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Everything posted by Tufa

  1. we're all feeling the pain buddy. Remember frost tornado, the only skill that made FM viable in 6s? Hoping 3rd spec can compensate.
  2. XML editing has got to change, but I agree NC cares little about it. I won't get hooked on another NC game in the future.
  3. Cant even have this discussion without talking about how ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ stupid archer and warden are.
  4. I agree with the general beef. However, I would note that I have a ten year old computer and a decent internet connection and I have never had terrible problems with this game. Yes, 12 man raiding can get some crappy dps, but it has never stopped me from enjoying the raid. My real beef is just how pay to win it has become. I too am a veteran player. I never had to pay the game to progress because I was able to do that simply by playing. But now there is a real wall that can only be climbed by swiping. I also agree that the events are largely boring and uninspired. The game is just poorly managed, and I don't think any amount of complaining is going to fix that when Korea is calling the shots. Lesson learned. I really enjoy BNS but I won't get sucked into another game where I can't trust the developer.
  5. It's not at all rock paper scissors, complete myth. There are OP classes that really have no counter. The fact that some classes have always been OP identifies the problem. All the classes should have relative balance. The differences now are not minor.
  6. balance is at an all time low. Warden, bm, archer are all ridiculous. bd and gunner not far behind.
  7. I can't support afk events of any nature. It's hard enough to keep up with the people playing. Now we have to keep up with the people afk? Screw that. I am tired of rng boxes though. Such a tired way to make money.
  8. Right^ What I suspect is happening is that well geared FMs can't rise the ranks compared to warden, archer, gunner and bd (worst offender imo!) and thus hover in the mid range, where of course they blow up low and mid geared people with ease. At the peak of current gear, so may other classes dominate FM. Nerfing tornado was an insult. I mean have you even seen what end game archer does? Ice FM can't survive long enough to even get it off most of the time.
  9. When people complain about OP classes, I wonder if they even look at the rankings? So in defense of ice FM, lets look at the amount of FMs in the current top 50: Arena: 1 FM WWV: 4 FMs Beluga: 3 FMs Nova: 4 FMs TOI: ZERO FMs If this class were as broken as people seem to complain about, then why does it fare so poorly in the rankings? Frost tornado is literally the only thing that keeps this class relevant, and even that isn't doing a very good job. If wall banging was so effective, why is there only one FM in the top 50 for arena???
  10. Regarding PVP, it appears to me that there is a VERY simple solution to making pvp fun. Simply allow a range where people can queue with each other. Don't let a 1400s queue with a 1500s, and open up pvp 24-7, and make the rewards more enticing so people of all levels and gear find it enjoyable. Not hard.
  11. This is very well said. Balancing this game has gone completely out the window. 99% of people are going to chose the highest DPS build, making anything else irrelevant unless one build is better for pvp. The builds only make sense unless it is appropriate for different scenarios, which just doesn't appear to be the current case. One way in which BnS has been far behind much older mmos is its failure to make mobs resistant to certain attacks, thus making different builds actually effective.
  12. This new trend of afk playing is a joke imo. Make it stop.
  13. Have to agree. Some class balancing is way overdue.
  14. There are a few vids on youtube but I can speak Chinese or Korean!
  15. Anyone have any ideas what it will be? is it out in Korea?
  16. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=willie+hears+ya+willie+don't+care&view=detail&mid=96D9CC50A4BE44FA526F96D9CC50A4BE44FA526F&FORM=VIRE
  17. Most of the stuff to love about this game is still there. The game mechanics are solid, the classes are fun to play, the dungeons are pretty and fairly entertaining. The problem is the management. It's not bad, it's terrible. People cant play to advance anymore, it's all done through the wallet. They have taken away the items needed to advance and largely placed them in the cash shop. The monthly events are just wrong, for various reasons. The bugs and lag have never really been fixed. I think the general feeling is that with a little attention from the devs the game could be brought back to former glory, but they repeatedly fail to make the changes the community needs to feel satisfied. As such, it just feels like the devs have given up and are only about squeezing the last few pennies they can out of the die hards. Meanwhile, the community that does break the card to advance tend to act like they are great and anybody with less gear suck. For people like me that have played for years, instead of being thankful to the devs for providing such a great game, we tend to feel resentful at what they have turned it into.
  18. I've been playing the game since it's release, and I can honestly say that class balance is at an all-time low. Major balancing has to be done. Some classes are just way too powerful and some classes are just way to defensive and some are both. Game is broken imo.
  19. I simply can't see why ANY sort of xml editing should be allowed, at all. It's so stupid that the community has to guess at was is allowed and what isn't. Just lock the damn thing and lets get back to a semblance of fair play.
  20. I think there is a bigger fundamental question here, which is: exactly how long should it take a "new" player to catch up to average current gear. It took me several years to get here. Should it take a new player the same amount of time, half the time, a quarter of the time? I think if you answer that question first then you can figure out if NC is doing it right or wrong, but of course nobody is going to agree. I share a very different approach than most. I think the abundance of alts has actually ruined the game. I don't think there should be any sharing of gold or items across account toons, and I think that daily/dungeon rewards should be locked per account and not toon. It boggles me how NC has allowed the selling of raid items to continue as well. It has always been ironic in this game that sometimes the best way to gear up is not to play at all, and just wait until they reduce prices.
