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Soulstone it's too expensive to either craft or buy. Why?


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Why are Soulstones so expensive? either if you want to craft them - the ingredients are expensive, or if you want to buy them... better not to.

Is it me, or is this a bit off? A bit exaggerated?


How are you hadling this situation, guys?

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Are you level 45?


Soulstones are expensive because there's a limited way of obtaining them.

  • Faction dailies in Misty Woods & Hogshead Pastures give approximately 20 a day
  • Tomb of Exiles daily quest gives 2 in the chest
  • Can obtain from the chest from Blackwyrm (requires key to open which drops from the terrors)
  • Can buy from Zen Bean Trader (people probably aren't doing this yet in favor of getting the royal zen bean for skills instead)
  • ? Probably something else I'm missing

On the other hand there are a lot of uses that use a TON of them

  • Most if not all higher tier crafts (anywhere from 3 to 100 per craft)
  • Higher level weapon & accessory upgrades (something like 30-110 from what I've seen)
  • Higher level soul shield fusing

In the end without the level 50 content, most methods of obtaining soulstones are limited by dailies or how well your faction is doing in BW, Since everyone needs them for crafting and leveling weapons/accessories, the prices for them are generally high. The prices have fluctuated a lot, but since they're needed by everyone the price will probably remain relatively expensive.


Take things slowly and make more level 45 alts for extra gold income. Check prices frequently to see what is still worth crafting and selling and what parts of crafts might be more worth buying instead. Do higher income dailies like the ones in Mushin Tower, Nightshade Harbor, E. Fleet Supply Chain, and your 2 purple and 4 blue 45 dungeons.

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Mayar it is called supply and demand.  The price for soulstones are that high because people are willing to spend that much on them.  If people stopped buying them the price would go down due to competition.  (I have 250g and I buy them without a care in the world.)

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On 13.2.2016 at 1:54 AM, Aimo said:

Are you level 45?


Soulstones are expensive because there's a limited way of obtaining them.

  • Faction dailies in Misty Woods & Hogshead Pastures give approximately 20 a day
  • Tomb of Exiles daily quest gives 2 in the chest
  • Can obtain from the chest from Blackwyrm (requires key to open which drops from the terrors)
  • Can buy from Zen Bean Trader (people probably aren't doing this yet in favor of getting the royal zen bean for skills instead)
  • ? Probably something else I'm missing

On the other hand there are a lot of uses that use a TON of them

  • Most if not all higher tier crafts (anywhere from 3 to 100 per craft)
  • Higher level weapon & accessory upgrades (something like 30-110 from what I've seen)
  • Higher level soul shield fusing

In the end without the level 50 content, most methods of obtaining soulstones are limited by dailies or how well your faction is doing in BW, Since everyone needs them for crafting and leveling weapons/accessories, the prices for them are generally high. The prices have fluctuated a lot, but since they're needed by everyone the price will probably remain relatively expensive.


Take things slowly and make more level 45 alts for extra gold income. Check prices frequently to see what is still worth crafting and selling and what parts of crafts might be more worth buying instead. Do higher income dailies like the ones in Mushin Tower, Nightshade Harbor, E. Fleet Supply Chain, and your 2 purple and 4 blue 45 dungeons.

Just to point out one thing. Weapon upgrades at last stages require 200-300 soulstones if i remember correctly might been bit higher.

Awekened pirate like +200 and true pirate 300.

Ring, earrings, necklace requires in total 210 just to evolve truepirate then 5 stage evolve takes most likely about 100-150

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the price in MM decided by players

you need a ton of soustones as a basic need of crafting in BnS

that is why it's expensive

you cant just simply complain about why oil is so expensive either :p

ofcourse , it will less expensive if people can farm wyrm like farming Pokey in Lakeside Cache


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  • 2 months later...

I am level 46 on my first toon. I just got overwhelmed with the cost of all the upgrades not to mention bag space  etc. I refuse to buy illegal gold but the thought of farming 100's of instances isn't within my scope of gaming-- on purpose. I am really bummed out but if some cost could only be realigned slightly it would help.

