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On 5/2/2016 at 3:45 PM, Justsomeone said:

"Destroyers are tanky, but are S L O W"

best comment


Decreases the cooldown of Ram by 9 sec on Deflect once

Removes Charge Disables on Deflect

Increases Movement Speed by 60%

Increases Movement Speed by 30% for 3 sec on Deflect

User is resistant to Slow for 3 sec on Deflect

Generates 30 Focus on Deflect

User is resistant to Stun, Daze, Knockback

Removes Snares on use


Increases Movement Speed by 80%

Increases Defense by 400%

User is resistant to Stun, Daze, Knockback

Removes Snares

Penetrates Defense, Deflect

Generates 5 Focus on taking damage


Cast Time
just remove destroyer mov speed buff and they will be balanced, why they should run more than you when spinning?


first one is a hongmoon skill, it's not yet in game + requires 3 skill points. (With 3 skill points I can set up tons of other things eh, that hongmoon talent cud turn -maybe- useful just against noob fms and sins who hit while I'm on parry)

second aint rly a pvp tree imho -could be used, I used to run by that tree in past for the dmg reduction, but parry is way better- :)

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On 2/5/2016 at 5:13 AM, Thanasis said:

I will say it as kindly as I can:

If you stay at his red Circle or have no trinket, you're gonna get a lot of dmg. Escaping it is not rocket science, and if you use your brain you may actually predict when he will use it :)


If you spam your abilities like a retard on skills like KFM counter, BM Parry, BD & Des Spin, you will never get out of Gold, and it will be a wonder to get there. All classes have some kind of opening you need to look for and not spam your abilities when you feel like it.


Destroyers are tanky, but are S L O W, if you believe they are actually fast It's because you are actually slow. Assassins can actually make us chase them and never catch them! (almost at least, but they are a pain in the *** if they play time )


Most classes have some kind of "grip" mechanic, why whine about Destroyers??Oh wait, you've never tried to countering it, that's why you whine about it!

All classes deal high amount of damage when they need to, ALL. If you've seen even DECENT KFM's or FM's, Sins or BD's, or Summoners, they can eat your hp bar in a matter of seconds. If you have no Trinket in their combos because you pressed it without thinking of pressing it, rest in pepperoni.


Destroyers high popularity??????Assassins FM's and Summoners are laughing at your face right now.


Now go and spar with a Destroyer, learn how to play against him, then think how ***  was the idea of writing a post on the forums about class balance. And they, good luck if you want to get above gold or reach it, you're gonna need it with that mindset buddy

Sorry but thats just bullcrap. The amount of stuns and precise timing i need to put in a blademaster to take 30% of destroyers hp, just to see them do the same to me by pressing 1 button is just broken in this patch. You're defending your class cause you play it thats all.

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Destro TAB is their only way to counter/parry, call it w/e u want.
it costs 20 focus. BM and KFM counter/block costs nothing. That is spammable. Would you attack them while being defensive? No? U smart *cricket*. Just beacouse it has a fancy animation it doesn't mean it is OP nor counterable.

Destro Q, btw, sucks once you realize u can SS out of it and never be hit again.

If you want to know something OP, i'll just give you this friendly trick.

BD Q and E are the real shit.

U are basically immune to every engage. You just have to hold it down and wait someone to gapclose you. THAT has no counterplay.
YOU need the brain to play, not only your hands...

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10 minutes ago, KamijoTouma said:

absolutely overpowered.

I am a FM, in one match literally spinned-to-death in 10 sec.



Sorry man this is l2p issue not the class being op... 
Use either Q or E, turn ur camera 180° then SS...

You can just Freeze yourself and watch them heal you to 100%...He'll end up with no focus and u'll be fulled. But still, only bad destro would do that

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Destroyers are not so hard to deal with once you get a handle on their mechanics. The class is strong at 45 don't get me wrong, but it's not overwhelmingly so. You can still win. In fact it seems like many of them get to high ranks depending on people who don't understand them, and end up easier prey than they could be if they learned their class better. 


Regardless, you guys claiming that 3 out of every 4 players being Destroyer is a ridiculous exaggeration that anyone queueing up for PVP could call BS on. The most common class is still as it was in Beta - Assassin - at roughly 25%. Still not as outlandish as your 75% claim for Destroyer though... 

