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Yes... im fully aware im going to recive a lot of hate on this post.... i dont care...


Lets talk about destoyers, and im sure there are other posts similar to this...


1. They can spin in circles basically indefinitely, which gives them immunity to nearly every CC effect under the sun

2. They can attack as fast as an assassin when they want, even though they carry an axe as big as themselves

3. They can pick up a person at any given time and proceed to punch them crap out of them

4. They are the tankiest class in the game, and the hardest hitting(for the most part), as well as nearly the fastest.

5. They have a lot of Stun and Daze opportunity

6. ALL of them employ the spin to win strategy in all pvp.


So tell me... How is this list fair in any way at all for "competitive pvp"


Then to top it all off... which im sure im going to find quite a few of them in the comments below... The moment you mention how overpowered or unfair the Destroyers are, they turn into power hungry, self promoting ass clowns because they are drunk on power(i know its not all of you, but all the ones i have talked to end up being dicks in seconds)


This is extremely common in many games... Most powerful class appears, people start playing said class, Thoes people dont see anything wrong with it while everyone else does, thoes people become dicks to everyone else. A perfect example would be the Hammer of Sol titan from Destiny... they become way too powerful... EVERYONE else agrees, yet they dont see the problem. I just hope the Devs for Blade and Soul are not as stupid as the Devs from destiny and reblance the classes to make them fit better into their suited roles. 


You cant have Tanky, Fast and High damage in 1 class... 

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All I see are two whiners who don't know how to counter or do anything well, then again that makes sense since all any of the pvp forum posts seem to be are those ignorant calling classes broken with little to no understanding of them! So nothing new there. 1 if any destroyer is "facerolling their keys" then if you are actually competent you'd be able to kill them "broken destroyer in pvp because I get wrecked by them!" Oh boo hoo suck it up. There are almost 0 broken classes in pvp everything's balanced exceptionally well if your dying soo often then maybe you need to learn how to play your class better or what counters and how to do better. If your being decimated by destroyers who faceroll their keyboard you are bad and they just happen to be better then you now shut up.. So sick of people whining are you even max lvl yet and if you are do you know how to play whatever *cricket*ing class you are? If not then practice more and learn my god.. To stop the spin all ya gotta do is *cricket*ing block it if your a class with. Stun or block if not then cc us to *cricket*ing death that spin does make us immune to everything i remeber a blade master blocking and stunning does that make them op? No means i need to not spin at them when they decide to block. Stop your whining and play the game and learn..

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All you have to do is bait a destroyers one escape and then have a field day with them. When they red spin double tap S and get the *cricket* away until they stop spinning or run out of focus. Also destroyers are weak to knockups it is the only CC that will stop red spin. I don't even red spin vs BD or KFM because I'm just going to get knocked up into the air and combo'd. Outside of red spin the only burst you are going to eat is when they have Wrath autos procd which is after they slam you or if they pop fury. Destroyers attacks are actually very slow unless you are good at auto canceling. I suggest you take more time to understand classes other than your own. Quit focusing on how your opponent needs to be made weaker and figure out how you can use the tools at YOUR disposal to counteract the tools at MY disposal.

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For a game to be competitive, it doesn't have to be lenient.  Sure, Destroyers are strong.  But I offer this up as a counter-argument:


So what?


Listing facts about how they are strong is not a discussion of balance, because you need to also talk about their windows of opportunity, the cons to different strategies, how other classes can capitalize on those windows, and how other classes can negate a Destroyer's pros properly, at least enough to net a win.


It's perfectly fair for a class to be hard to play against.  Imagine what happens when you discover a way/practice your way into beating the "Spin2Win" strategy regularly.  Then you just win against players who don't know anything else, and you rise in the ratings.


Just because you lose to it, get frustrated by it, or otherwise can't think of your own way to beat it, doesn't mean it's broken and needs to change.  More often than not it's the player who needs to change.

