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3rd Spec BM FPS killer


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Soo I changed to 3th speck on my main BM and whenever I use RMB FPS goes to the dogs I mean with every attack i get like 0.3 sec of mini screen freeze and drastic FPS drops and god forbid tho have more than 2 BM's in the same party dungeon that could become unplayable, combine with the new patch that made the performance even worse to play, the devs are not even bothering to make the slightest optimization when they launch a new patch? 

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In F12 Fire BM burst starts from:

80-90 ms (goes 68-80 after);

80 FPS (goes 90-110 after).

3d BM spec burst:

115-125 ms (spike up to 135, in F12!);

40-48 FPS (in F12!, goes 55-60 after).

In raids it's literally unplayable, it's 8-10 FPS and you see 1 picture. It's a slide show.

In dungeons it lags all the time 15-25 fps, but always freezes and we add to this that after patch server in general laggs more than before.

I have the question: what the **** was released?

The well known truth - the game B&S lags as ***. Instead of doing things to optimize it at least somehow developers: remove HM 4man and make 6man which gives more lags, add more and more animations to skills/swords/dresses/all kind of useless **** , release more laggy dungeons (yes, old dungeons barely lag compare to new, the newer dgn the more it lags) and finally that 3d spec BM. *** is that even?! It's unplayable. Can I stress it more? un-pla-y-ble.

Who came up with that idea? Who coded it? Who let it to be released?

Why KFM new spec with all his wolf animations doesn't lag like ****? Brain was used in coding process? Why wasn't in BM's case?!

Edited by penguinLOLO
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I have found the solution, I deleted the upk file from CookedPC folder that contained the effects and now everything seems to works fine so far, now when I use skills I see only the swords without the particles effects and such. I don't know which the file contains the effect because I deleted all the effects from all classes just to make sure. there is a post on BnS buddy that tells you which files contains the  particle effects of skills if you are interested 

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Because there are extra 6 swords are constantly behind char you better say goodbye to all swords with animation. It takes like 10 FPS. Also 3d spec is quite endurable on 32-bit client, the problem is 32-bit client itself is unendurable. Maybe it is related to RAM, 64-bit after updates consumes more than 11GB. So it's a memory leak. And users with 16GB+ RAM have better life on BM's 3d spec. By the way, please be a lamb and say to developes when they release a new spec/dungeon/raid or I don't know...a dress to attach a list of hardware components we are supposed to buy to be able to use it. Oki?) Cause this all is no go. The whole game lags as sht because BM's skills. At least now we now a new level of Hell in B&S - it's to be in a party with 5 BMs on 3d spec :D I am wondering will my PC explode If I go to raid with 11 BMs? :HongWhat:

P.S. This file is 00060548.upk and it will not save you. Maybe in a mix with 32-bit client. They push more and more for 4000MhZ+ CPU, 16Gb+ RAM for who knows what reason...:tired:

Maybe their playerbase is so huge, so they that easily cut some BMs.

Edited by Poporo
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I didn't exactly delete them, I moved them just in case I want to do PVP because not seeing any of the particle effects puts you at a disadvantage at least when you play against ranged classes since I moved from all classes particle effect files because you don't see from where the attacks come from.

Here is how it looks without the effects 



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2 minutes ago, MarjoKun said:

Deleted this upk file, no change. With turned off whole animations for bm, still the same drops

Careful there are separate files, ones are for animations and other for particle effects so you need to move the ones with the particle effects and leave the ones with the animations 

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24 minutes ago, FlCosmin said:

I didn't exactly delete them, I moved them just in case I want to do PVP because not seeing any of the particle effects puts you at a disadvantage at least when you play against ranged classes since I moved from all classes particle effect files because you don't see from where the attacks come from.


Doesnt matter (moved it too)

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When are a New patch, i allways be scary becouse of that... Its literally unplayable for me at this moment.

Its too hard to do a appropriate patch with maybe a test first? Hotfix? Listen your comunity? 


Playing bm new spec now is a fps drop like crazy and my ping go up like 20% 30% then normal.

And this ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ its only when i play bm new spec 

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same problem here. After swapping to 3rd spe i got some fps decrease and most important thing a really increase of my latency.

Fire on F12 :

- 80 fps and 80 to 100 ms

Same at lightning build


But with 3rd spe i got 25/30 fps. And really more MS like 130 to 200 + in f8 or f12. (not constant anymore...)

WTF just how is possible ? impact like this MS ? i can understand with all animation effect than touch fps. But MS ? why on BM and not KFM ? . Please patch this or do something it's really horrible ... i don't want to pay to come back fire or light build just cause you can't do something for this !

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3 hours ago, Hiluna said:


same problem here. After swapping to 3rd spe i got some fps decrease and most important thing a really increase of my latency.

Fire on F12 :

- 80 fps and 80 to 100 ms

Same at lightning build


But with 3rd spe i got 25/30 fps. And really more MS like 130 to 200 + in f8 or f12. (not constant anymore...)

WTF just how is possible ? impact like this MS ? i can understand with all animation effect than touch fps. But MS ? why on BM and not KFM ? . Please patch this or do something it's really horrible ... i don't want to pay to come back fire or light build just cause you can't do something for this !