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1 hour ago, KamijoTouma said:

absolutely overpowered.

I am a FM, in one match literally spinned-to-death in 10 sec.


Dest are literally the easiest prey for FM's .. once you get a better understanding of both classes you'll celebrate everytime you face a dest in solo.

Like Putresque said.. freeze yourself and watch them heal you to 100%

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3 minutes ago, EverybodyLovesPenguins said:


Dest are literally the easiest prey for FM's .. once you get a better understanding of both classes you'll celebrate everytime you face a dest in solo.

Like Putresque said.. freeze yourself and watch them heal you to 100%

This game is not only for pros like 1900+mmr

normal players should be considered more.

An FM needs perfect play to defeat a Dest, if any mistake is made, a Dest can melt down an FM in like 20sec.

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10 minutes ago, KamijoTouma said:

This game is not only for pros like 1900+mmr

normal players should be considered more.

An FM needs perfect play to defeat a Dest, if any mistake is made, a Dest can melt down an FM in like 20sec.

Im only mid 1700 and a good FM literally shats on me.. despite getting a good combo of stun rage and a series of ani-cancelling if the FM plays smart he can heal up to 100% from 60%.
Same thing can be said around.. Dest also needs to play perfectly to defeat not just FM but any class.
It applies to everyone.. 1 mistake especially with your trinkets you're gonna be in a bad position.

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6 minutes ago, EverybodyLovesPenguins said:

Im only mid 1700 and a good FM literally shats on me.. despite getting a good combo of stun rage and a series of ani-cancelling if the FM plays smart he can heal up to 100% from 60%.
Same thing can be said around.. Dest also needs to play perfectly to defeat not just FM but any class.
It applies to everyone.. 1 mistake especially with your trinkets you're gonna be in a bad position.

One thing must be noted: the 3 min time limit, this is very unfriendly to FMs or to any one with good healing ability.

So if a Dest wants to defeat am FM safely, just play defensively and don't die in 3 min. Then it's a free win coz healing doesnt count to final score.

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I have to completely agree with the poster. I for one do not think that is it fair that when you zone into a pvp match and see a destroyer it is like ok...this is going to be a loss. You go in and other than getting stun locked all to hell while they spin you to death....you have like NOTHING to counter them. All these jerk destroyers who act like they are better than everyone else have no real clue that they are just idiots with no skill. As it stands right now the destroyer, while spinning just consistently gets its range while it hits you and in turn also gains movement speed....while they spin then constantly parry/counter like EVERYTHING you throw at them. They have an ability they can throw that pulls you to them...a jump that helps to keep you from getting away and like all of these abilities can stun/disorient or lock you down in some way or another. The ONLY way to really beat these spin-to-win jerks is by keeping your distance which is damn near impossible. I have a fighting chance against every other class, the 'im going to stay invisible 98% of the time' assassins are annoying as hell but I can at least fight and beat them every once in a while!!!! Something really needs to be done because from every class i have faught so far.....they are all rather balanced and annoying in their own way....but these destroyers are just plain stupid!!!!

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1 hour ago, KamijoTouma said:

This game is not only for pros like 1900+mmr

normal players should be considered more.


Why? Because you say so?


What rating should we use to deteremine balance, then? 1700? 1500? 1300?

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3 minutes ago, Naab said:


Why? Because you say so?


What rating should we use to deteremine balance, then? 1700? 1500? 1300?

See the distribution, most players must be between 1300 to 1800.

BnS is a game and for fun, balance means more fun. And normal players play games for fun.

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5 minutes ago, Naab said:


Why? Because you say so?


What rating should we use to deteremine balance, then? 1700? 1500? 1300?

the game should be balanced around classes not players, if you nerf a class just because someone play better than other player with another class the game will never be balanced!

a bad player will get plat with a destroyer/bd/sin/summoner

while a bad player with fm/kfm/bm will never leave silver

how is that balanced?

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1 hour ago, EverybodyLovesPenguins said:


Dest are literally the easiest prey for FM's .. once you get a better understanding of both classes you'll celebrate everytime you face a dest in solo.