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I agree that the class needs a little rebalancing. The only thing I think would be good for them without "over-balancing" them would be to ditch the focus regen on the spin and put it elsewhere in a hard-to-pull-off skill. I am a summoner (I know, boo summoner) and we can't counter Destroyer in any way but to run away. I would not that we do have a passive that knocks enemy down once in a great while when they block (which they can easily escape from). I can understand the reasoning  behind them being able to pump out so much dps in quick succession, but it is not balanced when they can use their strongest dps combo on you twice in a row and kill you from full hp. People will say you have no skill, but the fact remains that it takes less skill to play a destroyer than any other class currently. Destroyer is far superior in pvp and even with dmg in pve. I can understand the pve aspect, but with pvp, fix that focus gain and everything should be good to go. The only time I have ever been able to beat Destroyer in pvp (talking 1900+ rank here) has been due to time running out. Every time that I have won due to time running out, the Destroyer still has a good deal of hp left as well. I also find that I only win by time running out when I have far far superior reflexes and techniques than the Destroyer who is basically just spamming a bunch of damaging skills and cc removal skills. The only time I am able to successfully CC a destroyer and keep them CC'd is when they use their shield to heal.

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Just now, Wingard13 said:

I agree that the class needs a little rebalancing. The only thing I think would be good for them without "over-balancing" them would be to ditch the focus regen on the spin and put it elsewhere in a hard-to-pull-off skill. I am a summoner (I know, boo summoner) and we can't counter Destroyer in any way but to run away. I would not that we do have a passive that knocks enemy down once in a great while when they block (which they can easily escape from). I can understand the reasoning  behind them being able to pump out so much dps in quick succession, but it is not balanced when they can use their strongest dps combo on you twice in a row and kill you from full hp. People will say you have no skill, but the fact remains that it takes less skill to play a destroyer than any other class currently. Destroyer is far superior in pvp and even with dmg in pve. I can understand the pve aspect, but with pvp, fix that focus gain and everything should be good to go. The only time I have ever been able to beat Destroyer in pvp (talking 1900+ rank here) has been due to time running out. Every time that I have won due to time running out, the Destroyer still has a good deal of hp left as well. I also find that I only win by time running out when I have far far superior reflexes and techniques than the Destroyer who is basically just spamming a bunch of damaging skills and cc removal skills. The only time I am able to successfully CC a destroyer and keep them CC'd is when they use their shield to heal.

I also want to add that having a cat vs. a Destroyer makes things more difficult as the Destroyer gains a bunch of focus off spinning near my cat since I can't control the cat's path directly.

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2 hours ago, TheKoR said:

All I see are two whiners who don't know how to counter or do anything well, then again that makes sense since all any of the pvp forum posts seem to be are those ignorant calling classes broken with little to no understanding of them! So nothing new there. 1 if any destroyer is "facerolling their keys" then if you are actually competent you'd be able to kill them "broken destroyer in pvp because I get wrecked by them!" Oh boo hoo suck it up. There are almost 0 broken classes in pvp everything's balanced exceptionally well if your dying soo often then maybe you need to learn how to play your class better or what counters and how to do better. If your being decimated by destroyers who faceroll their keyboard you are bad and they just happen to be better then you now shut up.. So sick of people whining are you even max lvl yet and if you are do you know how to play whatever *cricket*ing class you are? If not then practice more and learn my god.. To stop the spin all ya gotta do is *cricket*ing block it if your a class with. Stun or block if not then cc us to *cricket*ing death that spin does make us immune to everything i remeber a blade master blocking and stunning does that make them op? No means i need to not spin at them when they decide to block. Stop your whining and play the game and learn..

This is exactly what i would expect a destroyer whos too focused on how powerful they are to say.... Its not a post about what needs to be changed... its a post about all the perks the destroyer has going for it and that its too many. Maybe try reading and understanding the post before blindly responding in a way that makes you sound worse off than you originally intended.

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Or you could just remain ignorant and blame everything on other classes being better/stronger then you and keep whining hoping something happens.. News flash.. It won't also I got a question for you all the classes are viable in this game destroyers are not op for They can be killed if you know what your doing so why do you whine about them being broken when there are plenty of easy ways to kill a destroyer.. Is it because you don't want to put the time and effort into learning how to play better and whining just easy? Or is your brain really that small aor egotistical to think because you lose its not your fault for not playing your class better? Whatever your answer is remains yet to be seen till then you blame me for playing this class as im "ignorant" while I know all the classes are viable and balanced to play and just require a bit of skill time and practice to learn how to play against. New flash using the same tactic each time for one class will not let you win a  fight each time people are not cpus each person will play differently. "Too much going for it." And there are absolutely 0 counters against destroyer huh? None what so ever so when a destroyer loses they were just bad because they lost and the other players skill doesn't come into play at all them knowing how to counter and play well means nothing apparently? That's what I'm hearing you talk about and whine about and say because not every class can in someway shape or form given . skilled player vs a skilled destroyer ever win? Right.. Oh wait.. Wait that does happen.. We destoryers don't always win.  We can lose but how..oh wait because the person took time to learn where they *cricket*ed up instead of whining and asking for nerfs on classes that are all viable and playble and not broken... 

