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3rd Spec BM FPS killer


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The thing is the faster a class the more hits it does. The more hits it does the more processes load a core. And hello, we have only one core here. The simplest solution (which will not be implemented cause who gives a candy to optimization problems except players) is to decrease BM's speed at least twice and increase appropriately damage. 

I don't understand only how could they made something like that for a game that functions on 1 core. The people who come up with ideas and code... have IQ higher than 70, right? 

No, seriously I was thinking and discussed it many times with people, nobody can understand how something like that could be coded in such game. Even considering that Korean client laggs much less, have no stutters but still even there BM in raids is a tough case... People who code are not familiar with B&S? Is it some freelancers who took a project but didn't look what it's for?

Edited by Poporo
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Am 25.6.2019 um 15:01 schrieb KlausFlouride:

You guys allegedly tested this for a very long time and this is what BM's ended up with? That's pretty shameful if you ask me. How about you slow releases until you get the fps drop issues addressed OR let us test it on a test server before you release it?

They dont test the skills they just take what KR gives them ! We wouldnt have Awakening if they would actully care about the game or they atleast would do stuff to improve the game itself. All they do by themselve is F10 and sometimes change farming spots a bit which most of the time results in a cash grab cause they actully make it harder to farm a certain material all the time.


I am pretty sure the guys which decide about the patches in NCsoft West dont play the game themselve and they dont even ask people who play this game.

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