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Appreciation to DEV's


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Just wanted to start a topic showing some appreciation to everyone at NCSoft for working long hours at the office and putting so much effort into this game.

Leaving just a simple "thank you" in the reply will be more than enough for them to put a smile on their face.

Thank you B&S team!

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Any person with common sense, knows that insane amounts of man-hours are going into this, knows that probably half the staff has been pulling all nigthers after all nigthers. All of us know aswell that half the community, that we created, are ungrateful little brats with demands that arent reasonable. 

I for one think that the general launch has gone just fine, compared to a lot of other games I've played atleast. I think the amount of maints. we're had is pretty fine aswell, considering what has been fixed and what we have gotten from them.

Thank you NcSoft BnS Team. Keep up the wonderful work.

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8 minutes ago, Mgizle said:

Just wanted to start a topic showing some appreciation to everyone at NCSoft for working long hours at the office and putting so much effort into this game.

Leaving just a simple "thank you" in the reply will be more than enough for them to put a smile on their face.

Thank you B&S team!

 Long hours? So you totally have no idea what the hell that need to do to fix the issue? A true computer genius knows you don't need 5 hours to fix the problem! They need to play "The Division" BETA 1st before they start  fixing the servers....


LOL! But i do give you an A for being the biggest suxer of them all! 

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Indeed - I love it when I get excited to come home to play a game I enjoy, well done on that combat system.


39 minutes ago, Raym said:

 Long hours? So you totally have no idea what the hell that need to do to fix the issue? A true computer genius knows you don't need 5 hours to fix the problem! They need to play "The Division" BETA 1st before they start  fixing the servers....


LOL! But i do give you an A for being the biggest suxer of them all! 


Why did you feel this sort of response was necessary?  Debugging code against a mountain of metrics and data is not easy.  Determining a root cause/ implementing a remediation is also not something that is taken lightly.  Development studios typically require peer review to ensure what is being fixed won't potentially break code 100 or even 1000 lines below it.  You can be a 'computer genius' all day long, but even the best 'computer geniuses' as you say it intrinsically understand the meaning of 'standard operating procedure'.  Actually any seasoned Systems Engineer (or...computer geniuses) knows how to set expectations and approximate how much time it takes to complete a high level task during a maintenance window and then extend said window to account for any unforeseen problems that may occur during that time.


Lastly - name calling doesn't make the OP look bad, it makes you look bad.  The OP was trying to say something nice, I'm glad he/she did,

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38 minutes ago, Raym said:

 Long hours? So you totally have no idea what the hell that need to do to fix the issue? A true computer genius knows you don't need 5 hours to fix the problem! They need to play "The Division" BETA 1st before they start  fixing the servers....


LOL! But i do give you an A for being the biggest suxer of them all! 

So you can add 2 new servers, reduce the amount of spammers while not affecting the player experience, fix glitches, and do server maintenance all in under 5 hours? For a professionally developed game with professional standards? Incredible, maybe go do something productive with all that skill, I'm sure lots of game companies would love to have you if you can do all that :)

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1 minute ago, Anrothan said:

you all are pathetic. Thank the playerbase who pays them to do their job. YOU ARE WELCOME!


I assume you're talking about yourself? Well then thank me as well, on second thought don't, because that would make me feel like an entitled ki... person. which i would rather not be. Just because you threw a couple bucks at the game doesn't mean others have to respect you more. 

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Just now, Sylvaeril said:

I assume you're talking about yourself? Well then thank me as well, on second thought don't, because that would make me feel like an entitled ki... person. which i would rather not be. Just because you threw a couple bucks at the game doesn't mean others have to respect you more. 

fyi weeb, if we had no one buy Prem, or founders, this game would be no more! IF YOU ALL WANT TO THANK THEM, BUY PREMIUM!

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Just now, Anrothan said:

fyi weeb, if we had no one buy Prem, or founders, this game would be no more! IF YOU ALL WANT TO THANK THEM, BUY PREMIUM!

OK I'm just going to ignore the first part because it doesn't seem like English. Second, premium and founders is not the only thing keeping the lights on. there are other transactions as well. And if you're like me and you like and want to support the game then you buy Premium. HOWEVER being premium comes with it's own benefits, one of which is not a higher level of respect from anyone else. And from what I've seen, I actually respect random people I've never met more than you.

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OP, I think it was long overdue to have a little bit of appreciation on these forums. I appreciate taking the initiative.


NCsoft, it is quite a bit late, I would like to thank you for this game that I currently am enjoying as well as those in the past I enjoyed.


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49 minutes ago, Raym said:

 Long hours? So you totally have no idea what the hell that need to do to fix the issue? A true computer genius knows you don't need 5 hours to fix the problem! They need to play "The Division" BETA 1st before they start  fixing the servers.... 

So, genius, you know EXACTLY what their operation procedure is? Like, does it include weekly server backup, apply patches, tests, etc etc etc?


Considering KR has a weekly 5hr schedule, and TW 4 hr, 5:30 hrs seems normal to me.

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