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4 minutes ago, Arohk said:

maybe they just want to get their daily quest done as fast as possible and don't even bother fighting what every OP class you play.

but that makes no sense at all. Why do pvp if your not going to pvp? I mean I'm the same way, I do it for the dailies, but even I still compete/pvp. Besides there are some players who actually want to rank and somewhat fairly (we shall not discuss the -cough- bot -cough- issue)

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7 minutes ago, Arohk said:

sometimes when i have to fight multiple assassins or summoners in a row i also just let them kill me because it is pointless to even try.

Those are the words of a real hardcore gamer! Real men always deal with trouble this way! Keep it going!

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1 minute ago, VirtuoZzzo said:

Those are the words of a real hardcore gamer! Real men always deal with trouble this way! Keep it going!

i am just tired of getting killed 90:0 with my blademaster, against other classes i have at least a chance.



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13 minutes ago, Arohk said:

i am just tired of getting killed 90:0 with my blademaster, against other classes i have at least a chance.

Well, korean tournament showed, that bm can *cricket* everyone. And as for summoner I can say it is annoying but OP in pvp. Sleep the cat + control a hero. He will run out of evades and dies pretty quickly without a cat.

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23 minutes ago, VirtuoZzzo said:

Well, korean tournament showed, that bm can *cricket* everyone. And as for summoner I can say it is annoying but OP in pvp. Sleep the cat + control a hero. He will run out of evades and dies pretty quickly without a cat.

how do you "sleep" a cat.

i can only do the unconscious stun with a kick>breese combo if the enemy is blocking. every seen a cat "block" ? 

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My guess is they wanted to do dailies and be done with it.


Have you ever done the dailies and just attacked someone because they were there and then been griefed for it?  Either by they get a friend or they just keep coming after you.  It becomes lame.

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1 hour ago, Arohk said:

sometimes when i have to fight multiple assassins or summoners in a row i also just let them kill me because it is pointless to even try.

Omg thats so... lame!! Can't even start to describe the level of lame-ness you achieved.

Unfortunately the Code of Conduct forbids me to express my ACTUAL feelings for such people like you. However, the game will be much better without you.

Best uninstall and go back to MOBA or solitare or whatever.

1 hour ago, luckygirl88 said:

Literally in pvp tag and two games no one did anything but stood there. I'm not kidding...wtf? This has never happened before and there not bots either.

Yeah, well, happens from time to time... just look at the comment above... pity.

Imo most of those are bean farmers - even by loosing you get a certain number of beans. I find it quite strange, that NCSoft didn't add a mechanism to prevent this kind of farm, especially having in mind the mechanisn they had in L2 worked quite well. Well, it can't be taken 1:1 for a game claiming to be "esport", but ith some slight modification would prevent afk farming.

Well, korean tournament showed, that bm can *cricket* everyone. And as for summoner I can say it is annoying but OP in pvp. Sleep the cat + control a hero. He will run out of evades and dies pretty quickly without a cat.

Hm... I think the finals were WL vs FM and WL won?
Oh, this is world championship, not only in Korea...




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Most people are not able to even play the game with 10-15 fps in new areas.
So they probably just wanna do their dailies and leave. (who wants to open pvp with 15 fps honestly)
New content sucks and nowhere near as fun as it was in 45 daily routine.

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1 minute ago, HailNKill said:

Most people are not able to even play the game with 10-15 fps in new areas.
So they probably just wanna do there dailies and leave. (who wants to open pvp with 15 fps honestly)
New content sucks and nowhere near as fun as it was in 45 daily routine.

I honestly agree. I'm not saying the new content is bad, but like for me I'm 47 and I really can't continue the rest of the story quest till I lvl up and gain more exp which is a little annoying. I'm doing my dailies and what not just to help me grind up the lvls I need. :/ Also idk, just Grand Harvest is just a major lag fest and I'd love to do it, but even on my new laptop I can barely play in that daily. :/ Plus like people have suggested we need to open it to more channels which might help reduce the lag/amount of players.

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7 minutes ago, luckygirl88 said:

 I'm 47 and I really can't continue the rest of the story quest till I lvl up and gain more exp which is a little annoying.

