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  1. Greetings sikebb and RabenKaras, Can you please reach out to Support about this? You can do so by clicking the tab above. Make sure to include as many details as you can. Screenshots or even screen captures (videos) are ideal.
  2. Greetings FlCosmin, Could you please reach out to Support about this? You can do so by clicking the Support tab above.
  3. Greetings Dripsz! Thank you. We have added this to our Known Issues and are working to resolve it.
  4. Greetings Mallika, Please reach out to our Support team in the Support tab above. Thank you!
  5. Bonjour IzzyOups, Effectivement, il vaudrait mieux attendre que l'installation finisse. Si vous avez encore des problèmes, je vous invite à contacter l'Assistance en cliquant sur l'onglet ci-dessus.
  6. Hello Bazakot, Is this your first time purchasing? The process can take up to 24h due to various verifications on our side. We're sorry for the delay.
  7. Greetings sandhyarani, You can ask the Support Team to do it by sending a ticket here.
  8. Greetings pipibei, That's very inconvenient. Don't worry, you can also contact the Support Team at support@bladeandsoul.com
  9. Greetings Ragnes, This is not a bug. Going too quickly will result in no credit. Just slow down and you will be fine :)
  10. Greetings Liongodking123, Could you please reach out to the Support team about it? Thank you
  11. Greetings XxsamutexX, With more details, we might be able to provide some help here. Either way, feel free to contact the Support team, I'm sure they can help you.
  12. Greetings, Thank you for reporting. We encourage everyone to keep an eye on our Known Issues thread :
  13. Bonjour Proutas, Vous pouvez changer la langue du client et du jeu dans les paramètres, en haut, à droite.
  14. Greetings 1shisu, You might want to try to repair your files (you have the option to do so in your settings, in the top right corner of the launcher). If this doesn't work, maybe try re-installing the game or shoot our Support Team a ticket.
  15. Bonjour Carc001, En effet, nous avons enlevé XGINCODE, mais ça ne veut pas dire que nous arrêtons de surveiller le jeu. Simplement que nous ne passerons plus par un logiciel tierce. Nous continuerons à pénaliser toute mauvaise conduite. Nous vous encourageons à prendre contact avec l'Assistance si vous êtes témoin d'un comportement suspect, ils seront ravis de pouvoir y jeter un coup d’œil. Merci :)
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