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Merlin DE

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Everything posted by Merlin DE

  1. 1. dont be afraid asking for help for example in fraction chat. Just ignore those who make jokes or talking stupid. There are still some kind and helpfull players out there 2. as Cor already said, up to "The Shadowmoore" you usualy dont need mech in normalmode anymore. Just press LFP in F8. Most time you will be lucky and find a decent group 3. To learn mechanics for the higher dungeons, Raids and Weeklys Challange-Raids check out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdZ_vbPUXSCg1p2nHeFad3Q Eckogen does realy good guides on BnS.
  2. Sadly i only could give one like Thats exactly what im thinking about events of this kind. This event is just braindead dps-ing the boss (like most content after it got nerfed to ground) and overall hidden behind a DPS-Wall still excluding the majority of playerbase.
  3. Did i ever, with just a single word, mentioned that i only did Boss 1 and 2? Not that i know about. I was talking about the droprates of the fragments from Boss 1 and 2, which have neen reduced by about 50%, nothing more, nothing less. And this means you need way more runs or spend lot of money for trove ;) Thats how NC-Soft works. Just reduce ressources and add them to trove / RNG Boxes / Daily offer Anyway Solo Dungeons are just quite unfair in my opinion and dont belong in a multiplayer game. Some classes have greate advantages like Destro and warden, whil other classes have lot of dissadvantages like some range classes. As i said, at the beginning i got killed many times by my own iframes which should have protected me but instead triggered the range check. Dont iframe -> Dead, Iframe -> also dead. Quite frustrating during the learning of DEN or even the other Solo Dungeons. Also i never Claimed its not doable but NC should finaly take into account that there are not only Meele classes but also Range Classes and that most range Classes get out of range when using their Iframes. Its not only rude, i think its quite offending to the majority of the playerbase. I know there are a few players who dont know what they do or who are to lazy to farm, but thats the minority. Thats the same as i would claim all BMs, KFMs, Wardens cant tank just because i had a HM24 GC6 warden who couldnt hold aggro while a HM16 Warden with Aransu 6 took 25 point in aggro after the first boss and tanked the rest of the dungeon. Anyway these things are Off-Topic. I can do the Event, I got my Wings and i will also get the title within the next days (if im not to lazy to continue doing the event, cause there are no real benefits from doing it) Its the most booring Event i ever did and i had to watsh some interesting science documatation to not fall asleep while farming my wings. Nevertheless these kind of events are just plain stupid crap in my opinnion. 1. they are not realy challenging. Just Brain-AFK dps a Boss down i can do in any existing dungeon, at least after every damn dungeon got nerfed to the ground, some even in HM 2. These events are just a Plain DPS-Check and just made to tempt people to cash in trove, rng-boxes, daily offer. Admittedly, from a econemy side of view quite smart. 3. You dont get anything worthwhile from it, the only worthwhile things are hidden behind an DPS Check. Even its lowered for western Player. 4. Everyone, at least at Level 60, should be able to contribute in an event, regardless of their gear. Events should be fun and a variety from daily booring routine. I already made some suggestions how NC-Soft could add some interesting Events. But thats just my opinnion ;)
  4. First of all, yes i can do the Event and i got my Wings today BUT !!!!! in my opinion Events of these kind still sucks. With propper Gear its quite easy, at least more easy then the turtle event. I also dont have any problems that Items are limited (well except for the Wings, wanted to farm them a second time for one of my alts) Anyway there are still a lot of Players who cant beat Boss 4, not but because of their gear. I also dont think they Maybe this is true for very few players, but the majority want to upgrade but hitting some barriers. 1. its a community problem, players requesting redicolous AP for even the most simple dungeons. A friend of mine is a 1450AP Blackwing WL desperatly trying to find a MSP multi group on weekends, but no one accept him or joins his party for Stage 1-6. I took him with me, telling people who recruiting, i will join, but only when they also accept my friend. Or recruited by myself. Also a lot of people have problems finding groups for BC to farm the gloves. These are just 2 examples 2. its an NC-Soft problem. Again as Example the Gloves and Mao-Neck. a) Droprates of the Gloves are realy beyond not existend, i bought mine with the 100 run archivment. Till today i have 200+ Runs BC and NEVER saw the Gloves dropping b) you need 2 Gloves from DEN for Breakthrough. Again droprates are beyond FUBAR. I saw people with over 150 Mao-Kills and not a single Glove drop. Hello? Thats a freaking Breakthrough assesouir. Even