  21. my response: 1) I don't agree. Many of the OP skills in pvp and not even used in pve, such as frost tornado. Balance is not that hard. 2) yea, i'd agree but if they cant fix matchmaking the next best thing is to solo queue and all random. 3)if pve gear was inoperable then we wouldn't have raven gear in bg to begin with. 4)see 10. moonstones shouldn't even be in pvp 5)disagree. **** ruin games. that crap is hard to ignore. use discord if u want communication. 6)all I am saying is don't give credit to an individual for flipping a base. 7)-- 8)voting, eh whatever. it's dumb imo. guys with better gear are already gonna get more credit if they do more damage 9)I just think its simpler to make it non-functional, but a damage reduction works too 10) I didn't understand what u meant. All I meant is make pve gear nonfunctional in BG/Arena.
  22. Lots of things can be done to fix BG. 1)The most significant change would actually be class balance, but the devs are so set on making each new class so OP that it makes it hard, But some things are blatantly obvious and need to be fixed. 2)I think it's time to end the duo queue and make it solo entry only. Hit clan BG if you wanna play with your buddies. Make entry completely random. 3) Hide gear and rank entirely. Nobody needs to see what you are running with. 4)Make rewards based entirely on individual damage with an offset for deaths, maybe a small team bonus for a victory. The AFKrs should get absolutely nothing for doing nothing, and the guys who lead in damage but lose should not get less than the guys with crap damage and win. 5) Silence chat in favor of team commands. BG is so fricken toxic. I have lots of friends that don't play because they are just so sick of the handful of douchebags that feel compelled to pipe up every game. 6)Take away the points for flipping. Who cares who presses the button first to flip? It's about the team win. 7)If the above changes are made, then there should be no more than 2 classes per team. 4 wardens or frost tornados hitting you at once is too much. 8) get rid of voting, it's just stupid. Give a bonus to the winning team. That's enough. 9) get rid of PVE gear altogether. Simply make it unoperable in pve. Give everyone a basic pvp set and let them upgrade from there. 10) remove all pve rewards from pvp There ya go.
  23. Frost tornado is a necessary skill for FM given the current state of the melee game. Any end game BD, KFM, BM or Warden can stun-kill a fire fm instantly, and with the stupid endless spin classes and stun-deflects and near invincibility of warden and kfm, the tornado skill is the only means in which an FM can break up a constantly defending melee. I used to enjoy fire FM in pvp, but against end game players it's almost useless now. Take away frost tornado and the class may as well be barred from any pvp. FM's were easy prey for BDs for a long time. Now they are not. Deal with it. Be patient, keep your distance, and be prepared to run away like we often had to do.
  24. Which is better now, undying or warsong?
  25. ^^ I wasn't going to pipe up, but this is exactly right. People leave if they feel they can't keep up. I have been playing almost since release. I don't mind dropping $50 every now and then, but when the games gives people the option to spend thousands to advance at the expense of others who are more skilled but less rich, then there is a huge problem. We have all seen the early posts by NC where they promised to hold true to the spirit of a free game, but they failed miserably. So for people that don't have the money, they look to a myriad of alts and put them through mind-numbing runs to make money just to keep up. Then they wake up one day and say "wow, this sucks. not having fun anymore". Well duh, big surprise. This whole process makes the whole community even more toxic. For example, I like to pvp. There is a certain destro that pretty much always sucked. Can't tell you how much I blew that guy up. Then about 6 months ago the guy must have blown up his credit card. He killed me a few times in a match a few days ago and he sends me the /w "man you are trash" and then quickly logs before I can respond. I looked at his gear, and everything is maxed. This is a guy I never trash talked to in my life. I am experiencing something very similar in an ET raid I am in now. The group has very good dps, but we can't clear boss one. And yet the group talks about cutting people that never make mistakes because their DPS is too low. Their only solution is to either break out the card or talk to gold sellers. Two things broke this game more than anything else. Alts and the ability to trade gold/items between players, and over the top cash spending. In a different vein, IMO the classes are still very unbalanced as well. Every new toon is grossly overpowered when it rolls out. Why is it at all fair that gunners can nearly double if not triple the next highest class dps? If you are going to give a class that much power, than at least make them more vulnerable, but their "X" is the most OP skill in the game. Why is warden so strong in dps, so defensive, hit like ranged, and given SB? Why is KFM given an OP third spec when they already ruled in BG? And for that matter, how is it fair to not roll out third spec for all classes at the same time? As for BG, why can't we make this a more tiered system based on gear? The way it stands now, any new players that want to get into BG just get slaughtered by some whale that maybe hasn't raised his score yet. Surely there is a way to make more fair matches. All the system does now is aggravate the players who are geared that get stuck with a noob, and aggravate the noob that wants to pvp without taking endless ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. If NC can't fix this, then they should at least make it a solo queue and completely random who you draw.
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