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Legendary Weapons..


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Ok.. I just cant get it.. why the hype about the new progression path.. or did you already reach pirate or not .. ?   Since from what I read in google and other forums.. when the legendary weapons comes we will just throw away our hongmoon mainstream weapons cuz they wont be worth anything .. ?  Everyone will go for S1,S2,S3 weapons and all we invested so far in the mainstream weapon will be a wasted effort ?  Correct me if I am wrong..    Even more.. a lot of people just suggests us to stay at siren because the main weapon will be used to feed the legendary one ?        Yea and one last thing.. we are not getting legendary weapons yet.. right ? not anytime soon I suppose :)

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I do not play korean server but from what i hear, legendary weapon are...legendary...

I saw a youtube video where they were selling for 3-4k gold (base weapon without upgrades)


They are better than hongmoon weapon sure, but they are costly to upgrade too

Not sure if they are worth it for the average players.

lol, if you didn't have money to reach true pirate, legendary might not be for you


Hongmoon weapon is valid to upgrade if you don't want to kill yourself. They are comparable in strength but legendary wins almost all the time ( i think some classes might want hongmoon for some unique bonus)

I do not know why people want legendary if the above is true.


NcSoft  said multiple times that  we won't have legendery , at least for now. But with their track record, you could expect them anytime without warning.


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S1 S2 S2 is a chinese thing. we are not getting those atrocities. main weapon will eventually turn legend grade with legend effects. every content can be cleared easily with main weapon. legendary is for added luxury and owpvp as it gives defensive buffs.

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I saw that Silverforst Mountains is coming out tomorrow and felt the need to give some feedbacck on this.


If you are going to release content this fast you should reduce the amount of materials needed to upgrade our gear by at least half of what it currently requires or at least make it easier and have more ways to get the materials because it's very hard to be on track at this pace. I'm not someone that can just play 24/7 and farm all day, so as a result I'm pretty far behind on my gear and have always been one tier behind. For example, currently you can have Pirate stuff but I'm still on True Siren.


My 2 cents about the rate at which content is being released.

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No. *cricket* no. Why would they?


You dont need to be capped out for each patch. In fact, i dont even see where the problem would be if they released content even faster. We would not keep up. That's actually a DESIRED outcome. What do i do if i am capped and dont have anything to do? I quit. 


And actually with crafting and a few dailies per day (2h or so) you can easily make 20g a day, letting you upgrade your weapon to max in like ~2 weeks and your accessories in 1 week after that. If you dont want to do dailies every day.. that's also fine. 


And also.. yes there is a lot to do. Yes upgrading takes some time. So why should you not be behind people that actually do play a lot more than you do? That would mean that what they put into the game over you is meaningless. The game does a fairly good job at keeping casuals and hardcore players busy. While casuals might take a long time to reach the none-plus-ultra gear, they dont need it to participate in the content we have at any given point in time. You can basically do everything in this patch with max infernal accessories, true profane weapon and a 25 ap gem which is easily achieveable in a few days. Hardcore players on the other hand can spend 10 hours a day and reach gear cap before a patch. 


Imo, it's good as it is. Why would you decrease the amount of time needed to be put into the game just so we have nothing to do earlier and quit. That's shooting in your own leg in the end.


This is the first progression based mmorpg since Rangnarok that i actually play for more than one or two months. Why? Because there is something to be done after one or two months. Normally when a game releases there is nearly no content so players get bored and quit. We have the advantage of having content for years since the game is by no means new - and now people come and complain that it's  too much and that they want to finish the game faster. Dafuq is wrong with peoples mentality nowadays ._.




Oh and while this cost might sound a bit offensive, it's not meant that way :)

I was just like "wtf".

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@Yamyatos It's true that we don't always need to be gear capped to be able to do the content we have, but you have to look at the pace other regions(say Korea) got these content patches at, all those other regions had plenty of time to upgrade their gear before next content patch was released, we on the other hand are not getting that time and are being rushed, as a fix for that i simply suggest reduce the amount of materials needed equal to the amount of time we get(aka not a lot).


Also(and this is not related to the topic) you say that you quit every other MMORPG since Ragnarok Online before B&S, well what will you do when we have fully caught up to other regions then, time to quit? if so wouldn't you prefer to get content at a more steady pace so you get to play the game for longer before we reach that point?

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1 hour ago, Sanakan said:

Ok.. I just cant get it.. why the hype about the new progression path.. or did you already reach pirate or not .. ?   Since from what I read in google and other forums.. when the legendary weapons comes we will just throw away our hongmoon mainstream weapons cuz they wont be worth anything .. ?  Everyone will go for S1,S2,S3 weapons and all we invested so far in the mainstream weapon will be a wasted effort ?  Correct me if I am wrong..    Even more.. a lot of people just suggests us to stay at siren because the main weapon will be used to feed the legendary one ?        Yea and one last thing.. we are not getting legendary weapons yet.. right ? not anytime soon I suppose :)

The hongmoon weapon itself will be upgraded into a legendary weapon. This weapon will be slightly less strong than other legendaries, BUT the dropped legendaries are so insanely expensive that most people will never finish upgrading it. We are talking 50k gold'ish.


Of course all this information is based on other versions. They might change it to their desire like they just announced a few hours ago that they did with the weapon upgrade path in our verison.

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There is literally nothing else to spend gold on in this game except upgrading your gear. If they reduced the mats needed all that would happen is you'd cap out quicker, amass useless gold it it's wake, and then quit earlier waiting for a new patch.

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Yea, please do!So we can enjoy the game better than we do it now!Who is afraid of gear capped you can gear other alts too or do so many ...for example drop your costumes from instances or economy for alts ,etc. This game is not normal if you (NCSoft)  do release content like mad dogs...the hell if is worth paying any more...so be reasonable and do some real improvements, as I hope you don't target only childrens to play this game or people without jobs/families/school or life.Thank you!

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How many Unsealing charms do you go through opening all those Soul Shields? honestly these need to be 1/2'd rather than the crafting. can spend 1g just from 1 run if you are still gearing, then need to re-roll over and over until you get the stats you actually need. Some have probably spent 100's on these little bad boys.

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