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I will say it as kindly as I can:

If you stay at his red Circle or have no trinket, you're gonna get a lot of dmg. Escaping it is not rocket science, and if you use your brain you may actually predict when he will use it :)


If you spam your abilities like a retard on skills like KFM counter, BM Parry, BD & Des Spin, you will never get out of Gold, and it will be a wonder to get there. All classes have some kind of opening you need to look for and not spam your abilities when you feel like it.


Destroyers are tanky, but are S L O W, if you believe they are actually fast It's because you are actually slow. Assassins can actually make us chase them and never catch them! (almost at least, but they are a pain in the *** if they play time )


Most classes have some kind of "grip" mechanic, why whine about Destroyers??Oh wait, you've never tried to countering it, that's why you whine about it!

All classes deal high amount of damage when they need to, ALL. If you've seen even DECENT KFM's or FM's, Sins or BD's, or Summoners, they can eat your hp bar in a matter of seconds. If you have no Trinket in their combos because you pressed it without thinking of pressing it, rest in pepperoni.


Destroyers high popularity??????Assassins FM's and Summoners are laughing at your face right now.


Now go and spar with a Destroyer, learn how to play against him, then think how ***  was the idea of writing a post on the forums about class balance. And they, good luck if you want to get above gold or reach it, you're gonna need it with that mindset buddy

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I wasn't saying destroyer is underpowered I'm saying quit your bitching and learn your class each class has a counter and the ability to *cricket* someone up all Ive seen however in pvp forums is, 'this is op." This is op." this is broken nerf this plz." nerf this t class is skillless." yet each class has a  counter a weakness and a exploit which can be exploited learn your class play well enough you can kill anyone if you know what your doing my point is whining going "its op plz nerf qq I can't beat it because I keep trying the same tactic over and over again and its not working!' And saying something is op when theres a *cricket*ing counter to it  you just havent found it yet.   Is stupid I'll say this a again you  want something to whine about and qq about being op go play Tera tons of broken classes in that game that never get balanced... You want to actually learn something shut up and play the game. Idc what rank you are theirs a *cricket*ing counter for EVERYTHING in this game going " that's op" because you haven't found it yet or you were not skilled enough to beat someone and just being all out stupid is funny but please if your gonna whine do so more and the rest of us who know this games balanced pretty well and fairly will just laugh and ignore the lvl of stupidty that comes next.

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You know... when you create your character, it gives you indication of the difficulty for each class. Maybe you should play a class that is more in par with you current reflexes/ muscle memory? The destroyer is an easier class to play, they will appear stronger if you can't play your class correctly. Since you think they're overpowered, why not play it? enjoy the 'rollface' technique while you're at it, it might stop you from posting this type of rant...

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Ok, so, u didnt want D's here, but a pacific conversation.

-Side note #1: I was goin to make a post titled 'destroyer's life' to talk about destroyer's matchups, but I drop the idea for now, and rather write a comment here.-


How to start a pacific convo with people that believes their class isnt op and others are...uhm. Dats a hard thing, but can be done step by step.


First of all, did u ever play arena 1v1 on a game called 'swordsman online'? If u didnt, look for some videos/guides. In eu/na isnt thaaat famous, but there's ppl playin it even at competitive level, if u read all the complaints there on every class in the game, u'll find out same things happening here. Just one difference: if someone gets to drop ur whole hp 100% to 0% there, that person is a god in game, if sm1 does it here, then it's a keyboardfacerollerhaxxxxorOPCLASSNERFIT. [I wanna blame this on LoL. SMO came out when LoL wasnt so known between masses.]


