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UE3 wasn't the problem, its poor management

Miggy Miggs

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The last management team from couple years back i think 2018 tried to revived tag match by adding outfits to merchant, but this management team hasn't done one think to help the situation. The last pvp event regarding arena was 2017, since then no efforts were made to help the situation if not yall made it worse with the time lock, again arena suffered, the community warned not to do it but yall insisted.


Fast forward to now constant neglect  has led to every single pvp mode in this game dead....


poor management of the modes and not collecting any feedback from the community. dishing out half bake pvp auto combat  zones back to back lets not forget.


i never thought yall would kill battleground by removing venture tokens like why would you do such a thing , yes cheating etc but the rewards you have there now is so garbage um season reward couple moonstone , lol those cost like 3 g a piece. why would any one from pve come to pvp for those rewards? for the past couple of years most pvp accs was always farmed from pve content and pvpers were forced, but no pvers can't be forced to to pvp? how will they learn ?


i dont really care about the venture tokens cause they 're in demons bane how can we draw in people to do battleground ? HELLO?


not even a 10 mil charm.....



yall sabotage the modes even more with no fix for weeks and the compensation was a hot mess.


rinse and repeat  event spamming daily challenge with the same set of boring dungeons, will not last long, by the time yall care enough it will be too late....


if yall surveyed the game more yall would realized that pvpers are the ones leaving this game and it shows on the ranking board from how much pages of ranking back then to now... its  one and this is overall ranking . I can count on my fingers how much people rank gold in 1v1...






UE3 wasn't the problem it was poor management.



back during blackrym the fps was garbage but we were happy, remember that...











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I'm calling BS on this post.  The greedy knucklehead cheating pvprs' killed BG, not NC Soft.  If you were a gold pvpr, you cheated, and you raked in the HM coin.  You know it, I know it, they know it.  And yet 2/3 of the community clamored for NC Soft not to implement harsher anti cheats, because if they did the game would be dead in a week.  


Honestly, the game population is too low to do anything that will ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ even 25% off.  If you want to keep playing BNS, just keep your mouth shut and enjoy the game until something better comes along, because making any sort of changes for your better is gonna be worse for those who have just become too accustomed to cheating.  You cant even run foe or demonsbane now without some idiot jumping across half the dungeon.  It just so brazen.  I think these people simply will look for another game to exploit at this point if they get banned.

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6 hours ago, 3000 said:

i know you want to trash ncw as we all do.  however, you cannot bullshit the fact.  UE4 is a massive massive improvement from UE3.  That is probably the only reason i am still playing bns.


It's not. Numbers tell otherwise. Go look up the recent financial report from NCSoft and you'll see it's actually the exact opposite. It's going further down. 

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7 hours ago, Tufa said:

I'm calling BS on this post.  The greedy knucklehead cheating pvprs' killed BG, not NC Soft.

You definetly have no idea and probably stayed most of the time in pve.

1. Its not players task to ban cheaters. The majority of PVP Players reported cheaters too but last time i saw someone get banned was in 2018.

2. Most cheats are insignifficant if you are an experienced PVP Player. And alot of cheats are actully a disadvantage but thoose pve players (yeah mostly thoose use them in pvp) dont know that.

3. BG got killed by the huge ammount of gear needed while giving the players no option to earn the gear unless you farm for months if not years first.


I know its possible to get okish pvp gear for cheap but there is still a huge difference between dying after 2 auto attacks and dying after 3 whole rotations.


If you were a gold pvpr, you cheated, and you raked in the HM coin.

Playing with vanilla client and having no macro installed is cheating ? Guess i have to install Multitool and use some GCD to be legit ? It was super easy to get gold rank if you know how to pvp. But well according to you i have to install some additional software before entering PVP so i can be legit.


And yet 2/3 of the community clamored for NC Soft not to implement harsher anti cheats, because if they did the game would be dead in a week.  

No one in their right mind wants an anti cheat. We want a company banning cheaters. If you send in videos of people using speedhack or if you show them stuff that cant be explained without the term wintrade we want them to ban people and not ignore our requests.

No anti cheat in the world can safe a game where the dev refuses to ban people.


Honestly, the game population is too low to do anything that will ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ even 25% off.

At this point thats right which is also why i see only one solution left. BNS classic Server with another publisher.


You cant even run foe or demonsbane now without some idiot jumping across half the dungeon.  It just so brazen.  I think these people simply will look for another game to exploit at this point if they get banned.

