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Nerf Destroyers


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I wanted to say that destroyers are too powerful on pvp, they only use 3 skills and do massive damage and you cant do nothing when they stun you all the time and eaven worse if they know know how to bug skill animation, cant do nothing agaist them. Sorry for bad English.

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Arena PVP? Not really.. it's seemingly a noob stomper class. But i dont really play arena to be honest.

Open world PVP on the other hand.. yes. They are stupidly annoying. Spin spin spin, cant cc them, they dont take damage (-75% or so) and they can pull and do sick damage. If you know how they work, it's easy. Just dont get hit and they run out of fuel, then cc and *cricket* em up. But in open world pvp what they do is wait for you to farm something and then jump in the crowd, effectively making them invulnerable, un-cc-able and killing half of the people there. And since there will be somebody standing in their attacks all the time they have the chi to pull it off. 


Edit: But honestly, no need to change. Let's just hope for lvl 50 content patch to come in soon^tm future xD 

That will make classes way more balanced.

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Naw man no nerfs are needed, you just need to play a bit more to know when to counter one destroyer. And if you think they only use 3 skills you should create onde des and see how do they play out. You just need to Git Gud

1 hour ago, Koragg said:


Also i love this gif 

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1 minute ago, FilipeKun said:

we are talking about hundred players, maybe even millions who knows, every class have that ani-cancel skill, so it would be stupid for ppl report them for that

if u think destroyer ani-cancel is worst? than try to arena vs a professional KFM and see how much time he can ani-cancel you aslong as u stunned or dazed


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7 hours ago, BliXxas said:

I wanted to say that destroyers are too powerful on pvp, they only use 3 skills and do massive damage and you cant do nothing when they stun you all the time and eaven worse if they know know how to bug skill animation, cant do nothing agaist them. Sorry for bad English.



I wanted to say that you have to ''Git gud'' in PvP, you seem to only use 3 brain cells and that does massive damage to your rationality. And in confusion you make this thread. Instead of asking what to do or how to play against it. But can't do anything about it. Sorry for bed Englando.

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7 hours ago, Sorcerer21b said:

The only actual change I would make to Destroyers and the Blade Dancers, is one that makes complete sense. A trip should be the counter to the spin.  That's it,  that's the only change that needs to be made. 

wtf change made to spin ?

The *cricket*ing spin can be broken by pierce parry and knockdown -,-


Man really l2p , I hate to tell someone l2p but you really need to l2p

10 hours ago, BliXxas said:

I wanted to say that destroyers are too powerful on pvp, they only use 3 skills and do massive damage and you cant do nothing when they stun you all the time and eaven worse if they know know how to bug skill animation, cant do nothing agaist them. Sorry for bad English.


BD , KFM and Assassin > Destroyer any day.

Submit a report about Ani-Cancel.

Have a good day.

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11 minutes ago, Koragg said:

Srsly... every class has ani-cancel and for destroyer? well that's the bloody only way for them to do any dmg... u realise lmb and rmb are the ONLY dmg skills destro has?....

What about smash and piledrive? kappa

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25 minutes ago, Phytolacca said:

What about smash and piledrive? kappa

Lmao smash do like 11k crit damage at max every 45 second and it can miss.


Piledrive ? ARe you joking me ? that is the worst skill ever.

 KFM, BD, BM air combos do way more damage and even Assassin air combo+ Poison do more damage  

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11 hours ago, BliXxas said:

I wanted to say that destroyers are too powerful on pvp, they only use 3 skills and do massive damage and you cant do nothing when they stun you all the time and eaven worse if they know know how to bug skill animation, cant do nothing agaist them. Sorry for bad English.


  1. Every class (except Summoner, I think) can defeat an opponent 100-0 under CC chain. Destroyer uses Fury (E,  45-second cooldown) + Smash (X, 45-second cooldown) + Wrath (LMB, only available after Fury/Persistence or Power Slam) + Cleave (RMB) for damage. Outside of that, even the CC chain isn't going to deliver much damage. KFMs typically use Fighting Spirit (Tab, 90-second cooldown) after Tremor (30-second cooldown 3-second stun) to apply 3RF chain for damage. You have to learn your opponents' skills as well as your own class.
  2. To avoid 100-0 attacks, hold onto your Tab escape (called Second Wind on most classes). Again, you need to know your opponents to effectively use this ability. For Destroyers, you want to keep track of which CC they have available -- often, they will lead with Ram before hitting Fury, so you'll want to get out there and be ready to use iframe ability to avoid Drag taking your right back into attack range.
  3. All classes have some form of animation cancel. Whether it was ever a bug is irrelevant; the developers have embraced its use and balanced around that. You may not agree with that design -- I, for one, would see it removed -- but the game is balanced around it at this time.
  4. To defeat a Destroyer, you typically want to simply play conservatively. Destroyers have terribly low damage outside of their main burst and have constant Focus problems. They have no easy way to recovery Focus, and certainly not from range, and they lack defensive abilities to prevent combo initiation once they're low on Focus. Spec a defense break for Stone Shield, and they will have very little health recovery.
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1 minute ago, HUnewearl said:


