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So where is this lvl 50 balance patch?


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You do realise that THE one change that is supposed to help kfm against sins is the hongmoon glyph for that turn around stun skill so it sucks sins to them unstealthes them and stuns them? Do you have that glyph? Otherwise what the h3ll did you expect?

And you cannot one combo assassins without blue buff? Those kfms i meat sure can though... Sure, i just don´t get one comboed because i have 2 tab escapes and stealth and win the opener and also the neutral game so... but if i f*ck up badly i still die from 100% a lot of the time without blue buff.

Some guy said blue flower is super op right? Now i can 200-0 you. So... you assume because we are assassins we can just take blue flower instead of our second tab, but you HAVE TO take the ice flower, because else you die. Don´t you think it´s kinda the same for us? Especially when you get that one hongmoon glyph and just pull us right out of the blue buff. And no rng evade is not going to work on that skill. But i can tell you a secret we can actually 100-0 you without blue flower just fine, although it takes like 30 seconds. So why the h3ll would i choose blue buff? So you can one combo me easier? Like that´s the only use i have for it, no kidding.

Anyways, it won´t even change too much as kfm just get´s countered by sin. That´s how it was and it´s still going to be like that. With the hongmoon glyph you get ONE insane tool to deal with us, but that´s not going to carry you threw the matchup. And also fyi kfm along with bm and also kind of destroyer witch i´m not even completely sure of and some people say warlock, but i still don´t get how are the only favoureable matchups for sin. Like FM is horrible, Summoner too, BD little bit better but still a good enough blade dancer should beat sins and i would say warlock is one of the worst matchups too personally, but maybe i only have to develope a better playstyle against them since i´ve seen people say otherwise. Not like it matters you don´t meat a lot of warlocks in the somewhat higher´ish rating range anyway.


"Nerf Rock, Paper is fine!"



that really is a thing.

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6 hours ago, Ra9eQuit said:

Someone who claims something broken doesnt want arguments, I know this good enough, so I am just having a good time, trolling you, wasting your time for fun. And you rekt me so hard, I am going to tell this my mom and cry my eyes out, you bully. You really hurt my feelings lol. And I am already famous huahuahuahua. I have 2 friends :^^^^^)
Have fun in Gold meanwhile, I bet the complaining will get you somewhere, maybe even back into Silver.


Nice comeback bro, here you are again, talking nothing but shit. The thing, your not trolling me, you are trying to troll me and failing hard. But like i said, you are nothing. Just a random trash whos searching for attention on forums. Np il give you all the attention you need. And ps: I need 2 more wins for plat, so wish me luck

5 hours ago, N3ro said:

You do realise that THE one change that is supposed to help kfm against sins is the hongmoon glyph for that turn around stun skill so it sucks sins to them unstealthes them and stuns them? Do you have that glyph? Otherwise what the h3ll did you expect?

And you cannot one combo assassins without blue buff? Those kfms i meat sure can though... Sure, i just don´t get one comboed because i have 2 tab escapes and stealth and win the opener and also the neutral game so... but if i f*ck up badly i still die from 100% a lot of the time without blue buff.

Some guy said blue flower is super op right? Now i can 200-0 you. So... you assume because we are assassins we can just take blue flower instead of our second tab, but you HAVE TO take the ice flower, because else you die. Don´t you think it´s kinda the same for us? Especially when you get that one hongmoon glyph and just pull us right out of the blue buff. And no rng evade is not going to work on that skill. But i can tell you a secret we can actually 100-0 you without blue flower just fine, although it takes like 30 seconds. So why the h3ll would i choose blue buff? So you can one combo me easier? Like that´s the only use i have for it, no kidding.

Anyways, it won´t even change too much as kfm just get´s countered by sin. That´s how it was and it´s still going to be like that. With the hongmoon glyph you get ONE insane tool to deal with us, but that´s not going to carry you threw the matchup. And also fyi kfm along with bm and also kind of destroyer witch i´m not even completely sure of and some people say warlock, but i still don´t get how are the only favoureable matchups for sin. Like FM is horrible, Summoner too, BD little bit better but still a good enough blade dancer should beat sins and i would say warlock is one of the worst matchups too personally, but maybe i only have to develope a better playstyle against them since i´ve seen people say otherwise. Not like it matters you don´t meat a lot of warlocks in the somewhat higher´ish rating range anyway.


"Nerf Rock, Paper is fine!"



that really is a thing.

Thnx man, But i don't know which glymps you are talking about. If you mean rising dragon tier 5 that pulls sins to the center. That glymps isnt out yet.

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Sin is pretty squishy. It take skills and practice to properly pilot it. Same with KFM, but kfm has more def and dmg.
Sin counters KFM hard because of lack of unstealthing AOE skill. You will be what they called "PVEd". Killed like a mob with unli stealth.

So just to figure out when and where to catch them.

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2 minutes ago, SuGenma said:

Nice comeback bro, here you are again, talking nothing but shit. The thing, your not trolling me, you are trying to troll me. But like i said, you are nothing. Just a random trash whos searching for attention of forums. Np il give you all the attention you need. And ps: I need 2 more wins for plat, so wish me luck

Good job m8, waiting for you at 2050 Rating <333
Btw, I didnt mean to offend you, but okay. I just dont like people that complain, because I never complain about balance and I cant understand why other people do it. Anyway we can be friends if you want, I would like to see your KFM skills myself and give you some tips. And yeah, I need that attention lelelelellele, you got me, you know the truth hahaha. Nah m8, I can be a nice person but if you really expect "advice" in the comments and then say: Yeah yeah, I know and tried all that, nothing works, Sin broken. What are we supposed to say, like what?!? I got to know enough people who just play a game and claim something broken or unbalanced that isnt. People who do this, dont want to hear the truth or actually advice themselves. Dunning-Kruger-effect. Look it up.

