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Are the bots gone in arena yet or reduced?


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Are the arenas still filled with bots? Curious because I quit this game due to the bot spam; I could barely find a real player back then, iIs it all just bots still or are they all removed already?  Is it still as bad when this whole scenario began? 

thanks for your time! 

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There are still bots in the arena but I only meet them when playing early in the morning and it looks like they can't use advanced scripts anymore. They are basically just spamming their basic attack or straight afk. During normal playtime hours I have not seen a single bot in the last 2 months I think. Playing on EU btw.


Can't say anything about hackers though. I can't get high enough in ranking to meet any potential hackers xD

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13 minutes ago, Serati said:

There are still bots in the arena but I only meet them when playing early in the morning and it looks like they can't use advanced scripts anymore. They are basically just spamming their basic attack or straight afk. During normal playtime hours I have not seen a single bot in the last 2 months I think. Playing on EU btw.


Can't say anything about hackers though. I can't get high enough in ranking to meet any potential hackers xD


I see, I wonder how NA's botting issue is doing atm :>

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There's still some bots but nothing like back in march. They sit in silver or low gold now. Unlike before 95% or so of my matches now are against real players which is an absolute improvement over before.

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7 minutes ago, Hinnyuu said:

There's still some bots but nothing like back in march. They sit in silver or low gold now. Unlike before 95% or so of my matches now are against real players which is an absolute improvement over before.


that is actually capturing my attention... maybe i should start playing again :>


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Well I dont see many bots but tbh I play my characters between 1800-1900 which is decently high these days. If you're stuck around 1600s-1700s you might see a bit more but it's still nothing like before.

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10 minutes ago, Hinnyuu said:

Well I dont see many bots but tbh I play my characters between 1800-1900 which is decently high these days. If you're stuck around 1600s-1700s you might see a bit more but it's still nothing like before.


aaah then thats great!!! 
Can i ask you something? hows the pvp now... is it more balanced then before?


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5 hours ago, evilkiss said:

aaah then thats great!!! 
Can i ask you something? hows the pvp now... is it more balanced then before?


Some experience from eu server:


There are very few bots, even in the lower brackets. However some classes rely heavily on hongmoon skills and hongmoon levels to be competitive.

Some Examples: Assassins HM Decoy adds a 1,5s iframe to a successful counter, which is extremely effective against multi-hit skills (like bd five-point-strike). This one skills makes the bd, bm and summoner matchup a lot easier for an assassin. I would say bm has the most profit from HM skils.


You will most likely be at an disadvantage if you left around march, since you need to grind the levels and skills to be competitive. And there is still a lag/desync issue in arena.

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12 hours ago, evilkiss said:

Are the arenas still filled with bots? Curious because I quit this game due to the bot spam; I could barely find a real player back then, iIs it all just bots still or are they all removed already?  Is it still as bad when this whole scenario began? 

thanks for your time! 

95% of players in 3v3 are still bots/afk assholes.

That's pretty much all you need to know.

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not only sum/destro bots but now you can see normal players using bots on their accounts.
Yesterday saw true breeze lbd botting.
Assassin with Baleful Dagger turning around while I freeze them.
What is dis anymore Lo/

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44 minutes ago, RavTH said:

not only sum/destro bots but now you can see normal players using bots on their accounts.
Yesterday saw true breeze lbd botting.
Assassin with Baleful Dagger turning around while I freeze them.
What is dis anymore Lo/

I hope you're not serious because you make yourself look dumb af right now.  


I can think of 3 easy ways to get out of freeze as an assassin without any hack/cheat or whatever. 


Seriously learn the skills of other classes first before assuming such bullshit. 

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5 hours ago, Shiune said:

I hope you're not serious because you make yourself look dumb af right now.  


I can think of 3 easy ways to get out of freeze as an assassin without any hack/cheat or whatever. 


Seriously learn the skills of other classes first before assuming such bullshit. 

He said turning while frozen, not escaping freeze.  There is a big difference.  When someone is turning in place while stunned/dazed/rooted/Suspended in the air you know there is a problem.


The guy is also right in that there ARE players using bot scripts to do subtle but impossible things like this to give them an advantage against certain classes (like sin, where it can ruin our cc chain if we can't get behind you).  I wouldn't say it's been very common lately, I think the number of bots in arena has taken a noticeable decline in 1v1.  3s is still loaded with afks and auto-queuing bots if you try to LFP though.

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23 hours ago, Shiune said:

I hope you're not serious because you make yourself look dumb af right now.  


I can think of 3 easy ways to get out of freeze as an assassin without any hack/cheat or whatever. 


Seriously learn the skills of other classes first before assuming such bullshit. 

I laughed.

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1 hour ago, RavTH said:

I laughed.

Vid or never happened.


People nowadays are so full of shit and accusing everyone to be a hacker/cheater/macro abuser without a single proof while I played more than 300 matches this season and didn't meet a SINGLE one of those. 


The funny part is that everyone of those guys are playing on silver/low gold. Coincidence? Don't think so. 


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10 hours ago, Shiune said:

Vid or never happened.


People nowadays are so full of shit and accusing everyone to be a hacker/cheater/macro abuser without a single proof while I played more than 300 matches this season and didn't meet a SINGLE one of those. 


