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So where is this lvl 50 balance patch?


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Im a pvp player(kfm) and i was hoping to see the balance patch. In fact its worse then before. Before the patch i was 1 win close to plat. I came back after patch and dropped to 1650. Maybe im just getting bad. But facts is that recently alot of sins are getting plat. I litterly can't do shit against sins. All my mates stopped playing this game cause the pvp is unbalanced. Very unbalanced.. Yess this is a calm rage thread. I'm not saying nerf sin or buf this or do that but basically if you want to have fun on the arena, you have to make a broken class yourself like sin or summoner.


Before you guys say git gut or noob or whatever. I litterly watch video's, do really my best to find opening but its litterly almost impossible. Even if you force the tab, counter the block they just run and slow you until their cd's are back and fck you over and over again. THe game for me is all about pvp. But if i get rekt by every avarage noobfriendly class sin then there is nothing in this game for me.. So WHERE THE FCK IS THE BALANCE PATCH? 


And forgot the most important thing. The random evade when they are invis.. You need luck to defeat them not skill

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Before the patch plat was super easy to get because of abundance of bots, so your real ranking was inflated. Right now, when bots are somehow more scarce, your true ranking is showing, you are just a gold player. it is not bad, nothing to worry, you can't get good overnight, it takes a lot of time and dedication.Keep playing and practicing

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52 minutes ago, Vanquishz said:

you just really sucks, you need to learn more about other classes and stop to complain about that.

A balanced patch doestn mean that you will be better than before.

I bet your a sin or summoner yourself. So i only sck and its a coincidence that alot of sins became plat right? 

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Just now, HUnewearl said:

We have the most recent balance patch, minus a few HM skills and skill points.


What class are you? Perhaps we can offer some assistance with your matchup troubles.

Im Kfm

10 minutes ago, amorent said:

Before the patch plat was super easy to get because of abundance of bots, so your real ranking was inflated. Right now, when bots are somehow more scarce, your true ranking is showing, you are just a gold player. it is not bad, nothing to worry, you can't get good overnight, it takes a lot of time and dedication.Keep playing and practicing

Btw i reached 1800 mmr with blood and swet. It still doesnt change the fact that sin class is broken at the moment

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Like i said, ratings were inflated prepatch. Sins counter kfms specifically, that's why you think sins are broken, but the fight is not hopeless. Plus, kfms are higher tier class than sins because they counter more classes than sins do. Kfm has a huge potential, just practice, watch mosh or aalaguna on twitch. 

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7 minutes ago, SuGenma said:

Im Kfm

Btw i reached 1800 mmr with blood and swet. It still doesnt change the fact that sin class is broken at the moment

you are a kfm and  still crying? you can do combos stumlocks 100-0 and complain about assasins? what a noob.

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Just now, SuGenma said:

Im Kfm

Oh, yeah, Assassin is pretty brutal vs. KFM and Destro. Really isn't anything to it except perfect evasions. Note that you can Q/E/SS the tab (Turning Leaf), which is the main combo lead.


A few suggestions, if you haven't tried any of them: you can interrupt rear charge attacks with Rising Dragon or Tremor, or if you spin around quickly enough, you can frontal CC or Q/E. Usually, you can predict the Bolt Strike (which teleports the Assassin behind you and flash bombs you for stun) and stun him out of it, taking his tab or lotus or setting him up for 100-0. You can counter his Throw Dagger, which can also offer Daze or Stun if you spec that way and prevents him from using a CC (daze, Sneak Attack). You can buy time to catch him out of stealth with Frost Guard, or just outright counter Turning Leaf combo with it. Keep in mind that if you land slow or stuns, you might be able to catch him enough to land a Tiger Strike and punt him back out of stealth. If you got the range, use it.

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6 hours ago, Vanquishz said:

you are a kfm and  still crying? you can do combos stumlocks 100-0 and complain about assasins? what a noob.

Why are you so buthurt ? bet your an sin.. How am i going to 100-0 if they run away after forcing tab,slow/invis and hide near the corners until their tab is back? Just shut up will you, at least come with facts dumbsh!t

5 hours ago, HUnewearl said:

Oh, yeah, Assassin is pretty brutal vs. KFM and Destro. Really isn't anything to it except perfect evasions. Note that you can Q/E/SS the tab (Turning Leaf), which is the main combo lead.


