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what's the most economical class?

pho u

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Hello all, 


I just started BnS a few days ago.


I am trying to see which class I want to invest in. I tried most of them except sin, warlock, blade dancer, and blade master to lvl 9-10. I never like sin in any game. so I thought why bother. All the classes I've tried seem pretty cool. I can't  chose. I want to focus on 1 class. please help me pick. Just no summoner.

My playing style: mobile, stun, dps, buff 

for references, I play ele/ranger in gw2, medic in wildstar, 

aside from summoner: 

1) what's the class that I can play with the minimum farming overall? 

2) What is the most useful class in pve/pvp? aside from summoner, I know they heal. 

3) should I at least try warlock, blade dancer, blade master?  

4) for solo pve content, which class is the easiest? 


thank you all.

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14 minutes ago, pho u said:

Hello all, 


I just started BnS a few days ago.


I am trying to see which class I want to invest in. I tried most of them except sin, warlock, blade dancer, and blade master to lvl 9-10. I never like sin in any game. so I thought why bother. All the classes I've tried seem pretty cool. I can't  chose. I want to focus on 1 class. please help me pick. Just no summoner.

My playing style: mobile, stun, dps, buff 

for references, I play ele/ranger in gw2, medic in wildstar, 

aside from summoner: 

1) what's the class that is easiest to gear? with the cheapest gear. 

2) what's the class that I can gear with the minimum farming? 

3) What is the most useful class in pve/pvp? aside from summoner, I know they heal. 

4) should I at least try warlock, blade dancer, blade master?  

5) for solo pve content, which class is the easiest? 


thank you all.

1.) All classes gear the same through this game. It is not like other mmo's where items drop for your specific class. So in that regards, it does not matter which class you pick.

2.) Same thing as number one. 

3.) Warlock soul burn helps a lot, BM/KFM tank. BD/Destroyer restrain for party damage. All classes are useful aside from soul fighter. 

4.) all of those classes are good.

5.) Ranged classes offer easier solos than melee, but as new content comes out it discourages soloing. Anyone can solo the older content now and farm the rewards. 

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BM: Mobile if you practice your dodges. Lots of stuns. Very high DPS. Buff yourself to reach that very high DPS.

BD: Very mobile. Lots of stuns. High DPS. Grab boss to buff party DPS through the roof.


1) As Maeyamada said.

2) Some classes have a easier time gathering materials. If you are willing to practice hard choose BM, should be easy to gather soulstones and moonstones. If not, choose WL or FM because range easier to farm things.

3) BM: Tank+DPS in PVE. Stuns alot and easy dps in PVP. Infinite blocks and dodges if you know when to use them.

4) Should try them, already explained the good things about BM+WL. BD is a good choice to try if you really don't like BM.

5) BM

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If you're at all concerned with learning boss mechanics and such for the inevitability of grouping, probably BM in melee and either FM or WL... Warlock is loved by all for Soulburn but has more complex rotations while FM can be more mobile for kiting/facetanking and still has some party protect features.

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31 minutes ago, ExoReaperX said:

is there really such a thing as an economical class though?

To me there really is, choose a high dps range class and it is easy to party in dungeons and get gold easily. A dps class can put in less effort and it actually benefits the tank more. But if you are a tank class you may put in top effort but if your gear is not good enough you will still have a hard time lol.

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5 hours ago, Rog said:

You might have hibernated for few months, but now BM is top DPS.

i decided filtering OP's demands. sadly i know BM is the most dps, but sin has better stats in other requests.


also, pls be polite. or less obtuse . when quoting.