Breakthrough Assessouirs for TT ring / Earring are dropping in nearly every run. Just add the chance to drop a Alpha Coin instead of salvage the Glove and increase the droprate of the glove. c) Farming MAO-Neck. At the beginning of June (a few weeks befor trove) NC-Soft decided that the Droprate for Alphacoin fragmets is way to high and reduced the droprate by aprox 50%. let alone i didnt get a fragment every 2nd or 3rd run from Boss 1 or 2 but every 6th - 7th run. In addition comes that DEN is a pain in the ass for Range classes, at least for FM. Do i Iframe or not? If i dont iframe im dead, if i iframe im also dead cause my iframe positioning me 8m behind the Boss, im to far away and the boss Charge at me and killed me in an aircombo. I dont know how many times my own iframe killed me when i start farming DEN. These are things that quickly start frustrating players Dont get me wrong, I dont say its not doable, but its frustrating like hell, when you get killed by your own iframes. Regarding the Event. In my opinion this event is the same Crap as the Turtle Event. Ok for me its Easy but not challanging. Its just plain stupid to think a DPS check is something challanging. You want something Challanging? Do Something like the Poharan Event. We have quite a lot of nice unused Dungeons that could be reused for challanging events. Shattered Masts Ebondrake Citadell Desolate Tomb or even Naryu labyrinth or Sundered Nexus or Asura Lower the AP / HP to a value the playerbas had when these dungeons where actual and let the people play the mech. Everyone can contribute and it would be quite a challange without a freaking DPS-Wall. But ill guess in this case lot of whales would start crying cause they cant just brain-afk burst the boss down. Like they did with the Poharan Event where even some of them recruited 900AP+ for a dungeon with reduced AP/HP xD One last Word @Grimoir I think its quite rude and outrageous to asume people are either not able to play their class or just to lazy to farm their gear just because they cant contribute at the current event. In my Opinion they have every right to be frustrated and to complain, and there are way to less bold enough to open their mouth.
  5. Also die Devs haben mal wieder etwas verbockt und die Spieler schauen in die Röhre. Würde F10 nicht gehen, wäre das Problem mit sicherheit längst behoben, notfalls mit Überstunden. Jemand der am Wochenende regelmäßig und viel MSP farmt, können die Lesser Demon Spirit Stones recht schnell ausgehen. Nur mal so als Beispiel, ich habe noch gute 350 Stage 4, 200 Stage 5 und 300 Stage 6 Kisten von Longgui im Lager. Wenn ich die alle jetzt öffnen würde, würden die Spirit Stones, die ich noch habe, bei weitem nicht reichen ;)
  6. Congratulations. Honestly im to lazy and busy doing other stuff to do this event in 2 days, ill take my time and do my 5-10 runs per day . Anyway calling it an Easy Event is a punch in the face for everyone who cant participate and dont get the chance to get the Wings which are still a lot. I honestly feel sad for those people, that NC Soft still stubborn, didnt learn from their mistakes with the turtel event, and hide a desirable Cosmetic behind a DPS-Wall for still quite a lot of people.
  7. My Gunner is Aransu 3, BT Ring / Earring anv VT Neck and King-gloves Stage 3, Starbreaker Bracelet Stage 10 and Awakened Ascending Soul. With the Gems from my Main i reach about 1500+ AP and can burst over 1.5M and hold 500-600k My Main FM is 1800+ AP with full TT and need aprox between 2 and 2.5 minutes, depending on weaponprogs, for stage 4 And you tell me your 1900AP Gunner and FM cant keep 1M DPS? Dont get me wrong i dont defend this Event, i still think everyone should at least get the cosmetics (wings) without clearing stage 4. But at least your FM should have the DPS to do it with 1900AP. Gunner might be a little problematic cause you cant realy use your tab burst, at least as fire-gunner cause you cant move whil bursting. 1. There are quite a lot of Mains who are still ate 500-700k DPS 2. Finding a TT raid is not as easy like finding a VT Raid. Even VT-Runs / Archivments are still be sold and TT is a whole other story. You need a good PC cause you have to play with player visible at boss 1 and we know the realy great preformance [sarcasm) of BnS so some people cant even do it. Buying TT gear is still quite expensive 3. We are talking about Cosmetics, as we all know Cosmetics are the real endgear. Also again its Wings that are hidden behind a DPS-Wall, normaly they are are hidden behind a Pay-Wall, so its quite understandable that people start getting pissed of and are frustrated to not get them. 4. The event Weapon is hidden behind a 10 kill archivement. Those who can benefit from this weapon cant get it, and those who can get it dont realy need it. Thats the most stupid thing i ever saw. At the turtle event you could at least get a better Weapon, that might could helpkill stage 4, without killing stage 4 Conclusion: Gratulations NC-Soft again you sucessfully managed to frustrate a large part of the playerbase. Guess you never learn from mistakes you made in the past. Mission acomplished...