A few suggestions, if you haven't tried any of them: you can interrupt rear charge attacks with Rising Dragon or Tremor, or if you spin around quickly enough, you can frontal CC or Q/E. Usually, you can predict the Bolt Strike (which teleports the Assassin behind you and flash bombs you for stun) and stun him out of it, taking his tab or lotus or setting him up for 100-0. You can counter his Throw Dagger, which can also offer Daze or Stun if you spec that way and prevents him from using a CC (daze, Sneak Attack). You can buy time to catch him out of stealth with Frost Guard, or just outright counter Turning Leaf combo with it. Keep in mind that if you land slow or stuns, you might be able to catch him enough to land a Tiger Strike and punt him back out of stealth. If you got the range, use it.

Thnx for your advise. Its not that i can't predict them. I know abit of what you told me. But as soon as i predict them and use aoe. They randomly evade. If they evade tremor by luck the game is already lost. And even if i force the tab they will just run into corners and spam slow and run until their cd's are back.. So im kinda out of idea's. Im sure im not the only one. The whole chat is insulting sins

6 hours ago, amorent said:

Like i said, ratings were inflated prepatch. Sins counter kfms specifically, that's why you think sins are broken, but the fight is not hopeless. Plus, kfms are higher tier class than sins because they counter more classes than sins do. Kfm has a huge potential, just practice, watch mosh or aalaguna on twitch. 

Thnx man ! I will practice more

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Of course sin is a cheated class, what's the problem to admit this fact?  evad stealth again and again, to catch them it's really hard. If they play in hard try mode you have no chance, they slow the game to have their cd up, everybody knows that, so please stop tell him that he has to learn to play, that's not true, even if you know your class very well, the only hope you can have against them is to wait for misstake from their part, that's all, and they can make many misstakes in a single game before diying.





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3 minutes ago, PayJayM said:

Of course sin is a cheated class, what's the problem to admit this fact?  evad stealth again and again, to catch them it's really hard. If they play in hard try mode you have no chance, they slow the game to have their cd up, everybody knows that, so please stop tell him that he has to learn to play, that's not true, even if you know your class very well, the only hope you can have against them is to wait for misstake from their part, that's all, and they can make many misstakes in a single game before diying.

Honestly, I wont waste a lot of time on this, but I make it short: Git gud. I got Plat on my KFM a few days ago in the Patch where Assassins got admittingly cheesier but not really better. I got cancer by those Sins, because for some reason I only fought 50% of the time Sins. Gimme a break, it is such an annoying class. But nevertheless, Sin is not OP or cheated, you are just a loser who doesnt want to admit his mistakes. If you get PvE'd by Assassins a lot... There you have it. You just suck. You just dont know how to outplay the new blue buff, or PvE assassins in general. Even Menace II told me that he has no problem with Assassins that PvE. "I just kill them" - Menace 2016
Here is a quick little tip. How about Tiger Strike AoE to unstealth those annoying Sins? Ice Guard? Tremor? Wall hugging? There are so many things you can do, but you dont do them. You deserve the rating you are in. 


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sorry bro but i'm not KFM, so maybe you didn't want to quote me? ^^


I'm sum, and everytime it is the same, we finish equality, he stealth I stealth, tank cat etc... very funny :) most of time i win because i must do more damage catching him sometimes when he just fight my tanky cat like a bot :)



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you are a kfm and  still crying? you can do combos stumlocks 100-0 and complain about assasins? what a noob.

Yes, KFM can 100-0. Assasin with blue buff currently can 200-0 KFM. Without just 100-0. Also, KFM to perform 100-0 requires blue buff, what he cannot pick vs sin (he needs ice guard). Also, he needs to save 3s and 2s stuns with 45s cd. And assasin has escapes. Many. KFM has just TAB and if he burns it he is dead.


Like i said, ratings were inflated prepatch. Sins counter kfms specifically, that's why you think sins are broken, but the fight is not hopeless. Plus, kfms are higher tier class than sins because they counter more classes than sins do. Kfm has a huge potential, just practice, watch mosh or aalaguna on twitch. 

After new patch Mosh was considering switching to other class. Best KFM EU - famous Radeyz dropped from 2400 elo (~top 8) to 2100 elo (almost getting back to plat). So please. Stop *cricket*ing saying Sins are not broken and balance is fine, cause it is not.

There are almost NONE diamond KFM's. Everyone with diamond is sin, summoner or blade master/dancer. Sometimes destroyers.

If anyone wanna say KFM is balanced in PvP, just *cricket*in play it. You will see it is now underpowered as hell, even if mastered to competetive level.

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9 hours ago, Vanquishz said:

you just really sucks, you need to learn more about other classes and stop to complain about that.