Like Putresque said.. freeze yourself and watch them heal you to 100%


i wouldent say destros are the easyiest class for fm if you know to counter fm skills destros can give fm a hard time watch my match vs this diamond fm iam the destro. http://www.twitch.tv/impbns/v/40201810?t=38m42s

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24 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

the game should be balanced around classes not players, if you nerf a class just because someone play better than other player with another class the game will never be balanced!

a bad player will get plat with a destroyer/bd/sin/summoner

while a bad player with fm/kfm/bm will never leave silver

how is that balanced?


Nice analogy, BUT works the other way too...

Great player will get diamond with a destroyer/bd/sin/summoner.....

.... while a great player with fm/kfm/bm will also get to the diamond - weird, huh? :)

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1 hour ago, KamijoTouma said:

This game is not only for pros like 1900+mmr

normal players should be considered more.

An FM needs perfect play to defeat a Dest, if any mistake is made, a Dest can melt down an FM in like 20sec.

Non-1900 rated player here. First timed my lvl 39 FM in arena and stomped multiple 45 Destroyers. What's your point? You really don't understand Destroyer because if you did, you'd realize that we play similarly to a KFM (but with higher damage and with much more ease compared to them) in the fact that we have to blow your tab and f first, then try to chain  our stun/daze/kd together. You have 3 low cd escapes, 2 ice invulnerabilities and a few ways to just out right stop our advances/combos. I'd consider myself an average player and as you can  see in my signature, I play on both ends of the spectrum. You definitely don't have to play "perfect" against a Destroyer. Just don't do silly stuff and actually burn their CDs if they waste them.

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11 minutes ago, Naab said:


Nice analogy, BUT works the other way too...

Great player will get diamond with a destroyer/bd/sin/summoner.....

.... while a great player with fm/kfm/bm will also get to the diamond - weird, huh? :)

let's say that those bad diamond players playing with a  destroyer/bd/sin/summoner get there only by fighting fm/kfm/bm and now we remove fm/kfm/bm from the game, now everyone has to play as a destroyer/bd/sin/summoner, they will be back to silver because it was obvious a class problem.

let' say that a great diamond player with a destroyer/bd/sin/summoner fight a great player with a fm/kfm/bm, the destroyer team will win 90% of the time if they lose is because they got outplayed by like 2 times what means that they don't deserve this mmr.

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20 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

let's say that those bad diamond players playing with a  destroyer/bd/sin/summoner get there only by fighting fm/kfm/bm and now we remove fm/kfm/bm from the game, now everyone has to play as a destroyer/bd/sin/summoner, they will be back to silver because it was obvious a class problem.


Oh, now you are pulling the "lets make hypothetical argument, that can never possibly happen in reality" card :)


You dont get to certain division by just picking a class - there are Destroyers/BDs/Sins/Summoners in every division. How is that possible? By your logic, every single one of them (even the bads) should be in plat.

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12 hours ago, Kutsuu said:

Destroyers are not so hard to deal with once you get a handle on their mechanics. The class is strong at 45 don't get me wrong, but it's not overwhelmingly so. You can still win. In fact it seems like many of them get to high ranks depending on people who don't understand them, and end up easier prey than they could be if they learned their class better. 


Regardless, you guys claiming that 3 out of every 4 players being Destroyer is a ridiculous exaggeration that anyone queueing up for PVP could call BS on. The most common class is still as it was in Beta - Assassin - at roughly 25%. Still not as outlandish as your 75% claim for Destroyer though... 


That was me that said the 75% thing and I was exaggerating but there was one night last week when somehow like 6 or 7 out of 8 fights in a row were destroyers, then there were a couple other classes between, but then about 5 more destroyers in a row. 

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Just now, GreenDestiny said:


That was me that said the 75% thing and I was exaggerating but there was one night last week when somehow like 6 or 7 out of 8 fights in a row were destroyers, then there were a couple other classes between, but then about 5 more destroyers in a row. 


I've had the same thing happen with Assassins, summoners, LBMs... It's as much RNG as anything else - depends on who is queuing up and your luck. Hasn't happened to me with FM, KFM, or other BMs though lol. 

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On 2/5/2016 at 0:21 AM, 848742_1452550186 said:

You were starting to gain my favor until you said "..Spamming a bunch of damaging skills and cc removal skill." The absolute most about of CC removal we can get (not including the Tab and 1) and 2) that every class can get, is ONE. We can spec into one extra CC removal, and if we do it gets rid of our Fury damage buff. If a Destroyer is "spamming" cc removal against you its because you are not CCing them more than once every 36 seconds. We have multiple stills that stop you from ever hitting us with CC but that is completely different and requires Fast reactions or predictions before you even use the ability.

