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So you're buying RNG boxes? You are maybe incentivizing them for the worst.


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1st of all, Company wants to make money. That's a fact and they don't care about what players think, they want money.


Right now, the type of RNG boxes we have are completely OK for a health f2p game, but the next RNG boxes can be different..


If people are buying RNG boxes like crazy, the company will do something to keep people buying those.

So, I won't be surprised if we see in FUTURE some kind of legendary weapon inside RNG boxes, because people will buy 10x more boxes and the company will make much more money.

They don't care if they said "we'll not be p2w, don't worry"... They gonna follow the money path.

So if you guys keep buying these boxes, expect more and more "rare" stuff inside of it to make you buy another box and another...


I could be wrong, I really hope that I'm wrong. But i've played a couple "f2p" games that ended just like described and NCSOFT is known by it's money grabbing system.

I hope they do not follow the same path and keep RNG boxes as it is at the moment.


Don't flame on me, don't insult. If you have a different thought line, let's discuss.

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The RNG boxes values are close to nothing. For example this dude spent 6k Euros for RNG boxes and he get alot of stuff yes. but those things can be obtained quite easily as a f2p player. plus you can only get faster progression on PVE. it won't help you on Arena even if you spent a million



When beans and siverfrost content comes its not hard to obtain Soulstones anymore

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Well here's my experience.

RNG boxes can be -AMAZING- for a game, they bolster the economy,  (tradeable outfits, etc)  which helps ward off spammers,

they also have the added bonus of "getting bang for your buck" I want this  weapon skin!, and then after 3 boxes you get the skin and  a bunch of other stuff you want to sell,

The key to good rng, is always provide a good reward, if i have to buy 60 boxes of crafting materials to get an outfit, it's a bad model.

if i get a weapon skin and a few customization tickets trying to get my outfit, it's okay.

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2 minutes ago, TakunDes said:

The RNG boxes values are close to nothing. For example this dude spent 6k Euros for RNG boxes and he get alot of stuff yes. but those things can be obtained quite easily as a f2p player. plus you can only get faster progression on PVE. it won't help you on Arena even if you spent a million



When beans and siverfrost content comes its not hard to obtain Soulstones anymore


I get it. As I said, this is totally ok.

This is what we have TODAY, but what about tomorrow?

My concern is that they gonna put rare and expensive items inside boxes to make people buy it like candy, because they KNOW people will throw money at them to have a rare item.

If this item is COSMETIC, I couldn't care less. But if it becomes to be an item "like" a legendary weapon, then we have a problem.


As my title says "you ARE MAYBE incentivizing them for the worst".


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4 minutes ago, Somebunny said:

Well here's my experience.

RNG boxes can be -AMAZING- for a game, they bolster the economy,  (tradeable outfits, etc)  which helps ward off spammers,

they also have the added bonus of "getting bang for your buck" I want this  weapon skin!, and then after 3 boxes you get the skin and  a bunch of other stuff you want to sell,

The key to good rng, is always provide a good reward, if i have to buy 60 boxes of crafting materials to get an outfit, it's a bad model.

if i get a weapon skin and a few customization tickets trying to get my outfit, it's okay.


What you said is completely ok to keep a health f2p model and I agree with you.

My point is to warn people that this may become what we don't want it to be.

And IF the company keep the boxes as it is, we'll have a great long period f2p game.

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So what exactly is this thread for?


To worry about something we have no control over?


I could easily say, "If we dont buy this gacha, they will add better/rarer things to the next one to get more people to buy it"  But, that would just pulling a theroy out my rear end.

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Remember how NCsoft-West spoke on the Live stream before launch that they weren't going to implemented the Ncoin trade feature until the market stabilized?


Those boxes did just that, it injected rare items into the economy that was dearly needed like seriously bad- lowering the gold value on items so items don't over-flood the Auction-house due to price-hikes and ridiculous gold buy-out rates; it keeps items flowing through the system at regular rate instead of sitting there while people bid/wait until reasonable prices are shown.



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4 hours ago, Nogueira said:


I get it. As I said, this is totally ok.


Even if they add whatever anything it won't affects the main focus which is 1 vs 1 since everything is equalized so if u spent a trillion it won't make any difference. if people p2w thats good in fact because you will have more higher dps people in dungeons doing runs with you which makes runs faster.


its called pay to progress faster in PVE even if they do P2W



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So again, this is another thread shaming people for paying less than $2 on a box of non-economy-breaking gachapon because of alarmist theories about what MIGHT happen in the future.


Why is this a thing? I feel like all the people who are stroking out about what the gachapons MIGHT BECOME are going to eventually stroke out and leave about something. Let the people who are keeping the game alive do their thing, damn.

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5 hours ago, Nogueira said:

Right now, the type of RNG boxes we have are completely OK for a health f2p game, but the next RNG boxes can be different..


Compensating for low drop rates walling content for players by placing the drops in cash shop RNG boxes is not, in any way, "completely OK for a health f2p game".

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1 minute ago, Lurkios said:


Compensating for low drop rates walling content for players by placing the drops in cash shop RNG boxes is not, in any way, "completely OK for a health f2p game".

Walling content? Those items are tradable and helping lower the high prices. It's literally HELPING people who can't be bothered to climb the pay wall.

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They said a long time ago that they where going to have RNG boxes soooo why is this a surprise???


Also the RNG box is mainly for a stupid costume that does not help you "get ahead"........

You might as well trade Ncoins for gold than to buy the boxes unless you want the costume...



Now if they start putting amazing shields in there than yes I would be upset..but a costume...who cares

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