Lets go on the next step: did u ever learn all ur class skills in a detailed way/look at youtube videos/pro players streams/read 'op'(the classes u call op) classes professional players guides? I blame on myself for the fact Im lazy to make 4 accounts and read all the skills/cooldowns/effects/different ways to put skill points for all the classes, one day I'll do it, till then I'll follow some youtuber and say bladecanc..dancers are broken. It's so known bd and wl are broken for real classes. BMs maybe will follow em up in the next patch. But even if they can AUTOCOMBO (AUTOCOMBO DEFINITION: a combo that cant be stopped in any way once started) 20%+ of ur hp pressing 2-3 buttons and do it over n over anytime they find an opening, I wont stand and stare and complain about em, it's so damn known since when they've been released on oriental servers how op they are. They are one of the reasons arena stats are customized here on eu/na, if u didnt know it. That gives u a logical reason to say OP.


Next step in our walk to the pacific conversation: destroyer first impression (Side note #2: next step gonna be in-depth destroyer description, I'ma save u some time from making one lvl 45 and learning it, yes Im actually givin a fk about ppl complaining, sorry community)

'OMFGHOLYPIZZAWITHPEPPERONI DIS THING SPINS AND I CANT STUN' : u can knockdown / there are skills said to pierce parry/defence, they work throught the spin.

'LOLWTF I WAS WINNING AND DIS THING COMES AT ME COMBOES AND DROPS MY HP BY 1/5 WITH A SINGLE SPELL' : u wasted ur trinket (TRINKET DEFINITION: escape all classes have by default, 36sec cd) at the wrong time, if u have multiple escapes, u wasted all of em, blame on urself.

'DAMNITTHISSHTSOBROKENTANKY' : all classes are tanky their way, summoners got life steal and a pet tankin sht for em plus stealth, sins stealth, bm is the real tank of the game, bd is tanky but has a friggin burst dmg (and is a SPIN2WIN class -whose spin is different than destroyers' blue one ijs), kfm have a thing called anicancel 3rf plus almost neverending stunlock combo and airborn/froggy decent autocombo -it's the class i see closer to destro so far due to the anicancel alternated to stunlocking-.


Almost reached end of our track: Destroyer's in-depth view -Following professional players who got to high lvls as destros.

'Destroyer is an op class at low tier (silver-gold), mediocre class at plat, hard as heck at diamond.'

'Destroyer is a strong punishing class, if u make one mistake, they can turn the win to their side. In case u dont do any mistake, they're the suckiest class around.'

Lookin at destro matchups, any class has from a 55-65% chance to win to a 80% chance to win against destroyer.

Destroyer is only class with just 1 escape (can put perseveration as escape but that means dropping fury burst dmg that's part of the punishing play imho), and their 'cc immunity' costs focus -it's only class whose cc immunity costs focus (focus cost means it's not neverending)-.

The fact a class has a strong punishing game, means just that if u do a mistake, and they dont, u lost. If a destroyer tho...makes half mistake against any other class, and they know how to play their own class, rip destroyer.


Last step: personal experience.

I've faced so far 4-5 destroyers, lost just to one cuz wasnt in shape. After watching how they played, I wondered how hard would've been for ppl to beat em. Actually, if u guys are complaining about those destroyers, then make me a favour, play one too, I'll love u forever, we got already nuff bd who get to plat by just pressing 4 buttons.

Also, if u keep facing destroyers at ur elo, that means they are kinda stuck there due to facing ppl who cant play against em, and ppl who even if doesnt know, plays their class in a way bit more clever and beats em.


I hope I didnt sound cocky, but if 'sounding cocky' means stating things as they are...idk. I admit destro has a strong punishing game, it's not the only class. With the difference that other classes vs destro dont rly need to find out an opening, due to the fact they have tons of ways to find one. Destro has limited ways to find an opening [for opening I dont mean engaging skills, I mean engaging being sure to be able to drop a followup dmg wise to that engage] against other classes if properly played, and dats the point of the whole NON-OPness of destroyer at high scores.

-Side note #3 : I brought up SMO before because of a matchup there, priest vs gunner or smth like that. Priest was a class that had a precise skill rotation based on teching (following the enemy escape to counter it) two enemy escapes in a way to daze em (dazing there was due to an exact amount of dmg obtained doing smth close to anicancelling here while comboing some exact cc, and a dazed enemy cudnt escape in any way) and drop enemy whole hp in this whole combo. If the enemy did smth with right timing, or the priest made smth with wrong timing, the combo was fkd up and all spells in cd with conseguence that match was almost for sure lost. Gunner was the main priest counter, it had to press like 3 buttons to keep priest too far to even try to engage, and at same time by just spamming those buttons was able to fk up priests. Dats smth close to destro vs bd matchup. Destro has to find an opening, bd finds it in an easier way, and autocomboes without many issues. But since nuff ppl said yet bd is op and seems 40%+ of ppl plat+ is bd, noone of em comes to complain.  Lets instead complain about destroyer cuz destro cant autocombo but needs to practice anicancel, to put points properly and actually find openings on other classes that have more escapes, more spammable, priceless focus wise and what so else.-

