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pvp in blade and soul


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I would like to ask players who have experience in other games as well and who like pvp. In my mind blade and soul is on of the worst pvp systems I have ever seen. Plain silly (just learn combos and stun and you are mid range pvp). All about stun and freeze (just learn to know how to stun or freeze and you win). 

How *cricket*ing silly is that. I love pvp, because you have humans having different styles and not knowing how they use it. Here you just need to learn and there you go. No real fight. 

First thing I would completely stop is: 1.) Stun (this is typical asian silly pvp, have you ever seen a boxer beeing stunned, no, so silly and booring)

2.) freeze (what the *cricket* ist that, have you ever seen a fight in "where ever" where people are frozen? No!)

There are many games who are far better than this bullshit. Where gamer can evolve their own style. An develop real fights. Blade and Soul pvp. Simply forget it. Really. 

Bullshit at it best. 

Stop stun, stop freeze, implemet real parry and the developement of abilities.

Play Blade and Soul just pve in parties, ther you have a lot of fun. 

Forget pvp.

Let me know your thoughts



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22 minutes ago, Naramnarana said:

There are many games who are far better than this bullshit. Where gamer can evolve their own style. An develop real fights. Blade and Soul pvp. Simply forget it. Really. 

May i ask, whats forcing you to play bns and being in this forum? Im just interested.

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1 hour ago, Raizou said:

May i ask, whats forcing you to play bns and being in this forum? Im just interested.

Right, forgot to prevent these useless posts, who is going to force anybody to do anything. Thanks.

Can you share your thoughts?

Do like this clunky pvp?

If yes, why? I am really interested. 


Not in such useless statements. 




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2 hours ago, Naramnarana said:

1.) Stun (this is typical asian silly pvp, have you ever seen a boxer beeing stunned, no, so silly and booring)

2.) freeze (what the *cricket* ist that, have you ever seen a fight in "where ever" where people are frozen? No!)

There are many games who are far better than this bullshit. Where gamer can evolve their own style. An develop real fights. Blade and Soul pvp. Simply forget it. Really. 

Bullshit at it best. 

Stop stun, stop freeze, implemet real parry and the developement of abilities.

Play Blade and Soul just pve in parties, ther you have a lot of fun. 

Forget pvp.

Let me know your thoughts



Stuns exist in Western games as well. Being stunned in boxing would equal to being knocked out. It's a stupid comparison however considering that humans don't take a predetermined amount of damage and have it deducted from their HP, either.


Yes, there are many games with freeze mechanics.


You can evolve your own style once you git gud.

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I come from more of a FGC background with games like street fighter, tekken, guilty gear, marvel vs capcom etc. and I do like the pvp here cause alot of knowledge from there carries over. You basically pick a character (class) you wanna play, u train with it, learn it's ins and outs, it's combos, it's matchups. All the fighting game mechanics are basically there as well, u got ur neutral game, footsies, mixups, baits, punishes, tech chases, and of course ur bread and butter combos. once you start developing all these skills it's just of matter of learning match ups and have character (class) knowledge. remember a good player isn't determined by how well they play their best matchup, but how well they play their worst matchup :)

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''  1.) Stun (this is typical asian silly pvp, have you ever seen a boxer beeing stunned, no, so silly and booring)  ''


What the hell are you talking about? Stuns is not an '' Asian thing '' and there's plenty of EU and US MMOs that are FAR worse in terms of stuns.
Why do people keep doing this? Why do people use '' Asian '' as a synonym with '' bad ''?
You see that a lot with art designs in games, people just say '' Lol Korean '' as if it's some kind of inherently bad thing, and as if the West doesn't have cultural influences in their art designs and as if there's no similarities between Western works of fiction.
People act as if Korean and Japanese works of fiction especially is all created by robots in a factory or something and is all the same, what *cricket*ing planet do these people live on?
As opposed to Western fiction???????????????????????????????
Considering that Europe is made up by far more diverse and different cultures and then add the US on top of that, the US and EU has no *cricket*ing excuse really. But we're still just as bad ( if not worse a lot of the time ) when it comes to monotone works of fiction.
But for some *cricket*ing reason people keep acting as if it's an '' Asian thing ''.