The funny part is that everyone of those guys are playing on silver/low gold. Coincidence? Don't think so. 


since you are so thirsty, fine give me views o/


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12 hours ago, XianRen said:

Lol, you're a *cricket*ing joke dude.  The bot/hacker problem in this game is WELL documented with dozens of videos of impossible shit all over the place.  NC acknowledged the issue in their roadmap and on their stream.  There is a video of someone teleport hacking like four posts down from this one.  No one owes you proof of shit.  If you want to pretend it isn't and hasn't been an ongoing issue that's your business, but don't sit here insulting others just because you want to sit with your head in the sand.


More importantly, he didn't call anyone out, so you getting your panties in a bunch over it is kinda hilarious.  Take your superiority complex and your anger issues somewhere else, troll.

I repeat myself:

the hacking/botting problem in arena is nearly completely solved since 2 seasons already. 

This 1 WL guy is an absolute exception and if he got reported properly he's most likely banned already (because yeah they are banning hackers in arena if you believe it or not). 

Speaking of EU ofc - could be that NA is still infected by bots and hackers. 


Edit: Also i was generalizing the people which are posting in this forum (official forum is the forum with the most shit posts you'll find around - even reddit is better). 

Every 2nd guy here accusing someone for example with using macros - only because they are to bad (or have a bad ping) to anicancel correctly. 

Or they just don't know some things like HM RMB makes assassin anicancel really fast and then call you a macro user lol.

And this happens so damn often by silver/low gold players that i'm getting really annoyed. 

And I don't believe this guy seeing a SIN turning around while being frozen without using SS, E, Q or whatever. 

I know that destroyer bots could turn around while being webbed for example but even those destroyer bots couldn't turn around while being frozen by my FM so I definetly don't buy the thing with this SIN "bot". 

7 hours ago, RavTH said:

since you are so thirsty, fine give me views o/


I don't see a SIN magically turning around while being frozen - that's the video I want to see. 

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4 hours ago, Shiune said:

I repeat myself:

the hacking/botting problem in arena is nearly completely solved since 2 seasons already. 

This 1 WL guy is an absolute exception and if he got reported properly he's most likely banned already (because yeah they are banning hackers in arena if you believe it or not). 

Speaking of EU ofc - could be that NA is still infected by bots and hackers. 


Edit: Also i was generalizing the people which are posting in this forum (official forum is the forum with the most shit posts you'll find around - even reddit is better). 

Every 2nd guy here accusing someone for example with using macros - only because they are to bad (or have a bad ping) to anicancel correctly. 

Or they just don't know some things like HM RMB makes assassin anicancel really fast and then call you a macro user lol.

And this happens so damn often by silver/low gold players that i'm getting really annoyed. 

And I don't believe this guy seeing a SIN turning around while being frozen without using SS, E, Q or whatever. 

I know that destroyer bots could turn around while being webbed for example but even those destroyer bots couldn't turn around while being frozen by my FM so I definetly don't buy the thing with this SIN "bot". 

I don't see a SIN magically turning around while being frozen - that's the video I want to see. 

go play arena then, I don't need to record it for you, do I?

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Just now, Shiune said:

If you say someone is using hacks in arena but can't back it up (doesn't matter if you named someone or not) it's nothing but empty words without a proof so yes I definitely want to see that video or there is no so-called "sin hacker". period. 

was the video I provided not a hacker?
Ask around in arena lobby if freezing bot truns or not.
and Yes there are sin bots now.

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51 minutes ago, RavTH said:

go play arena then, I don't need to record it for you, do I?

If you say someone is using hacks in arena but can't back it up (doesn't matter if you named someone or not) it's nothing but empty words without a proof so yes I definitely want to see that video or there is no so-called "sin hacker". period. 

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16 minutes ago, 882184_1452550488 said:

i have not seen any bot this season at least.. in 1vs1 , but ppl are still standing afk in 3vs3's

There were TONS of bots of every type at the start of the season.  At the start of this season I also ran into several each of teleport and cd hackers.  HOWEVER, I have not seen much of either since their last ban wave, which was on a Monday i believe two weeks ago.  I have seen three or four players in the last two weeks that were using bot scripts to allow them to turn while cc'd, but were otherwise playing their class.  There are definitely less bots/hackers, I won't deny that.  Arena has been much much more enjoyable to play since the last ban wave.  


Auto queuing bots afking in 3v3s is still a problem though.

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Just now, Zekken said:

You probably shouldn't even bother explaining to Shiune. The guy gets all defensive whenever anyone says something negative about assassins, fact or opinion.

well I play sin too o-o

I saw many bad sins not talking about pve, but from reading the top they use some bot script to turn while frozen/web?

Like that's hilarious!

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3 hours ago, RavTH said:

was the video I provided not a hacker?
Ask around in arena lobby if freezing bot truns or not.
and Yes there are sin bots now.

You probably shouldn't even bother explaining to Shiune. The guy gets all defensive whenever anyone says something negative about assassins, fact or opinion.

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there are still bots but less visible than before and mostly only summoners now (no good old DES jumping fury ^^). Script is way more subtile but you can catch on on these points:

- Able to rotate while iced / stuned

- Summoner will chain spam cat res like there is no tomorrow if you killed it.

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