-Side note #4 : If then, when u say 'destro op' u being sarcasting and u mean we shud get an aerial+froggy autocombo that heals us for 20% of max hp while dealing 30% of enemy hp by pressing 2 buttons and that thing is even spammable, and our spin doesnt cost focus anymore, ok go for it, I appreciate that but then I'd rather switch to kfm than keep playin destro cuz it'd turn out being a brainless class while now I play it cuz it's one of the hardest to roll properly at high tiers.-


With love,


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10 hours ago, MelodyOfWings said:

1. They can spin in circles basically indefinitely, which gives them immunity to nearly every CC effect under the sun

2. They can attack as fast as an assassin when they want, even though they carry an axe as big as themselves

3. They can pick up a person at any given time and proceed to punch them crap out of them

4. They are the tankiest class in the game, and the hardest hitting(for the most part), as well as nearly the fastest.

5. They have a lot of Stun and Daze opportunity

6. ALL of them employ the spin to win strategy in all pvp.

First, I have not read any of the replies so I don't know if this has been covered yet, but there is a lot of text walls and I am lazy.

  1. The spin is nowhere near indefinitely, it costs Focus which we regain if we hit something with specific attacks, (the spin itself not being one unless you are talking about fire spin and that takes a specific spec that is BAD for 1v1) getting hit, or are in Rage. That's it. If you get out of the way and don't hit us we will either: run out of Focus or be forced to stop spinning. If its fire spin it goes on a fairly long cooldown 45-60 seconds depending on the spec.
  2. Every, and I can not stress that word enough, EVERY class has an animation cancel of some sort. I do not know them all but I know for a fact that every class can do this. Take some time to learn about your class on forums or other sites with guides to find out how your specific class ani-cancels. It might not be as effective but its still there.
  3. We can only pick someone up if they are "Stunned/Dazed/Knocked Down/Unconscious or Defending". We can not just do it whenever we want. Also it has a cool down of 18 seconds, 6 of which can be used up if we are allowed to hold you for the entire duration, so 12 seconds if you soft drop from the grab. Also the punches don't really do THAT much damage, sure its some but its not like you can't hit us back while we have you grabbed. Also you can get out of this if you time it correctly without using tab, though this is moot if you get soft dropped.
  4. Tankiest, sure we have raw health and defense from our stats, and a few i-frames, but its not like other classes don't have abilities that heal them for 45% of their missing health (I'm looking at you force masters). Hardest Hitting. I don't know about that, we have one skill that can hit over 10k on a  regular basis, other classes can do much more per skill. NOTE: I am not saying our COMBO doesn't hit like a truck.. being shot out of a missile tank... but on a skill to skill basis I do not think we have earned the title of Hardest Hitting. If you let us combo you for 6 seconds that is your fault, not ours.
  5. This mixes in with 4.  but our combo IS stunning and CCing you. We don't really have that many abilities that individually hit hard so we have to keep you locked down to do any meaningful damage. This also mixes in with our animation cancel that you are not so fond of. If we didn't have we would would EASILY do the LEAST damage out of ALL the classes currently in the game. Our attacks out be laughable at BEST. Animation canceling is the only way to keep up our damage without immediately running out of focus. If you want to get rid of this you may as well get rid of the lowest 3 cool down abilities of every other class just to make the game balanced again.
  6. This is just not true. The better players only use this "Spin to Win" strategy when it is guaranteed to deal enough damage. The reason we spin so often with our blue spin is because that is our counter. Its the same reason you see KFM spamming their golden fists of justice, if you hit them during it they counter your attack and can make a play of of it. A lot of classes have something similar to this, I'm not sure if every class does, but a lot do. If you are having trouble with the red spin I will tell you that there are easy ways to counter it. Very easy ways. I am not going to say what they are because I still feel like winning games, but just know that it is not the end-all-be-all of abilities.