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3 hours ago, Nightrus said:

I am level 46 on my first toon. I just got overwhelmed with the cost of all the upgrades not to mention bag space  etc. I refuse to buy illegal gold but the thought of farming 100's of instances isn't within my scope of gaming-- on purpose. I am really bummed out but if some cost could only be realigned slightly it would help.

Once you get to 50 and start farming your purples and faction dailies, soul stones and gold will come easily. Just focus on leveling for now, you'll get there.

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Just to add to the last reply... I recommend after reaching 45 start farming misty woods all the days, and doing poharan and bloodshade harbor at least once a day cause you get more exp, earn good money (2g) and you start to generate like 14-17 soulstones per day, is not much but it makes the difference... I didnt do it and i ended the story at 49 and then i need to spend like 1 week to reach 50 and get to awakened siren... another important thing is that the soulshield given in poharan and hae mujin give a lot of stats so is pretty good getting them sooner than later. and it only takes 45min-1h, i dont know exactly...

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Low supply/sources and high demand, basically. You get a few dozens each day and only from faction dailies and PvP, while later gears require them in the hundreds. That discrepancy makes them really sought after by basically everyone, not to mention a fairly significant bottleneck when it comes to gear progression.


Personally, that's part of my motivation to make alts: to have more sources to feed Soulstones to my main. The other one is just to try different classes.


Supposedly, today's upcoming patch will reduce the amount of Soulstones required for some things, so we'll see if that will make their prices in Marketplace get any lower.

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On 2016-04-24 at 8:14 PM, Nightrus said:

I am level 46 on my first toon. I just got overwhelmed with the cost of all the upgrades not to mention bag space  etc. I refuse to buy illegal gold but the thought of farming 100's of instances isn't within my scope of gaming-- on purpose. I am really bummed out but if some cost could only be realigned slightly it would help.

That's the way how these Asian MMOPRG works. They either make it so leveling is a grind (10+ hour for a level easily). Or your weapon/accessories progression is slow to hault after a certain level to keep you grinding.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/27/2016 at 7:01 AM, OuchThatHurt said:

They are cheap currently due to bots farming them and selling them cheap ...so yeah just let that sink in for a while 

Incorrect. Everytime there's a ban wave, Soulstone prices drop for about the next 4 days, while the bots are leveling up again. Pay attention.

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24 minutes ago, H2H said:

Incorrect. Everytime there's a ban wave, Soulstone prices drop for about the next 4 days, while the bots are leveling up again. Pay attention.

That doesn`t make any economic sense. Bots are source of soulstone they do not create any demand for them. The prices doesn`t go down because of ban waves. It`s because ban waves happen during maintenance which is in the middle of week. Demand is highest during weekend so prices are highest at saturday/sunday and then goes slowly down. Since ppl who sells soulstones are ppl who have time to farm them (or bots), they are usually not the ones who play mainly on weekends. Because of that the demand for soulstones goes down more during the week days than the supply of them.

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1 minute ago, Dlacik said:

That doesn`t make any economic sense. Bots are source of soulstone they do not create any demand for them. The prices doesn`t go down because of ban waves. It`s because ban waves happen during maintenance which is in the middle of week. Demand is highest during weekend so prices are highest at saturday/sunday and then goes slowly down. Since ppl who sells soulstones are ppl who have time to farm them (or bots), they are usually not the ones who play mainly on weekends. Because of that the demand for soulstones goes down more during the week days than the supply of them.

Nobody is talking economics. I'm talking about what actually happens. Please pay closer attention to the part where I said "pay attention."

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6 minutes ago, H2H said:

Nobody is talking economics. I'm talking about what actually happens. Please pay closer attention to the part where I said "pay attention."

Yeah, you just take 2 phenomena and say the first one is cause of the second one because they happen at same time. Completely ignorant to fact that the first one causing the other one is against logic and against how economy works.


