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Everything posted by StrykersGaming

  1. Also, when Cricket is given the Book of Hongmoon, she's been there 3 years. So she's around 16 to 18.
  2. You get a sense of this through the story, especially when you're dealing with the Snapjaws and what they are doing. Furthermore, when you do the story dealing with the Aransu School, Zulia, and Jinsoyun, you can about piece it together. Likewise, when you play your part as Mushin you get the sense that he and the other Guardians were immortal; however, they could be killed. Mushin lived as a royal prince in the Naru Kingdom. Master Hong had his school prior to them finding Jinsoyun. Which was during the time of the second known Divine Mandate Ceremony. I get the feeling that Soyun is in her late forties to mid fifties if not a bit older but looks much younger. She a Yun, who, IIRC are long lived beings. My belief is the Hongmoon School is at least 200 years old if not more as its been stated its has a long and storied history and is renown.
  3. There are a few things that directly affect FPS. The biggest one is Shadows. Turn them off. Turn the effects down to, probably around level 3 on the slider. Turn off V-sync. The biggest thing you can do, depending on your video card. You have the same one I have. Go to NVIDIA Control Panel. Select 'Configure Surround, PhysX.' Under the PhysX settings, click on the drop down and select your graphics card. If you've not already done so, it will be set to 'Automatic.' Which, in this case, the game will use the CPU. Now, with your GPU selected, the game will be forced to use it instead, taking the load off of the CPU. I normally have 90 to 120 FPS in-game. In some instances it drops down to 50 to 60, a few of the dungeons does that. And in a highly congested area, 35 to 40. Likewise, after selecting the GPU, go to 'Manage 3D Settings.' Under the Global Settings, select what you want to use. Things like V-Sync set to Use 3D application, or Antialiasing - FXAA, turned off. For selections like Anisotropic filtering all the application (game) control. CUDA - GPU: All, DSR - Factors, 4.00x (native resolution. DSR - Smoothness, 33%, Low Latency Mode, Max Frame Rate, Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA), all off. OpenGL rendering GPU - Auto-select. Power management mode - Optimal Power, Shader Cache On, Texture Filtering 0 Anisotropic Sample optimization, off, Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias, allow, Texture filtering - Quality, Quality, and Texture filtering - Trilinear, On. Triple buffering - Off. Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames, 1. Then under Program Settings, make sure the B&S Client is listed, if not, add it and make sure you add the 64bit client. What's important is you set everything to "use Global settings" which allows the GPU to control the game and not the CPU. Also, you can turn off seeing the players too while in a dungeon or all the time. That will help if you have too. You may have to play with the video control settings to find a balance that works for your set up. However, seeing that you're using a 7th gen CPU the ones above I've listed should give you superior FPS. You'll know its working for you at the Character Window if you have your Ge-Force overlay on showing FPS. If you're sitting at 120FPS there, you'll see about the same in-game too, or there about. Just remember, turn off Shadows in-game. Certain games with older engines don't render well and eat up FPS using Shadows.
  4. Why should it matter to the developers if we want to send gear and mats to our alts? Everything should be bound to account so that we can do that. They really want to improve the QoL for players, doing just that would in fact do so. If they want us to seal items like accessories, fine as long as we can send them those alts on our account. Their current business model of "sucking money" from us is nothing more than pay to play/win model. Hell, even BioWare allows most things BoA or items stuffed into legacy gear to be sent. NCsoft Korea really hasn't a clue or care what Western players really want. So they shoehorn us into their country's player base.
  5. I recommend you to turn off Vertical Sync and turn shadows (all if it) down to low or off. Shadows cause a lot of issues for load on a GPU. Especially in this game as it does in SWTOR. I make sure Shadows are turned off in all the games I play just for that reason.
  6. Go to the NC Launcher > Settings and make the changes to tell it where to load. Here's where you can do that: https://imgur.com/1NeseBR
  7. I'm returning too after a year. I had my fire rotation down and I had txt file with it. However, I lost my drive with that information. Can someone share the Fire rotation with me so I can get back in the grove with it? I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  8. First, only the unasked question is dumb. No question, no matter how trivial it is, is not dumb if someone is seeking information and knowledge that they lack. Second, the only gold that can be put in your storage is that which you receive from drops, boxes, and other things. These are those with gold icons that say how much their worth if sold. When you sell them you receive the stated amount of the value you collected. Gold that you purchase automatically drops into your wallet. I've never known it possible to put that gold in storage.
  9. BioWare was forced to go F2P because they lost 1.5 million subscribers after they dropped update 1.2 where the Sorcerer and Sage were both nerfed into oblivion for DPS and only option left was the healing spec. Force healing was weak compared to the other non-force healing specs. Why did they pull this nerf? New PvP players did not know how to interrupt (using their interrupt ability, game only out for 3 months when that nerf landed) and whined that the two aforementioned classes were too powerful. LUL
  10. You have proof of this? Verifiable proof? No? Ah, it's your opinion? Do you enjoy demeaning people because your own thought up conspiracies? BTW, did you see his first video on this subject? No? Probably not because you seem to hate this individual (and others like him). Oh, did you watch his video where he RAGED at NCS/NCW over the latest update (The Weapons Reduction Costs That Weren't)? No? Hmm...clearly your opinion on this individual is reactionary and because he goes against your own personal perception of NCS/NCW, the game, and players that you call Whales, is faulty and clearly uninformed. You can continue to wear your tinfoil hat and bask in the rumors that abound.