Now I realize that I said I am lazy and didn't want to read the walls of text so out of concern of looking like a hypocrite:


  1. Simply not true.
  2. This has nothing to do with anything. Every class can do this to some extent.
  3. Simply not true. Besides the grab itself does very little damage and if timed correctly can be gotten out of without using tab.
  4. Half true. We have Tanky stats and do damage quickly but then have long cool downs to make up for it.
  5. True.
  6. Only true at lower levels, and even then its not 100% true.

Final Note:

All of the destroyers combos can be tabbed. Everything we do. All of it. There is no point in time where, if you have your escape up, we are guaranteed a large amount of damage. Unlike, for example, Blade Dancers who can air combo you for 20% or more of your HP with no escape.

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5 hours ago, Wingard13 said:

I agree that the class needs a little rebalancing. The only thing I think would be good for them without "over-balancing" them would be to ditch the focus regen on the spin and put it elsewhere in a hard-to-pull-off skill. I am a summoner (I know, boo summoner) and we can't counter Destroyer in any way but to run away. I would not that we do have a passive that knocks enemy down once in a great while when they block (which they can easily escape from). I can understand the reasoning  behind them being able to pump out so much dps in quick succession, but it is not balanced when they can use their strongest dps combo on you twice in a row and kill you from full hp. People will say you have no skill, but the fact remains that it takes less skill to play a destroyer than any other class currently. Destroyer is far superior in pvp and even with dmg in pve. I can understand the pve aspect, but with pvp, fix that focus gain and everything should be good to go. The only time I have ever been able to beat Destroyer in pvp (talking 1900+ rank here) has been due to time running out. Every time that I have won due to time running out, the Destroyer still has a good deal of hp left as well. I also find that I only win by time running out when I have far far superior reflexes and techniques than the Destroyer who is basically just spamming a bunch of damaging skills and cc removal skills. The only time I am able to successfully CC a destroyer and keep them CC'd is when they use their shield to heal.

You were starting to gain my favor until you said "..Spamming a bunch of damaging skills and cc removal skill." The absolute most about of CC removal we can get (not including the Tab and 1) and 2) that every class can get, is ONE. We can spec into one extra CC removal, and if we do it gets rid of our Fury damage buff. If a Destroyer is "spamming" cc removal against you its because you are not CCing them more than once every 36 seconds. We have multiple stills that stop you from ever hitting us with CC but that is completely different and requires Fast reactions or predictions before you even use the ability.

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For those of you defending Destroyers are you saying if you know your class it should be at least a 50/50 chance of winning? I thought Blade Master in particular is known to be weak in this version of the game and won't realistically be able to compete until we get updates like the one next week. Also there is probably a reason so many players in the arena are Destroyers. If a class has a low learning curve that does make it OP at least for a while after a game's release. Not everyone has been playing this game in other regions for years.

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6 hours ago, GreenDestiny said:

For those of you defending Destroyers are you saying if you know your class it should be at least a 50/50 chance of winning? I thought Blade Master in particular is known to be weak in this version of the game and won't realistically be able to compete until we get updates like the one next week. Also there is probably a reason so many players in the arena are Destroyers. If a class has a low learning curve that does make it OP at least for a while after a game's release. Not everyone has been playing this game in other regions for years.


Now that is a decent argument that is actually open for debate. I'd tend to agree that blademasters are not currently at their best, and i'm glad that this will be patched soon.

For your second point though, i do not think making a class easier to handle makes it overpowered.

Take a Kung-fu Master (i believe this is the hardest to handle) and a destroyer:

A bad Destroyer will probably win against a bad KFM

A bad Destroyer will NEVER win against a decent KFM. (talking from experience here ^^)

A good destroyer and a good KFM, i think the KFM would have the upper hand.

Does this make the destroyer overpowered? In my opinion, it does not. It's simply more difficult to compete against at lower levels, and at higher levels, it's not better than other classes. There is a difference between a class being broken and a class being easy to play.


Melody, you don't get to call a whole class 'Narcissist crickets' then talk about people being disrespectful. These kind of generalization does tend to bring the defensive side of regular people, because it's unfair and simply not true.

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1. They can spin in circles basically indefinitely, which gives them immunity to nearly every CC effect under the sun

This is straight up false.


2. They can attack as fast as an assassin when they want, even though they carry an axe as big as themselves

They can attack fast for a few seconds after using a skill with high cd or a special condition is met, NOT "when they want".


