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Ban summoners from Arena


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7 minutes ago, Rym said:

git gud son.


You did not specify what class you are, what rank you are, what level you are.



I dont need to, its truth, or am I wrong? How can you stop an areal combo? Thats utter impossible, but apparently not because of cats. But hey, continue living on the world where you think summoners are "balance".

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Stun the cat first.


Oh and btw a cat can't "stop an areal combo".


Maybe stop using your defensive move while the summoner is chilling in the air.


You don't need to specify what you are playing, your rank and your level?


Then case is closed.

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4 minutes ago, Dreamer0526 said:

I dont need to, its truth, or am I wrong? How can you stop an areal combo? Thats utter impossible, but apparently not because of cats. But hey, continue living on the world where you think summoners are "balance".

Summoners are balanced, if not then weaker than average. In the recent world championship there were 0 summoner out of 16 qualifier. In the korean ranking top 100, summoners' ranking is below average. The reason why you are saying it's op because you are in the low skill bracket, summoners are very easy to place since it's just skill spam, you are you probably playing a harder class but have no idea what you are doing, so you are getting rekt.


TL;DR = git gud

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How about instead of banning summoner : Ban players from arena until they learn to counteract and/or use combo's. Most people lose because they don't know how to use their combo/cc.


I can predict what thread we will see next few weeks : ban warlock ! ><

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4 minutes ago, Sojitz said:

i DOnt know why you h8 the summoner is to easy.. Just Fack the Cat First and go FULL COMBO HIM.. 


Im Blade Dancer and when i play vs Sumooner its so easy.. Idk why you say that loool... 


Just Remeber  if you kill the Cat Summoner its *cricket* uselles in PvP


1º KIll The Cat 


2º Easy kill Summoner... 


actually a small notice on this, observe the play style in the 1st round if he/she uses the cat too offensively you can assume there are almost no defensive skills on the cat and you can bum rush it with ease. if it uses defensive skills on the cat that means he/she'll be using it as decoy or tank to fire sunflower flares.

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Just Fack the Cat First and go FULL COMBO HIM..


This works in silver where people don't even know the Q exists.



Im Blade Dancer


My BD juggles between 1880-platinum and good summoners up there are fvking cancerous, even more than blade cancers.

Maybe ill lv to 45 before I try reach platinum again ;D Plus I gotta get used to ones who fully utilize their skills



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1 hour ago, Dreamer0526 said:

Title states all. no "git gud" when you try to do an areal combo then get shut down by the cat. Im pretty sure everyone knows this, the fact that theres 60k HP on the playing field doesnt make ti any better.

Is this a joke post or serious I can't tell... Lol

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3 hours ago, Sexifier said:

Summoners are balanced, if not then weaker than average. In the recent world championship there were 0 summoner out of 16 qualifier. In the korean ranking top 100, summoners' ranking is below average. The reason why you are saying it's op because you are in the low skill bracket, summoners are very easy to place since it's just skill spam, you are you probably playing a harder class but have no idea what you are doing, so you are getting rekt.


TL;DR = git gud

The only diffrence is that KR uses diffrent patch. Summoner spotted.

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