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We should be able to kick players.


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Ran into some scum tonight while doing Cold Storage. Long story short he denied us the oppurtunity to kill the Kaari. If he had just out-bid everyone that's fine. What made it worse is that he tried to use the orb we needed to extort and bully around the other memebers of the party asking them to leave, so that he would use it return. You know... your typical lonely teenager type of stuff. Anyway long story short. Why aren't we allowed to kick people from the party while in a dungeon? I get it that it COULD be abused, but in situations like this.. I would really like the option to do so. Oh and the guy who did it all, proudly stated that he had been previously banned. Seriously man... scum of the otherwise decent community.

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This is a function we need for cross dungeons. But this function should work like vote-kick, where we need all members in order to kick. However, even if they implement this, NcSoft will always have a way of screwing it up. Like how the vote-kick works when someone is offline. This function is so obscure that it's annoying. The leader should initiate the kick, and then a window pops up and people press Y (for kick) or N (for no kick). Also if some character ign visibility on this window would be extremely helpful (almost like a loot auction but for kicking).

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If he won it and left that would be fine. The thing is that he STILL hasn't left. I have my own blue orb, that I could use, but he refuses to leave and instead keeps poking fun at what he's doing thinking it's ok. It's been close to an hour now. Quite literally stated that he is staying behind just to leech the 20k exp and loot from the 2nd boss. That's the real issue at hand.

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i just want to mention one thing:


If you get an orb its your choice what you decide to do with it. i mean most players are nice and just use it for the group but yuo shouldnt kick someone just because he rather keep the orb to sell it or use it later, i mean his orb his choice, and bullying others well...be the better person and just ignore him, thats what hurts ppl like that most.

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Wait wait, I'm kinda confused. So you guys used your orb but this person has the last orb you guys need but wants you guys to leave or is using the orb as hostage for something in return? Is the orb he has from drop or box and did ya guys agree to use it?


I know the person is an ass if he/she agrees then waited for you guys to use then started trolling you by not using.

Usually we ask our pt if we have all orbs but if we're missing one the dropped orb is game for everyone. If we have all orbs we agree do last boss and use our orbs. 


But yeh, I'm kinda confused since the stories has holes.


@Grimoir The story has holes for all we know the pt has agreed to use their orbs and maybe the orb the assassin got is from the boss drop bid. But from OP resent post, it sounds he/she or a friend has the orb the the assassin has but maybe the assassin didn't know and thought he/she could use the orb as hostage and started asking the other members to leave, who might have used their own red/green orbs already.. So yeh......

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Do you know that you can enter to Cold Storage again to kill Kaari Lord? The solution was really simple: everyone moved to the entrance, the leader moved party to lobby and kicked him, then the party could re-enter to dungeon to spawn second boss.


Kick command would be useful but not with this community. Furthermore I guess vote-kick isn't viable as also member to kick has to vote and I don't think she/he'll vote to kick herself/himself. You can do it with offline people because, for obvious reasons, they can't vote.

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Sure, but this means more memory server side used to track the member and votes, more iterations thru party member to check who is eligible to get vote popup or not; this for each dungeons where there is some kick-vote, and seeing our particular community I suppose that window will be open really often.


Besides...what if the "kick in progress" member is party leader? Nobody could kick him as only party leader can start votation.


P.S.: Good night :P

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Oh god. .. I had a leader who had invited people just to afk... or more like the leader isn't afk since the person was using pt search as he stood by the entrance doing nothing....... .......man I can't trust our community even with the vote- kick,  lol

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4 hours ago, Kraor said:

If he had just out-bid everyone that's fine. What made it worse is that he tried to use the orb we needed to extort and bully around the other memebers of the party asking them to leave, so that he would use it return.

Why aren't we allowed to kick people from the party while in a dungeon? I get it that it COULD be abused, but in situations like this.. I would really like the option to do so. 

Okay. as you say, it could be abused, and it does in everygame that I have played with a kick option, altho I find it happen to me really rarely. So I don't mind if we get the option.


However... if he had the orb you needed, why would you need a kick option? either you had all orbs without him, and you could just go start it. Or you required the orb he took, and kick wouldn't do you any good then, since you would just have to leave.

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Umm no what so many people who only cares about your AP tons of people will get kick from their group simply not having 660+AP the a blue dungeon or people getting kick at the end of the run just so they can't bid on the stingers/loot.


This will do more harm than good to this already crappy community.

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