3. They can pick up a person at any given time and proceed to punch them crap out of them

Again, it depends on a special condition to pick someone up. Punching does close to no damage, it's just for focus regen.


4. They are the tankiest class in the game, and the hardest hitting(for the most part), as well as nearly the fastest.

In PvP you will never use the defensive spin, so I don't know about being the "tankiest". I'd say KFMs are more tanky. About hardest hitting... maybe you meant much damage in a short time - true - and if you get caught with no escapes, you deserve it. Any class can punish you badly, not just Destroyers. Again, they are not the fastest and the only time they are fast is extremely limited.


5. They have a lot of Stun and Daze opportunity

This is true. But so do most classes, if specced.


6. ALL of them employ the spin to win strategy in all pvp.

If you saw Destroyers winning by spinning, it must have been at cardboard rating, sorry. Other than that, this is false.

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"Destroyers are tanky, but are S L O W"

best comment


Decreases the cooldown of Ram by 9 sec on Deflect once

Removes Charge Disables on Deflect

Increases Movement Speed by 60%

Increases Movement Speed by 30% for 3 sec on Deflect

User is resistant to Slow for 3 sec on Deflect

Generates 30 Focus on Deflect

User is resistant to Stun, Daze, Knockback

Removes Snares on use


Increases Movement Speed by 80%

Increases Defense by 400%

User is resistant to Stun, Daze, Knockback

Removes Snares

Penetrates Defense, Deflect

Generates 5 Focus on taking damage


Cast Time
just remove destroyer mov speed buff and they will be balanced, why they should run more than you when spinning?
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Why even make this thread if you're just going to dismiss every comment that is not agreeing with you as wrong? You claim you have a right to an opinion but shun others from expressing theirs and instead, devolve to calling them names just because you do not agree with their opinions. If you wish to rant without reading any other's opinions, there's always tumblr for you.


And yes, I would be saying this no matter what class I mained. People have given sincere advice and you respond to it with "I don't care". No one in this thread has been bragging about their kills, they merely gave you weaknesses of the Destroyer. This thread will probably devolve and you'll eventually start calling people names for telling the weaknesses of Destroyers and just write them off as "destroyer fanboys" or some other nonsense.


You views are so disgustingly biased, you're worst than the "  Narcissistic ass hole attitude " Destroyers you so strongly hate.

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1 hour ago, Enamour said:

Why even make this thread if you're just going to dismiss every comment that is not agreeing with you as wrong? You claim you have a right to an opinion but shun others from expressing theirs and instead, devolve to calling them names just because you do not agree with their opinions. If you wish to rant without reading any other's opinions, there's always tumblr for you.


And yes, I would be saying this no matter what class I mained. People have given sincere advice and you respond to it with "I don't care". No one in this thread has been bragging about their kills, they merely gave you weaknesses of the Destroyer. This thread will probably devolve and you'll eventually start calling people names for telling the weaknesses of Destroyers and just write them off as "destroyer fanboys" or some other nonsense.


You views are so disgustingly biased, you're worst than the "  Narcissistic ass hole attitude " Destroyers you so strongly hate.

Im not disagreeing with all the comments... im simply disagreeing with the comments whos sole purpose is to try and call me out because they disagree with everything... if you pose a valid argument, good for you... if you post nothing but insults and disregard the whole point to the post, then you need to leave the forums... Simple as that. I dont spend 90% of my time on the forum, so i dont respond to every comment. 

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4 minutes ago, MelodyOfWings said:

Im not disagreeing with all the comments... im simply disagreeing with the comments whos sole purpose is to try and call me out because they disagree with everything... if you pose a valid argument, good for you... if you post nothing but insults and disregard the whole point to the post, then you need to leave the forums... Simple as that. I dont spend 90% of my time on the forum, so i dont respond to every comment. 


You're coming off strong when you do reply. If you want an open discussion, speak as though you do. Lumping all destroyers into one stereotype kinda implies that you want nothing to do with people that play the class, despite if they speak with reasoning or not.


Also the last sentence has no relevance to the discussion nor does it mean anything regarding the thread.

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I agree just nerf Destoryers. I'm pretty sure 99% of the time Developers must be smoking some really good **** when they made this class, you can't do anything againts Destroyers in PvP. Just google search anything about Destroyers and I stumbled upon this thread as well as going on reading many threads about Destroyers. loolololololol

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