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I mained BM, am I screwed?

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I'm not really a PVE guy, PVP is gonna be where most of my hours are at. After reading through the forum, and all the statistics about gold ranking class, seeing Summoner, BD, and Destro are the top tier and BM sitting at the very bottom across all servers; I am honestly loosing my drive to play this game since I just got to lvl 45. 

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1 minute ago, 893467_1452550593 said:

I'm not really a PVE guy, PVP is gonna be where most of my hours are at. After reading through the forum, and all the statistics about gold ranking class, seeing Summoner, BD, and Destro are the top tier and BM sitting at the very bottom across all servers; I am honestly loosing my drive to play this game since I just got to lvl 45. 

Ok let me help you take that list then go to your log in screen if you have a slot free look at the stars for how hard a class is to learn. see how things kinda match?

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I'm done, I'll come back once the class is truly balanced. Maybe I'm not cut out for this kind of game, last MMO I pvped religiously was Wow and GW2, very different style of gameplay. 


It makes no sense that I can beat any other class except for two, and what's worse is that Summoner and BD is all I'm matched up against, I feel like no one is playing BM, FM. 

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16 minutes ago, Electroflux said:

50 patch is supposed to be the ultimate cure for some classes, including BM.


But like usual, everyone gets their hopes up and it's usually let down, especially in the MMO world.


It's not simply "the 50 patch" that fixes anything. It's the HM skills - for BM primarily HM Z and HM block. I'm not sure what content those come with (lightning draw comes with BSH, for instance) but it doesn't necessarily come with the same patch that raises max level to 50. 

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2 minutes ago, Kutsuu said:


It's not simply "the 50 patch" that fixes anything. It's the HM skills - for BM primarily HM Z and HM block. I'm not sure what content those come with (lightning draw comes with BSH, for instance) but it doesn't necessarily come with the same patch that raises max level to 50. 


I was essentially implying the general mindset of everyone on the forums.

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And yes... if you're a BM now and you'are not platinum +, a simple patch or access to HM skills is not going to "fix" things for you and make you a great player. You still have to L2P which entails a lot in this game (Knowledge of the other classes, their animations and how they work, intimate knowledge of your own class and how it works, and of course the muscle memory/twitch aspects). 

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Dont just give up because ur class isnt as good as others in pvp, every class is good as long as your good there are BMs in plat+ u just need to be good enough rather then saying "oh its unbalanced so screw dis its unfair" and cry. Yes i agree pvp atm is kinda bs and unbalanced but cmon if ur good enough u will be able to beat almost everyone as a BM. By bs i mean some matchups are completely 1 sided like FM vs Sin Summ vs BD Des vs FM but that doesnt mean no matter how good you are u will always lose.

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13 minutes ago, Rynz0r said:

Don't be discouraged. BM's are extremely strong when in proper hands, and with 50 patch their dps will be over the top in pvp and pve


Why not? Class is currently and for awhile at a huge disadvantage. Summoners have paw pvp glitch, arena shave terrible ping for many, many isps. So please educate me, how is someone not a Summoner, LBD suppose to not be annoyed? furthermore in 24 hours there have been 120 gold+bm, yet 11,000 summoners using the f11 key. 

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1 hour ago, 893467_1452550593 said:

I'm not really a PVE guy, PVP is gonna be where most of my hours are at. After reading through the forum, and all the statistics about gold ranking class, seeing Summoner, BD, and Destro are the top tier and BM sitting at the very bottom across all servers; I am honestly loosing my drive to play this game since I just got to lvl 45. 

Your wins are force masters (block - deflect), other blade masters (lol?), and... Thats it. Oh, and lower level of any other class because level 23 john summoner decided it time to arena to the max. But for same level, you lsoe against summoners, kung fu master, blade dancer and destroyer. You might win agiasnt assasins but you are more likely to punch your computer for being unable to see them (either youre blind or theyre invis). Speaking of assassins, say goodbye to combo; the first time you think you are about to land a combo youre blind. 

Cant expect to win agaisnt the "balance" classes of this game (destroyer, summoner and blade dancers), just cant. 


BUT on the plus, our moves looks cool. Cooler than any other classes moves... thats it.

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I have played BM at lv45 but i gave up now since its impossible to win against Summoners. even pros have a massive hard time at it not to mention Summoners gets the best legendary skill of their sun flower.


BM requires very high skill cap and you will need to try super hard to win each round. until lv50 content comes in the game will stay unbalanced. i would suggest rerolling a summoner if you are looking for easy win.


their heals for buffed recently so technically its impossible to kill the cat anymore, they were buffed to combat legendary skills, since we don't have those the outcomes turns the otherway around which makes the game unbalanced

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1 hour ago, voodooblade said:


Why not? Class is currently and for awhile at a huge disadvantage. Summoners have paw pvp glitch, arena shave terrible ping for many, many isps. So please educate me, how is someone not a Summoner, LBD suppose to not be annoyed? furthermore in 24 hours there have been 120 gold+bm, yet 11,000 summoners using the f11 key. 

why would someone be annoyed if theyre not summoner or bd? I mean yeah currently im summoner (until warlock), but also have bm, which I enjoy alot in pvp just because those classes beats me I simply deal with it and try to find out a way to beat them

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11 minutes ago, Rynz0r said:

why would someone be annoyed if theyre not summoner or bd? I mean yeah currently im summoner (until warlock), but also have bm, which I enjoy alot in pvp just because those classes beats me I simply deal with it and try to find out a way to beat them

There is no way, thats what pisses people off.

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11 minutes ago, Rynz0r said:

why would someone be annoyed if theyre not summoner or bd? I mean yeah currently im summoner (until warlock), but also have bm, which I enjoy alot in pvp just because those classes beats me I simply deal with it and try to find out a way to beat them

But you wont find any way! I invested now about 200 hours in BM pvp, read guides, watched Videos and trainend like *cricket*ing crazy ass, at 45 i got Gold with lots of sweat, now im stuck around elo 1500, i guess ist really hard playing BM so yeah, maybe in a year or two im up for it....

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3 hours ago, 893467_1452550593 said:

I'm not really a PVE guy, PVP is gonna be where most of my hours are at. After reading through the forum, and all the statistics about gold ranking class, seeing Summoner, BD, and Destro are the top tier and BM sitting at the very bottom across all servers; I am honestly loosing my drive to play this game since I just got to lvl 45. 


So right now, BM is hardmode. You can definitely reach Platinum or even Diamond with skill, but only if your ping is up to it. I recommend checking your ping ahead of time. If you're like many of the people suffering 250-400 ping in arenas, you should know by now that your 0.5s timing sets are not going to work, so you should stick to dueling people on your server for practice (ping to your PvE server should be lower by about 200). As a note, learning to play other classes will help you understand their behavior later in PvP if you want to be really active later, so if you want to try out other things, it couldn't hurt.

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Some retards claim that BM is actually op compared to other classes, why, because 2 out of thousands players can play it good. Right now 3 classes are way too easy to play and overpowered compared to others and ofc we all know which ones are. If devs dont do something about it, in 2-3 months, this game highly likely to go to trash and if someone tells you to watch videos of classes that you can't play and complain about, don't even fckin bother to answer them because they are either summoner, blade dancer or destroyer. So yeah, if you mained BM, you are screwed. Because for some reason devs love to fck up this class. They might as well compeletely remove BM from the game.

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