You are not considering that you also get short buffs when you remove cc that prevents new cc as well as the ability to break cc with your leap and such. Often times I will have a destroyer rooted but they can still leap to me, which is stupid to begin with. Also, on top of the cc removal and escapes and grabs and cc resist buffs you get, you can pretty much counter without even trying very hard. I ended up making a destroyer just to see if I would enjoy them, but it does not fit my playstyle. It is sad when at level 30 as a destroyer I can get past 1700 rank. When you take into account that the short cc resist buffs, the escapes, the cc removal, the gap closers, and the grapple that you can't escape even with a grapple escape skill are so many lockdown skills and that a destroyer still has the highest dmg combo of any class, it is obvious that a destroyer is far far too strong for most classes. The only thing I have seen that can beat a destroyer is lots and lots of offensive combos on a stupid destroyer who just attacks without regard to combos. Even then, you can use a gap closer to negate any counter they have or force them to iframe to avoid getting combo locked.

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On 4.02.2016 at 7:11 PM, MelodyOfWings said:

1. They can spin in circles basically indefinitely, which gives them immunity to nearly every CC effect under the sun

2. They can attack as fast as an assassin when they want, even though they carry an axe as big as themselves

3. They can pick up a person at any given time and proceed to punch them crap out of them

4. They are the tankiest class in the game, and the hardest hitting(for the most part), as well as nearly the fastest.

5. They have a lot of Stun and Daze opportunity

6. ALL of them employ the spin to win strategy in all pvp.




Ad.1 TAB give immune, def boost, etc (depend on branch), when Q deal dmg. You cant use booth at same time. If Detroyer dont hit from it he lose Focus/chi rly fast which make him eassy target.

Blue spin (TAB) just SS and run.

Red spin (Q) just SS, then some stun/kockdown.

Ad.2 dunno what you smoke before writing destroyer attack as fast as assasin, but i wanna try it too. Destroyer LMB is rly slow, if you wanna his RMB be fast you need to use 1 target onyly branch (which make it ussles vs summoner, sin and in OWPvP). Lets add he have longest CD on almost Every possible Skill. Oh right! he have one skill where he hit like crazy. "Wrath". But he need Fury to use it (red aura). take a look at Fury CD: 45 at lowest.

Ad.3 lol... You known that when destroyer grab you and use F(punch) he ussually deal lower dmg than you from 1(attack as grabbed), and you can always use some skill to counter him? EVERY class have skill to get out of pinch/grab, etc.

Ad.4 LOL.

tankest? mayby.

Hardest hitting? not true. Sin have much better crit modifer, and FM have much better dps. lets add he can freeze and run. I met many BM which have mega OP dmg which allow him to kill 3 enemys in notime on TAG.

about being fast i already write: Destoyer have almost longest CD from EVERY class.

Ad.5 and this class is about stun, daze, knockdown... You even tried it? He cant grab/lunch you if your not stun, daze, knocked. Some of his skills branches get extra dmg when you are knockdown too.

but if you tell me he have too many oppurnity to stun and daze, then i can tell FM have too many oppurnity to freeze/slow. SOme sense. Its class strong point.

Ad.6 OMG... If you lose with players which onyly spin then congrats... i met many destro and i can assure you: just spinning dont gonna make you win. You lose all focus/chi and enemy just rekt you.


Destroyers are verry punishable. trust me.


And about tons of topics to nerf destroyers: check summoner, sin, FM, etc. players cry about almost EVERY class. Why? Becouse game is still new. I already write it, but i gonna do it again: cant you at least w8 till lvl 50 then start crying? You dont even have secret skills, and cry becouse you lose... You met mostly Destroyers? And what? I met mostly summonets and FM. I ussually lose to FM but i`m not comming to forum to cry into other players shoulder how poor and weak my class is, and FM is bad and OP. Why? Becouse he isnt! Its my lack of ability. I just need to rethink my bad moves, and then try again.


P.S. Note that after we got secter skills power balance gonna be totaly changed, becouse of them.

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