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Crimson and Cerulean shouldn't attack people w/o uniforms.

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Title says it all.

It really makes 0 sense as to why they do in the first place?

They are organizations to stop corrupt government for the people/community/civilians, no?

So it makes 0 sense as to why they would aggro on you when walking by with no uniform. NPCs, I mean.

Soo.. apparently if you're fighting for the people, no matter what warring faction your in, if you're a random person walking by, you're dead. xD

Not saying they aren't easy to deal with it's just annoying trying to get to places.

If there's an actual reason as to why they do this I'll understand :P but as of right now, what the *cricket* lmao

You should only be attacked by the opposite faction while WEARING your uniform. Or even if you weren't wearing one, only the opposing faction other than yours, should be able to attack you if anything, if I had to choose between that or nothing.


Just my thoughts~

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I agree. Lorewise, it's pretty stupid that they attempt to murder EVERYONE that goes within 15 feet of them. 


Add on the the fact that the two NPCs from the story that first recruit you into the orders seem to get along pretty well despite being high ranking members of the opposing factions.


I guess unless the point IS that the two warring faction really are just a bunch of obnoxious ruffians. Most NPCs mentioning them seem more annoyed by their presence rather than having any sympathies towards one side or the other. 


I mean, it's not like they DO anything other than wander around and beat each other up. Lore/storywise it'd be better if factions actually tasked you with quests that suit their supposed ideologies (Go help this village, beat up the guards of this corrupt politician, etc.) Maybe each faction could have relative control of an actual city or something as well.  


The other NPC factions seem kind of like a half-baked idea too. If you have the blackram uniform, there should be quests to join them on raids instead of just grinding your way though bamboo guards in jadestone. Same goes to Tyruian Cult, Talus Dominion and all those other uniforms. 

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Faction in this game is broken with the way it was localized due to being forced to be a good character no matter what faction you join.

Got to wonder if the Hongmoon path was the good righteous path why are there not other schools giving a more nefarious path it does not seem logical since there are many martial artists in the world not from Hongmoon that have a different way of looking at the world. Each Race/class should start at a different school and different Master for real variety. Rather then this hacked one track story.

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3 minutes ago, Alukah said:

I guess they operate in a sort of "If you're not with us you're against us".


And @Nickilli the main quest already does that, in the original quest you could choose the hongmoon path and dark path, now you only choose the dark path.

No. Joining Mushin is part of the storyline. Light/Dark path is much later on in the 50 patch. You can only be light now. Dark never had a storyline anyway.

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For me factions looks like fan groups of Hansu and Sansu (or whatever names they have). They're best friends, wlaking together all time despite being in oposite factions.

So logical explatation would be that they made a bet who gets more followers (on FB, lol). They're recruiting left and right, and their followers are typical fanboys causing flame war everywhere they can.

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Yeah, It's ridiculous. I find it so funny how they're together in the beginning. Like wouldn't you even try and kill eachother? Ridiculous. Lol.

Also the fact, for those quests when you have to fight both of them for those "tests" the fact you could even get close to killing them is insane and illogical xD.

2 hours ago, Cesura said:

I mean, it's not like they DO anything other than wander around and beat each other up. Lore/storywise it'd be better if factions actually tasked you with quests that suit their supposed ideologies (Go help this village, beat up the guards of this corrupt politician, etc.) Maybe each faction could have relative control of an actual city or something as well.  


The other NPC factions seem kind of like a half-baked idea too. If you have the blackram uniform, there should be quests to join them on raids instead of just grinding your way though bamboo guards in jadestone. Same goes to Tyruian Cult, Talus Dominion and all those other uniforms. 

I agree completely. Those quests would be so cool to do too. :P It would actually make sense, and promote what they believe. Now it's all kinda just shitty.

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Silly faction ai Imma random person leaf meh alone I ain't done nothing to you so Whi attack? :( lol (But seriously factions need work.... Might make pvp more enticing if there was raids faction specific loot... Oh well, people don't care about any of that and literally Zerg rush to lvl 45 (in 15 hours mind you)

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The Crismon and Cerulean has to push back the Talus Dominion but lets just waste troops to fight each other while we're fighting the Talus just for fun.


Kinda reminds me of WoW where no matter how great the threat is, the Alliance and Horde would still try to *cricket* each other over.

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