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i would say warlock x'D

got heals for self

good dps/burst

are lynn race(fluffy cute)

people love em because of sb

don't req a ton of hm skills to pvp

good and sustainable solo dungeon growth in high ping issue player cases.

bm/bd;fm is next ... is ok but meh req hm skills

i would have said destro but meh that pve dps

and summoner because i have main ed one and i know how good summoner is as an "economical class" when it comes to high lvl ow/arena pvp ._.

assasin is /puke ...you won't even be able to solo the previous yeti without 600+ as an assasin :v

and who even mains sf these days .__.;;

and /puke kfm... give us boost threads xD

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I would rate them in terms of their overall ease of entry from best to worst: Sum, WL, Des, BD, SF, FM, BM, KFM, Sin.

and it's hard to put my main (FM) that low but they really need the AP to not get stigmatized as being bad.

Going through the lot:


BM: have load of damage and can tank, but require a bunch of AP ergo gold, and also requires some HM skills to truly be top quality

KFM: can tank and has some nice party effects that no one really cares enough about or remembers... prolly a pass

Des: Decent utility with restrain, party saves, and tons of cc. Pretty bad in PvE damage but overall ok

FM: Survivable owing to being ranged, good damage, requires AP and some HM skills. Can be useful in parties.

Sin: Basically only single target damage, frustrating once you start getting enemies with true sight because the game doesn't have any indicator for who does and doesn't. Really hard to carry a group with, and generally requires AP to do much or anything. Does have party save tho. So if you've got good internet and like a challenge go ahead.

Sum: Stupid easy, always useful, death isn't even a problem your cat can clutch get you back up so easy. Tons of utility: healing, projectile resist, revival protection, party res, grapple, taunt. But does less damage than most classes with the same AP or at least it feels like it.

BD: Bunch of CC, restrain, ok damage.

WL: SB is always useful, some cc, and sanctuary can come in clutch. A solid if a bit boring class

SF: You got your periodic heals, party res, a bit of CC, and that's about it. A strong choice but you'll need to be good with it to make use of the class.

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hello all, thanks for the reply

I pretty much narrow down my option to range class. I might try a melee class later. 

I tried playing a warlock to lvl 10. It is a very bursty class. but the channeling is horrendous, and you have to stay in place to channel. That's a problem in pvp I think. Is FM better than warlock in that sense, mobility? I like warlock's blocking and stuns.


the reason why I don't like assassin is because the game play is just stealth. I just cant seem to grasp the idea of stealth. 


I keep seeing people mentioning AP and HM. what are they? how important is it in late game? are they expensive to obtain? 

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Well for WL you just need some hm skills and you won't have to stand in place all the time. To me it seems like you'll be okay with sin. In the beginning go with lightning build until you get some of the hm skills you need and then go dark. Sin is fun and can be really nice and useful if used well.


tbh you do not really enjoy a class or know the fullest of it until you get to lvl 50. Once you get there then start looking at what skills you need first to maximize your dmg/dps and have useful skills.

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On 3-12-2016 at 0:19 AM, pho u said:

Hello all, 


I just started BnS a few days ago.


I am trying to see which class I want to invest in. I tried most of them except sin, warlock, blade dancer, and blade master to lvl 9-10. I never like sin in any game. so I thought why bother. All the classes I've tried seem pretty cool. I can't  chose. I want to focus on 1 class. please help me pick. Just no summoner.

My playing style: mobile, stun, dps, buff 

for references, I play ele/ranger in gw2, medic in wildstar, 

aside from summoner: 

1) what's the class that I can play with the minimum farming overall? 

2) What is the most useful class in pve/pvp? aside from summoner, I know they heal. 

3) should I at least try warlock, blade dancer, blade master?  

4) for solo pve content, which class is the easiest? 


thank you all.

1. That should be warlock in my opinion. It's one of the few classes that is still usefull to the party even when undergeared. 

2. Blade Master all the way. Godlike in pvp if you know how to play it and it can carry bad teammates in pve.

3. Blade dancer is like the supporting version of the blade master and it's very easy to play. I allready mentioned warlock and blade master in #1 and #2.

4. Assassin should be the easiest, because of their stealth. Most enemies in the early game can't see the sin in stealth. But since you don't want to play sin, I would recommend blade master for solo pve content.

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