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Legitimate combat class complaints.

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Before you call me a noob, hear me out.


Listen, i love this game and enjoy it greatly, however i have some complaints about some of the classes combat prowess


1) Destroyers are arent underpowered or overpowered, they are in a good spot but are overshadowed by other classes.

2) Kung Fu Masters: I dont have many complaints except that their dodge is complete stupidity in comparison to other classes

3)Summoners: The cat should be easier to deal with, they shouldnt be allowed to have the cat keep you on the ground while they blast your health away with high damage abilities and you not be able to do anything about it (that second part was my main complaint about this class, other than that everything else about this class is ok) 

4)Force masters: The combination of their dodges, invulerablities, jumping during combat to cause desyncs, and crowd control makes this class incredibly overpowered against any kind of melee class even if they have gap closers because the force master CC abilities make the gap closers useless because they disable them. If force masters are allowed to have damage and escapes and invulvs, then they shouldnt be able to disable the gap closers and stop melee champs when they get close. If the melee champs get close then the force masters deserve to suffer. They are currently too safe and need to be changed.

5)Warlocks: I have no complaints, i have not fought them enough

6) Assassins: Assassins have TOO MUCH utility. Their invisiblity range is too long, their teleport range is too long, their switch places ability (whatever its called) shouldnt stun, during invisibility they shouldnt have resistances, if they attack during invisiblity they shouldnt STAY invisible, their invisiblity should have a much longer cooldown. I have tested this, i went invisible on someone and stayed invisible until the cooldown was over. Their posion is ok, that annoying sound thing is ok. In general when your fighting an assassin as ANY class, you cant defend yourself if the assassin has half a brain. Theres a difference between a hard class to fight, and not being able to defend yourself. Against a half skilled assassin, you cannot defend yourself and it is EXTREMELY frustrating to fight any assassin. For there to be any kind of balance there needs to be something done about either their range, their CC ability, or their invisiblity.

7) Blade Masters: Do something about that weird dodge ability and everything is ok with them

8) Blade Dancers: If they are going to have that amount of damage do not let them have resistance on their tab move, or do not let them spam it as much as they are able to. It is completely unfair that they can just spin their way out of any situation they get themselves into.




Those are my complaints about all the classes in game. 

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I agree on the Edit lol.
But everything else is completely just your opinion and not legitimate haha. All classes are fine to a ceratin point, just some of the matchups need to be worked on, but thats it.

-Ra9eQuit <3

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For assassin, you cant remove stun on the body switch or it becomes useless.


I firmly believe that assassin's stealth should last no longer than 4 seconds. And for the smoke bomb stealth to last 6 seconds. This will make it so they cant simply wait their cooldowns in stealth.


Second, evasions for ALL classes should be zero with the exception of KFM's three agility stack.


This is the best thing i cam think of for a better fight against assassins, which can be annoying.

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On 4/8/2016 at 2:42 AM, mephisto9466 said:

Before you call me a noob, hear me out.


Listen, i love this game and enjoy it greatly, however i have some complaints about some of the classes combat prowess


1) Destroyers are arent underpowered or overpowered, they are in a good spot but are overshadowed by other classes.

2) Kung Fu Masters: I dont have many complaints except that their dodge is complete stupidity in comparison to other classes

3)Summoners: The cat should be easier to deal with, they shouldnt be allowed to have the cat keep you on the ground while they blast your health away with high damage abilities and you not be able to do anything about it (that second part was my main complaint about this class, other than that everything else about this class is ok) 

4)Force masters: The combination of their dodges, invulerablities, jumping during combat to cause desyncs, and crowd control makes this class incredibly overpowered against any kind of melee class even if they have gap closers because the force master CC abilities make the gap closers useless because they disable them. If force masters are allowed to have damage and escapes and invulvs, then they shouldnt be able to disable the gap closers and stop melee champs when they get close. If the melee champs get close then the force masters deserve to suffer. They are currently too safe and need to be changed.

5)Warlocks: I have no complaints, i have not fought them enough

6) Assassins: Assassins have TOO MUCH utility. Their invisiblity range is too long, their teleport range is too long, their switch places ability (whatever its called) shouldnt stun, during invisibility they shouldnt have resistances, if they attack during invisiblity they shouldnt STAY invisible, their invisiblity should have a much longer cooldown. I have tested this, i went invisible on someone and stayed invisible until the cooldown was over. Their posion is ok, that annoying sound thing is ok. In general when your fighting an assassin as ANY class, you cant defend yourself if the assassin has half a brain. Theres a difference between a hard class to fight, and not being able to defend yourself. Against a half skilled assassin, you cannot defend yourself and it is EXTREMELY frustrating to fight any assassin. For there to be any kind of balance there needs to be something done about either their range, their CC ability, or their invisiblity.