  8. Well yes, some of these droprates are ridicolous. Ok you can salvage a glove to get an alpha coin but anyway, thats a freaking assessouir you need 2 times for a break through. Even breakthrough assesouirs for TT ring / earring nearly drop in every run. So why the Droprate for Mao glove is so low. Could be easy fixed. 1. Mao glove drops more often but you cant salvage it for an alpha coin, therefore 2. add a chance to drop an alpha coin at all bosses Its just as ridicolous as the droprate for the glove itself. Got 200 Runs BC and havent seen a single glove dropping. Bought mine with the 100 run archivment but anyway...
  9. Stimmt, an die hab ich garnicht gedacht :/ @EmperorLeto, @Baskerville Wie siehts denn aus mit ner Entschädigung, schließlich haben nicht wir den Mist verbockt sondern Ihr. Wir müssen nur mal wieder darunter leiden, indem wir wichtige Mats nicht farmen können. Denke ichr solltet für jeden Tag die entsprechende anzahl an Federn und Kernen in den Shop stellen und das nicht nur 1x pro Account sondern pro Char, ich Farm den nämlich mit mindestens 4 Chars am Tag und da kommt einiges an Federn und Kernen zusammen.
  10. Sind allein durch die dynamische Quest ja nur 2 Federn pro Tag die uns dadurch verloren gehen, also lasst euch ruhig Zeit, eilt nicht ... [/zynismus]
  11. I have done my weelky yesterday but it didnt count neither i could claim the reward. Whein i logged in today Weekly Challange showed me 6/3 and i could claim all rewards. Lets hope it just was a temporary problem ;)
  12. While killing Longgui stage 4 gave you some event tokens as a reward this event is a joke. Killing Stage 4 doenst give you any reward beside the archivment you need to buy the wings. No Chest, no tokens, no title, nothing. Well at least NC-Soft renounced to let stage 4 drop Naryu Coins
  13. Schreibt jemand, der laut eigener Aussage in 8 Wochen auf Max Gear war, mal von der Waffe, Seele, Amulett und Geist abgesehen. Wobei, die ET Waffe gibt es ja noch nicht so lange. Ich frage mich, ob das nun schlechter Zynismus ist, oder ob du einfach nur Trollen willst? Ich habe 8 Wochen wie ein Irrer gefarmt (in der Woche PPT/BC Multiruns, Raids, am Wochenende Permanent MSP) um von Aransu 9 auf GC 9 zu kommen, TT Ring / Ohrring auf 10 zu ziehen , Mao Neck und Handschuh des Gipfels auf Erwacht 3 zu ziehen. Ich habe nur 3 eckige Juwelen (Diamant, Rubin, Amethyst, Aquamarin, Citrin, Granat, Obsidian, Obsidian-Granat) ebenfalls gefarmt und selber gefused. Und du willst mir sagen du hast dein Gear in 8 Wochen von Null auf Max (mal von Seele, Geist und Amulett abgesehen) inclusive der 4 eckigen Juwelen durch Farmen hochgezogen. Sorry das nehm ich dir nicht ab. Da sind schätzungsweise mal mindestens 300-500 Schlüssel in der Trove versenkt worden. Und Du sprichst du dich ernsthaft für eine Limitierung aus? Meine GC9 Waffe war mal eine Hongmoon Waffe Stufe 1. Allein die Kosten von Hongmoon 1 bis Licht/Dunkelgeist 1 (die damals erste legendäre Waffe) würden heute reichen um von Rabe 1 bis mindestens Aransu 6 zu kommen) Meine Seele (Erwacht Tiger 1) war mal eine Hongmoon Seele Stufe 1 gefarmt im Naryuanischem Labyrinth. Um die Seele so weit aufzuwerten bin ich mit 4 Chars Dailys und zusätzlich 3 chars Turm der Erinnerung gelaufen. Mit allen vorherigen Events hatte ich meine Seele auf die erste Legendäre Stufe gebracht, die man dann kurze Zeit später ebenfalls in einem Event hinterher geschmissen bekommen hat. Heute bekommt man die erste Legendäre Stufe der Seele regelmäßig in Events hinterher geschmissen, genau wie die erste legendäre Stufe des Pet. Meins war mal ein ganz ordinärer Gefährtenstein. Du benötigst Essenzen für Seele, Amulett, Geist und ausserdem noch für jeden Durchbruch des Schmucks von Stufe 9 auf 10. Hinzu kommen allein noch mal 48 Essenzen die man für das Aufwerten der Seelen / Geistabzeichen benötigt ( 8 Stufen x 3 Essenzen und das mal 2) Die Farmbarkeit der Essenzen, bzw. der benötigten Mats um diese herzustellen, steht in keinerlei Verhältniss zum Bedarf an Essenzen.
