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Everything posted by Puril

  1. Honestly am speechless,who comes up with these things srsly? Like for real they learned nothing from epic failure valentine event having ppl murder one another so they put another one just like it.As if we dont have enough 6v6 or should i say 1shoot fiesta bg but *hey* lets put it in *event* too. Great AWESOME one more event exclusive to *megalodon* whales. Do you honestly think that normal players are gonna be able to farm mobs/boxes/keys for more then 20 sec before some randoms ub3r geared whale passes by and one shoots them? And here is the part where you say *oh but you can party up* hahaha kewl joke as if thats gonna make any difference, your entire party will be butchered/killed. Furthermore DONT FORGET each time you die you have to pay 10g to reenter soo YAAAY happy hapy spending xD. My point is they are FORCING you to pvp in a EVENT dungeon. And lastly what is the point of toggling of pvp IF YOU STILL CAN BE KILLED BY OTHERS? lmfao.
  2. lol srsly you ask that question? ofc is gonna be the unupgradeable one. Do you honestly truly beleive it will be the hongmoon gem? hahahaha hilarious.....eksde
  3. 4) ah they'r my favorite,is it me or this thing happens only lately with archer class. Honestly i dont remember having this issue with gunners back when gunner class came.Anyway back on topic, i feel ya bro cant remember how many times i had archer in grp who ofc NEVER uses AC even after we asked him/her 4-5 times during and after the 1st boss also asking for ress after they died. I just move along to next boss and leave him/her there. Just like you funny enough this person that COMPLETLY ignored us before suddenly becomes all chatty why you started 2nd boss and not waited. I mean why would we wait for some1 who doesnt use his/her class buff to benefit whole party and just goes and straight out ignores every1, why would we wait for some1 who's been dead since boss hit 80% hp, on top of that not only do these kinda of players not contribute to the party by properly using their class buff etc by the cherry on the cake is they typical/classic start swearing/cursing you calling you names trashtalking bout you mothers/sister etc. Do yourself a favor and just move along these peeps dont deserve ress/not worth your braincell.
  4. Like they said it b4 whe we had the hongsil draw thingie that the whole free keys was TEMPORARY, which means next time they bring it around ( YES THEY WILL BRING IT BELEIVE IT) there will be no more free key. Maybe they will do it like trove only premium members will get 1 free daily key but the rest nada zilch or open dat wallet. So enjoy what free gold you made.
  5. Yup what the tittle says,least they'r trying clear it.https://www.twitch.tv/ggaengtaro
  6. oh dear are you kidding me, more nerfs to the dung....for real? Atm all and i do mean ALL dung from starstone mines to cathedra cliffs are completly braindead dps LITERALLY ZERO MECHANICS. Bosses have no instakill mechanics anymore anyone can go to any of dung and just clear it in ez mode (assuming you have some spec of decent dps) thats it. No mechanics no worrying *omg i messed up this or that grp gonna wipe* NOTHING at all.
  7. tbh be happy that they actually did changed dung as they r now (as they should of been from beggining of archer patch). Considering Nc's past with their previous games where they simply ignore community and put w/e they want regardless, and you are here feeling entilted of an compensation? hahaha kewl joke.
  8. Althou there will be many wihte knights coming here saying *oh but trove is rng blaBLABLA*, YES TROVE IS RNG however most 3 star crits in this one we complete trash totally not belonging in 3 star crit.
  9. As much as i like the idea of new (classic) server i do feel the need to remind you however this is nc. Sure they'll keep the new server p2w free for a while (i give a 2 months tops) then the small rng boxes start to make their appearance, followed later by medium ones up untill the moment they bring the big nukes. Before you realise it your/our *new* server will be polluted beyond saving point, same as main. New server will do nothing but give a little breeze/refresh hope........untill it comes slipping down the road same as main.
  10. if thats true then it would be waay too OP...even alts can ez clear it.
  11. Well no just no,taking away the only source/reason for the few pvpers we have left in here NO TY. As is being mentioned before ms and ss come from weeklys aswell. Dont be greedy asking for all to be acquired via pve. Pvpers need some reason/way to make some profit too.Finally no am not pvper neither white night lel, just common sense.
  12. When you hover mouse over the pouch should say/have the icon of 2 different diamonds 1 ap and 1 defense meaning its NOT fixed what it will give rather *chance* of getting either.
  13. There are various ways to obtain brilliant keys such as radiant ring craft/dragon express/daily dash/event tab in dragon express,pick one.
  14. Imo koldrak should stay as is soo every1 has a fair chance of getting scales and maybe rng hexa garnet. Making it 6man would only add to the looong list of f8 :Koldrak 1.7k TT gear ONLY. :PEPEHANDS:
  15. Exactly, when kr had this event they were in ET gear. We on the other hand are a handful of player in TT gear and most not even maxed and they can barely clear it. Imagine the bt/aransu majority.Dont get me wrong am not saying they should'nt have brought the event here but adjust it/modify it to our gear-wise ability to clear it.
  16. Puril


    One simple and widely accepted fix/change would be to *generously* reduce longgui stage 4 hp or double enrage timer. That way more then 5% of playerbase would actually be gear-wise (not skill/mechanic) able to clear this event.
  17. Puril


    you can craft it each day from desolate mausoleum and longgui stage 1-3 mats
  18. The true prob that every1 seem to forget is not rly about the spam fiesta from frenchies/german (some not all of them) in faction chat but the FACT that we all know well happens in every server merge. Its called super mega lagg fest,soo brace for it imo lol.
  19. Puril


    Ok the 1h event wpn is NOT equivalent gc9 in fact is the skyforge/shadowforge one which is utter garbadge compare to true gc wpn.Anyways i tried it with 1h event wpn and suprise suprise event wpn 900k dps while my aransu9 1.1m.Seriously how did you come with this idea to hide/lock not 1 but 2 EVENT dungeons behind max endgame gear is beyond me. For those who got sick and tired of my caps in the word event,please to try to not forget what event is/means.Accessable/clearable by some effort/mechanic-wise bosses not maxed endgame gear or gtfo.
  20. Puril


    Well i guess this is where we change the *right click namechange* exclusive into * certain gear requirement*. I mean we succesfully did that with p2w into p2*cough*progress. I see thatnks for clarifying that.
  21. Puril


    Oh dear its still an EVENT dungeon,do you even understand the meaning of it? Not a normal dungeon thats understandable but an event one being exclusive to less then 5% of playerbase?
  22. Puril


    you clearly didnt go f8 to perhaps attempt to understand what am even talking about? How about go there 1st and then come here and *educate* us.
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