few sacred orbs from the chest it wont compensate when you are unlucky with the drops. So without adding new and overall valuable farmingspots adding accountbound transformationstones wont help much
  11. Wow 1 Moonstone, 3 Elysian orbs and 3 Soulstones which are btw only an rng drop from the daily quest reward chest after finisching 4 dailys. Last week i got exactly 4 moonstones doing my daily on 2 chars. I also had quite a few days where i did complete purpletrain from IF up to BC and didnt even got a single moonstone crystal. So i wouldnt consider Dailys as a valuable source for Materials. Basin i hear you say? Oh yeah farming peaches. Last time i did this i bought 100 pouches and got 22 moonstone crystals. MSP? well thats at least a little bit valuable, thers only one Problem, you need 8 Keys to open the chest for 1 run at weekends 2 for stage 4, 2 for stage 5 and 4 for stage 6 Thats 8x3 = 24 sacred orbs worth about 2-2.5 gold each = 48-60 Gold. If you dont get at least 2-3 Evolved stones its more a loss
  12. Well if its true, maybe you can explain why about 90% of our feedback seems to be ingnored and silenced to death? Clan PVP: Since Clanpvp was introduced, people complain about the beginning of Clan-PVP during the european DaySafeTime since in many European Countries KlanPVP starts at 10PM and ends at 12 AM which is quite late for people who have to work the other day. It would be easy to change but no Change, no Responce why it wont be changed, nothing Battelground Matchmaking: People requesting a better matchmaking for Battelground since PVP-Gear was introduced. Never any changes nor any response. Oh well sorry ther where some changes, the more people quit pvp, the bigger the possible difference in ranking betwen the groups where made. So now you can have a group with an average of 1320 points and can get matched against groups with an avareage with way above 1400 so you find a match overall Reworking the ranking for Arena so that not one person can occupie the fist 8-12 Classrank for a single class. I remeber times where one person appeared in the top 20 with 8 FMs, same for other classes Reworking the battlesystem of arena so you not alread lost half of your HP befor you even can act. Last time with my old PC i went to Arena and when the battle starts my screen got bright again and i already have been in an aircombo lost 3/4 of my HP. Many people complained about this and suggested to place players on the field and start a battletimer simmilar to TOI for example many other PVP related suggestions and complains Result, istead of listening to the players you decided to limit times when pvp can be done cause to many pvp players quited Constant requests for valuable farming points for materials. No one want to get things on a silverplate but we want some decent farmig oportunities where you can farm your stuff in a reasonable amount of time constant complains about the Mao Glove which is just a freaking break throug item but for many much harder to obtain then the gloves itself because of the poor droprate could be solved by adding the glove (wich you need 2 times btw) to the merchant, obtainable for 1 or 2 Mao Tokens many other complains / suggestions wich were hushed up until they got into oblivion Maybe you can also explain, when you are listening to us, as you claim, and appreciate our feedback, why NC-soft continue keep making "mistakes" they should know the community will rage about? And tbh, there have been a lot of mistakes, frankly in ever patch they did in the last few month. I saw a lot of complains in my nearly 4 years, but never so many in such a short time. So either you dont listen to the community, or you just dont care what we want. No offense, but after nearly 4 years seeing the same shity phrases over and over again while never something realy changed, who you think will still take you serious?
  13. As a GC9 fully tt-geared player im also not directly affected, at least at the moment, untill i get my ET weaponmaterial. But im indirectly affected. 1. i saw my ET raid breaking apart cause of pissed players left the game and had to find a new one. Even i now have a new raid, i only got this spot cause a friend left the raid and suggested me to fill his spot. 2. my TT raid doenst look much better, we have to find 4-5 players every week to substitude players who lost interest and dont play regular So every week we have to deal with players who are not "work" like a well-rehearsed team, some even need to learn the mech 3. Even o VT which is quite old and nerfed content you can still sell runs or be unlucky with random groups not clearing it So in one or the other way we are all affected by the bullshit NC-Soft did in the last 2,3 month directly or indirectly. Especialy for new and lower geared players thi patch had a disastrous impact. They will have even more problems to gear up what will cause more frustration along those players
  14. Well if you consider running msp untill your brain died from boredom, spending all your sacred orbs to buy keys to open the chests of stage 4, 5 and 6 while mostly not even get mats worth the value of the sacred orbs in return, yeah, guess your right, they are not that hard to get. Last time i checked, sacred orbs where worth 2gold ++ so at its best you use orbs worth 12 gold to open 1 Longgui stage 6 chest. If you dont drop an evolved stone you made a huge loss. Running Dungeons is not much better since you mostly only get crystals. Tradeable materials needed for crafting are quite limited . So no one realy benefits from a decreased crafting time let alone from increased materials and decreased outcome like they did with transformation stones, which you coincidencely need a lot more now... And dont tell me it wasnt forseable that this would increase costs a lot instead of decreasing it Last time i went to battleground i hit on some whales with max pvpgear, unity