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When does BNS Open Beta end?


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Victims are waiting for the answer to this question.


1- Class specs are changing with every patch but not coming a balance. BM won all pvp tournaments!

2- NPC item prices are reducing. I paid more token for hongmon skill! I spend more battle point for it!

3- Upgrade costs are reducing. I paid more for ugrades!

4- Summoners came to the point of extinction. (Low DPS DMGs) Someones kick summoners from pt for faster run. (BM-WL-FM-KFM-BD-DESTOYER-SIN) < This all chars doing more dps than us.

5- Game havent stable servers. Daily dc - high ping problems.


I think we are in a open beta game. 

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5 minutes ago, love4ndpeace said:

1. Suck it up

2. Suck it up

3. Suck it up

4. Either you don't know how to play summoner at all or just pure garbage

5. Suck it up

You are wong at point 4:


4. Suck it up


There fixed it o.o

15 minutes ago, SuMMasteR said:

Victims are waiting for the answer to this question.


1- Class specs are changing with every patch but not coming a balance. BM won all pvp tournaments!

2- NPC item prices are reducing. I paid more token for hongmon skill! I spend more battle point for it!

3- Upgrade costs are reducing. I paid more for ugrades!

4- Summoners came to the point of extinction. (Low DPS DMGs) Someones kick summoners from pt for faster run. (BM-WL-FM-KFM-BD-DESTOYER-SIN) < This all chars doing more dps than us.

5- Game havent stable servers. Daily dc - high ping problems.


I think we are in a open beta game. 

1. Its called game updates every game has it and it will always change, deal with it.

2. Its part of game changes as the game moves forward, deal with it

3. Part of game updates deal with it

4. Learn2Play or quit, deal with it

5. Not everyone has the issue 95% its your ISP and not the server.


Bottom line, all i see you posting are complain threads about the exact same thing and every time players give you the same response. This is part of the game evolving and going forward. Changes are done and will be done. You agree to those changes every time you logon to the game.

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3. I don't wanna insult you ....but man you'r a pleb to say this ....back in the days to upgrade was so much harder...for my weapon tru scorpion i had to get 460 or 430 stingers i don't remember ( someone can put the right amount, can't check in the game atm)...anyway ...1 stinger back then was 2-3 gold .... 1 stinger now is around 20 s ....and i think now you need less .... just sayng ....


4. they are still good .... even with some dps lost... this class is easy mode what do you want ?  play a Wl (from the range classes ) and come back to me ....and see how it is ... 


5. i don't have prb with dc .... happens but from time to time ..


1 and 2 don't really care ...or i don't bother with things like that 

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15 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

You are wong at point 4:


4. Suck it up


There fixed it o.o

1. Its called game updates every game has it and it will always change, deal with it.

2. Its part of game changes as the game moves forward, deal with it

3. Part of game updates deal with it

4. Learn2Play or quit, deal with it

5. Not everyone has the issue 95% its your ISP and not the server.


Bottom line, all i see you posting are complain threads about the exact same thing and every time players give you the same response. This is part of the game evolving and going forward. Changes are done and will be done. You agree to those changes every time you logon to the game.

If it is not a beta mmorpg,  Never change character based skills! Do you know which mmorgp game change based character skill specs every patch?

I am waiting for legendary upgrade costs reduce. I hope they will do it. I always pay more and I will not do it anymore. So i saying my friends " dont buy nccoin maybe reduce prices in the future"

This is not isp problem. This issue (dc-high ping) is currently Different countries .

I know to play my char. I will not learn from you. I am playing all class. Main class summoner. So talking about it. Nerfing every patch. I saying again " Summoners came to the point of extinction."

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7 minutes ago, SuMMasteR said:

If it is not a beta mmorpg,  Never change character based skills! Do you know which mmorgp game change based character skill specs every patch?

I am waiting for legendary upgrade costs reduce. I hope they will do it. I always pay more and I will not do it anymore. So i saying my friends " dont buy nccoin maybe reduce prices in the future"

This is not isp problem. This issue (dc-high ping) is currently Different countries .

I know to play my char. I will not learn from you. I am playing all class. Main class summoner. So talking about it. Nerfing every patch. I saying again " Summoners came to the point of extinction."

Every single game does skill changes, some every patch some every 2-3 patches, its called CLASS BALANCE PATCHES.

They will not reduce legendary costs because those items are rare and they should be hard to obtain and upgrade.,


Well i main summoner too and guess what, all the little problems you seem to have no one else has playing a summoner. the reason you see less summoners because most of the ones who wanted to play a class because its op, quit them because they cant handle the fact that now it takes brains to win and play, if you cant handle that re-roll to a bm, that should take all your damage concerns away.

