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The amount of information that is withheld everytime it may act for a bad reputation is laughable.

It's not just "server routine maintenance" rewards, hong moon coin and very soon ladder too were reduced or made non-existent.

The transperancy with which a multi million dollar company, that considers itself professional, hides changes to delay community backlashes keeps scaling. 


Instead of informing us about the changes to get the communities' trust back, you ncsoft and ncwest mess up every week.


This question is not to be taken as joke, because everything hints at what will come:

You intend to close the servers in the west, right?



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vor 17 Minuten schrieb KlausFlouride:

You must be new here, this is expected behavior from them.

I don't think they expect what is thrilling me atm, as this is more an "oh well, lets see what they going to mess up next :tired:"

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Good job ncsoft. You just saved me $35 every 3 months. Now I can stop buying premium since the only reason I even renew it every 3 months is for a chance to get venture tokens from daily dash. All the other benefits from premium aren't enticing enough for me to justify renewing premium. Sure I'll miss having remote storage, cheaper upgrade fees, and premium storage slots, but with premium revamped and gutted from time to time, it's really losing all its original appeal (RIP 15sec chi recovery with premium). The extra gold saved and gained as well as more exp with premium might be worth it for new players, but for veterans of the game that have gold and decent gear, it's not enough to keep us paying for it.

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ToI got Venture tokens removed for lower ranks.. lower dungeon daily chests had venture tokens removed (even tho they have a droprate of like 0.5%) .. and now even the daily dash has them removed from the premium field.. its like almost impossible to get them now

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Edensia:

daily chests had venture tokens removed (even tho they have a droprate of like 0.5%)

I play since release and maybe got 3 or 4 of the lowest tokens in all that time. Depending on the sheer amount of chests i got in this time, its more like a droprate of 0.0005% ;)

But yeah you could have get them. A low, theoretical chance is still beter than no chance at all...

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9 hours ago, Xzard said:

How stupid someone should be to buy premium just for the low chance to get some hmcoins HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I don't know if this guys are just complete idiots, or they just want to spread toxicity and troll.

The problem with this kind of changes is not the change itself, which is something that objectively doesn't affect anything in the game, me and many others will keep enjoying the game as always, but this change is the perfect excuse for idiots like this to cry like a baby and complain like brainless idiots all over the forums.

Who's hurt you so badly in your past that you have to act like you've got a stick shoved up your *cough*


Anyways, Have you ever had premium before? Or were you just always unlucky with your dash? Every time you get the 2 brilliant tokens from the premium spot, it gives you almost $10 worth of hmcoins. My last 3 months of premium was my luckiest and got me a little more than $200 worth of hmcoins. I was able to unlock all my trove slots and buy about 300 keys with those hmcoins. I haven't had to spend any money on trove because I've always got a decent amount of hmcoins from dash. When I'm not so lucky with venture tokens, I usually still get enough hmcoins to open all trove slots and buy 100 keys or so. So am I an idiot for spending $35 every 90 days when the chances are extremely good for getting more than 4 sets of brilliant tokens and getting my money's worth? Even if I break even, I'm not upset because I also benefit from all the bonuses that come with premium.


Sure, nothing in the game will be affected by the change, but ncsoft will continue to lose more revenue from this decision. I don't believe any current none-premium players are going to think "oh, they removed the useless 2 brilliant venture tokens from dash and replaced it with the awesome sacred vial? let me go get my credit card and buy a premium membership." Go enjoy your game while you still can. Once revenue from this game drops lower than the cost of operation, ncsoft will shut it all down without any hesitation. With all the recent decisions the developers have made, more and more players are ditching this sinking ship and have looked elsewhere to spend their time and money. As a f2p end game player, the premium membership was the only source of income the company was getting for me. I know many others that are the same.


I enjoy the game and will continue playing it. The only difference is that ncsoft will stop receiving my $35 every 90 days. I may sound like I'm bashing the company and want it to burn to the ground, but I'm still playing even with all the issues with performance and I tolerate the miscommunications ncwest sometimes have with the kr dev team. I really like the game. I love the combat style and enjoyed the story, so of course I would want this game to succeed and stay alive. It's just really hard for me and others to justify spending money on the game for a premium that has very little benefits.

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It's really unfortunate to see how they keep making these mistakes. Its amazing how they always come up with some way to upset the players. After all the unwanted changes that they already made, this is just the icing on the cake. You know things are bad when they decide to remove one of the perks for PAYING members. And they do it without warning. And they have nothing to replace it with. This is just another reminder that they are completely out of touch with the player base and really don't care about what PAYING customers want.

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6 hours ago, Nanology said:

It's really unfortunate to see how they keep making these mistakes.

This is no coincidence anymore. A few miscommunications, ok - but the frequency at which they are dished out suggests a motive behind it.

You would think that at least during this time, after this disaster of a patch, that they would try to make the least failures, yet it feels like they intentionally try to get rid of people.

One is to reduce the amount of players that may put out claims once they take the servers down in the west or

two to completely start anew with bns 2.0 and ue4, while claiming for both scenarios that the west as market wasnt investigated enough, while feigning effort to counter the problems till the end.

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