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The state of the game is awful...


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Given how the current state of the game is.... I'm really worried that this time we might see both servers in NA/EU actually dying. Obviously there is a few reasons, they're pretty bad for the game. 


1) Demonsbane


Some might feel surprised... but I think introducing this into the game was the worst mistake ever made. Not only is Demonsbane replacing any other good content, the RNG revolving around upgrades for the accs is terrible. Back in the day, we had to run new dungeon x-times, but the accs had guaranteed upgrade paths. You grinded, you got everything you wanted. This new system is bad... like really bad. You can burn weeks of progress for trying to go +11 on ONE accessory. It feels unrewarding and horrible. It kills your motivation to keep earning gold. Btw...


2) Gold Income..


Given the current state, gold income is horrible too. We don't earn nearly as much gold for doing the same activities than Korea does... this also impacts 1), because this little gold income is mostly burned in a matter of seconds, with no progress if unlucky. There's also no solutions to help us combat this problem (KR got Kaebi Village as a gold income fix). 


3) Issues, issues, issues..


This has been a problem since the introduction of the Substratum patch. 

No access to Mao or Eva, effectively denying people's Soul Boost progress, missing and/or false rewards on the tracks, Koldrak lagging for months... the game is beyond broken right now. 


4) Heart


This has to be the recent worst addition to the game. Why do you remove the Sacred Vial path out of nowhere? You effectively made it impossible for a big chunk of your playerbase to upgrade their heart... an essential peace of gear to increase damage in all content. 

The RNG to get Sterling Scales in Demonsbane Floor 41 is a huge joke. It's almost nonexistent as a reward for doing more challenging content... let alone many people aren't even able to do 41s because they lack the damage in gear.


My questions to NC is this... do you guys really wanna screw away new players and returners to the game? Do you want to make your whales frustrated with this unrewarding progress system that Demonsbane is? Do you even care anymore? 


Something needs to be done quick or this time... it will actually die out. That would be quite sad.

Edited by Amane
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3 hours ago, Metatime said:

Yea they need to add more then just demonbane. It’s fine but we need more variety like more raids and open world content. Demonbane are just dungeons in the end and we got enough of that

Have to agree on that. The content the game has became quite boring. There is no proper balance for pvp and open world content is dead. Even solo content is on afk auto-combat now...

But I don't think this is going to change. There was a world boss added for primewald in korea. But it got removed like one week later because the performance was so bad. My guess is that they have given up on doing stuff like that and just release dungeons.

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I'm just a returning player but it tells me a lot about the state of NCwest and the state of the game when devs/CM wouldn't even lift a finger and try to respond to this kind of topics.

Edited by shien
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12 hours ago, Belido said:

well afaik they have some new games in the pipeline and guess they keep BnS just running as long it brings profit and maybe do some minor work to keep profits up-


This doesn't work anymore for them, sadly. BNS is by far their worst financial game worldwide now... numbers are down even further in Q4 2021. 

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