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14 minutes ago, Grimoir said:


which balance? where is balance? Summoner nerfed balance came?


14 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

They will not reduce legendary costs because those items are rare and they should be hard to obtain and upgrade.,

Hongmoon secret skill books easy to obtain? I tried to collect those battle points for 4 months. Legendary stage 1weapon upgrade need 3K+ gold. More easily gain gold by battle point..

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1 hour ago, SuMMasteR said:

Victims are waiting for the answer to this question.


1- Class specs are changing with every patch but not coming a balance. BM won all pvp tournaments!

2- NPC item prices are reducing. I paid more token for hongmon skill! I spend more battle point for it!

3- Upgrade costs are reducing. I paid more for ugrades!

4- Summoners came to the point of extinction. (Low DPS DMGs) Someones kick summoners from pt for faster run. (BM-WL-FM-KFM-BD-DESTOYER-SIN) < This all chars doing more dps than us.

5- Game havent stable servers. Daily dc - high ping problems.


I think we are in a open beta game. 

Low dps? Im main WL and a guild member alway beat me or do same dps as me in 4m dungeons he is sumonner and have around 35 less ap than me, he use earth build with 50ms ping, i think you dont know how to play ur easy mode sumonner try play wl and come here and cry again

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I main a summoner and its not nearly as bad as you say it is. Sure we lost some DPS, but we are nowhere near the bottom of the foodchain. Destroyers doing more damage than summoners. Comedy gold. There are so many summoners around still I have no idea where this extinction level process is happening. 


As for items being reduced in cost, I should hope so. As we progress further into the game, it becomes harder to catch up. If new players had to go through the same gearing process as I did they would probably quit because of how expensive it was. I also benefit from this because it makes it easier for me to make alts. Win-win. Also, crying about paying more  3-4 months ago makes 0 sense. You've made that money back twice or thrice over in that amount of time. BP was nearly doubled per match with the addition of Beluga, the real issue is the cost of skills now requiring a large amount of WW Tokens and Braveries in prem tab where they are most definitely not cheaper.


PS. BMs were always top of the PvP tournaments because of the strength that their HM skills provide. Their Dragontongue will be getting a PvP nerf soon enough which should drive away all those fotm BMs you see in arena atm.


Just as an aside, lol @ WLs saying its a difficult or weak class in PvE.

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Go lvl up one ... play with it ....see how the rotation are ... and compare to every class in the game .... i wonder what you will do when you don't crit and you just sit the doing shit dmg because guess what no crit no rotation for wl ..... is the only class in the game like this ...and don't see that many ppl cryng about it ... 


Do this and switch fm and sum and you will se the dif between clasess and see on which one is easy to have a constant dps ...just aside like you said ....


P.s. i did not say is weak ... 

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14 minutes ago, DoubleV said:

Go lvl up one ... play with it ....see how the rotation are ... and compare to every class in the game .... i wonder what you will do when you don't crit and you just sit the doing shit dmg because guess what no crit no rotation for wl ..... is the only class in the game like this ...and don't see that many ppl cryng about it ... 


Do this and switch fm and sum and you will se the dif between clasess and see on which one is easy to have a constant dps ...just aside like you said ....


P.s. i did not say is weak ... 

I already have one leveled up along with an FM, Dest, Sin and BM. I know exactly how they play and their rotations. Did you know sins need to crit on their RMB to get their F to activate? Did you know that Dest need to crit on their LMB and RMB to continue their ani-canceling? Did you know that earth summoners need to crit to build stacks for super sunflower? Every single class is crit dependent in this game so I dont know where this idea comes from that only WLs are crit-dependent for their rotations. The only time WLs really suffer from non-crits is on a DC build. Helix is much more forgiving on non-crits in comparison and with the addition to SB changes, you gain a considerable amount of dps time that requires none of those crits to even happen. I referred to the difficulty in your post (look in the post above mine that claims that WLs are weaker).

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Still wondering why most of you still argue with this guy even after his constant "Summoner nerfed, bad class now" threads.


Just ignore his threads, they're just going to be some type of complaint of something that's not even bad.

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4- Summoners came to the point of extinction. (Low DPS DMGs) Someones kick summoners from pt for faster run. (BM-WL-FM-KFM-BD-DESTOYER-SIN) < This all chars doing more dps than us.


what a joke:D dont be idiot ^^ sum have less dmg than des buahahah

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3 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Every single game does skill changes, some every patch some every 2-3 patches, its called CLASS BALANCE PATCHES.

Except this one, at least not in the way you are seeing it.

Class skill changes that we are getting are balanced around asian gear level, which leads to things such as fire BM dps abomination and Des misery.

There is no balance in EU/NA BNS.

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