I was currently forced to stop playing BNS since i dont give a crap about PVE anymore and PVP was bugged (no idea if it has been fixed yet) I plan to stay with Lost ark when i can finally log into the game. I would still love to see improvements to pvp someday cause i still enjoy that lil pvp i can do in this game.

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UE 4 might be a burden on the netcode/server load needed to run properly ... See the Koldrak peakhour : Servers are being ddosed 😂

Or maybe they thought they could use less ressource on the hosting with magic UE4 improvements xD


And yes we needed overkill/decent single thread CPU to run UE3. So either NCKR pay the optimization or the customer upgrade their rigs themselves 😄 


We'll never know how ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up is the management/relationship between NCKR and NCWest.


With so many failed maintenance and deployment, its becomming the worst in game industries for years


But we can already guess AWS sucks : Even for a successfull game, they don't have the capacity to host everything properly. With the billion they have ... 

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On 2/15/2022 at 11:44 AM, Tufa said:

'm calling BS on this post.  The greedy knucklehead cheating pvprs' killed BG, not NC Soft.


You need to understand that it was NCSoft who gave people the ability to turn HM Coins into gold by selling unlimited gem powder in the cash shop. Hence, more people would use cheats to get as many venture tokens as possible. I know you are gonna ask how people are supposed to upgrade gems if they can't get gem powder from the store but it's a completely different topic about gem progression system and gems altogether. 


You are partly right though, if the cheaters had more social responsibility and did not cheat, we would still have venture tokens and somewhat active 6v6. 



On 2/15/2022 at 7:07 PM, PervertedLyn said:

No one in their right mind wants an anti cheat. We want a company banning cheaters. If you send in videos of people using speedhack or if you show them stuff that cant be explained without the term wintrade we want them to ban people and not ignore our requests.

No anti cheat in the world can safe a game where the dev refuses to ban people.


I don't mind anti-cheat as long as it removes a good chunk of cheaters from my games. If the players and NCWest wree to actually to work together to ban cheaters, NCWest would need to give us some guidelines on how to properly provide evidence. E.g., would we need to provide just the video or provide the video with timestamps and comments telling where and when The Suspect was seen cheating? We also need equal treatment from the support. Whales should not have immunity against being banned. We all know that even if at this point NCWest would start banning cheaters, they would not ban the cheating whales.  



On 2/15/2022 at 7:07 PM, PervertedLyn said:

At this point thats right which is also why i see only one solution left. BNS classic Server with another publisher.


Exactly. The publisher that would KNOW what to do with a game like this. The publisher that is run by gamers. Why do you think Valorant and LoL are so successful? I don't even mind a bit of p2w but only when you actually care about the playerbase and well-being of the game. 



On 2/15/2022 at 7:07 PM, PervertedLyn said:

BG got killed by the huge ammount of gear needed while giving the players no option to earn the gear unless you farm for months if not years first.


Finally, someone, who actually pointed it out. When I tell people on reddit about how p2w 6v6 has become, they downvote me and just tell me to play the game to get to the gear levels that 6v6 whales have. Even if I had the time for that, it would still be a 10 hour grind each day. Can you still play 6v6 as a F2P player? Yes, but it's getting harder and harder and the struggle has become too much for me. 



On 2/15/2022 at 11:44 AM, Tufa said:

If you were a gold pvpr, you cheated, and you raked in the HM coin.  You know it, I know it, they know it.


Getting gold in 6v6 requires either super gear or a lot of luck. Getting 1400 in 6v6 requires a bit of luck, a bit of brain and a bit of skill. You don't need to be a cheater to get good amout of venture tokens from season rewards. Getting gold in 1v1 for the extra tokens was just a matter of being careful with the queue for me. If there were any sins or archers, I would not queue on that day.

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On 2/14/2022 at 10:21 PM, 3000 said:

i know you want to trash ncw as we all do.  however, you cannot bullshit the fact.  UE4 is a massive massive improvement from UE3.  That is probably the only reason i am still playing bns.

To be honest getting 60 to 100 plus fps now for me is bitter sweet ....they tarnish every pvp mode in the game back to back   


Why pvp is more dead than ever due to their actions :


1. Making top tier pvp items unfarmeable 

2.  All pvp mode were bugged and the compensation was horrible 

3. Removing venture tokens from pvp and adding it to pve content,because theyre anti cheat system was an epic fail.


How pvp could be revived:by  adding daily pvp quest  1v1 and 3v3 completion to soul boost instead of boring afk primeweald.... 



How will pvers learn pvp if yall constantly making it irrelevant....only veterans know how to pvp. 


While pvers cry that people are cheating when in fact they in a stun lock combo 











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