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Let's talk about the smurfing problem.


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It's no secret that the top spots more often than not are almost always hogged by the same person in every ladder.


Right now, 8 out of the top 10 spots in the FM ladder is occupied by 3 players, with the top 5 KFM more often than not being one person. I don't need to tell you why this is a bad thing. Those spots are meant for individual players, not individual alts. It shouldn't be possible that the top player is also rank 2, 5, 6 and 7, they should just be the top player. 


I would like very much for players who practice this outright unfair behavior to only get rewards and ranking on their highest ranked character, not have all the spots be taken by this particular player.

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I mean, if they can get the first ranks on all their alts (except maybe if they're playing the same class multiple times), it's only fair that they get the rewards. They're just that good I guess. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, as someone with 10 chars of which 9 fm's... i wouldnt mind if they limit it to once per class...
BUT.... then they should at least let us change our chars into another class and not f- us over once again....
But what they could also just do, is change the rating system... 
Then normal people can at least reach gold still.. and get some rewards..
Now you start fighting tournament players on their alts before u even reach gold..

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in good game with serious devs and community manager this issue would have been adressed first season...now if you press F11 this is literrraly a clown fiesta, they even doing esport like nothing wrong, now the question is how people can continue playing this game with such disrespect....

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On 8/11/2018 at 4:27 AM, SkFy said:

Well, as someone with 10 chars of which 9 fm's... i wouldnt mind if they limit it to once per class...
BUT.... then they should at least let us change our chars into another class and not f- us over once again....
But what they could also just do, is change the rating system... 
Then normal people can at least reach gold still.. and get some rewards..
Now you start fighting tournament players on their alts before u even reach gold..

Soooo..... You have 9 fms specifically made for smurfing. And then you say if they fix smurfing you'd require a free class change to not conceive yourself as f'd up.

The nerve is astounding

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 10:48 PM, Asuramon said:

Soooo..... You have 9 fms specifically made for smurfing. And then you say if they fix smurfing you'd require a free class change to not conceive yourself as f'd up.

The nerve is astounding

Yes, i removed my other classes and spent a lot of time leveling it cause everyone else was also using it and after multiple topics and tickets to ncsoft nothing happened, cant blame me then.... i didn't like it from the start, but good luck getting high rating on a single char if all the top players are constantly in low rating with their billion alts farming everyone...
People just boost chars 1 by 1 so they always have one in high rating... :/ there is no way to get past the barrier any other way.... even if you are good enough to actually beat them like 50% of the time... it's not enough... you gonna have to beat them over and over again, which is just unrealistic... even the top players cant do that.

And if they accept it for years, and people put in a lot of work to get more chars it would be a total d-head move to then all of a sudden not allow it anymore so we wasted days of our time for nothing..
Besides that, i also lag 95% of the time... it's so annoying losing points all the time cause of lags, its nice to have a lower rank char then to still have fun without having to waste the rating you worked so hard to get..

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2 hours ago, SkFy said:

Yes, i removed my other classes and spent a lot of time leveling it cause everyone else was also using it and after multiple topics and tickets to ncsoft nothing happened, cant blame me then.... i didn't like it from the start, but good luck getting high rating on a single char if all the top players are constantly in low rating with their billion alts farming everyone...
People just boost chars 1 by 1 so they always have one in high rating... :/ there is no way to get past the barrier any other way.... even if you are good enough to actually beat them like 50% of the time... it's not enough... you gonna have to beat them over and over again, which is just unrealistic... even the top players cant do that.

And if they accept it for years, and people put in a lot of work to get more chars it would be a total d-head move to then all of a sudden not allow it anymore so we wasted days of our time for nothing..
Besides that, i also lag 95% of the time... it's so annoying losing points all the time cause of lags, its nice to have a lower rank char then to still have fun without having to waste the rating you worked so hard to get..

Yes they should at least give us lv50 ticket of every same class alt if they did remove alt season rewards

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5 hours ago, SkFy said:

Yes, i removed my other classes and spent a lot of time leveling it cause everyone else was also using it and after multiple topics and tickets to ncsoft nothing happened, cant blame me then.... i didn't like it from the start, but good luck getting high rating on a single char if all the top players are constantly in low rating with their billion alts farming everyone...
People just boost chars 1 by 1 so they always have one in high rating... :/ there is no way to get past the barrier any other way.... even if you are good enough to actually beat them like 50% of the time... it's not enough... you gonna have to beat them over and over again, which is just unrealistic... even the top players cant do that.

And if they accept it for years, and people put in a lot of work to get more chars it would be a total d-head move to then all of a sudden not allow it anymore so we wasted days of our time for nothing..
Besides that, i also lag 95% of the time... it's so annoying losing points all the time cause of lags, its nice to have a lower rank char then to still have fun without having to waste the rating you worked so hard to get..

"If you can't beat them, join them" and "everyone else is doing it" isn't even close to being a viable justification. Just because it's an exploit being overlooked for years doesn't mean "hey it's their fault for not fixing it, so I'm free to use it" either

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1 hour ago, Asuramon said:

"If you can't beat them, join them" and "everyone else is doing it" isn't even close to being a viable justification. Just because it's an exploit being overlooked for years doesn't mean "hey it's their fault for not fixing it, so I'm free to use it" either

Eh, it IS their fault for not fixing it..
What you expect me to do keep making posts everyday even if ncsoft doesn't want to change it?
It's not an exploit, it's a feature.. since ncsoft intended it to be this way.
And yea, if you cant beat them join them... it's true...
What else, farm my a.. off to feed their alt's rating all day long not getting anywhere myself? i play for myself, not to feed them.
Also i dont even try to aim for top 30 on my alts, nor do own all top 10 spots of my class like some other people...
My chars shouldn't hinder anyone from getting a reward...
FM doesn't even have 300 people gold+ at the end of the season lol..

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