7) Blade Masters: Do something about that weird dodge ability and everything is ok with them

8) Blade Dancers: If they are going to have that amount of damage do not let them have resistance on their tab move, or do not let them spam it as much as they are able to. It is completely unfair that they can just spin their way out of any situation they get themselves into.




Those are my complaints about all the classes in game. 

i agree with you on a lot of these actually, KFM dodge ability is incredibility stupid, too much constant resist to everything. SUmmoners, i just think that you shouldnt be able to control the cat while you're stunned/daze/knockedup, etc. Force master constant chill is pretty much the one of the things we have going for us, we can't do burst damage like most meele classes can, i really don't see what the issue is here. Assasin is as you said, too much ability. if anything, i feel like if an assasin goes invisible and gets hit, damage should be multiplied. i understand that it's an assasin class and it's supposed to be stealthy, but it's pretty much the most broken class right now.

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21 hours ago, PCComet said:

i agree with you on a lot of these actually, KFM dodge ability is incredibility stupid, too much constant resist to everything. SUmmoners, i just think that you shouldnt be able to control the cat while you're stunned/daze/knockedup, etc. Force master constant chill is pretty much the one of the things we have going for us, we can't do burst damage like most meele classes can, i really don't see what the issue is here. Assasin is as you said, too much ability. if anything, i feel like if an assasin goes invisible and gets hit, damage should be multiplied. i understand that it's an assasin class and it's supposed to be stealthy, but it's pretty much the most broken class right now.

I dont mind the slows and the stuns snares with the FM's freeze, but the CONSTANT gap closing disable without being truly cc'd is completly stupid. If we get snared and cant gap close, fine. If we are slowed and cant gap close, whats the point? Its like me disabling the summoners fire skills with the ability still able to go on CD if they hit the button.

21 hours ago, ItsPrimeTime said:

For assassin, you cant remove stun on the body switch or it becomes useless.

You can remove the stun because it can bide time for the assassin to get their stealth back. Im fine if it dazes, NOT stuns. The daze should last 2 seconds max.

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16 minutes ago, mephisto9466 said:

I dont mind the slows and the stuns snares with the FM's freeze, but the CONSTANT gap closing disable without being truly cc'd is completly stupid. If we get snared and cant gap close, fine. If we are slowed and cant gap close, whats the point? Its like me disabling the summoners fire skills with the ability still able to go on CD if they hit the button

Actually, if you're just snared, you CAN gap close. If you're fighting FM without orbs you need to try to not let them get the orbs or chill you, if you're playing against FM with orbs you could try to hit enough times to end up on Freeze w/o chill and SS out of it, and watch for mistakes - it takes one mistake against a melee class to be 100-0'd.


And believe it or not, I think disabling gap close in SNARE (instead of chill) would, I believe, be the death of all melee classes (maybe except spinnerettes). All it takes is you using your SS once and for the next 10 seconds FM will be behind you doing whatever they want. And chances are, your SS will be caught immediately in a follow-up snare.

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20 minutes ago, Enhance said:

Actually, if you're just snared, you CAN gap close. If you're fighting FM without orbs you need to try to not let them get the orbs or chill you, if you're playing against FM with orbs you could try to hit enough times to end up on Freeze w/o chill and SS out of it, and watch for mistakes - it takes one mistake against a melee class to be 100-0'd.


And believe it or not, I think disabling gap close in SNARE (instead of chill) would, I believe, be the death of all melee classes (maybe except spinnerettes). All it takes is you using your SS once and for the next 10 seconds FM will be behind you doing whatever they want. And chances are, your SS will be caught immediately in a follow-up snare.

??? One mistake, you have 2 stun breaks on the lowest cooldowns of both 36. Then you have the ultimate stalling abilities wasting 20 seconds at least of every minute just sitting in ice. Hitting it to get chill stacks requires you to somehow keep up with it and they can just let you hit them so they can impact you into a combo. I don't even understand what you are saying in the bottom part, you can only charge while frozen if you are directly looking at them in the first place and not instantly applied another chill. Whatever you mean by changing frozen, SS frozen and now he needs to get 3 chill stacks on you to stop charge skills again compared to just 1 chill stack doing that for 10 seconds that you can't SS unless you are a BM.