Also, this is not a boxing game.
But even so, people do get disoriented and '' stunned '' in boxing too...............
It's also a very common thing in fighting games, they often have a stun effect,

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Lmao, if all you need is stuns and freezing to be "mid range pvp" then let me know what I'm doing wrong, because I try all that and still get obliterated.  I will say that it's hard for me on certain classes to beat FMs because they have All The Freeze. But you just have to learn to get around it. Some people are better at it than others. 

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Actually a lot of fighting game is also all about juggling your opponent in air where they have zero chance of getting out. BNS just have more options, you can even combo them without launching them into the air.


I once feels the same way as you, but after creating an assassin and going into arena, I started to appreciate the combat system in BNS. I personally feels like playing an assassin is the closest way to feel like you are 'fighting'. Of course I am talking about going full CC build. Not the stealth and hide and poison build.

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I've played a game that was worse that worked off the same set up. But all classes literally had at least two good 100% stun combos that no one could escape and they were easy to do and learn. So PvP basically came down to whoever could get the first hit in won. Now that sucked. But so far the only ones I've seen in this game with a true 100% combo are assassins and summoners. The assassins one is a little difficult because you have to wait for the enemy to preform a specific move before it can be done. The summoners one is much easier but it requires the person to be a melee class who has little to no escape moves or doesn't know how to use them yet.

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I like the pvp system in Bns. Yes, this game favors the person who can land the first hit, which is why kfms are on the lower end of the tier list. This game encourages strategy and skill rather than mindless clicking and button mashing. When I played blazblue, a console fighting game, there where combos that did massive amounts of damage that required setup that your opponent could not get out of if they wasted their escape. As a matter of fact, most good mmo's pvp systems have cc's and 100-0 combos that you cant get out of if you waste your escapes. If you don't want a mmo with this type of system you will have to play a older outdated one. 

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100-0 combos never should be in pvp except gear (battleground) makes the difference. Therefor I loved old WoW content (don't play it since cata). 100-0 combos don't need a great player als long as he know how to use it. It's more a mindgame to read out your opponent until he's dead (not multigrab and let a mate kill him easily or using ani-cancel macro/scripts for easy win). Worse over all are 2 things: high ping/lag spikes and get cd on interrupted skill by high latency. Client: "stun used", server: "you got stunned befor ... so no", client: "doesn't care - stun will stay on cd".


I like how mechanics of pvp works in general, but I wish more mindgame in pvp then it is and something fixed for battleground (ping, balance, matchmaking, "jump bug" while running over border, bad invisible walls).

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On 10/31/2016 at 1:45 PM, Naramnarana said:

I would like to ask players who have experience in other games as well and who like pvp. In my mind blade and soul is on of the worst pvp systems I have ever seen. Plain silly (just learn combos and stun and you are mid range pvp). All about stun and freeze (just learn to know how to stun or freeze and you win). 

How *cricket*ing silly is that. I love pvp, because you have humans having different styles and not knowing how they use it. Here you just need to learn and there you go. No real fight. 

First thing I would completely stop is: 1.) Stun (this is typical asian silly pvp, have you ever seen a boxer beeing stunned, no, so silly and booring)

2.) freeze (what the *cricket* ist that, have you ever seen a fight in "where ever" where people are frozen? No!)

There are many games who are far better than this bullshit. Where gamer can evolve their own style. An develop real fights. Blade and Soul pvp. Simply forget it. Really. 

Bullshit at it best. 

Stop stun, stop freeze, implemet real parry and the developement of abilities.

Play Blade and Soul just pve in parties, ther you have a lot of fun. 

Forget pvp.

Let me know your thoughts



Sounds like someone is dying to FM (freeze and stun). Try using your movement/dodges/spin/block/parry/counter/iframes/resist (w/e class you are). Re-check your skills, and how the skill changes with SP added to them.

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I have grown to detest pvp in BnS. Why? Because all I ever see in battle anymore is "resist! resist! evade! block! resist!" That just pisses me off. And then there's the imbalance. Too many classes with 100 to 0 moves. No class should be able to burst so much damage the fight is over after just one mistake. I think enjoying pve is smart. I do like Blade and Soul pve. If you want exciting FUN pvp, go play a real fighting game. 

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