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Why is it always me?? Remove this Curse Please!!!!!!


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Pretty much most transmutations are a gamble, same goes for gems, (hell even crafting diamonds is gamble since only one type is worth and anything else you can get is nothing but trash). So it's up to you how to face this. If you like to gamble and have the money go for it, when you hit one good thing it might get you 3 times what you spent. Or you can play safe and save up while others gamble, then just buy it from them.

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3 minutes ago, xSonatax said:

Pretty much most transmutations are a gamble, same goes for gems, (hell even crafting diamonds is gamble since only one type is worth and anything else you can get is nothing but trash). So it's up to you how to face this. If you like to gamble and have the money go for it, when you hit one good thing it might get you 3 times what you spent. Or you can play safe and save up while others gamble, then just buy it from them.

i just bought my diamonds from the market, after 10 tries to get an AP diamond i gave up.

and if you are low on soulstones trying to craft a 10% chance gem is not a smart idea also.

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Welcome to NCsoft RNG World, it's their technique to drive ppls buying gold or key to unlock RNG boxes you will see more in future events.

Aion weapon upgraded all RNG too if you failed you lost a rank and possibly your weapon back to rank 1 from rank 14, same method apply to gem socket (at least you have no failing rate in BnS) 6 sockets, if you failed you will lost everything you already socketed on your weapon or armor...so think about failed at 6th slot and lost everything  you did for previous 5 sockets LOL


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2 hours ago, Varaka said:

So you lose ALL the mats? nothing returned on a fail? 

You don't lose the ones on the circle (silverfrost transformation stones) but you lose everything below the circle (stingers, moonstones, soulstones, gold)

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8 hours ago, Archess said:

And now we know why they are so expensive ^^ thanks for tanking the hit, ill never ever try to craft these...EVER!

hahahha yeah. its always been me.. my guildie tried it 3x no fail. so he kept braggin about it. so i got tempted. then boom! it became coco-crunch! haha

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