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New type of hacks came out


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A lot of Diamond players are aware of this by now, we know there are flying hacks where you stay in the sky and teleport everywhere.


And just yesterday a new type of hack for summoner came out, infinite True Friend, and infinite Seed Shroud. (no cooldown on those skills, they just spam it)


Good luck for players in Diamond, I am diamond myself and I was forced to stop playing 1v1 because of all these hackers.

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4 minutes ago, Malvictus said:

If you were able to spam true friend like that you'd literally gimp yourself unless the cat had infinite hp. They'd just nuke your cat down when it has 20% hp and gg, since true friend stops working when your pet has low hp.

You must be joking if you think this isn't a problem. Few of the hackers are in top 10 of the ladder one of them is not even LV45.

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12 minutes ago, Malvictus said:

If you were able to spam true friend like that you'd literally gimp yourself unless the cat had infinite hp. They'd just nuke your cat down when it has 20% hp and gg, since true friend stops working when your pet has low hp.

U take the iframe path then u put 2 points in huzza it heals ur cat 23% up per second and your iframe lasts 5 seconds so ya easy killing a cat that takes like 0 dmg and heals like 10-15% every second 


To win like that is simply x> tab > z > tab > x > tab > z and keep repeating meanwhile spam pressing f and u win

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1 hour ago, Arcteren said:

And just yesterday a new type of hack for summoner came out, infinite True Friend, and infinite Seed Shroud. (no cooldown on those skills, they just spam it)

Seed shroud is totally unnecessary XD just true friend will be enough to win the game cost true friend = iframe

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6 hours ago, Phorni said:

U take the iframe path then u put 2 points in huzza it heals ur cat 23% up per second and your iframe lasts 5 seconds so ya easy killing a cat that takes like 0 dmg and heals like 10-15% every second 


To win like that is simply x> tab > z > tab > x > tab > z and keep repeating meanwhile spam pressing f and u win


Yeah fair enough, i can see what that's an issue then.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 26/2/2016 at 7:19 PM, Malvictus said:

If you were able to spam true friend like that you'd literally gimp yourself unless the cat had infinite hp. They'd just nuke your cat down when it has 20% hp and gg, since true friend stops working when your pet has low hp.


On 26/2/2016 at 7:31 PM, Phorni said:

U take the iframe path then u put 2 points in huzza it heals ur cat 23% up per second and your iframe lasts 5 seconds so ya easy killing a cat that takes like 0 dmg and heals like 10-15% every second 


To win like that is simply x> tab > z > tab > x > tab > z and keep repeating meanwhile spam pressing f and u win


Can´t believe this is a Diamond thread. It´s 11% not 20%


True Friend gives 5 x iFrame for cat and summoner and resist all types of stun, knockdown, daze, grap etc.

True Friend with 0 cooldown = total invincibility.


True Friend Tier 3 Form 2


Summoner and Familiar are resistant to damage, status effects from up to 5 attacks for 5 sec


Heals the Summoner 5% of their Health on resist

Consumes 10% of the Familiar's Health

Cannot be used when the Familiar is below 11% Health



Phorni is right, heal cat, True Friend = autowin.


You´d technically be able to use True Friend 8 times before you heal the cat. That´s 8 x 5 seconds = 40 seconds of free range dps.

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Is it possible to attack while flying? I saw some warlock male doing it not once, but saw it thrice, with my own eyes. I think it was named "Natsukun" not so sure, I was busy watching and jaw-dropping, I had to pick it up from the floor. It didn't even land or descend while attacking, it just hangs suspended in air. Wow, it freaked me. Was that even normal, wouldn't it be unfair for the ground units who cannot shoot far. Oh well might be the slow connection playing with me. But if that's normal, let me know, I'm dying to know.



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Just letting you guys know it has nothing to do with True Friend, you can immediately burst the cat and kill it and they will still trigger resists. True Friend does not work without the cat at all, they are also not siphoning any amount of health from pet at all. Furthermore, their pet isn't resistant to damage like in the case of activating True Friend. They are using a script, it is also not true invulnerability, that is why you can still damage them when they are phase in or if you kite from a distance, the program will try to get into melee range of you to spam the root and sunflower, the exploit is coming from exploiting dandelion in a way that only the script can do (in the same manner that bots always autoface, regardless of CC). You can gap close CC them and tech chase (they will immediately roll back) and then you can unload. Counter break on dandelion *cricket*s up the script as well giving you more time to dps.


