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Horrible at FM


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Come on, they're just trying to learn :( 


My FM is on 20 atm, and I'm having a little trouble as soon as the enemy even brushes me. I'm going to put my some points into defensive and life draining skills (and others in damage) w/ crit/defense soulshields. Don't know how it's going to go, but a friend uses it and they're fairing pretty well as a 45 :)

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How much health do you have?  A lot of new players don't know how important soul shields are, or how to get a good set.  At 38, you can get a set from the vendor near the wheel in Yehara's Mirage for Cinderlands valor stones or from the wheel for killing Pinchy a few times.  And go frost if you're getting mobbed.  Your average mob won't live long enough for burning to make a big difference.

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Instead of worrying about facetanking by buffing your hp or speccing for lifesteal (which does help) learn to use your skills to kite properly. FM can solo large mobs quickly with proper skill usage. Abuse freeze and their variety of rather strong aoe. This isn't a tab target game where you have no choice but to let them claw your face off. By now you have q/e/ss as well as c and v (specced for ice flower) if you need defensive abilities. If things get really bad pop a potion and use ice form tab to be invulnerable while you regen the hp from the potion. There's plenty of vids of FMs mobbing large groups and soloing bosses, it's a practice thing. I wouldn't get too comfortable with boosting your hp and trying to out-stat things, that won't fly for very long especially later on. 

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Oh, I'm fine soloing bosses and 1v1 but I just keep dying when I mob. Figured I'm doing skill rotations wrong.


I usually group them and then 3 > Z and then spam fire. Is that wrong? 


21 hours ago, Lordamion said:

if you are level 38, and you keep dying, listen carefull to my advice: Delete character and play another class, force master is not for you.


Sorry cannot READ nor take this comment CAREFULLY and seriously :) Cya~ 

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33 minutes ago, Eternalx said:

Oh, I'm fine soloing bosses and 1v1 but I just keep dying when I mob. Figured I'm doing skill rotations wrong.


I usually group them and then 3 > Z and then spam fire. Is that wrong? 



Sorry cannot READ not take these comments CAREFULLY and seriously :) Cya~ 

For a range dps class to be aoeing adds by grouping them up, im not sure because fms are squishy afterall, may be taking them down 1 by 1 is more efficient? idk either coz i usually only plays single target dps.

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   - Fire "V" into Meteor Shower tier 2, 

   - 3 points in Fire 2 stage 1

   - Spec Frost armor down Stage 2 tier 3  

---- Total is 8 points

Group mobs up > Frost 3 > Fire V > pop Frost Armor and wait for the meteor to finish > release frost armor >  kite and spam Fire 2 + LMB + Impact. Mobs should be half HP down after the Meteor, so you just need to actively kite and spam Fire 2 afterward with Frost 3 when it is off CD.

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If you are looking to clear through things more quickly and you want to AE, you can save yourself a lot of damage by getting agro, then running around the mobs in a circle to get them somewhat grouped up, use shadow grasp ( specced into from Phantom Grip ) and this sucks them in , then drop Meteor Storm to blast.  Throw some 2 spam in from char and use 3 to regen focus with dragonwhirl.  

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Using your Q and E (facing away from the mobs) helps with maintaining your distance between the mobs. As mentioned above, using your divine veil (C) (Tier3 Stage2)with pots also helps keep you alive! You can also spec your Dragon Char (2) into Tier 2 Stage 2 for the daze, if you're still having some trouble. Good luck!

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When I first started playing FM, was facing issues similar to OP...all it took was to read the powers carefully and what it details + multiple helpful posts on forums 


As suggested above , go for the ice build for survival + never stand still in one spot and always keep moving around . Just make sure you are not out of focus all the time , that is all 


And yea , Q and E are your best escapes , use them wisely and quite frequently 

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Definitely Q and E. Also, I've done this on both my FM's and have no issues leveling, doing many group instances solo (green ones at least), and mob's rarely can get me down so far that I die (unless im being lazy).


Spec 3 pts into RMB form 1 for the chill...this slows down mobs immensly. Also the cost reduction helps with your spam.

Spec 3 pts into (I believe) it's Form 3 for Frost Fury (F when RMB crits). it gives you tons of heals back, very often.

Spec 1 point at least into LMB for faster attacks. 2 for faster casts as well (or vice versa...2 points is good thing).

Spec at least one point in 1 ... no more unless you are really hung up on burn at lower levels, I'm not. One point only gives you a guaranteed block on the next ranged attack for a few seconds. timing this right can save your hide. That's optional...but works great against bosses with big spool up ranged attacks.

DON'T spec down Form 3 for your dragonchar (2). It's in the burn build, but works better at higher levels. go down form 1 instead....better damage and wider AoE ftw. 

And definitely spec into Meteor shower. it's your serious go-to AoE for packs (which you should do less often)


upgrade your weapon as far as it will go. same with accessories.


then cycle LMB and RMB as fast as you can. monsters slow, often freeze in place. Hit F every time Frost comes up (prioritize this over Fire Fury). The higher damage alone from RMB will often finish mobs before they get to you. in my low 30's im killing most mobs with 2-3 cycles of LMB/RMB. keep in mind that using 1 on a chilled opponenent stuns them. RMB applies chill...you hit 1, mob is stunned, you fir off 2, mob is dead.


And yes, kite constantly. many mob AoE's and hits go off too fast to wait till you see it and THEN move...just keep moving. use Q/E when its a big spool or stun or you just want some range from the stupid things. Q/E also works well with the shield carriers (you can only apply your debuffs from behind when they are shielding attacks).


When it comes to AoE, like others said, it's touchy. were not a tanky class when it comes to melee range, and we don't have the defensive abilities that Dancers are blessed with in their AoE skills. so best thing to do is burn them fast and hard, and kite, and freeze whenever possible (Z is great for grabbing a group of mobs. RMB and 3 and Z and you have some breathing room). But I tend to burn my mobs in packs of 1 or 2. they die so fast that way I don't worry much about trying to gather them up like I do on my Blade dancer.


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