rank and 700k++ HP and nearly impossible to kill, even in low bronce ranking. Meanwhile even my dragonforge 9 pvp-weapon, nova core SS and some pvp accessoirs are pretty useless agains those whales. So yeah farming moonstones on Battleground is a quite good idea and just "a little bit harder", especialy for lower geared / new players. Have fun getting wrecked. Maybe because most players need the materials, to upgrade their PVE Weapon, to at least partial keep up with the contend? Maybe because the devs are either insane, dont know their game or have a strange kind of humor to announce a cost reduction and drastical increase the cost instead? A big part of the playerbase is not even TT ready, let alone ET ready. You can even still sell VT-Runs, and you request people to upgrade pvp items, while they still struggle to upgrade their PVE stuff? What the hell is wrong with you? You are that type that would still sink on their knees, bow and praise NC-Soft even when the announce the server shutdown
  15. Dont ask for a producers letter, the next one probably announce the shut down of western servers due to to many players leaving the game. At least when NC-Soft continue spitting in the faces of their players like they dind in the last 2-3 month ;)
  16. Das wird keine 2-3 Jahre mehr dauern. Wenn NC-Soft mit der Geschwindigkeit weiter macht die Spieler zu verarschen ist das Spiel den Bach runter noch bevor UE4 in Korea rauskommt. Bei der Geschwindigkeit mit der NC-Soft den Spielern ins Gesicht spuckt kann man schon fast davon ausgehen, daß dies gezielt gemacht wird um sich die Entwicklung einer UE4 West Version zu sparen. Dad Spiel geht den Bach runter also lieber ganz zerstören und sich die Entwicklungskosten einer west version sparen.
  17. Premium is already canceled and I'm glad i had a monthly Abo and wasn't that stupid to pay for 3 month or one year in advance. As long as they think they could screw the player base over and over again they won't see a single penny from me
  18. AFAIK you can sacrifice the higher tier of the guild materials to get the lower tiers.
  19. Because Salesmen / Manager who know their job would start thinking when they did a mistakte, that caused lost of customers (Players, Premiummembers) and would think how to get them back. Not NC-Soft. NC-Soft thinks oh damn, we earned a shitstorm amd lost customers but who cares, lets do it again and again and again...
  20. Quelle: wers glaubt wird seelig, selten so gelacht...
  21. Buahahahahaha PMSL you are freaking seriuos? NC-Soft already did a lot of Bullshit but increasing the price for upgrades wihle reducing the Gold and material Income and then telling us it was intended and just a misscommunication? Everyone who have at least one intact braincell should know that these changes will have a deep impact on the econemy of the game and would increase upgrade costs drasticaly. Do NC-Soft even know their freaking game or are they just insane? WTF is wrong with your management, when you want to get rid of BnS in the western region shut down the servers already, but stop messing around with your customers who pay your ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing monthly sellary. How far you wanna go befor the last player leave and how much more you want to ruin your reputiation and trustwothyness? Nevermind there is not much left anyway. Hey @Cyan This would have been at least a "funny" excuse for the bullshit NC-Soft did: Children of Bodom - Oops, i did it again...
  22. At the german Forum Baskerville wrote Something about fishing after the questeion came up why we have a different version than korea where you also can buy materials (soulstone / moonstone / sacred and elysian crystals). source: Basically he said: Nope there wont be any significant changes regarding fishing in the foreseeable future. As a reason he mentioned the different buissness models between asia and western region and the different market behavior Since i was to lazy to translate the whole test by myself, here is a google translate translation: So yeah, giving western player the opportunity to buy Moonstone / Elysian Crystals for 400 and Soulstone / Sacred crystals for 10 pearls each would totaly ruin the market in the western region ... Dont know whether i should laugh or cry about such nonsens The changes of the crafting system even made the option to buy outfits from crafting guildes total unnecessary. At long last, fishing is just another waste of Diskspace on your harddrive cause now it would be even faster to level a guild and craft the outfit, then to collect the incredible amount of pearls you need to buy them. You need to level the Guild anyway, since you only get parts of the nessesary outfits you need for the archivment.
  23. How long do you play? Thats exactly what thes did since the game was released, why they should change their behavior now? Everything works as intended and expected. Zynisma aside, they have to to consult the management for how they should react and what they should write wich takes time. Maybe we will get some statements in a few days or they again do what they can do best, keep silent and wait for the shitstorm to calm down, after that continue with buissness like usual andthink about how they could freak out the community even more
  24. Normal thinking Salesmen / Management: Damn we made a huge mistake, pissed of our customers and lost customers and money, we should think twice what we do next and should listen to our customers befor we loose even more of them and more money. NC-Soft Salesmen / Management: We made a huge mistake, pissed of our customers and lost customers and money. Hell lets do it again and lets do it even more worse for our customers!!!
  25. This Event and overall its rewards are just naced scorn and another slap into the face of the community LoL
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