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Everything posted by Uldrum

  1. You should stay far far away from this game if "Grind" is something you can get sick off. Any way I guess i was reading 1 line in a message and i was "Jumping to conclusions" as you said. I apologise.
  2. But you'd get those achivements through normal gameplay when you were doing your accessory grinds or daily quests. Why would you do them outside of that?
  3. But... you said so yourself? "It's a pain to do these. It takes about 5 minutes to do 1 run alone, at stage 1" You are doing them solo and on stage 1. Then you give a big explonation on how long it will take to get the things, by doing stage 1. It's not "Jumping to conclusions" if that is exactly what you wrote.
  4. Stop trying to run the game solo or trying to get the best rewards by doing stage 1, That is not the intended way of playing the content You are just being deliberately obtuse at this point. Took me a week or two to get all 3 accessories on the weeks following the release of aerodrome and then substratum. It does not take a long time or trouble if you just do the content the intended way. But if you are just going to shoot yourself in the foot and waste time by trying to do these things solo, Then yes you are in for a bad time.
  5. He already announced that he is off this week and there won't be any replies for a while.
  6. Dono if this is something worth looking into but. There is 1 voice line on the new Chaos supply chain poharan that is in KR while every thing else is in english. That line.
  7. I also miss when the trove was good. Dono why they kept it in this bad state for so long. Wish they'd rework and make it good again, We are paying real money for these keys after all. 36
  8. The people on discord came to the conclusion that it's just the dps meter that is bugged and does not record correctly after the update. So just don't trust what the dps meter is showing currently 🙂
  9. You always should do Daily train & challenge for the scale fragments. It does not matter if there is an active event or not.
  10. No. I personally think Daily challenge is a waste of time before you have gotten every thing from the new place. I think It's better to do the multi's now that there are a lot of people doing them, than to wait until the playerbase dries up again.
  11. Now The Lost ark company comes out and admits in writing that "Pay to win" is a thing and that they ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up the launch updates and how much they will change the game to accommodate players and adress all the feedback Just imagine for a second if NCsoft had that level of transparance. Honestly did not know a company even had the ability to admit fault, Thought they always saw players as mindless drones just there to spend money, Kinda shocking to be honest. and the link to the dev update if you don't want to watch the asmongold video https://www.playlostark.com/en-us/news/articles/amazongames-smilegate-rpg-message-from-the-team Dono why the link is text and not a clickable link tho
  12. So you don't plan to multi the new dungeon? Most people are going to do that.
  13. You know what i meant, You don't have to nitpick the word "Dev" i just did not want to write "these people" as that sounded derogatory and i just put another word there.
  14. The lost ark devs are also KR who don't speak english. But maybe that company takes in feedback and advice better than NCsoft.
  15. Well, i start my work at 08:00. So yes i would think 2 hours earlier would be a pain. You still have to wake up and drive to work before that 6 am start time as well. These devs probably wake up at 4-5 in the morning.
  16. Oh.. right.. I never paid attention to the NA timer honestly.. never in all the years of BnS. Does this mean.. the devs start the maintenance at 4 in the morning? Like for real? and people still tell them to start earlier 😄 Well that is.. Something. Hopefully they are still OK after doing a very early morning maintenance every week
  17. Asmongold talking about the "Problems" with Lost ark and while listening to it a lot of what he's saying could be applied to BnS as well. Maybe something NCsoft needs to hear as well.
  18. "I play 7 Characters myself all of which are at stage 51+" That's what you said. So i assume you meant you had 7 characters at over 3500 AP all with max soul, heart etc.
  19. That line of thought works for A lot of different class/race combinations tho, Not just destroyer. It's a scuffed system for sure.
  20. My point was the i wanted you to tell me, what is "Well geared/Good dps" in your mind.
  21. I could never imagine wanting to re-do the 100-200 runs in Aero & Sub each for the accs and all other stuff that is needed to get stage 51. But you did it 7 times, Big jikes.
  22. How do you have time to do "other" content? I barely manage daily stuff on two characters before i'm out of time for the day. Why do you want to add even more stuff to the workload?
  23. I'm doing 60M sustain on the training dummy atm and i would not consider myself "Very well geared" considering others do over 100M sustain on the dummy. Kinda makes me wonder what kind of dps people think is "Very well" because i consider myself pretty weak when i know others can do double my dps easy
  24. I'm sad that there is any one who even "Care" about something as small as that. I really do pity their entitled and demanding attitude and any one who has to interact with them. Such silly people.
  25. Appreciate the fast response and the information, A lot of people and i mean A LOT of people don't understand this line, like at all and think you have a lot more control than what you actually have.
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