  1. Every class (except Summoner, I think) can defeat an opponent 100-0 under CC chain. Destroyer uses Fury (E,  45-second cooldown) + Smash (X, 45-second cooldown) + Wrath (LMB, only available after Fury/Persistence or Power Slam) + Cleave (RMB) for damage. Outside of that, even the CC chain isn't going to deliver much damage. KFMs typically use Fighting Spirit (Tab, 90-second cooldown) after Tremor (30-second cooldown 3-second stun) to apply 3RF chain for damage. You have to learn your opponents' skills as well as your own class.
  2. To avoid 100-0 attacks, hold onto your Tab escape (called Second Wind on most classes). Again, you need to know your opponents to effectively use this ability. For Destroyers, you want to keep track of which CC they have available -- often, they will lead with Ram before hitting Fury, so you'll want to get out there and be ready to use iframe ability to avoid Drag taking your right back into attack range.
  3. All classes have some form of animation cancel. Whether it was ever a bug is irrelevant; the developers have embraced its use and balanced around that. You may not agree with that design -- I, for one, would see it removed -- but the game is balanced around it at this time.
  4. To defeat a Destroyer, you typically want to simply play conservatively. Destroyers have terribly low damage outside of their main burst and have constant Focus problems. They have no easy way to recovery Focus, and certainly not from range, and they lack defensive abilities to prevent combo initiation once they're low on Focus. Spec a defense break for Stone Shield, and they will have very little health recovery.


This, this is a perfect explanation and also showing how weak destro's truly are at pvp. For a destro to beat you they must get really lucky. Because all of their skills can be evaded, not to mention vs an FM destro is *cricket*ed, since one hit from FM frost palm and we're done sine both of our approach skills are simply unable to be cast.


Yes i know how to beat a FM doesn't make my point any less moot.

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3 minutes ago, HUnewearl said:


  1. Every class (except Summoner, I think) can defeat an opponent 100-0 under CC chain. Destroyer uses Fury (E,  45-second cooldown) + Smash (X, 45-second cooldown) + Wrath (LMB, only available after Fury/Persistence or Power Slam) + Cleave (RMB) for damage. Outside of that, even the CC chain isn't going to deliver much damage. KFMs typically use Fighting Spirit (Tab, 90-second cooldown) after Tremor (30-second cooldown 3-second stun) to apply 3RF chain for damage. You have to learn your opponents' skills as well as your own class.
  2. To avoid 100-0 attacks, hold onto your Tab escape (called Second Wind on most classes). Again, you need to know your opponents to effectively use this ability. For Destroyers, you want to keep track of which CC they have available -- often, they will lead with Ram before hitting Fury, so you'll want to get out there and be ready to use iframe ability to avoid Drag taking your right back into attack range.
  3. All classes have some form of animation cancel. Whether it was ever a bug is irrelevant; the developers have embraced its use and balanced around that. You may not agree with that design -- I, for one, would see it removed -- but the game is balanced around it at this time.
  4. To defeat a Destroyer, you typically want to simply play conservatively. Destroyers have terribly low damage outside of their main burst and have constant Focus problems. They have no easy way to recovery Focus, and certainly not from range, and they lack defensive abilities to prevent combo initiation once they're low on Focus. Spec a defense break for Stone Shield, and they will have very little health recovery.

1-While if a destroyer spec this skill point into fury, Mean he have only 1 escape from grab,stun and daze and such while KFM can get 2 escapes one for grab and one for stun/daze without losing his Fighting spirit brust skill.

2-Sometime it really hard to keep track of your tab because KFM, BD and Assassin cc chain you badly at any moment.

3-I do hate Ani-Cancel because it break the game method which is suppose to be like a fighting game 

4-Destroyer (I do play destroyer ) Is a lame class, He can't regain focus for his spin like BD can do , Don't have block or counter skills like BM,KFM,summoner and assassin, Have like 2 Iframe which is SS (12 second CD) and C (22 second CD) while Assassin, FM, KFM, BD, BM got tons of Iframe with low CD, Spin/fury can be broken by knockdown or pierce parry, The high damage destroyer can do require , 2 stun lock, Fury and Smash while if try to get another escape it will cost his damage brust, Every class got like 2 escapes one for grab and one for stun/daze except destroyer need skill point and to lose his fury for escape.


