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Dying to fire


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I urge the Devs to revisit Tomb of the Exiles as an at lvl character on a day when Tomb of Exiles is the daily challenge for the max lvl toons. It's pure treachery they run past all the mobs and leave the low lvl's to die to the mobs and if they are lucky enough to survive that they die to the fire gates that appear when bosses are pulled never being able to loot the bosses. The zone gates also add to the treachery. There is also an exploit in  Blackram Narrows where the party lead can opt to let the cut scene play and end it after a bit and take all the loot while all the others are stuck in the cut scene. Just to come out to no loot at all. These are just a few minor things that effect the quality of life in a pretty large way when one is working towards upgrading their weapons and accessories. It already takes forever to get the correct weapon in Tomb and Blackram and to have to waste many queues going in just to end up with some max lvl player who leaves people for dead makes it an even more agonizing process . I can think of multiple ways to fix these problems. 1. Give everyone the power to end their own cut scenes and not just the party leader. 2. Set lvl requirements on dungeons for LFG and separate the max toons from the at lvl toons (group in lvl brackets) 3. Remove the fire and just close the door 4. Do not let the doors close (boss engage) till everyone is in the room. 5. Open the loot rolls on all sides of gates while in dungeons.  


I'm not sure what of these are viable options on a coding lvl just know they would make the quality of life in game better while working on characters. 

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Loss of exp is not really an issue at all.  In tomb of the exiles people like to jump over the mobs.  If someone get aggro you can just keep running and they will ignore you.  But if the others jump you have to do the same.  get in the practice now, because you will be expected to know how to skip when you get to BSC and BSH.


the fire is, though.


Many people like to troll and actually wait until you are RIGHT ON WHERE THE FIRE WILL BE and then start the fight.  If you stop in time, you WILL get in on the auction.



They should just place a 5 second warning before the fire actually starts. this way you know if you are gonna make it and can stop if you aren't.


I don't see a downside to this.

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That doesn't always work though, particular if you're at level in Blackram Narrows because lvl 50s have rank 3 wind walk and can run and jump over mobs that you can't because you don't have enough wind walk time. So keeping up with them is nearly impossible sometimes.


That said, as level 50s, we can do others a favor by just killing everything in the path. That is what I do. Especially in Narrows, you can one shot basically everything as a level 50, it doesn't take much longer to just kill everything.

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The fire mechanic is fine, and in some cases adds a challenge to the boss fights (you can die from backstep/ss into the fire)


it's just the intentional trolling that's the issue, and adding a delay with warning before it appears would fix that.

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The fire mechanic is the most retarded mechanic I've ever seen in a video entertainment software in history. End of story.

Whoever designed this should go back to studying game design for dummies 101.



  • Do you ever seen any warning onscreen warning new players about this retarded mechanic? NO
  • Do you ever see any instructions in loading screens about this retarded mechanic? NO
  • Is there any need to instantly kill players AND rob them of the ability to chi + all dragonblood if they lag 2 seconds behind the party, and the party doesn't know better? NO
  • Have the devs ever heard of something called a GATE? NO
  • Are the devs laughing in your face like trolls whenever new players have no idea wtf just killed them? YES
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12 minutes ago, Melodia said:

The fire mechanic is the most retarded mechanic I've ever seen in a video entertainment software in history. End of story.

Whoever designed this should go back to studying game design for dummies 101.



  • Do you ever seen any warning onscreen warning new players about this retarded mechanic? NO
  • Do you ever see any instructions in loading screens about this retarded mechanic? NO
  • Is there any need to instantly kill players AND rob them of the ability to chi + all dragonblood if they lag 2 seconds behind the party, and the party doesn't know better? NO
  • Have the devs ever heard of something called a GATE? NO
  • Are the devs laughing in your face like trolls whenever new players have no idea wtf just killed them? YES

Pretty much.


Though to calls these devs "devs" is really a joke. Their designers are amateurs at best. The game is really a fancy cash grab and the game is rife with poor mechanics,i.e. SSP damage/loot, ogres with spammable pulls, stupidly hard to find SSP keys, lack of security and hackers running left and right (that SSP weapons had to be removed)... so forth

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1. Shout out for Tomb of Exiles party "NO 50s ALLOWED"

2. Kick any 50s that joined

3. Get all your fellow low levels to join your party

4. Problem solved

Enjoy competing loots with your fellow low level players if you think 50s who wants to rush for your run ain't worth your pleasant gameplay experience.


1. LFP with 50s

2. Follow sprint closely behind them and ignore unnecessary loots

3. Dungeon cleared.


Take your pick.

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