Not my video, but here is an example of some guy beating this script:





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5 hours ago, Rioren said:

Another video, he can resist all my attack (seems like true friend hack + invis + sunflower no cd + unlimited focus) LOL




Noobs in the ring. :D

At about 1:15-17 this guy who recorded this video does not even use 1, 2 and v at all. :) Cat is on the target all the time and he/she does not notice it could use v. He/she at 1:19 pushes the q but why? Maybe miss click. Learn from this video, learn from these missed chances. Do not post like this. :)


Ahh and one more thing, that other guy only uses 2 and 4 all the time, does not use any burst damage, any cc. :D I bet he/she used a macro on these buttons. :D


Yay it is like: :D


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On 3/16/2016 at 8:43 PM, Archmage said:

Just letting you guys know it has nothing to do with True Friend, you can immediately burst the cat and kill it and they will still trigger resists. True Friend does not work without the cat at all, they are also not siphoning any amount of health from pet at all. Furthermore, their pet isn't resistant to damage like in the case of activating True Friend. They are using a script, it is also not true invulnerability, that is why you can still damage them when they are phase in or if you kite from a distance, the program will try to get into melee range of you to spam the root and sunflower, the exploit is coming from exploiting dandelion in a way that only the script can do (in the same manner that bots always autoface, regardless of CC). You can gap close CC them and tech chase (they will immediately roll back) and then you can unload. Counter break on dandelion *cricket*s up the script as well giving you more time to dps.


Not my video, but here is an example of some guy beating this script:

You are misinformed. That video is a bot script that has been going on for months and is completely destroyed by any ranged class, and not what they are referencing.


They are referencing a separate hack that gives infinite chi, infinite cooldowns, and infinite iframes. At first glance, it looks kinda like the summoner bot scripts that abuse dandelion iframes, but its actually completely different. The bot script, for example, cannot spam 20 sunflowers in a row at super speed, but the hack can.

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1 hour ago, VortexMagus said:

You are misinformed. That video is a bot script that has been going on for months and is completely destroyed by any ranged class, and not what they are referencing.


They are referencing a separate hack that gives infinite chi, infinite cooldowns, and infinite iframes. At first glance, it looks kinda like the summoner bot scripts that abuse dandelion iframes, but its actually completely different. The bot script, for example, cannot spam 20 sunflowers in a row at super speed, but the hack can.

It is the exact same, there is no infinite focus/cooldown/iframe hack. The reason why they can spam sunflower is with the script they are gaining 4 focus each time they use the dandelion resist script. This glitch is the reason why it ONLY works with summoners. Each time they are self proc'ing their dandelion (it looks like they are phasing out) they are spamming the sunflower and that is pretty much ALL THEY DO, and they can't even aim properly. If they DID have unlimited cooldowns and iframes you would have no chance at all, since they will just spam grapple you and burst you to death with no chance of retaliation (since they would use the true friend resist and spam heal- doom and bloom). Notice how none of these summoners are managing their cat or using any CCs, that is because it isn't included in the script. The only thing they can spam is the resist from dandelion, sunflower and the root (since it resets on proc'ing dandelion), it is a known glitch that has existed for ages (even in other regions). 


If you actually did any research at all you would easily find the script mentioned and what it is capable of doing. Infinite chi and cooldowns is not possible since those are server sided, the only thing client sided that can be abused is movement based (speed/teleport) and those are easily detected and banned, and the reason why most smart bots won't abuse it. 


The script is easily beatable if you know how to work around it, nonetheless they should ban everyone that uses it. 

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On 3/24/2016 at 0:32 AM, Archmage said:

It is the exact same, there is no infinite focus/cooldown/iframe hack. The reason why they can spam sunflower is with the script they are gaining 4 focus each time they use the dandelion resist script. This glitch is the reason why it ONLY works with summoners. Each time they are self proc'ing their dandelion (it looks like they are phasing out) they are spamming the sunflower and that is pretty much ALL THEY DO, and they can't even aim properly. If they DID have unlimited cooldowns and iframes you would have no chance at all, since they will just spam grapple you and burst you to death with no chance of retaliation (since they would use the true friend resist and spam heal- doom and bloom). Notice how none of these summoners are managing their cat or using any CCs, that is because it isn't included in the script. The only thing they can spam is the resist from dandelion, sunflower and the root (since it resets on proc'ing dandelion), it is a known glitch that has existed for ages (even in other regions). 


If you actually did any research at all you would easily find the script mentioned and what it is capable of doing. Infinite chi and cooldowns is not possible since those are server sided, the only thing client sided that can be abused is movement based (speed/teleport) and those are easily detected and banned, and the reason why most smart bots won't abuse it. 


The script is easily beatable if you know how to work around it, nonetheless they should ban everyone that uses it. 

You are wrong, there is simply nothing more to be said. Yes, there is a bot script going around, I am very familiar with it. I have lost against it a few times, and won against it even more once I figured out what they were doing.


What they are doing is not that, they simply walk up to you and spam strangling roots 15x in 10 seconds, so after you tab out of the first one and backstep out of the second one, the next 13 or so permalock you down and kill you.

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They do this is enough, this isnt diamond but i usually nuke down cat and ive found out if ur close to them they permanent resist which im pretty sure they are aware of it cause they constantly tryo to hug u so if u step away for a bit maybe? (im ranged so idk) but yea jus a tip

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