A balanced patch doestn mean that you will be better than before.

I agree.

Summoners are the best players, others dpn't know how to play.

EU 31,03 :


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10 hours ago, SuGenma said:

Im Kfm

Btw i reached 1800 mmr with blood and swet. It still doesnt change the fact that sin class is broken at the moment

Are freaken retarded?  KFM has ani-cancel 3RF perma disable,  and what do sins have?! So we have to dodge u...  Or else 3RF..3RF...... Dead sin... Watch video and get skilled. The most broken class is summoners and destroyers and third place goes for LBD.

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9 hours ago, Ra9eQuit said:

Honestly, I wont waste a lot of time on this, but I make it short: Git gud. I got Plat on my KFM a few days ago in the Patch where Assassins got admittingly cheesier but not really better. I got cancer by those Sins, because for some reason I only fought 50% of the time Sins. Gimme a break, it is such an annoying class. But nevertheless, Sin is not OP or cheated, you are just a loser who doesnt want to admit his mistakes. If you get PvE'd by Assassins a lot... There you have it. You just suck. You just dont know how to outplay the new blue buff, or PvE assassins in general. Even Menace II told me that he has no problem with Assassins that PvE. "I just kill them" - Menace 2016
Here is a quick little tip. How about Tiger Strike AoE to unstealth those annoying Sins? Ice Guard? Tremor? Wall hugging? There are so many things you can do, but you dont do them. You deserve the rating you are in. 


Listen up smartass trashtalking shit. Your facts are based on 2-3 people who already are out of our league. Second of all how the fck do you hit some1 with aoe if they evade by random chance? If they don't i kill them most of the time. But the odds are most likely against me. You unstealth them ok. They go invis with a skill the second you do that. Iceguard they backstep, Tremor? They evade 80% of the time. Wall hugging? they trow poison granade and hug the other side of the wall. Haven't tryd Tiger strike. THnx for that extra usefull info. But other then that you are shit with common sence. I woudn't discuss this on forums if i hadn't try stuff self right


- Sugenma

7 hours ago, Xeleon said:

Are freaken retarded?  KFM has ani-cancel 3RF perma disable,  and what do sins have?! So we have to dodge u...  Or else 3RF..3RF...... Dead sin... Watch video and get skilled. The most broken class is summoners and destroyers and third place goes for LBD.

Your the retard here. Doing 100-0 you must do a couple of requirements to able to pull that off. First you need to offer ice guard for fighting spirit, which is the most risky thing you could do against a sin, second you need to force him out of tab, third you need to force him out of lotus and last, you need to save all your stuns and time it perfectly to 100-0 sin. If you manage to do all that its easy. But again your a retard who thinks 3rf is only spamming 3 buttons 2 win..


And if you compare it with sin, sin can easely 100-0 you after you tabbed out

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cause being resistent to everything nearly all the damn time and being able to completely stun every other second BEFORE THIS PATCH CAME OUT, but got buffed by the patch as well, and you still want balance? it ain't even about balance anymore, you just need to practice more

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The balance didn't magically come with the lvl 50 patch. First, you need to get your legendary skills, then get HM levels so you can put points in them. Afterwards, you need to learn to play using / against the new skills.

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I actually quit 1v1 due to Sins, every other class it was a challenge or a close fight and I Felt like I was improving regardless of win or loss, I got to around 1895 and hit a wall of sins... literally spent the next hour chasing a shimmer from one corner to the other whiles trying to iframe mines before the timer ran out because they were stalling like a *cricket*.


0 things you can do vs Sins that don't want to be caught, it's a very broken method of winning atm and even when they do decide to fight they are still broken, unsure why they received further buffs.

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6 hours ago, SuGenma said:

Listen up smartass trashtalking shit. Your facts are based on 2-3 people who already are out of our league. Second of all how the fck do you hit some1 with aoe if they evade by random chance? If they don't i kill them most of the time. But the odds are most likely against me. You unstealth them ok. They go invis with a skill the second you do that. Iceguard they backstep, Tremor? They evade 80% of the time. Wall hugging? they trow poison granade and hug the other side of the wall. Haven't tryd Tiger strike. THnx for that extra usefull info. But other then that you are shit with common sence. I woudn't discuss this on forums if i hadn't try stuff self right


- Sugenma

That was a nice joke at the very end lol, gotta say, that made me laugh haha. Anyway I dont even have problems with Sin in Plat, so idk man. Youre right okay? Sins op as hell, completely broken, game unplayable. Please do me a favor and uninstall directly. And if you dont (most likely), have fun climbing with that attitude, you will waste a looot of time.