  11. Listen to what Keroppi has to say on this topic: Blade and Soul Complete
  12. I strongly recommend that you watch Keroppi's latest video on this subject. He gives an outstanding presentation about what is happening and so forth. [B&S) Blade and Soul Complete and Frontier Server Explained
  13. Do you make it a habit to insult people?
  14. While, I appreciate your input, I am waiting on 'TPTB' to answer. Thank you.
  15. ...not allowed to upgrade Grand Celestial Earrings/Rings? Imagine my surprise when I tried to upgrade my GC earring from stage 1 to stage 3 to find out that only the Legendary Jewels can upgrade my earring? I had none. I converted them all to Enlightened Jewels. Please tell me this is a "mistake" and not "miscommunication and is intended." However, somehow I believe it is the latter than the former because they do not specifically mention GC ring/earring here: Blade & Ghoul – Items and Systems Preview. Like the GC weapon and upgrade reduction costs, they infer the Enlightened Jewels are usable because ALL the other accessories are mentioned. @Cyan care to explain this one away to us? Or will you remain silent, have your CC staff merge this post with something else to hide it and NOT answer? That is your SOP is it not?
  16. Let me see if I get this correct. Through BNS buddy, one can make edits of the XML to improve game play such as opening items or help clearing mobs or what not? Now, if this is the case, then it is a clear violation of Blade & Soul Rules of Conduct/User Agreement as shown below: "21. You may not use any third-party program (such as a "bot") in order to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting or gathering items within Blade & Soul. You may not assist, relay or store items for other players who are using these processes."[1] Regardless if using XML to make minor changes to the game (if used through BNS Buddy) is a violation of the ToS and User Agreement. It means one is making changes to the game. Y'all might want to refresh your understanding of the User agreement that you may have summarily "agreed too" when you sign in each day.[2] Citation 1: Blade & Soul Rules of Conduct Item 21. Citation 2: Blade & Soul User Agreement
  17. That can only hold them afloat for so long. When the population dwindles down to the point that even these "Hardcore Cashers" cannot help. If they felt a 5 - 7% dip in net profit and a mass unsubscribe hits them, you can bet they'd take notice. SWTOR learned their lesson on that quick when they dropped 5.0 and nerfed the companions by 80%.
  18. In truth, at this point in time, TPTB don't care what we have to say. Cyan's statement is proof of that. "They'll discuss it." They'll no such a thing. The only thing that will catch their attention is a reduction in sales to the point that it affects their monthly profit margin. Vote with your wallet, stop playing for a month or two, let sales lag, then they might revisit this. That's the only way to get the attention of companies like this.
  19. These are used to boost your Unity experience. While they range from 10,000 to 50,000 points, they have a 24 hour cooldown. Much like the old Hongmoon XP boost from years ago. Really ridiculous if you ask me to have that type of cooldown in place.
  20. No reply? Your silence on this matter is telling. I guess as @Ludicium stated, this is now your SOP. I don't know about the others, but for me, you've burned up what little trust I have for the CMs, Devs, and NCsoft/West. Bravo Zulu.
  21. After this last patch I noticed something you did. Something really egregious in my book, especially when you didn't even let anyone know. What is this you ask? You increased the cost of upgrading from Stage 3 Dawnforge/Riftwalk to Stage 3 Raven from 7 silver to 7 gold. That is a thousand percent increase. Why in the heck did you do that? Most importantly, this happened without informing the players? Stealth tactics to increase costs is now your standard practice? I see you're burning up what trust your customers have now, especially after this last fiasco (GC increased, NOT decreased, weapon costs).
  22. Nice try to cover this up. The truth of the matter is your company lied. It clearly states on the "blade-ghoul-items-and-systems-preview page" the following: Weapons The cost to upgrade all weapons up to Grand Celestial and equivalent (as well as Thornbreaker Stage 1 – 3) will be reduced; full details will be outlined in the patch notes on October 15. There is no ambiguity here. You included the Grand Celestial and equivalent and the Thornbreaker stage 1 - 3, receiving weapons cost reduction. You clearly inferred this was going to happen for the Grand Celestial and equivalent weapons. You are required to honor your advertisement, as this is exactly what this is (advertisement information) you presented to your customers (players). And your statement above clearly shows you trying to cover up a screw up and thus making everything abhorrently expensive which will all but stop most players advancing their upgrades. This falls into the category of an egregious customer service failure on your part as part of string of failures over the last few months. Do the right thing and honor your original statement found here: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/blade-ghoul-items-and-systems-preview/ to earn the good will of your customer base. Otherwise, do nothing and lose more players (non-premium and premium). I'm sure NCsoft/NCwest will not like to see their net profits take another hit...again.
  23. Kitsune, you're exactly right. However, you, nor I, or anyone else can otherwise dissuade those here damning B&S. Each and everyone of them feel they are entitled to all the benefits of a premium membership without paying for it. The believe what they believe and everyone else is either a White Hat, Whale, or demon for supporting Blade & Soul with their money. However, what is further from the truth, is the premise that B&S has violated their own business model in some form or fashion. They have not. Yet the OP here will never accept that all because he/she cannot participate in some part of the new event. What I believe B&S' mistake is using their Korean/Japanese model of this event for the NA/EU. NA/EU servers are 4 years behind Korea and 2 behind Japan in terms of game play for everyone. Korean game launched in June 2012 (Japan 2014), NA/EU 2016. The event should've been tailored for these servers based on that. I'm pretty sure they have the metrics to show how far along everyone is. It is the case of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. One event does not fit all in this case. This is a business and development mistake on Blade & Soul Korea who sets these up with Blood Lust. The question is, will those in Korea learn from this or continue doing things that alienate the player base outside of Korea? That remains to be seen.
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