  14. Wow 2 times extend the maintenance and still screewed things up. & weeklys finished, weekly count 0/3 and weekly reward is not collectable. GJ NC-Soft Thats beyond SNAFU, its FUBAR ...
  15. Guess the issue was, they ran out of coffee and decided to take a brake at the local coffe store and get a nice breakfast ...
  16. Andere Frage, warum dürfen Spieler 10mal die selbe Klasse haben, mit 10x der selben Klasse auf einem Account unter den Top100 im Ranking stehen, winsharing betreiben und noch kräftig HM Coins abziehen? Einer der Gründe, warum viele mit PVP aufgehört haben. Kann man einerseitz NC-Soft die schuld daran geben weil sie es zulassen, andererseitz der unendlichen Gier der PVP-ler, die den PVE-lern dann vorwerfen sie wollen kein PVP machen. Zugegeben, in letzter Zeit haben sich ein paar Kleinigkeiten verbessert. Das PVE-ler zu faul zum farmen sind kann man ebenfalls nur bedingt sagen. Die meissten regen sich eher auf, das sie eben nicht die Möglichkeit haben, benötigte Mats zu farmen. Bestes Beispiel Mondsteine die man ausschließlich über PVP bekommt. Könnte man genau so auch auf PVE anwenden. Ist noch immer einiges mehr als man im PVE verdienen kann, selbst wenn man den Purple Train von SST- WC, HM, CS, Insel der gesetzlosen, Temple des Gedenkens und Vermächtnis der Bestien läuft. Kumpel macht jeden Tag 1-2 Stunden Schlachtfeld und hat seit Anfang des Monats über 9K Gold nur mit Mondsteinen verdient. Komme ich mit PVE allein bei weitem nicht dran
  17. Apparently im affected by this bug for over 11 (in words eleven)!!!!! month now and still no fix in sight... and @Baskerville sorry to ruin your day, but honestly who should belive this. You not have been sucessfully localizing this problem in 11+ month? Sorry i start beliving you just dont care cause it wont bring money to fix this issue. How much you care about the affected people we see. Just some random excuses every few month but not even a tiny compesation
  18. Many Players are still at awakend Hongmoon or True Hongmoon Pet. Thats 48-66 pet pouches just to reach the lowest Pet with 40.930 HP. Even you can get them from Daily Dash, thats still a lot and again, never underestimate a max Pet / Soul / Heart Honestsly? 1. I have a Dragonforge 9 and some basic PVP assesouirs and regret i ever wasted any materials for upgrading it, because i stop playing PVP on regular base 2. Befor PVP gear was introduced everyone made PVP with PVE Gear. 3. So you are concerned about sabotaging other players rank / points? I dont care, causte those other players didnt care about my rank / points when i still was active. Standing AFK in Spawn even we could easy win the game, but they decided its time to derank to get more easy opponents, Wintrading cause ther was a clanmate in the oponent team. I went straight from nearly gold back to 1300 points at one evening because of 1-2 AFK player or wintraders in every group and you dare to say people without PVP-Gear sabotaging others from ranking? Good joke Dude, realy good joke... Wow, thats a realy bold assumption. So basicaly you assume people who ask for sources to farm mats, that they are lazy and want everything for free. Wow, just Wow. Sorry to ask, but did you read and understand a thread before you hit Reply and start typing nonsens? Just an Example, i have way over 300 Chest of each stage 4,5 and 6 from Longgui and thats only the new ones and you dare to write people want everything for free, dont want to invest effort and farm? No one here, complaining about the Moonstone situation, ever demand to get them for free, everyone here was asking for a source to FARM them. And thats a vaild request cause most just dont want to act as a free kill for some whales and help them farming tons of moonstones
  19. You realy dont understand it right? maybe i should spell it? You need Moonstones to craft Premium Transformation Stones Transformation Stones Pet Pouches You need Transformation stones to craft Premium Transformation Stones and Oils You need a lot of Moonstoens to upgrade your gear when you want to Craft your stuff and dont want to pay redicolous prices at the market This comment just show how much you know about BnS. 15 Seconds Shield, +200 PVP-AP +500 Debuff dmg + 500 Def +500pvp def yeah totaly negligible in pvp yeah guess your right not much of an advantage Yeah even exclude more player from getting Moonstoens to rais the price even more. Thats the most arrogant, elitist and selfis argument i ever read. I have another suggestion. Get rid of the freaking PVP Gear, make BG like arena with equalized stats and see all those whales crying cause they cant hid behind their gear anymore and would need some skill. that would be