Ping jumps becouse its not raw ping. Its Ping + your reaction time to clicks (lower fps, lower reaction time for buttons)

But still its a huge problem with fps. Now im trying to consult that with support but so far nothing good (im at a moment where they tell me to reinstall gpu drivers) so it will take more time to maybe fix something or "we cannot help you". I think they dont even know that fps drop exists.

Edited by MarjoKun
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Le 23/06/2019 à 20:44, MarjoKun a dit :

Ping jumps becouse its not raw ping. Its Ping + your reaction time to clicks (lower fps, lower reaction time for buttons)

But still its a huge problem with fps. Now im trying to consult that with support but so far nothing good (im at a moment where they tell me to reinstall gpu drivers) so it will take more time to maybe fix something or "we cannot help you". I think they dont even know that fps drop exists.

Hum ok can be explain like this, but i'm not sure. I ask to some friends to try on their rerol or main BM. Indeed, all  got the same issue, inscrease of MS like +20/30 (in F12, depend to people and connection) (so it's more important on F8 and raid) compared to fire or lightning build.

So we can conclude it's not an individual problem. So the real question is : is it only on UE  server ? bad patch application ? 3rd spé only opti to UE 4 (but KFM don't have this kind of problem so....). It's like NCSoft don't know about this problem.


I'm not sure that support know this problem and could help anymore...

If  NCSoft could be read here will be really nice. Just know if it's normal or not.... (but it's not normal than we can't have a  stable ms server with this 3rd spe).

I was really happy to tried this specialisation but now i don't want to play anymore my BM for this issue and cause fire is really to low compared.

So communication NCSoft please :o, don't let us without informations !

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Hi all,


We want to let you know that we are aware of the current performance issues with Blade Master's new third specialization Spectral Blade. You anticipated this new spec quite a lot, and we are sorry that some of you cannot enjoy it as much as you like because of these performances issues.


We have been monitoring your feedback in the past days and are currently in conversation with the development team about this issue. At this moment we do not have any more information we can share with you.


Thank you to those who have been reporting the performance issues in the past days. Our Customer Support Team might not be able to address the issue right now, but the more information we can get about who is affected and on what systems the issue occurs, the easier it potentially is to identify the problem.


Yet again, thank you for reporting the issue. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you.

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Same problem here guys...changing to bm 3rd spec skills made the game almost unplayable for me (i can only do solo stuff). I got a huge fps drop, an increased ping (50ms+) and random screen+sound freeze (changing my skills back to lightning makes everything run quite smoothly as before). After many hours of researching and experimenting with nvidia profiles, i managed to make it a bit playable at 6-player dungeons (at boss fights i still got 7-10fps though + many spikes, when i normally have 30-45fps). About 12-player raids, i can't even think to enter with spectral blade skills equipped, it's totally unplayable (like a slideshow as a guy before me told). I'm thinking to go back to the old skillset, while hoping for a fix as soon as possible (and i was so excited for the new skills :S).


My build:

> CPU: i5-2500K @ 3.30GHz

> RAM: 16GB DDR3

> GPU: Nvidia GTX 660ti 2GB


I know it's not a killer, but i'm playing totally fine with bm fire/lightning equipped, or any other class.


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Soz for double posting guys, but do we have any news on this? Should i go back to lightning build or still have hope for a fix?


PS: Whenever i meet a fellow bm 3rd spec in a dungeon i ask him if he faces the same fps/ping problem and they all do whatever their pc specs are!

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On 2019. 06. 25. at 12:52 PM, Baskerville said:

Hi all,


We want to let you know that we are aware of the current performance issues with Blade Master's new third specialization Spectral Blade. You anticipated this new spec quite a lot, and we are sorry that some of you cannot enjoy it as much as you like because of these performances issues.


We have been monitoring your feedback in the past days and are currently in conversation with the development team about this issue. At this moment we do not have any more information we can share with you.


Thank you to those who have been reporting the performance issues in the past days. Our Customer Support Team might not be able to address the issue right now, but the more information we can get about who is affected and on what systems the issue occurs, the easier it potentially is to identify the problem.


Yet again, thank you for reporting the issue. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you.

I hope you are aware of that FM and warlock animations casue the same fps drop to everyone like bm 3rd spec. Im sure people did submit tops of ticket about it yet ncsoft did nothing against it in the past 2 years.

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So I play 32-bit client mostly for 3d spec BM. 32-bit client is a complete trash. When I become bored of crashes I switch to 64-bit client. On 64-bit client BM's 3d spec laggs as sht, so I become bored of laggs. There are 2 options right now: being bored of crashes or being bored of laggs. And that's only the story for dungeons, for raids I ve got even more sad picture.  Every time I play B&S on Korea I have a question. Why NA/EU B&S version is so UGLY? It's not only more laggy but also more ugly. ANYONE who ever played on Kr knows that their textures and effects are different from NA/EU version. Ok, If that would be compensated by better optimization on NA/EU. But jee it's not only more ugly here, it also laggs more. WTF???

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