-MLGRa9eQuit (I kinda start to like changing my name to something stupid every post lol)

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5 hours ago, Ra9eQuit said:

Good job m8, waiting for you at 2050 Rating <333
Btw, I didnt mean to offend you, but okay. I just dont like people that complain, because I never complain about balance and I cant understand why other people do it. Anyway we can be friends if you want, I would like to see your KFM skills myself and give you some tips. And yeah, I need that attention lelelelellele, you got me, you know the truth hahaha. Nah m8, I can be a nice person but if you really expect "advice" in the comments and then say: Yeah yeah, I know and tried all that, nothing works, Sin broken. What are we supposed to say, like what?!? I got to know enough people who just play a game and claim something broken or unbalanced that isnt. People who do this, dont want to hear the truth or actually advice themselves. Dunning-Kruger-effect. Look it up.

-MLGRa9eQuit (I kinda start to like changing my name to something stupid every post lol)

Yeah i agree with you on some point. Ofcourse i made this topic from rage. The reason why i did was because i win almost from every class but against sins i dont stand a chance. But i found out that sin counter kfm etc and im not that good as i tought. I apologize for my behaviour and hope to face you on the arena :) Let the best man win.

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On 3/30/2016 at 8:42 PM, Vanquishz said:

you just really sucks, you need to learn more about other classes and stop to complain about that.

A balanced patch doestn mean that you will be better than before.


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10 hours ago, SuGenma said:

Yeah i agree with you on some point. Ofcourse i made this topic from rage. The reason why i did was because i win almost from every class but against sins i dont stand a chance. But i found out that sin counter kfm etc and im not that good as i tought. I apologize for my behaviour and hope to face you on the arena :) Let the best man win.

Good that you have finally made a mindful post. Its okay m8, we all were at some point where you are now. Just practice and you will get that ez plat. You will maybe find me in Arena under the name Doyama (Destroyer) or Shiyasa (KFM). Hit me up whenever you feel like it ^^


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21 hours ago, SuGenma said:

Nice comeback bro, here you are again, talking nothing but shit. The thing, your not trolling me, you are trying to troll me and failing hard. But like i said, you are nothing. Just a random trash whos searching for attention on forums. Np il give you all the attention you need. And ps: I need 2 more wins for plat, so wish me luck

Thnx man, But i don't know which glymps you are talking about. If you mean rising dragon tier 5 that pulls sins to the center. That glymps isnt out yet.

Yes i meant rising dragon, but i wasn´t aware that the glyph is not available yet. I just assumed it is and nobody has it yet who i met in arena. My bad. Still that´s what you want to have a better shot at beating sins. Its really REALLY strong!


But another thing. Just that you´re unfavored does not mean you should loose against every single sin on your way to diamond. Basically, don´t just concede to the matchup! In fact you should not loose against a lot of sins, even though you´re unfavored, assuming your goal is to ever get diamond, because otherwise you will not get there. KFMs who get diamond consistently do get there, because even though they are not favoured they *STILL* beat a lot sins around, because they just play better than those sins.


You could watch the sin vs kfm guide from vile, witch is *by far* the best around. Yes it´s for sins, but then you know what they are doing a bit more and how they might want to deal with it. (I´m such a horrible human, i´ve still not sent him a picture q.q) Or watch some good kfm streamer like Radeyzz.

Like one thing you can do, you can hit them inside their bolt step (the skill where they jump on you when they are in stealth) the second they loose stealth to bypass rng evasion. The way sins would work around that (witch probably won´t matter for you unless you´re at least diamond already), they can cancel the bolt step with q before they regained stealth and then they dodge your hit with q and regain stealth that way. However then if you don´t hit them, they cancel it and don´t get stealth. So in really high ratings that comes down to pure mindgames. You can deflect it with your block thats also a good option, but it does not work if the sin uses bolt step after you blocked (like you don´t have deflect, but i think when you use elbow counter something happens still that´s no real deflect, but still is deflect...). I´m not entirely sure about that block thing.

Then you also got your ice flower ofc, witch you should not miss.

Leg sweep, but that´s rng still completely worth it.

I mean many of those things you probably know already...

Then more questionable, but still an option if that´s all you have left you can use your really high cooldown skills that you would usually treasure for your combos and miss them into rng evasion. Sure sure i get it that s*cks i don´t like that rng evasion thing either, but that´s just how it is atm. Like i´ve lost against kfms, because i tabbed out of some stun mindlessly, because i thought i´ll just hit them with the flashbang or win from being in stealth and just ss to them and stun them or something, but the kfm dodged my tab escape and tek chased my tab escape with another stun and i died. It´s actually funny, that´s what sometimes happened to me in a lot of fights first i was like "ok good i won easy piecy gg" and then afterwards "HOW THE F*CK DID I MANAGE TO LOOSE FROM THERE?!". But that´s not even the most redicolous of the games i´ve lost where i could not loose. You have not lost or won until you lost or won is basically what i´m saying. All classes have pretty good ways to do a bunch of damage if they don´t just take you out from 100% in the right situation, so don´t get cocky if you´re winning, you might be loosing games because of it and keep trying even if you´re loosing you might be winning in the end.


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