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10 minutes ago, Dlacik said:

Yeah, you just take 2 phenomena and say the first one is cause of the second one because they happen at same time. Completely ignorant to fact that the first one causing the other one is against logic and against how economy works.


Why is it every kid that plays an mmo suddenly thinks they're an econ prof with a Phd?? Im not doin that at all. I'm looking at when ban waves occur and the prices on everything that bots farm go down for the next few days. I don't give a rats ass about why it happens, or your "logic". Im saying "PAY ATTENTION", this is what happens.


If you wanna have an in-depth argument about "why", go find someone who cares.

All I'm stating is the factual happenings. Every time bots get banned, prices on those material farmed by bots go down. Does it "go against your logic?" Oh noes!! So what? Feel free to strain your brain as to "why". I won't. I dont care why. It just is.

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15 hours ago, Dlacik said:

I definitely do not think that i`m econ prof with Phd. You don`t even need some extra education in economy to see that ban waves aren`t cause for drops in SS prices. Common sense is enough for that. The point is if NCSoft stop banning bots during maintenance, there will still be drops in price of SS during the middle of the week . If they decide to do banning during the weekend the price drops will still be there during the middle of the week, not during the weekend.

There are weekly ban waves?? Since when?? Who lied to you??

I'm not talking about small weekly fluctuations. I'm talking about when the price dropped from 27s to 20s, and 19s the day after. It happens about once a month. Or didn't you notice? Refer to the advice in my first post again(pay attention), as in pay attention to events when they occur.  It doesn't have to make sense. This is a game, not reality, and this IS the trend. And you can see it in every mmo that has bots.

I'm done with this - but you need to watch the name calling. The mods here don't like seeing that. Seriously- I've had 2 other accounts banned from forums for less.

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On ‎12‎/‎02‎/‎2016 at 1:54 AM, Aimo said:

Are you level 45?


Soulstones are expensive because there's a limited way of obtaining them.

  • Faction dailies in Misty Woods & Hogshead Pastures give approximately 20 a day
  • Tomb of Exiles daily quest gives 2 in the chest
  • Can obtain from the chest from Blackwyrm (requires key to open which drops from the terrors)
  • Can buy from Zen Bean Trader (people probably aren't doing this yet in favor of getting the royal zen bean for skills instead)
  • ? Probably something else I'm missing

On the other hand there are a lot of uses that use a TON of them

  • Most if not all higher tier crafts (anywhere from 3 to 100 per craft)
  • Higher level weapon & accessory upgrades (something like 30-110 from what I've seen)
  • Higher level soul shield fusing

In the end without the level 50 content, most methods of obtaining soulstones are limited by dailies or how well your faction is doing in BW, Since everyone needs them for crafting and leveling weapons/accessories, the prices for them are generally high. The prices have fluctuated a lot, but since they're needed by everyone the price will probably remain relatively expensive.


Take things slowly and make more level 45 alts for extra gold income. Check prices frequently to see what is still worth crafting and selling and what parts of crafts might be more worth buying instead. Do higher income dailies like the ones in Mushin Tower, Nightshade Harbor, E. Fleet Supply Chain, and your 2 purple and 4 blue 45 dungeons.

you forgot to mention "if you can do blackwyrm/terrors" with fps drops etc crap caused by the shitty gameguard. and yes, a lot of people have problems with gameguard. for example me. i only went do blackwyrm once. 20ish fps on low+ctrl-F and i didn't manage to do dmg. never went there again


i don't do arena at all so no zen beans


On ‎24‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 9:44 AM, Iconic said:

Once you get to 50 and start farming your purples and faction dailies, soul stones and gold will come easily. Just focus on leveling for now, you'll get there.

if you can do the dailies. especially ssp and ghf with all that lag etc bs caused by gameguard


i refuse to buy soulstones with 32-35s each and make people filthy rich. i need thousands of those, and not just 10-20


On ‎27‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 3:01 PM, OuchThatHurt said:

They are cheap currently due to bots farming them and selling them cheap ...so yeah just let that sink in for a while 

32-35s on my server(and it's like this for a long time). that's no cheap at all

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