-xRa9eQuitxx420xBlazingWeedxXAssassinSlayerXx69 (who loves to leave his name after every post)

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53 minutes ago, Ra9eQuit said:

That was a nice joke at the very end lol, gotta say, that made me laugh haha. Anyway I dont even have problems with Sin in Plat, so idk man. Youre right okay? Sins op as hell, completely broken, game unplayable. Please do me a favor and uninstall directly. And if you dont (most likely), have fun climbing with that attitude, you will waste a looot of time.

-xRa9eQuitxx420xBlazingWeedxXAssassinSlayerXx69 (who loves to leave his name after every post)

Ironic that you talk about others attitude. Iv seen your post on other forums. You really are trying to make a reputation on forums with that trashmouth of yours. Dude you are nothing. You cant tell people what to do. Your just a buthurt noobfriendly sin player who can't admid that the class is broken atm. If you had a little braincell, you would notice that most recent players who became plat are sins. Keep trying hard bro. Maybe you will get famous one day XD. Now do me a favour and go crawl back to your moms *cricket* idiot. Btw next time if you wanna trashtalk or discuss come with arguments. Otherwise your just a dumb noob who thinks hes very good at this game and trowing random stuff on forum.


- Sugenma (who loves to rek morons on forums)

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On 3/31/2016 at 11:05 PM, Ra9eQuit said:

Honestly, I wont waste a lot of time on this, but I make it short: Git gud. I got Plat on my KFM a few days ago in the Patch where Assassins got admittingly cheesier but not really better. I got cancer by those Sins, because for some reason I only fought 50% of the time Sins. Gimme a break, it is such an annoying class. But nevertheless, Sin is not OP or cheated, you are just a loser who doesnt want to admit his mistakes. If you get PvE'd by Assassins a lot... There you have it. You just suck. You just dont know how to outplay the new blue buff, or PvE assassins in general. Even Menace II told me that he has no problem with Assassins that PvE. "I just kill them" - Menace 2016
Here is a quick little tip. How about Tiger Strike AoE to unstealth those annoying Sins? Ice Guard? Tremor? Wall hugging? There are so many things you can do, but you dont do them. You deserve the rating you are in. 


you're obviously a complete dumbass .its people like you that makes this community look trash. at least a few comments here were actually decent.  

On 3/30/2016 at 1:25 PM, SuGenma said:

Im a pvp player(kfm) and i was hoping to see the balance patch. In fact its worse then before. Before the patch i was 1 win close to plat. I came back after patch and dropped to 1650. Maybe im just getting bad. But facts is that recently alot of sins are getting plat. I litterly can't do shit against sins. All my mates stopped playing this game cause the pvp is unbalanced. Very unbalanced.. Yess this is a calm rage thread. I'm not saying nerf sin or buf this or do that but basically if you want to have fun on the arena, you have to make a broken class yourself like sin or summoner.


Before you guys say git gut or noob or whatever. I litterly watch video's, do really my best to find opening but its litterly almost impossible. Even if you force the tab, counter the block they just run and slow you until their cd's are back and fck you over and over again. THe game for me is all about pvp. But if i get rekt by every avarage noobfriendly class sin then there is nothing in this game for me.. So WHERE THE FCK IS THE BALANCE PATCH? 


And forgot the most important thing. The random evade when they are invis.. You need luck to defeat them not skill

ur not the only one, OP. 

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15 hours ago, SuGenma said:

Ironic that you talk about others attitude. Iv seen your post on other forums. You really are trying to make a reputation on forums with that trashmouth of yours. Dude you are nothing. You cant tell people what to do. Your just a buthurt noobfriendly sin player who can't admid that the class is broken atm. If you had a little braincell, you would notice that most recent players who became plat are sins. Keep trying hard bro. Maybe you will get famous one day XD. Now do me a favour and go crawl back to your moms *cricket* idiot. Btw next time if you wanna trashtalk or discuss come with arguments. Otherwise your just a dumb noob who thinks hes very good at this game and trowing random stuff on forum.


- Sugenma (who loves to rek morons on forums)

Someone who claims something broken doesnt want arguments, I know this good enough, so I am just having a good time, trolling you, wasting your time for fun. And you rekt me so hard, I am going to tell this my mom and cry my eyes out, you bully. You really hurt my feelings lol. And I am already famous huahuahuahua. I have 2 friends :^^^^^)
Have fun in Gold meanwhile, I bet the complaining will get you somewhere, maybe even back into Silver.


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