Destroyer just the easiest class to outsmart at any day

12 hours ago, BliXxas said:

I wanted to say that destroyers are too powerful on pvp, they only use 3 skills and do massive damage and you cant do nothing when they stun you all the time and eaven worse if they know know how to bug skill animation, cant do nothing agaist them. Sorry for bad English.

Btw I got some news for you, Destroyer going to get pumped next update which is next week I believe.


So yah, KFM and BM  both going to get some fixing while Destroyer going to get pumped as the rest of classes won't get any change,That mean game know that destroyer is a weak shit and they going to fix that soon by pump his Ani-Cancel 

So have a good night

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32 minutes ago, Phytolacca said:

What about smash and piledrive? kappa


Piledriver is pretty brutal. Not only does your opponent regain control before you, and not only is the damage pretty shoddy, but if you don't have your tab up, you can be killed 100-0 if your opponent has tab daze because you can't f-roll before the Piledriver animation decides it's done. It used to be OK-ish vs. Summoners since you could at least hit the cat and summoner at once, but now, it's all but completely useless. Kinda sad that it was once used as a bit of a selling point. I wish they'd give it a tree so we could spec a version with higher damage and CC and a longer cooldown, because this version is basically nothing but a useless trap for when you wanted to grab in PvE and some teammate hit a knockup instead.


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Que? Destroyer is a very simple class to deal with. They have very predictable stuns (If you're BM, LBD, KFM you can actually Q/E them as they are about to hit their Blitz or Ram lmao). They are a very niche damage dealer. What is your problem with them exactly? If you TAB at a des first stun and not bother F'ing you deserve to lose

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20 minutes ago, Phytolacca said:

i only use piledriver as a finisher but i have still won several games with it.


and @Valiant 11k is op lmao dont kid urself

Kiddo , Go learn other classes 

Assassin, Bd and BM got their lighting skills enough to deal more damage than that 11k


Remind me that lighting rod of Assassin going to nerf from 12 second CD to 24 SECond because that a really op shit



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8 minutes ago, SasakiKojiro said:

Que? Destroyer is a very simple class to deal with. They have very predictable stuns (If you're BM, LBD, KFM you can actually Q/E them as they are about to hit their Blitz or Ram lmao). They are a very niche damage dealer. What is your problem with them exactly? If you TAB at a des first stun and not bother F'ing you deserve to lose


You can actually Q/E any Charge attack. The character does not actually move to the target; he instantly teleports there and waits until the animation arrives. In practice, this means you can use any stun or dodge to avoid the attack. For example, I sometimes like to get range from a KFM, face them while backpedaling, and hit Stone Shield when they use their knockup Flying Slam. Attack doesn't land, KFM ends up stunned. Rear charges are a bit of an exception; you can technically avoid them, but it is generally prohibitively difficult to do so. Also, some attacks, like Flying Slam, place the attacker inside the target, so you have to move slightly backwards to be able to intercept.

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6 hours ago, HUnewearl said:


You can actually Q/E any Charge attack. The character does not actually move to the target; he instantly teleports there and waits until the animation arrives. In practice, this means you can use any stun or dodge to avoid the attack. For example, I sometimes like to get range from a KFM, face them while backpedaling, and hit Stone Shield when they use their knockup Flying Slam. Attack doesn't land, KFM ends up stunned. Rear charges are a bit of an exception; you can technically avoid them, but it is generally prohibitively difficult to do so. Also, some attacks, like Flying Slam, place the attacker inside the target, so you have to move slightly backwards to be able to intercept.

That is true , But you got his point anyway and his point that every class got like more than 3 ways to Iframe charges with a low cooldown or to stun his attacker but for destroyer they got like 2 Iframes  to avoid charges skills with a longer CD and spin which most of Charges ignore it

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6 hours ago, UnitedStrafes said:

LOL, destro like the WORST pvp class seriously, look in the top 20 hell maybe the top 30, see any destroyers? So easy to deal with a it's not even funny.

At Eu Server, Their like 10 summoner,5 KFM, 6 BD,  3 Destroyer, 5Fm, 1 BM at the top 30 

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4 hours ago, Teffy said:

In Eu we had n1 and 3 destros not long ago.

Yep, Menace and you know why they were on top one ?

Because there many summoners they can face at first 10, Summoner is like the 70% class that destroyer can beat and since you got alot of cancer summoner at top you will find good amount of destroyer farming them xD


My point is when summoner get nerfed and rekt like in other versions of game destroyer rank will go down with him aswell, Cause destroyer score feed on summoner

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