realy funny... And on top of that, everyone would have the same chance to farm moonestones and not only the big whales who partial even derank on purpose to play in the lower ranks. And you still dont understand it, right? It might have worked when BnS was released befor you could buy your advanced gear on F5, Trove, RNG-boxes and befor they introduced PVP Gear. At times when hongmoon weapons stil existed you could go to the BG even with a True Scorpio Weapon and still had a chance against someone with Light / Dark Weapon Stage 6, at least when you had some skill. Time have changed, Lots of players already quit and you dare to say if you dont like it go play something else, just it doesnt fit your opinion? Just because it was "always this way" and worked in the begining doesnt mean it will work forever. When we all leave instead of trying to change something, what the hell do you think, how long you still could play BnS? Still didnt get that BnS lost a lot of its playerbase? Still didnt realized that there is only 1 freaking server from formaly 12 is left? We are not in Asia where people are crazy for PVP, we are in EU/NA and as someone already said, you cant sell bananas to Lions. When you want to stay on the market, you have to act according to customer orientation. And from what i see, the majority dont like PVP, at least in its current state and requesting a new source for Moonstones. Any more questions?
  20. Well i wouldnt say less than 1/2 using it. Actually i would guess more than 2/3 using it due to increasing preformance problems with BnS itself and i dont know anybody how dont use it nowadays :) But thats just a guess, even it if would "only" be 1/2 it would mean there are about 6000 players left, what would make it even more worse, when you only see the same 50-100 playernames doing Battleground ;)
  21. ..and sadly thats exactly what NC-Soft continue doing. It might be ok when PVP would 1. be fair and not P2W, well ok its not pure p2w but with money you can get a huge advantage over casual players 2. we would have a fair matchmaking, not something like 5 raven +1 dragonforge vs 6 max pvp-geared I had something like that quite often when i was still doing BG in a regular base and thats one of the reasons why i quit doing PVP Also, when i want to oneshot others or get oneshoted i play COD or BF. This freaking onehit abillity ruined PVP totaly. Bad matchmaking did the rest. The alternative Launcher shows the amount of players online, the highest number is saw so far was something about 3200 + a few. When i go to the battlefield (yes i still do sometimes for 1 or 2 hours) i always see the same maybe 50-100 playernames in BG So you want to force about 3000 players to do something the dont enjoy? A little bit selfish to say it the nice way. Some people are not interested in pvp, others might be interested but have some preformance issues, or dont have the skill. There are many reasons why people are frustrated about PVP. And guess what frustrated players tend to do. Just in case you dont know, they quit and playing other games, where no one force them to do stuff they dont like. So those who play BnS still play it cause it have a quite good combat system, they have fun playing with friends or randoms doing raids. How Many players you think can still quit, bevor NC-Soft decide to shut down the last server? At the speed they reduced the Servercount from formaly 12 to now 1 server, i wouldnt be surprised, when the server yould already be shut down next year at this time. Time to start re-thinking when you would enjoy BnS for quite some longer time ;)
  22. Maybe this could help https://www.gamecrate.com/nvidias-freestyle-filters-can-add-colorblind-graphics-mode-games/17830
  23. Thats the biggest BS i ever heard. I could say same for PVE Gear, go try raids like TT with PVP Gear. PVP gear was introduced for exactly 2 reasons. 1. Whales have something to spend even more money for 2 they could polish up their ego by feeling strong without the need of any skill. Anyway, go make Battlefield like Arena, equalized stats and it would be fair again, no advantage from gear and no need to farm a separate gear.
  24. Quite bad tradeoff, cause Moonstones are between 1.5 and 2 times more expensive than Elysian Orbs
  25. Cashevents zähle ich nicht unbedingt als farmbare Quelle für Mondsteine, kaufen kann man die auch im Angebot des Tages gelegentlich. Aber der Einsatz von Echtgeld / HM-Coins ist eben keine farmbare Quelle. Also wo sind die farmbaren Quellen ausserhalb von PVP, die man regelmäßig und nicht 1x pro Tag/Woche farmen kann. Bisher hast du mir da keine Antwort geliefert.
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