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for the cancers in yeti dungeon heres my easiest tip no need to watch video or read wall of text


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90% of time Yeti will grab the main aggro/tanker then throws away, your job is to stand at where he/she will land to get heat buff that heat instantly removes debuff 'Cold Fever' and gives you damage buff..   and always watch the yeti feet when you see a redish magma.. go near it to get the heat buff

on next phase there will be raining ice glaicer avoid it and wait it to land. you have to step on it or kill the mushrooms get bomb to remove the ice.. 

then dps it to death! EZ!


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8 minutes ago, TopDollar said:

Thank you and to add to this, make sure you guys also have at least 440 ap with you. <--- this isn't elitism, its just common sense. 480 ap+ would be elistism.

You don't need 440 to beat it though...  so it is kind of elitist.  420 should be fine, maybe even 400.  But yeah uh not 350 or 375, that's making it difficult.

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26 minutes ago, Hamletswords said:

You don't need 440 to beat it though...  so it is kind of elitist.  420 should be fine, maybe even 400.  But yeah uh not 350 or 375, that's making it difficult.

400-420 party is 100% not fine unless you show me a video as proof on a full party of 400-420 only beating it. Other BnS versions don;'t count. What i said reasonable not elitism. 400-420 is only fine if mixed with other players with higher ap and stats but certainly not a full party with that only 400-420.


Full party of 350 and 375 won't even beat Naryu lab let alone Yeti.

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Was in a group where I was the only one above 420 (444) and we'd get it down to about 1mil hp before enrage happened (and 2 people died).


My main gripe is people not even taking Dragon Bloods. I'm dead serious. I can count more times than I'd like to admit on how many times a boss would have been killed (in this case, Yeti) if 2 people didn't die at the start some how.

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You don't need anywhere near 500 to clear yeti. Just run to the steam after the big jump. It gives a damage buff. Running around like a headless chicken won't do you any good even if you have the best gear. I've done it with a 5man before since one person dced the entire time in the 2nd day. That means we were missing 300-500 attack for the whole fight and did just fine.

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16 minutes ago, TopDollar said:

400-420 party is 100% not fine unless you show me a video as proof on a full party of 400-420 only beating it. Other BnS versions don;'t count. What i said reasonable not elitism. 400-420 is only fine if mixed with other players with higher ap and stats but certainly not a full party with that only 400-420.


Full party of 350 and 375 won't even beat Naryu lab let alone Yeti.

right so I ran yeti yesterday, the char I was on had I think 380, 5/6 of us were bellow 400 and only 1 was over it I don't recall the exact number. 430 maybe? if I recall right a few of the players had low to mid 300's. one was even sporting an awakened infernal 5 weapon. we were able to kill the boss just fine. ive said it in another post and ill say it again this attack power junk is a joke. the real question is are people dieing. a dead player contributes zero damage. we can be running yeti with around 300 attack and still drop the guy so long as people understand the mechanics layed out by the original poster and don't get wiped out. at 400+ you could probably 4 man the same run.

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17 minutes ago, haloismybtch said:

90% of time Yeti will grab the main aggro/tanker then throws away, your job is to stand at where he/she will land to get heat buff that heat instantly removes debuff 'Cold Fever' and gives you damage buff..   and always watch the yeti feet when you see a redish magma.. go near it to get the heat buff

on next phase there will be raining ice glaicer avoid it and wait it to land. you have to step on it or kill the mushrooms get bomb to remove the ice.. 

then dps it to death! EZ!



Mimimi, you better learn to PLAY!


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8 minutes ago, Richard Rahl said:

right so I ran yeti yesterday, the char I was on had I think 380, 5/6 of us were bellow 400 and only 1 was over it I don't recall the exact number. 430 maybe? if I recall right a few of the players had low to mid 300's. one was even sporting an awakened infernal 5 weapon. we were able to kill the boss just fine. ive said it in another post and ill say it again this attack power junk is a joke. the real question is are people dieing. a dead player contributes zero damage. we can be running yeti with around 300 attack and still drop the guy so long as people understand the mechanics layed out by the original poster and don't get wiped out. at 400+ you could probably 4 man the same run.

