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Everything posted by Yaory

  1. completely agree with everything except that, BnS is a game where your ping and fps is so relevent. I don't consider running bns with 20-30 fps or 200+ ms as playing, you're not playing bns at this point, and that's the only reason why Raids in bns feels so challenging, the mechanics are easy but for those who have like bad fps and 200+ ms in raids it just feels so difficult, and so it's not fun at all, for me it's just a constant struggle and all those fps freezes are just cancer to your eyes. I've been doing raids since BT release with 24man and quit right after IA release, the only reason i kept doing raids is because it's fun doing content with 11 or 23 other people, but the gameplay with 20 fps is NOT fun at all.
  2. It's a feature at this point, not a bug
  3. you mean 10K gold and nearly 400 transformation stones and hundreds of tradable mats ? cause that's way more than 20K if you sell everything
  4. So why even stream if the things we see on stream isn't what we get? yes it can still change but an increase of 500% of the cost of transmute is juste not acceptable, it's like you show trove on stream with an increased chance of criting by 500%. That's basically false advertising
  5. What do you mean, we already have this, you're experiencing it right now
  6. Crafting price increase-> transformation stones price increase -> higher prices on basic mats because of the crafting prices , had nothing to do with players ‘going the easy way’, it’s not like players stop farming from a patch to another in a matter of 1-2week. And before you tell me it’s because of high demands, yes you’re right, but what caused those high demands? Crafting prices of course!
  7. It’s been like that for weeks now and i know they are aware of that bug but they don’t seem to care at all even though it’s a pretty big one. I guess it’s an “intended feature”, just like the countless bugs that exists on this game for months or even years.
  8. I actually did a topic more than 1 year ago, 3v3 was dying but no one cares, i hope they notice this one..
  9. "Do you need to play bns to live? no" those kind of arguments are so bad man, YES i need to be geared to COMPETE with other players either in pvp or pve, and with the current stat of the game you CAN't unless you grind 24hours a day, it gives whales so many advantages over f2p players, yes they are paying but its still unfair given that you can't even farm what they get with their money. Games are all about COMPETITION with other players and not just mindless farm that will get you nowhere. Please just tell me you're trolling with your comments or i'm gonna lose fate in humanity
  10. Tout en bas sur ton inventaire, y'a une icone ou y'a "coopérative du dragon", clique dessus -> premier onglet tu trouverai les quintessences
  11. I do that everyday i log in into the game, cause everytime there a new BOT(lv 50 btw), but that doesn't seem to work :)
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