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Everything posted by Grimoir

  1. Also Update the devotion chest from completing daily dash. I would prefer the lesser rewards be replaced with items that are more relevant and adding extra materials to it like soulstones / moonstones and orbs of like 20 at the very least.
  2. THe skins are very likely part of a future patch, they wouldnt just extract them from it just to put them into our version. We will very likely get them when the patch hits. Not the first time, the other classes also had to wait a bit. They might offer you to convert it via support when they come out.
  3. What i personally loved is the hongmoon weapon and accessory evolution. ITs was so nice and straightforward, and you jsut needed the breakthrough items and thats it. There were no chances to fail, no sinks to waste tons of materials. Now...its just a nightmare.
  4. How about we also increase the item slots in mails we send from 3 to maybe 10 slots? Its annoying to mail things between alts by 3 ...
  5. I like the suggestion, though what worries me is if they touch those boxes they will result in a hit into the current dragon express exchange rates.
  6. Have you tried checking this? https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024567112-How-To-Use-A-Level-60-Boost-Voucher-On-An-Existing-Character
  7. They should start here. The fact that people are so obvious and essentially do it right in the face which the ranking proves is reason enough. And they should issue more than a 7 days suspension so that they cannot benefit from the event on fullest as an additional punishment.
  8. While I do agree on Soulstone / Moonstone sources....I would much rather prefer different ones than another PVP zone., literally anything else than that.
  9. Personally I really dislike race type events and events that make use of windwalking / wall running, but objectively speaking about the event: PROS: - Its a nice laid back / relaxing event if you look at the effort needed to participate. - Something different from previous rehashed events - Can be fun and enjoyable if you are into such things - rewards are actually decent in my opinion. CONS: - Ranking - You get stuck on any little rock.... - Those we dont speak off - Limited entry / gated by a time schedule. Limits participation and from what I hear quite a bit of players need to set alarms / wake up to participate and go back to sleep which isnt healthy if you want to get max rewards. - the crash, but that not really a deal breaker, but can be annoying for those with lower end pc's where it takes longest to get back into the game.
  10. They didnt give persay an answer but I would imagine it was removed due to those that played it on geforce now complaining about: - loading times taking up to 5 minutes to even start the game then another 5 minutes to pass loading screens - ping being much much higher than playing it from a PC, although that varied a lot by location of the server. - FPS being incredibly horrible (10-30 FPS ) in most situations and capped at 60 fps, raids were completely unplayable. - marketplace not working over gfn. - crashes (although it was the 32bit client which is now obsolete) I am fairly confident that the UE4 version would perform much better than the old one but, I have doubts it would improve performance drastically. You would still suffer the same lags, fps and other issues. Personal opinion: IF the publisher / developer cant guarantee a stable and fluid gaming experience, the game shouldnt be on gfn. And yes I played it on gfn aswel back then just to try it out, and it was horrible, I went back to my at the time, "medicore" pc because the performance was better and you were able to apply your own tweaks to get even more fps out.
  11. Known issue: The client will crash at the completion of the Windwalk Race. Note that rewards are still received after reconnecting. The Koldrak boss is not always visible. Some items on the F5 Marketplace show "The auction has already ended." and cannot be purchased.
  12. I mean true, but....there is the weapon skin and costume...although this time its hella ugly lol
  13. Why complain about a buff? 😛 But others have it too 😛
  14. Or maybe they finally realized its better to not throw wallet to upgrade and instead play the game and content o.o
  15. Gotcha. Then I agree, they should either introduce an excahnge for them or make them useful for something else again.
  16. But where were they from? I mean if they were from a time limited event the I dont see why they would be returned to usefullness. Warren token however were permanent content that was cut. But that is my view. If the challenger tokens were also from something permanent then they should be made useful or at least exchangable to a different currency.
  17. My memory is a bit wonky but what were those from again? Last i recall those were used in Psyche transmuting? Or am I mixing something up.
  18. Its not a new item. It was previously in the SSP merchant but since SSP got removed, people who had warring tokens were unable to redeem these anymore. So now they are added to kagcha instead of SSP NPC's.
  19. Out of all the things they could do, that place should never ever come back at all. Its part of the reason why the economy got busted.
  20. In BnS it does not matter how old something is, it matters how relevant it still is for the current players and their upgrades. It can be even 3 years old, but if 80% of the playerbase still uses and needs those for upgrades, they are considered relevant. Age in this game is not a factor for anything. They can always form raids and clear the content as it is meant to be if they want those that bad. Also since the badge, and soulshields can be gotten elsewhere, its not really too hard anyway. For elder scales....this one only i would agree that it should become account bound now.
  21. Just because leaks say we get it doesnt mean that it actually will be the case. If it is included in the update it will be in the actual patch notes and not a general preview.
  22. We already have F2's heavily abused by oversexualized content and inapropriate images. we do not need titles to be abused the same way and to spread more toxicity
  23. If i recall good, somewhere it was said it was broken / not fixable so it would never happen xD
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