Proof or it didn't happen. And LOL at your comment about 300 owning Yeti and Naryu. You guys can be the best players in the world and you still won't beat the enrage timer. Please prove me wrong cause even if your party are professional number one players, you won't be able to beat the enrage timer if you all have lower than 400 ap on Yeti. In  some other mmorpgs, i might believe you but the enrage timer in blade and soul denies this.

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haha, I watched a bunch of those solo vids just to see char dps potential and skill selection back when bns first launched. it helped when I went to fight the guy, though watching a no commentary solo vid didn't warn me about the heat issue since that's a voided issue in a solo. boy was I in for a surprise the first time lol. god bless those dragon bloods eh?

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37 minutes ago, Hamletswords said:

Pretty sure full party of 420s could do it fine.  Maybe even 400s.  The 6 man content in this game isn't designed to be very hard, as long as you get the mechanics down.


And yeah I'm pretty sure full party of 375 could do Naryu just fine.

We were doing Naryu with 370ish when it came out. Little drama on the last guy, but very doable.

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whether you believe me or not is frankly up to you. I mean no offense or anything but I don't make a regular habit of screen shotting every run I ever do. id have thousands of useless junk pics by now if I did that. I already have over 200 just from all the pics ive had to take for reporting afkers in the former big 4 dungeons. as far as the enrage timer goes, it again comes down to sustained dps. take bsh for example people r always making parties in cross serv with 450 and 480+ now for fast runs, before the 50 patch it was 400 and 420+. ive ran that thing with a "noob" party back at lv 45 all around 330-370 and we dropped 60% of the thrashers hp in the first minute (mind you I was playing a warlock that time so soul burn :D). lots of people at that time vigorously and passionately claimed it wasn't even possible to do bsh 350. sure its slower then 400+ or 450+, I think we all understand 400>350, but to say its not possible as a absolute is going too far. if you don't try how would u know? if you fail once with one party does that mean another will fail? sorry the reply got so long, kinda got away from me haha.

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A lot of people are overestimating the importance of AP over crit and crit damage. I've outdpsed people 20-25 AP over me on a BLADEMASTER, and no surprise, these people had sub 2000 crit and crit damage no higher than ~1116 (no surprise, some were the true pirate rushers who still had infernal accessories).


Yes, you still need AP, but all the AP in the world is worthless if your supporting stats aren't up to par.

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44 minutes ago, TopDollar said:

Proof or it didn't happen. And LOL at your comment about 300 owning Yeti and Naryu. You guys can be the best players in the world and you still won't beat the enrage timer. Please prove me wrong cause even if your party are professional number one players, you won't be able to beat the enrage timer if you all have lower than 400 ap on Yeti. In  some other mmorpgs, i might believe you but the enrage timer in blade and soul denies this.

That just means you have a shit rotation/ping. I've beaten junghado faster with a 350 sin vs some 440 sin back when it came out. That just shows how bad most of the people who rush their gear are.

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4 minutes ago, Hongmoon said:

That just means you have a shit rotation/ping. I've beaten junghado faster with a 350 sin vs some 440 sin back when it came out. That just shows how bad most of the people who rush their gear are.

Nope we actually do the run quick with nobody dying. Please show me proof of a full party of 350s doing naryu or yeti. I don't care how pro you are, you can be a calculating 100% human robot but you won't beat the enrage timer, its just not impossible. And im still waiting for proof and by proof i don't mean any other versions of BnS besides ours.


Don't mistake me for elitism cause i hate that crap too, im not demanding big ass requirements like 480 ap + or anything like that. All im saying is if someones stats are too low than its impossible to complete unless you mix in other people with high ap and stats.

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19 hours ago, TopDollar said:

Thank you and to add to this, make sure you guys also have at least 440 ap with you. <--- this isn't elitism, its just common sense. 480 ap+ would be elistism.

Massively overstating the required AP is elitism. 440 is speedrun. Easy is 420, close is 410, doable with experience is 400.


Courtesy to your fellow gamer would be in the 415-425 range.

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