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19 minutes ago, glaphen said:

??? One mistake, you have 2 stun breaks on the lowest cooldowns of both 36. Then you have the ultimate stalling abilities wasting 20 seconds at least of every minute just sitting in ice. Hitting it to get chill stacks requires you to somehow keep up with it and they can just let you hit them so they can impact you into a combo. I don't even understand what you are saying in the bottom part, you can only charge while frozen if you are directly looking at them in the first place and not instantly applied another chill. Whatever you mean by changing frozen, SS frozen and now he needs to get 3 chill stacks on you to stop charge skills again compared to just 1 chill stack doing that for 10 seconds that you can't SS unless you are a BM.

I'm saying FM can keep you permanently snared, but can't keep you permanently chilled.

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8 hours ago, mephisto9466 said:

I dont mind the slows and the stuns snares with the FM's freeze, but the CONSTANT gap closing disable without being truly cc'd is completly stupid. If we get snared and cant gap close, fine. If we are slowed and cant gap close, whats the point? Its like me disabling the summoners fire skills with the ability still able to go on CD if they hit the button.

You can remove the stun because it can bide time for the assassin to get their stealth back. Im fine if it dazes, NOT stuns. The daze should last 2 seconds max.

The switch CAN'T become a daze. How the hell are you suppose to deal with blade dancers and destroyers spinning. They are immune to dazes.

Even if it WAS a daze, assassin could simply run into you and stun you as soon as you backroll.


The switch is fine because it can be resisted and blocked. Destroyer has a shield, a long counter assist, and an SS. BD has SS, shield, another shield, and a very long slashing iframe. Blade Masters can simply block it or SS. It is more difficult for KFM, but it can still manage.


Lastly, it was designed to be a guaranteed stun. Assassin does not have the capability to win if their body switch couldn't even do the job it was designed to do, stun.

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As a Sin (~2200 rating)  this is my view on PvP:


Destroyers: They're fine, but the fact that they have that escape where they can take out a crap ton of your HP in a short time (Don't know the name) bothers me a bit. Forces me to play very defensively/carefully, and then they complain about us playing hide and seek when we are forced to.


Summoners: The only broken class to me. It's the fact that they have a combination of good healing, good damage (if you don't believe this, wait till you get pinned by cat (which can't really be reacted to) and ~10% of your HP goes away with each hit by the summoner.) I think in this case damage needs to go, although that creates for boring and uninteresting gameplay. Take away their healing, and they're not unique in the sense that they are more of a healing oriented class. It's a tradeoff really. Overall it brings down the gameplay experience for me Pvping.


FM's: Okay, their insane amounts of chill make it so I can never target them for combo is quite annoying, but I do think that's because I'm a sin.


Warlocks: Fine.


Blade Dancers: Overall fine, but all of their resists if specced is quite annoying and can be almost impossible to fight sometimes.


Blade Masters: Fine


KFM's: Although I hard counter them, Q and E is quite annoying to deal with. I don't know how this affects other classes,  as if I play correctly I can take care of them but again, I don't know the perspective of other classes.


Assassins: Fine, but Sin vs Sin pve'ing is incredibly annoying to play against. I''ll go a bit more in depth on this one since it's my class. I like that most, if not all, of the ways a sin kills an opponent (disregarding pveing against other sins) is by outplaying the other opponent. To combo you have to predict 10 steps ahead, but also if one of those things fails, be able to think on your toes, which I LOVE about sin; it's a smart class. Very fun to play.


This is just my experience.



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On 4/13/2016 at 7:38 PM, GreenOwl said:

All i understand, DM is your main char.

there is no class with the DM acronym

On 4/13/2016 at 8:07 PM, GreenOwl said:

Warlock is not fine.

He is bad in PVP.


I have mid tier KFM and low tier WL, difference in how they do in PVP is insane.

For top pvp tiers (FM,DM,CAT) WL is just food/free win.

warlock isnt free win at high tier, take it from me. Ive fought them, they are EXTREMELY hard to do anything about when they have resistances of the gods

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5 hours ago, mephisto9466 said:

there is no class with the DM acronym

warlock isnt free win at high tier, take it from me. Ive fought them, they are EXTREMELY hard to do anything about when they have resistances of the gods

Welll it seem like no did try to play with destroyer against shitty Warlock, All they do Block/resist and do a huge dps on the destroyer since destroyer don't have resist/immune like other classes it get rekt easily by the mother*cricket*er warlock.


Weakest classes they say about warlock 

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