Why can't you continue the story quest?

I understand lag issues etc, but the story quests as such are super easy to do and it will seamlessly bring you to mid 49.

Well, then is a bit boring to grind till 50, but hey, you will want to grind dailies anyway.

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33 minutes ago, MerlinBG said:

Omg thats so... lame!! Can't even start to describe the level of lame-ness you achieved.

i usually fight it out but it is just pointless and not fun just seeing a blank white screen all the time while you evenemy grills you in a few seconds and you can't do anything about it, or getting pinned to the ground from a silly cat and losing 70% of your health and you can't do anything about it, i get out of the first cat grab but then the second kills me.


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I'am in same situation. Party was AFK sometimes or members thinked we already lose after some fails. They just give up and starts AFK shit in the middle of the fight. Oh god, i hate these cowards.

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1 hour ago, Arohk said:

i usually fight it out but it is just pointless and not fun just seeing a blank white screen all the time while you evenemy grills you in a few seconds and you can't do anything about it, or getting pinned to the ground from a silly cat and losing 70% of your health and you can't do anything about it, i get out of the first cat grab but then the second kills me.


Well, what shall I say... learn your class. All classes have certain amount of escapes to deal with such situations. I am playing FM and at the start I also thought that asassins are wtf impossible to beat and who was so mad to even think introducing such OP class, not to mention to actually add it in game. But well, with time I have learned a bit and now I can beat assassins, not always, but hey, it works!

There are multiple videos of class vs class, some of them with explanations WHY... basically if you WANT you can learn a lot. If not... well, stop ruining other's experience... i mean loosing in 1:1 is up to you, but just waiting to be killed in a tag match - I hope you realize, that you spoil the win chances of the other persons in your group. Even if you suck, just TRY, possibly you will take 20% HP and this will help the others... or some abilities of the enemy will be on cooldown...

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5 minutes ago, ellenjanuary said:

Tag is horrible. Never have the patience to wait however many minutes it takes to find a match. The one time I did, my team rage-quit after 2 losses. :/

oO What do you mean by "minutes"?
I am playing in EU and tag match is found within few seconds, no matter what time of the day.

The teams change quite often though, usually after every loose people leave, which I cannot judge tbh. But then again - next team is found within few seconds.

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Maybe they just want to get dailies over with? I'd do the same, honestly. Call it lame all you want, but it's even lamer to have gear/skill progression tied to PvP like this, so for those who don't care for PvP will do anything to make experience easier on them, whether you like it or not. We don't HAVE to actually compete in PvP if it's not required to do some dailies. At least that much NCsoft/Bloodlust got right.

5 hours ago, Brand X said:

Have you ever done the dailies and just attacked someone because they were there and then been griefed for it?  Either by they get a friend or they just keep coming after you.  It becomes lame.

This. Exactly this. I hate having to do faction dailies precisely because of this. I'd hate them a lot less if they would just leave me alone. I'm not killing you for the corresponding daily, so don't try to kill me. Don't be a lame ganker just because you can.

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8 hours ago, luckygirl88 said:

but that makes no sense at all. Why do pvp if your not going to pvp? I mean I'm the same way, I do it for the dailies, but even I still compete/pvp. Besides there are some players who actually want to rank and somewhat fairly (we shall not discuss the -cough- bot -cough- issue)

Because there are many items that can only be exchanged with zen beans, and these people do not like pvp ...

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On 01 April 2016 at 9:41 AM, MerlinBG said:

Omg thats so... lame!! Can't even start to describe the level of lame-ness you achieved.


To use a depressed person's feelings as a means of elevating yourself at their expense is in itself a despicable means of self-adulation. It is alright to help people to get better at a game, it is not alright to impose the need on them and judge them as persons for their eventual performance.


Back on topic, I feel that it is ethically objectionable to go afk in a random group, as randomly matched team members have a right to expect honest effort. If a premade group applies and then gives the randomly chosen opponents a free win, I have no personal issue with it although NCSoft might disapprove of it as a means of exploit.


Personally, I never afk in 3v3 on purpose, as I play for the fun and not for pixel money or pixel rankings.


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